Stephen L. makes a successful Squat attempt at Sunday’s Total. Congrats to all who participated!
The Starting Strength program is an opportunity to spend 6 weeks with Coach Jeremy honing your technique and increasing your capacity at the most fundamental strength movements: Back Squat, Overhead Press, Bench Press and Deadlift. This small group format of 90 minute sessions offers one-on-one guidance, great camaraderie, and a simple roster of movements allowing you time to correct errors and challenge your limits.
Whether you are brand-new to lifting, someone with experience who has struggled to surpass a plateau, or just looking to try something different, by taking the time to focus exclusively on the lifts that support almost ever other activity you do inside (and outside) the gym, you will gain confidence and enhance your performance.
Upcoming Program Times and Dates
A cycle: Novice, 7pm Mon/Wed and 6pm Fri | Monday, May 7th – Friday, June 15th
B cycle: Intermediate, 7pm Tues/Thurs and 10am Sun |Tuesday, May 8th – Sunday, June 17th
C cycle: Morning Novice, 6:30am Mon/Thurs |Monday, May 7th – Thursday, June 14th
D cycle: Continuing Education, 6pm Mon/Wed |Monday, May 7th – Wednesday, June 13th (SOLD OUT)
E cycle: Late morning, all levels, 10am Mon/Thurs |Monday, May 7th– Thursday, June 14th (SOLD OUT)
Class Sizes: Space is limited to 4-10 participants
Class Length: 90 minutes
Due to a family commitment, these cycles will be shortened to 6 weeks instead of the usual 8 weeks. The prices below have been adjusted to account for these shortened cycles.
3x Per Week Cycles: $225 paid upon registration and then another $225 at the halfway point
2x Per Week Cycles: $150 paid upon registration and then another $150 at the halfway point
Group Class/Open Gym/Active Recovery/Yoga/Pilates Add-On Option!
This add-on membership allows our 2x/week Starting Strength Program to attend two additional classes per week, outside of the regularly scheduled strength cycle classes. This includes group classes, Open Gym, and Active Recovery/Yoga/Pilates/Short Circuit.
Price is $100 per four weeks, first bill due at sign-up and second bill ($100) charged automatically to the card on-file four weeks later. Register here!
If anyone is confused as to which cycle they belong in or has any questions, they can contact Jeremy directly at Jeremy [at] to discuss placement.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Bench Press / Lateral Lunge | Sled Push, Jog, C2B Pull-Ups
What Couch to CrossFit Actually Looks Like CrossFit Journal
Meet the Peewee Powerlifters NY Times
Wednesday’s Programming
Front Squat (from floor) + Single-Arm Ring Row
4 x 12-15 reps
Use a heavy load (or degree of difficulty for the ring row) for the rep range that allows you to move with perfect form. Keep rest to a minimum, 30-60 seconds between movements.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 5 of 8
Bike or Row
21-15-9 Calories
Rest 1:1
After a brief warm up on your chosen machine, go all out on these. Reset the monitor to start and score times for each. Work with a partner and keep the machine moving so your rest is about 1:1.
Post times to comments.
2-3 sets for quality
20 single unders
6 hanging knee raises
5e lateral box step ups
Double under Practice
10 min @aerobic pace/movement based
10 burpees
25 double unders
rest 3 min
10 min @aerobic pace/movement based
10 box jump overs
row 12/10 cal
WooHoo Stephen! Get it!
In an AWESOME shirt, too!
7am w/ Lauren doing Monday
SA DB Bench Press: 20x12ea, 25x12ea, 30x12eax2
Goblet Lateral Lunge: BWx6ea, 20x12eax2, 25x12ea
3 rounds of the NFT work. 3-4 strict chin-ups/round. Sled push at 188#. First time doing those–fun!
FINALLY doing my first Strength Cycle!! Excited to start next week 🙂
YASSSSSSSSS!!! So excited for you! You are gonna make all the gainz!
Yeah srsly I’m excited to see you crushing the world when you’re done with SC
thanks, y’all!!! <3
MGMT/coaches: I have a question about how to handle squats for the second half of this cycle, given that we are taking from the floor and I am a TERRIBLE Oly lifter relative to my squat strength.
I feel like, especially as we get down to the lower rep counts, I won’t be able to clean enough off the floor to get a good stimulus on the squat itself. (For reference, my 1RM FSQ is 200…and my best clean is only 125!)
Obviously I need to get better at cleaning, but that’s a long-term goal, not something that’s going to happen in the next four weeks.
What would you do if you were me?
I also want to know the answer to this
Stella – I imagine a few people will be in a similar boat as you…you can keep the reps a bit higher and use tempo/pause schemes to make these plenty challenging, even at under 70%.
See you on Sundays!
Thanks! That helps a lot — I think tempo is the way to go for me.
(yes, and Sundays too…but I love my AG when I’m around!)
7 am with Jess
FS 53×15, 53×15, 58×15, 63×15. Maybe I should have done all of these at 63. I remembered that I had 62 on the bar for that front squat/double under WOD a few weeks ago and thought I should start lower than that. I forgot that it was 10 reps and 5 rounds, so really I should have known I could handle that weight for just 10 more total reps (and no jump rope between). SEEEEEE – this is why we are supposed to check our journals before class. I cheated myself out of 375 lbs of fitness today!
One army ring rows were either easy or hard depending on how far or close I stood. I couldn’t find the sweet spot where it’s doable but hard.
Rowing: Jess tossed in a 21 cal warm up row. I felt like that was going to usurp my energy. I took it at a sustainable pace and it took me 1:40. Then for the sprints – 1:15; :58, :35. These are good times for me actually! I used to only be able to get 10 calories in one minute. Golly those last few calories on each of these were crazy hard. Glad I had Jess spurring me on. The round the block cash out was likely the slowest I’ve ever run.
Yesterday’s Ro-Gramming. Getting slammed by this never ending cold. Last night all of my joints hurt and I had the chills. Felt shaky in the gym yday too. BUT i feel better after getting out in the sun today!
Did some rowing splits with Nick to test my lactate threshold. Super crazy stuff! Think I ended up doing 5, 4:00 rowing splits from EZ-med-challenging. Supersetted these with a prick to the finger for some blood testing! I now know that my heart rate for long endurance pieces should be roughly 143 and below to get the right stimulus. Gotta get a new HR monitor. I’m going to eventually look more into this stuff its really interesting.
A1) @30×0 1,1,1,1, build to a 1rm, rest 3-5 min between attempts
rest 10 min after your 4th attempt then A2
85/95/100/101.5 fail
Ha! Tried to PR by a half pound. Don’t got it. This never gets stronger! Oh well
Strict Press
@30×0 85% of A! for max reps
5 reps @ 85#
A lot of sway back and slight left arm lag
5 rounds for time @hard effort
7 power snatch 155/105
7 HSPU (use the CF standard)
14 alt pistols
Completed in 12:43
Power snatch singles, felt heavier than usual, all my joints hurt today after driving all weekend!
HSPU no tape but very true to holding at top and pushing through hands, confident that I was passing standard, all unbroken
Pistols- sloooow. I haven’t done these since flex on the beach! Do not feel fabulous on the knees but get better as I move along. Good ol fashioned knee-osis same ol business. Only one fail when I tried to go too fast. Harder on left than right for sure
C)10-15 min ez flush
7:30 with Kharpz!
Front squats: 83×15, 93×15, 103×15, 108×12. Felt my bad knee get tweaky so stopped at 12. Spicy!
Ring rows happened!
Row sprints:
21- 1:04
15- :41
9- :24
I keep getting all these emails from fitness studios for “May challenges” and I even did one years ago at Bend and Bloom (25 classes in one month, I was much more flexible then 😩). I don’t really do too much yoga or spinning anymore so I’ve concocted my own fitness challenge with rules and rewards that work for me: take 15 Short Circuit and/or Strong Fit classes in May. Tonight I did a double header so 2 down, 13 to go! I really love those classes. Often Short Circuit seems like “accessory work for Weightlfiters” that you know you should do but don’t on the regular (last weeks was mega overhead strength and stability) and I know I could use the conditioning in a big way. Strong Fit always feels a bit like adult recess with cooler stuff to play with. If I do this successfully I am going to buy myself the shirt that I’ve had my eye on and was reserving for the day I hit a 200 pound squat. So basically whichever comes first….
6:30pm Strong Fit aka adult recess that makes everyone walk funny (like a duck) and play with dangerous toys (an 8lb sledgehammer). Fun!!
7:30pm AG for continuing to find a good DU pace. It really felt huge to go from zero to a few, but it doesn’t feel like I’ve made a ton of progress since. I just want to be one of those DU ninjas that can bang out 50 of those without thinking twice about it. Workout was awesome as always, a good sweat with lots of different movements.