Join us for an afternoon of friendly Spikeball de Mayo competition tomorrow starting at 4pm. Head over to the event page to learn more about Spikeball and to sign up!
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu at CFSBK
Brazilian jiu jitsu (BJJ) is a full-contact grappling style that prioritizes strategy over brute force. Literally translating to the “soft” or “pliable” (jiu) “style” (jitsu), it is often thought of as the chess of martial arts. BJJ is, at its core, a self-defense system that employs positional advantages, joint locks, and chokes to defend against an opponent or attacker in an assertive and elegant manner. You needn’t be stronger than your opponent to subdue them, which makes BJJ one of the most practical and effective martial arts for all ages and sizes. There is no striking in Brazilian jiu-jitsu. This is a submission grappling art based on efficiency of movement, leverage, and timing.
The Level 1 Cycle is your jiu-jitsu starter pack. The course is geared towards anyone intrigued by BJJ but unsure where to begin, anyone who wants to become better acquainted with dynamic movement on the ground, and anyone who could use a review to jump back into it.
In Level 2, we will build on concepts and vocabulary of movement from the various positions with a larger portion of class-time dedicated to progressive resistance drilling, positional sparring, and straight sparring. If you have grappling experience from the past, you are welcome to jump into the Level 2 course!
Days & Times
Level 1: A new cycle will start in June. Info coming soon!
Level 2 (May 13th – June 10th, skips Memorial Day): Sundays, 3:00pm – 4:30pm
Level 1 (8 weeks): $200 ($100 will be charged when you register and at the 4-week mark of the cycle)
Level 2 (4 weeks): $100
About the Coach
Callie Brennan is a brown belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu under Team Fabio Clemente. Callie has been training and competing for the past 7 years. She began teaching beginner and intermediate students under the guidance of Pan American champion Babs Olusanmokun and multiple time World and Pan American champion Dominyka Obelenyte. Callie has competed locally and internationally winning gold at American Nationals as a white belt, the Montreal IBJJF Open at blue belt, and New York IBJJF Open at purple belt in her weight. She also medaled in the Abu Dhabi Pro Trials at blue belt.
Callie recently founded Rag Doll Camps with her training partner and coach, Dominyka Obelenyte, with a mission to close the gender gap in the sport. She also teaches privately. Callie initially began CrossFit to supplement her jiu-jitsu practice, and she is looking forward to sharing it with the CFSBK community!
Feel free to contact Callie directly with any questions!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Snatch | Run, KB Swings, HSPUs
Mind Over Migraines CrossFit Journal
Even a Little Exercise Might Make Us Happier NY Times
Saturday’s Programming
Partner Metcons
AMRAP 15 Minutes
25 Double-Unders
5 Lateral Bar Burpees
5 Deadlifts 275/185
Partners alternate complete rounds. Scale to 50 Single-Unders or 10 attempts for Dubs. Rx is jump out/jump in for the Burpees. The barbell should be on the heavy side of medium for you, unbroken at least to start out.
Rest 5 minutes, then…
AMRAP 15 Minutes:
5 Bar Muscle-Ups/10 Chest-to-
Bar Pull-Ups
5e Single-Arm Dumbbell Thrusters 50/35
Post rounds, reps, Rx, and partner to comments.
7 AM doing Saturday’s work with Jen and Josh.
We were one rep shy of 12 rounds in the first WOD. I Rx’ed it, and did the double-unders unbroken almost every round, yay!
I slowed my partners down A LOT in the second one. I think we got to 11 rounds + 10 pullups but I’m not quite sure. Today my kip rhythm wasn’t quite right for some reason, so this devolved to doubles and singles very quickly. Tried to go fast on the thrusters to make up for it but I spent more time than I’d like staring at the bar. Makes me a little scared for Murph :/ Thanks to my partners for their patience! (Although I’m sure they didn’t mind the extra rest; I wouldn’t have!)
Saturday WOD with Ian:
First WOD: 18 rounds.
A few trips to get started, then unbroken DUs for me from my 4th round onward. Burpees and deadlifts were quick – worked on perfecting my last jump over the bar to land right into my deadlift stance – fun times.
Second WOD: 13 + 7 reps
I did C2B for the first round, but then regular kipping after that. Just couldn’t hold on to the bar today and kip felt off.
Made up the 21-15-9 cal workout from earlier in the week after class on the Echo bike. 1:02, :50, :32. Woof!
18 rounds.
You’re absurd. (In the best way possible.)
Calling it now – some lady pairs are gonna break 20 rounds tomorrow.
7am w/ Brett doing Thursday
Snatch complex: think it was 62#x2, 67#x4, 72#x2 + one extra snatch at 72# at the end. Got some lightbulb-moment coaching from Brett about dropping under the bar faster by using explosive power from the hips and sort of pulling myself down. My tendency is to use my arms too much and get a little caught up in the high pull, which obviously doesn’t work well as the weight gets heavier. Just gotta get down there (and ALL the way down) faster! It was fun to do full squat snatches for the first time in a while…I definitely feel more confident doing these than I used to. I used to avoid snatch day out of fear, so it’s exciting to find myself actually enjoying them 🙂
WOD: 12:24 with much scaling…did the run in round 1 but scaled to rowing for rounds 2 and 3 because something in my left knee has been bothering me when I run. 16kg KB and 6 HSPU to one AbMat. Harder than expected…this heat and humidity came on real quick and I’m not totally ready for it!
@Kirby – Snatch day IS the best day, I promise!
OG making up Wednesday
Warm up, 3x:
100′ SA OH carry @ 35# (need to keep doing these consistently)
1:00 forearm plank
10 bootstraps, tspine rotation
crossover symmetry – internal/external/rows
SA ring rows happened: 15ea x 4
FSQ from the floor: 63×15, 73×15, 83×15, 93×15
Wow, the last set killed me. Woke up a little cranky & feeling hungry so by the end of squatting had major wobbles.
Did the first round of 21c on the airbike and it made me feel really, really bad, so I just cooled down on the ab for about 5 more minutes & then rode my bike home. Wasn’t ready for this heat + pollen!
6am with Brett doing Saturday’s with James
First WOD 13 rounds Rx. Made James go first. DU and deadlifts all unbroken but really started to slow down the second half. Heat got to me.
Second WOD maybe 9 rounds? I did 3 bmu each round and tore my palm after the 4th so stopped. Would have been nice to have this one first since everyone was way too sweaty at this point to avoid rips. Helpful video review from Brett showing how I pull way too early in my BMU and don’t allow my hips to get close enough to the bar.
“Would have been nice to have this one first since everyone was way too sweaty at this point to avoid rips.”
You’re not kidding. Even with pullups instead of BMUs my hands are kind of a mess. Fortunately stopped short of an actual tear but I think I was about one more round away from that.
Thursday: 530 with Whit and Lauren
Snatch complext
First complex felt weird but then I really focused on tight back and locking in, and all the rest of the complexes felt pretty good. Those :4 descents are no joke!
Metcon: 10:53
Runs felt good…kbs were fine… first set of hspu felt terrible, unstable, and sloppy…then Whitney told me my arms were so wide she couldn’t understand how I was holding myself up. Now I get why my hands were slipping all over the place. Last two rounds, kept them under my shoulders and they felt strong a steady…no crashing down onto my head:-)
Musclup work:
1- 1 box/ring transition
ten great attempts…all this extra stuff is working and teaching me to be more patient…after 27 years of being inpatient!!
10 AM with Brett doing Thursday’s work.
Snatch complex:
I actually got the feeling of pulling down while pressing up on the last snatch! Yeeha.
WOD in 10:23 running with a green bell and piked HSPU.