Single-Arm Dumbbell Bench Press / Goblet Lateral Lunge Superset*
A1) Single-Arm Dumbbell Bench Press:
4 x 8-10
A2) Goblet Lateral Lunge (not alternating):
4 x 8-10
Use a heavy load for the rep range that allows you to move with perfect form. Keep rest to a minimum, 30-60 seconds between movements. Prioritize range of motion and stability over load on the Lateral Lunges. Good range of motion would have the femur of the “lunging” leg hit below parallel depth while maintaining a neutral spine. The foot of the opposite leg can stay flat or rotate up onto the heel, whichever feels more comfortable.
*Warm up and then perform a set of Bench Presses, followed by a set of Lateral Lunges. Repeat for 4 work sets of each, resting 30 seconds to a minute between movements.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 7 of 8
AMRAP 12 Minutes:
12/9 Calorie Row
12 Dumbbell Thrusters 50/35
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Our CrossFit Preteens and Teens taking off at Murph Day 2017. “Murph” is for everyone!
Murph Day 2018: Register Now!
On Monday, May 28th from 8am to 1pm, we’ll be doing our annual Memorial Day “Murph” workout. This is a great community event where we perform this classic CrossFit benchmark workout followed by some grilling, side dishes, and beers. The workout is tough—very tough—but it can, of course, be scaled to meet everyone’s capacity.
For the 3rd year in a row, we’ll be raising money to benefit K9s for Warriors, an organization that provides service dogs for veterans suffering from Post-traumatic Stress Disability, traumatic brain injury, and/or military sexual trauma as a result of military service post-9/11. Founded in 2011 by Shari Duval with the hopes of pairing 12 Warrior-Canine teams a year, the program has graduated over 300 Warrior/canine teams. 90% of the dogs in the program come from rescue shelters or are owner-surrendered. Donations will be accepted the day of the event!
For Time:
1 Mile Run
100 Pull-Ups
200 Push-Ups
300 Squats
1 Mile Run
In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005.
This workout was one of Mike’s favorites and he’d named it “Body Armor.” From here on it will be referred to as “Murph” in honor of the focused warrior and great American who wanted nothing more in life than to serve this great country and the beautiful people who make it what it is.
Partition the Pull-Ups, Push-Ups, and Squats as needed. Start and finish with a mile run. If you’ve got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear it.
There is no charge for the workout, nor will it be deducted from your weekly class limit, though we do recommend donating what you would have paid for the class to K9s for Warriors.
Sign up for a heat below!
News and Notes
- We’ve delayed the start of the upcoming Active Life Strength PM Cycle (but not AM) to next Monday, so you know what that means: There’s still time to register! See yesterday’s blog post for details, and go HERE to register.
- Interested in volunteering to help out at Iron Maidens? Fill out this form!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Clean | Burpees, KB Swings
An Open Letter About Female Coaches The Player’s Tribune
You Were 308 Pounds? Really? CrossFit Journal
Cute kids doing Murph!
7 AM with a pep talk from Shawn, since I was…not feeling great today. (Situation of my own making. Though it hardly seems fair that only two whiskey sodas yesterday should leave me feeling like I was sweating alcohol this morning!)
Bench at 40×8/side, which was pretty tough. Lunges at 35×10/side. I think I’m finally getting the hang of these and can take a bigger jump next week.
WOD: 5 rounds + row + 5 thrusters Rx. I realize I was slow AF doing this and took an awful lot of rest on the thrusters (8-4 in round 1, 6-3-3 thereafter). Also Lauren caught me not hitting depth a few times on my squats. 🙁 But I felt better afterward, so there’s that? Again, thanks Shawn for the pep talk, without which I probably would have wussed out and grabbed 25# DBs.
PS, surprised and delighted at how many answers to today’s QOD (name a pet peeve) revealed that I am not the only linguistic pedant in 7 AM. My tribe ❤️❤️❤️❤️
OMG that’s my favorite QOD. I have so many and they are basically all grammar/language-related!!
Yes!!! I also found this extremely cathartic 🙂
Hahahaha only two whiskey sodas. Stella, you have seen how I pour them, right? More like four..😂
you are such an enabler <3
7am today!
I dropped in at CF Ithaca yesterday and did a scaled version of Lynne, which I’d never done before and frankly never really want to do again 🙂 5 rounds of max bodyweight bench presses (scaled to 85# in my case so I was around 8-10 reps per round) and strict pull-ups. Needless to say my arms are TOASTY today.
30# on the db bench, started with 10 reps and dropped to 8 for the last 3 sets.
35# on the lunges, I like these. I feel more stable in my core and back than at the beginning.
Did this at 25# because my arms are just toast and overhead stability at 35# is tough for me even fresh. I think it was appropriate. Mostly chased Ben the whole time :), if I counted right finished exactly 6 rounds. Rows were good. Thrusters were slow and I didn’t have a great strategy the first few rounds – I think I did 9 and 3, then 4-4-4, then 6 and 6 for the rest. Sweeeeeeeeaty.
BSQ: 135x5x3. Squatting is finally feeling good again! I feel a lot stronger in the low bar position.
Bench press: 90x5x3. Also good!
Deadlift: 195×5. WOAH. I don’t think I’ve ever fought harder for a lift than the last 2 reps of this set. I had to sit down for a few minutes afterwards. It was crazy! But awesome! My 1RM is 205#, but now I’m thinking I have quite a bit more in me.
YAAAAAAASSSSSSSS fight the good fight girl!
Sunday 1:00 with Lauren and Ro
Kept the Clean at 93# for most of those doubles. I tried approaching the bar without as much set up as I usually get into. This seemed to help me move it straight up. I’m still struggling with full extension – just no consistency. That WOD snuck up on me in the round of 15 burpees. I set a good pace for 21, 42 KB swings with the 20kg (went 30-12). Took a few pauses in the next round of burpees then went something like 14-9-5-2 (that was a terrible feeling – putting it down with 2 to go and making it 4 sets!) then did the last 9 and last 18 better – unbroken. Finished sub 7.
AG at 2:00
I really need to strengthen my ring dips. I love to swing! Transitions make mental and physical sense. The most difficult skill is trying to get my thumb in the band for the band assisted transitions! I loved that little WOD. Burpee pulls ups are my new favorite. I learned that I can get a 20 lb ball to the 8 foot target about once for every 10 attempts. The row was rowish.
Today 7 am with Ro and Lauren
I moved up to 30 lbs on the SABP and that was heavy! In the first round it was easier on my weak side but as I warmed up that changed! I think my right shoulder was cranky and then calmed down. It will be hard to make a weight jump next week! I used 35# on the side lunges. Will take a bigger jump on these next week.
I took the 20lb DBs over for the thrusters thinking they’d be manageable (because I did 25s on the recent partner WOD but knew I’d be more winded and leggy after rowing). Alas, they felt terrible. A little better after the first round but I couldn’t cycle them at all even though (big confession) I thought it was a 9 calorie row and a 10 rep thruster. Honest mistake. I got 5 rounds plus the row and 4 thrusters into the 6th.
Metcon Rx’d
5 Rounds
Heavy (for me) DB thrusters can go suck it!
Today’s link about female coaches is fantastic, and WELL worth the read for many reasons.
I agree, great read!
A) Strict Press
@2011 8-10 reps, 2-3 sets, rest 1-2 min
2×10 @ 70#
1×8 @ 70#
not sure if I had it in me at the tempo, slow to wake up this AM
B1) Strict Dip
@2011 8-10 reps, 2-3 sets, rest 1 min
dude. ME for sure. that last rep on set three was a serious grind. Anterior shoulder feels slightly better this week though!
B2)Dumbbell Row
@2011 8-10 reps, 2-3 sets, rest 1 min
3×10 ea @ 45#
felt strong, these are the best
C1)Handstand Walk
15ft unbroken, 4 sets
unbroken! worked really hard on opening up my stiff L wrist before lifting today and I think it helped a lot for my elbow lockout. figuring out that if I kick up with fingers facing forward, I can control kickup and then turn hands out for a much quicker shuffle. was starting to breathe a little bit too, only a little bit though. yassss
C2) Toes to Bar
10 unbroken reps, 4 sets
all good! practicing tight positions and breathing here as well. not too tough at all.
C3) Conventional Deadlift
185lb, 10 reps, 4 sets, drop from the top and reset, rest 4 min
felt heavy today when it normally wouldnt. is what it is! drop from top and reset sucked! love me some touch n go
D)20 min @aer/grinder
400m row
100ft sled drag, eco sled + 2-3 blue plates
100ft SB carry, 80lb
5+ 10m
this felt amazing. probably the best I felt through the entire session. Think I did a good job with the grinder pace. Need to delete some memory on my phone so I can get the polar app up and running though! Sandbag felt pretty easy and did sled with 3 blue plates. Steady slow drive but i dont think it was too hard on the heart rate
E)10-15 min flush
Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat
@20×1 4-6 reps, 2-3 sets, rest 1-2 min
50 x 6
60 x 6 x 2
SA Farmers Carry
@50ft/arm, 115lb, rest 1-2 min
Strict Dip
@10×1 4-6 reps, 2-3 sets, rest 1-2 min
25 x 6 x 2
30 x 6
Single Leg KB/DB Romanian Deadlift
@20×1 4-6 reps/leg, 2-3 sets, rest 1-2 min
Red kB x 6 x 3 (32kg)
1. 1 rope climb
2. 14 step KB FR walking lunge, 16kg/arm
3.8 cal AB
10-15 min flush
10AM with Brett
SABP’s 4x8x40 (ea side 10 on the last set))
Goblet Lat lunges: 4x8x12.5# (ea). This is the hardest movement I’ve encountered in Crossfit. It takes me a lot to even get moving to the right side- happy to add weight (had done them mt previously). Yikes.
WOD: 5 rounds + 5 cals @35#. thrusters were meh.
Very disappointed to not be able to contribute to linguistic pet peeves.