Team Metcon
30 Minutes:
1 Mile Team Run Buy-In
Then, in teams of 3 with one partner working at a time…
90 (30ea) Double-Unders
30 (10ea) Knees-to-Elbows
15 (5ea) Overhead Squats 135/95
Once all three partners are back from the run, Partner A completes 30 Double-Unders then, Partner B, then Partner C. Partner A then moves on to 10 Knees-to-Elbows, then Partner B, then Partner C. Then Partner A moves on to 5 Overhead Squats, then Partner B, then Partner C. This is one full round. Continue in this fashion for the 30 minutes. Score TEAM TOTAL rounds completed on the AMRAP. See scaling options below.
Double-Unders: 60 Singles or 10 Attempts
Knees-to-Elbows: Knees to Triceps, Hanging Knee Raises
Overhead Squats: Load or Front Squat
Post total rounds, Rx, and teammates to comments.
Ali C. on Active Life Strength
Coach Keith‘s next Active Life Strength class starts Monday! Still need some persuading before you smash that REGISTER button? Here’s a testimonial from Ali C., who did a previous cycle:
I decided to sign up for Active Life Strength because of nagging neck pain and knee pain that were preventing me from getting better at CrossFit. I had been following Active Life on Instagram and knew that they addressed deficiencies in a way that was different from physical therapy, which I’ve never had success with.
Keith started the cycle with an assessment that pinpointed everyone’s weaknesses and sources of pain. Over the next 8 weeks, we all had our own plans on how to improve and get pain-free. For me, that meant incorporating a progression of Presses and Step-Ups. After 3 weeks, the herniated disc in my neck was totally pain free. When I retested my Step-Ups, it was clear that I had gotten stronger and the “weak leg” was no longer so. Most importantly, I don’t feel broken down and decrepit like I did 8 weeks ago! I definitely recommend anyone who feels stalled in their progress or always feeling like they’re on the verge of injury to give it a try.
So what are you waiting for? Go HERE to register!
Active Recovery Is On Today!
We (Josh) made a mistake on the blog this week. 11am Active Recovery is not cancelled today! That’s next Saturday. Forgive us (me)!
Why Probiotics Are Extra Beneficial for Athletes BarBend
What Happens in the Brain When Music Causes Chills Smithsonian
Had a great workout this morning with worm and Paul. We were team front squat and I did v-ups. Didn’t try to win the run, which allowed us to move very consistently through the rest of the workout— probably could have gone a little faster tho 😛
My shoulder is nagging me when at rest so I just can’t wait to get to the PT on Monday. Seeing the guy Whit and Brett go to— veryyyyy excited to find out what’s going on!
It’s so crazy. Having never truly worked my muscles before CrossFit, I knew I would inevitably “injure” myself at some point. I rode it out for almost 4 years— but I started pushing myself to my limit more frequently this year, and I guess this is what happens! It seems and feels more like overuse than an actual like break or tear or something intense. I am so confused but kind of excited to learn what good pain is from bad pain. Stuff always “hurts” from CrossFit but it’s hard to know what is normal sore muscle and painful injured muscle.
Anyway, I want to sign up for Active Life Strength, but I’m moving and have too many bills right now! 🙁 Next cycle!
4 min row, 3x
10 band goodmornings
10 alt plank walkups
5 strict ttb
Conventional Deadlift
5 clusters at 250 of (20×1 4×2 rest 15 sec between each set)
rest 3-5 min
Bench press
5 clusters at 115 of (20×1 4×2 rest 15 sec between each set)
rest 3-5
1.5 C2B
2. 8 box jump step down, 24″
3. 8 cal echo bike
First set of c2b 3,2 because I didn’t trust myself. The rest unbroken!! Though looking at the video my kip still needs to be tightened up but pulling myself up there is so much easier now!!!
10-15 min EZ flush
your choice of equipment
Lots of fun lifting with Kayleigh today. #teamcharleigh
Managed to finally hold the yoke overhead for 30 sec (I don’t think I’ve made it that long in the past).
Fun AMRAP sandbag over shoulder with Roose – made 81 reps in the 6 min at 80#.
Squat: 185×3, 215×3, 235×3, 240x3x4
Bench Press: 95×3, 115×2, 125x2x5
Extra special morning to be lifting alongside Charlie. #teamcharleigh
1pm class
Fun partnering with Austen and Silvino
We began the AMRAP at 8:18 (based on my slow mile) and completed 8 rounds + 62 reps.
AGS followed by group class.
Partnered with Toni and Kate Tk. Did 5 +122.
DUs went surprisingly well!
Had to use a lot of chalk to do the K2E unbroken.
OHS @85@. Wasn’t sure how this would feel after AGS but it was fine. Hardest part was figuring out how to distribute my weight in my feet properly without lifters. Improved each round as I figured this out.