A1) Front Squat:
4 x 12-15
A2) Single-Arm Ring Row:
4 x 12-15
Use a heavy load (or degree of difficulty for the Ring Row) for the rep range that allows you to move with perfect form. Keep rest to a minimum, 30-60 seconds between movements.
*Warm up and then perform a set of Front Squats, followed by a set of Ring Rows, heavier than last week. Repeat for 4 work sets of each, resting 30 seconds to a minute between movements.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 5 of 8
Bike or Row:
21-15-9 Calories
Rest 1:1
After a brief warm up on your chosen machine, go all out on these. Reset the monitor to start and score times for each. Work with a partner and keep the machine moving so your rest is about 1:1.
Post times to comments.
Our own Dr. Mike was invited to the second-ever CrossFit MD Level 1 course this weekend. This L1 is exclusively for MDs and was hosted at the ranch in Aromas, California, where the first CrossFit Games took place. Head over to Instagram to see more photos!
This Saturday: CFSBK Spikeball Tournament!
An afternoon of friendly Spikeball de Mayo competition. Haven’t played before? Don’t worry! It’s pretty simple, and this video explains everything. You can also check out some fun photos from our last tournament. All are invited! Please sign up below if you plan to participate. Teams (of 2) can declare beforehand, or we’ll pair you up the day of the tournament. The top 3 winning teams go on the leaderboard until the next tournament!
Saturday, May 5th at 4:00pm. We’ll start with about 30 minutes of practice and organization. The tournament proper will begin at 4:30, but please be at 597 by 4:00 so we know how many people are participating.
Go here to sign up for the tournament and practice sessions!
News and Notes
- A note from Richard G.: “Brooklyn Community Housing and Services (BCHS) is committed to ending homelessness in Brooklyn. Each year, we provide safe and clean supportive housing for more than 1,000 formerly homeless women, children and men. We help them learn how to live productively and independently, with dignity and hope. Our programs provide short-term, transitional and permanent housing, homelessness prevention, personalized case management, mental health care, on-site nursing, vocational training, substance abuse counseling, recreational activities and other vital services. The Building Community in Brooklyn Gala is this Thursday. I have a few extra tickets if anyone wants to go, just let me know in the comments. Food, drinks and silent auction for a good organization.”
- Missing something? It might be in our most recent lost and found dump! You can also now see photos of our lost and found clear outs via the link under Member Resources. Be sure to claim your stuff at the front desk before we donate it to CHIPS!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
The No. 1 Reason Your Diet Is Failing Athlete Daily
Using Behavioral Science to Build an Exercise Habit Scientific American
I keep forgetting to say this on the blog, but my choir is performing on Monday night at Carnegie Hall! So if you’re not going to Karina S’s birthday improv, you could come and hear us sing about the Underground Railroad:
I have six rear balcony tickets available at $23, which is cheaper than the box office, if anyone is interested. (stellavision, gmail) Otherwise, you can also buy tickets at the above link.
7 AM, after talking myself out of bed. I really didn’t want to. My allergies were acting up and I didn’t sleep well. But I’m glad I came in.
Allergies definitely had an effect on squatting too. I swear I knew not to hold my breath on such long sets, but when I took a breath it was like I could hear my lungs rattling! Did one set at 93×15, two sets at 103×15, and called it because there was only a minute left on the clock and I was wheezing pitifully and it was NOT CUTE. I thought this was going to be NBD because back when I was rehabbing my shoulder, KHarpz made me do sets of 20. Turns out sets of 15 with breathing issues are worse than sets of 20 without.
Since breathing was such a problem I thought the row was going to be hideous, but it really wasn’t that bad. 57, 40, and 25 seconds, and I kept my calorie rating above 1400 almost the entire time. So that was a nice surprise. I guess when you’re being anaerobic, it doesn’t matter that you can’t breathe deeply!
Also AG last night was great. I did HLR and got my rhythm down pretty well — if I practice more consistently I’m sure I’ll have T2B within a month.
7am with Katie and Ro. Excited to have Katie coaching in the mornings now! Such great energy
Front Squats: 85×15, 95×12, 103x12x2.
Row was nowhere near as bad as I thought, I actually like these quick sprints!
1:16, 47s, 30s.
Super excited for my first Starting Strength program! I’m going to miss group classes, but I’m super excited to learn and grow with Coach Jeremy.
happy to be here!! : )
You’re doing Strength Cycle too? YAYYYYYYYY!
7am is going to be so lonely! But in seriousness, SO EXCITING that ya’ll are doing SC. You and Kirby are going to be beasts #allthegainz
Yesterday’s Ro-gramming
A) 60 Min Flow
AB 20 min @MAP 10 pace – SLOW and talking
5 sets:
10 band paloff press/side
30 sec ring FLR
20m bear crawl – perfect movement
AB 20 min @MAP 10 pace – SLOW and talking
Took almost exactly an hour! Perfect. Stuck with 42-49 RPM. v chill.
Bear crawls did 80ft each so a little over 20M
Was very diligent about using low abs for all of this and think I did a good job!
Rest Day today.
7am today – fun to have Katie joining the AM squad!
75×15, 85x12x2, 95×12
Pretty good! I probably could have gone a little heavier a little earlier but felt appropriate for the first FSQ adventure in quite some time.
SA ring-row was interesting! 12-15 is a lot. What feels awesome difficulty- and form-wise at rep 5 or 6 is SO NOT AWESOME at rep 10 or 11.
Row sprints in :60, :40, and :22, tried to keep it above 1400.
7am w/ Ro + Katie!
FSQ w/ squat kween Christine: 75×12, 85x12x3. OMG these felt hard. So winded by the end of each set!
SA row: 12eax3 or 4.
Row: I think it was something like 1:20 / 1:09 / :30
warm up
1:00 ski
crawls, hip mob flow
1:00 ski
dead bugs
BSQ – 7/5/3/7/5/3
(45×8, 95×6, 135×5, 155×3)
165×7, 175×5, 185×3
170×7, 180×5, 190×3
-second set felt much better than first. I say that literally every time I do waves.
-tension so much better on the 180×5 and 190×3 than it was before that. have to think about almost squeezing down and then really leading with the bar on the way up. money.
wanted to superset bsq with DB presses but did a set of 10 @ 25# and felt my neck almost tweak. WTF? guess I just didn’t warm up my shoulder complex enough, upper back stiff? anyway, called it and just laid off UB.
20 GHD hip ext (bwx2, 15# slamball x 2)
8 L side only single leg sqt (15#)
5 strict ttb OR 8 alt quadruped to SA bridge
20 band pull-throughs … so weird
interested to see how this feels later/tmw
Conventional Deadlift
@2211 6,4,2,6,4,2, rest 3-4 min
250 x 6
280 x 4
305 x 2 (belt)
255 x 6
285 x 4 (belt)
310 x 2 (belt plus switch grip)
I got greedy on that last set- back was rounding.
Bench press
@2011 6,4,2,6,4,2, rest 3-4 min
115 x 6
125 x 4
140 x 2
120 x 6
130 x 4
142.5 x 2
Weighed in at 141# yesterday so back to benching BW which is pretty cool.
1. 4 TTB
2. 8 burpee
3. 15 KBS, 24kg
10 AM with Brett.
felt every bit of monday’s work on these.
each arm x12.
awkward and never-ending. Like my time in middle school.
rows in :45, :33 and :21.
“Like my time in middle school” made me laugh out loud on the train.
530 class with SNICK VAN WINKLE
Front Squats
SARR: x15, x12, x12
21-5-9 on Echo Bike
This destroyed me. Took me almost an hour to feel normal again. Threw up twice. Ro had to teach my next class. I’m so #CrossFit
I’m bad at anything super short and really high intensity. I didn’t know how long my bike intervals would take me so I blew them all out, fizzling at the end of 21/15. Didn’t eat enough before. Blood sugar dropped, it was the perfect shit storm.
Considering returning the echo bikes
After using the echo bike shop at 7:30 (:46, :31, :19), I think instead of returning them we should just hit them very hard with hammers.
WORD. You could make it part of Strong Fit class! After all, they were hammering the crap out of the tire yesterday.
This was very debilitating! I couldn’t believe how it affected me after. I did it in 49,35,16.
I was completely drained after I got home and couldnt eat so drank a big glass of milk and was in bed by 9. Woke up at 5am to do an easy run and it was super hard, my heart rate was way higher than normal for the pace I was running. Had to cut it short.