Single-Arm Dumbbell Bench Press / Goblet Lateral Lunge Superset*
A1) Single-Arm Dumbbell Bench Press:
4 x 12-15
A2) Goblet Lateral Lunge (not alternating):
4 x 12-15
Use a heavy load for the rep range that allows you to move with perfect form. Keep rest to a minimum, 30-60 seconds between movements. Prioritize range of motion and stability over load on the Lateral Lunges. Good range of motion would have the femur of the “lunging” leg hit below parallel depth while maintaining a neutral spine. The foot of the opposite leg can stay flat or rotate up onto the heel, whichever feels more comfortable.
*Warm up and then perform a set of Bench Presses, followed by a set of Lateral Lunges. Repeat for 4 work sets of each, resting 30 seconds to a minute between movements.
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Exposure 5 of 8
21 Minutes Not for Rounds:
100′ Sled Push
270m Jog
4-8 Strict Chest-to-Bar Chin-Ups
The sled should be heavy but moving, not an all out sprint but not a stop and go push. Immediately after the sled push head out the door for a 270m recovery jog. Use a supinated grip today, and keep these true Chest-to-Bar. Use assistance or add weight as appropriate.
Post work to comments.
SAVE THE DATE: Murph Day 2018
On Monday, May 28th from 8am to 1pm, we’ll be doing our annual Memorial Day “Murph” workout. This is a great community event where we perform this classic CrossFit benchmark workout followed by some grilling, side dishes, and beers. The workout is tough—very tough—but it can, of course, be scaled to meet everyone’s capacity.
For Time:
1 Mile Run
100 Pull-Ups
200 Push-Ups
300 Squats
1 Mile Run
In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005.
This workout was one of Mike’s favorites and he’d named it “Body Armor.” From here on it will be referred to as “Murph” in honor of the focused warrior and great American who wanted nothing more in life than to serve this great country and the beautiful people who make it what it is.
Partition the Pull-Ups, Push-Ups, and Squats as needed. Start and finish with a mile run. If you’ve got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear it.
There is no charge for the workout, nor will it be deducted from your weekly class limit.
We’ll have registration info very soon!
News and Notes
- This Saturday, May 5th, CFSBK will host an afternoon of friendly Spikeball de Mayo competition. Haven’t played before? Don’t worry. It’s pretty simple. All are invited! Head over to the event page to learn more about Spikeball and to sign up!
- In case you missed it, we debuted a nifty new site feature: the Exercise Demo Library! This video library lists the primary exercises used in CFSBK’s CrossFit group classes and is accessible under Member Resources (to the right on a desktop computer or at the bottom if you’re on a mobile browser).
Yesterday’s Results Board: Clean and Jerk | Hang Power Snatch, Double-Unders
Training Kids Starting Strength
A Trip Through NYC in 1911 YouTube (video)
Stella says
Oof. Obliques and hips super sore from the DB side bends they had us do at CF Athletics in Pittsburgh. This made the lateral lunges…interesting.
Bench @25×15. Somehow I forgot there’s a 27.5# DB, which I totally should have used, or maybe 30×12.
Then again, my uppers were fried just in time for those goblet holds! Thought I was going to do these at 16kg, but I found 12 plenty challenging! 12kgx12 reps for all sets.
NFT work was HOLY WOW HARD. I know I’ve pushed heavier loads on the sled before but for some reason it just about killed me today! Of course I couldn’t remember after the fact exactly how much I pushed, just how dead my legs felt as I forced them into a pathetic shuffle (we will not call it a “jog,” for it does not deserve the name) afterward.
Karina S says
MONDAY MONDAY MONDAY you’ll have the whole seat but you’ll only need the edge.
Ok one week warning for all the folks who say to me “you didn’t give me enough warning”. Monday May 7th, sketch show, 7:30pm Magnet Theater (29th street & 8th ave) super funny show and then my birthday stuff too if you want.
Back to business make-up
Squats all 4 rounds x8 up to 145lbs
3 point rows 4 rounds x8 at 40lbs (made a lot of bro sounds)
Did thursdays work, snatches up to 68lbs. this felt cramped, not enough time to think about what I was doing wrong and try and fix it.
metcon in 4 minutes flat. could have gone faster on the row. legs felt like logs for the burpees
then just killed time with some pullups. then 3 sets of 10 GHD situps with a rope climb in between. then benched with Corey 3×5 at 105lbs
Got up to 93lbs with the cleans + push jerk. not a good day
Unsure of how many rounds in the metcon, probably 7. had one round of 21 unbroken DU’s. Snickers had a good cue about how I’m pulling my elbows back and not up and that helped with the snatches
Excited to try these lateral lunges and bench!
Kayleigh says
Power Cleans + Push Jerks: 133 across all 15 min. Focused on moving my feet more during the jerk.
WOD: 7 rounds even Rx. Started breaking up the snatches 2-1 in round four or five – decided taking the extra time would be better than failing.
Monday OG:
Bench Press: 115×4, 115x5x2. Got nervous on the first set to go for the fifth rep, but second set felt much better and glad I did. Many thanks to Bethany for spotting and encouraging me through my sticking point.
7 rounds: 10 push press (78#), 10 KB Swings (16kg), 10 box jumps (20″)
Arms are just shot from the past few days – finished at 11:10. Started breaking up the push presses into two sets in round five.
Charlie says
Accessory Day. Hard to get motivated but I got there in the end.
Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat
@20×1 6-8 reps, 2-3 sets, rest 1-2 min
45 x 8, 50 x 8 x 2
I hate these so much.
SA Farmers Carry
@50ft/arm, 110lb, rest 1-2 min
Don’t like these much either.
Strict Dip
@10×1 6-8 reps, 2-3 sets, rest 1-2 min
+10 x 8
+15 x 8
+20 x 8
These, I like.
Single Leg DB Romanian Deadlift
@20×1 6-8 reps/leg, 2-3 sets, rest 1-2mins
45 x 8 x 3
Nope. Still don’t like these. Especially hard keeping my left leg straight when raised. And remembering to hinge, not reach.
20 min AB @45-55 rpm
e5 min
3 c2b
5 push ups
8 box jump step down, 24″
C2B unbroken. Getting them. Fucking finally.
D) 10-15 min flush
Charlie says
*15 mins easy Assault Bike while I edited video for Ro.
Kayleigh says
“I hate these so much”
“Fucking finally”
Qualitative feedback on fleek.
Charlie says
Charles Smith says
10 AM with Brett.
Yikes, I can’t do the Lateral Lunges at all.
started with a 12kg and switched to nothing for the last three set- serious mobility work here on my right side needed.
2x4x15x30 DB bench press.
Pushed the sled (easier on the west side of the gym), ran and
did banded CTB’s for 4 rounds.
Shawn Campbell says
Sunday at 9 with Fox
Power clean and push jerk werk. I stayed at 83 mostly and moved to 88 for the last 4-5 to continue working on timing. Plenty heavy (1rm is 100). I threw some high pulls in here and there to keep trying to work on getting to full extension before pulling under, and sometimes I managed. Jerks were all fine, or better.
WOD – 5 rounds and 3 snatches. 63# is a heavy snatch for me and I failed a couple but gathered and got them afterward. Did 10 DUAs (only counted makes). I don’t like cleaning and snatching on the same day. My brain felt confused.
Then I golfed. My grip was so sore and I kept pulling up in my swing, which I think is because I was still trying to power through my legs. This confused my brain more and made swear words fly out of my mouth!
Today 8 am with Lauren
New ways to move with weights. The lateral lunge got better as it went but is hard on my hip flexor. I’m going to proceed with caution and much stretching throughout the week to not go in to Monday hip shock. I started with the 12 kg kb but changed to a 25lb db because it’s easier to breath. The single arm db bench presses also took a round before not feeling all the way wrong. I don’t really like any of the positions for the nonworking arm. 20lbs for these. Hard on my lower back and keeping legs engaged was easier with something on the ground so my feet weren’t so far down. Will move the weight on both of these next week for sure.
I was cranky about running. It was just colder than it should be. Chest to bar chin ups were easier than I expected. Did 4 for the first three sets then 8. Got up to 105 on the sled (plus whatever the sled weighs). Mush!
Whit says
Yesterday, 10am with Snox (Snickers/Fox?)
Power Clean & Push Jerk, EMOM X 15
my best power clean is 165 and my best push jerk might actually be 155 or 160. ready to retest these things sometime soonish because the high percentages feel gooooood. Worked on not pulling early b/c I was at first and the bar was flying out front. Got better. Jerks solid.
WOD = 10 rounds RX’d
thought i’d do these on the minute and pick up the pace at the end but that seemed a little too conservative once I started. felt great through this whole thing, albeit I had some dodgey TNG snatchwork in there
Today, 4:30 w/ Keith
SA Bench Press: 25×15, 30x15x2, 30×12 ea
Lat Lunge: bwx15, 12kgx15L/10R (long leg needs MOAR)
4 rounds + run + 5 ctb chin ups on the wod
sled +60, +105, +135# x 2 WOOF
got heartburn during this. ate a huge lunch.
David Osorio says
Was knocking on deaths door yesterday, throwing up, shivers, the whole 9, decided to rally and just go at a steady pace and move today.
4:30pm with Mr. Monday Night, the whole fn show, K-V-W
SA DB bench
Worked up to 40s
Used a 16kg bell
The other stuff
I did it. Took it pretty easy, worked up to 225 on the sled
Daniel R says
Back in NYC – from 95F to 40F in the span of 4h, I’ll definitely have a cold tomorrow.
7:30pm with back-from-the-dead DO and KHarpz
SA Bench (not as bro’y as I thought it’d be) up to 55lbs for 13reps
Lateral lunge steady 12 reps with a 12kg bell and trying to hit depth
NFT did 3 rounds + a sled push. Went hard on sleds (up to ~300lbs? The ground was shifting under me), easy on everything else.
KLove says
DB Bench: 25#x15x2
Lunges: 12kgx15, 16kgx15x2
Think I took too much time to warm up since I barely got through everything. Probably could have gone up on the bench.
C2B with red band. Did 4 reps the first round then 4-4 the remaining rounds (4 rounds in total). Maybe should’ve done fewer reps with no band?
Sled: with 85#, 135#, 160#
Have to remember not to wear my metcon flyknits for these because my left sneaker kept falling off. Tying laces tighter did not help.
C&J: 93×6, 103×5, 108×4
WOD: 8+3 @63#
Really wanted to do 73 on the snatches but was too tired from previous day.
Double unders were decent!
Saturday OG:
Didn’t have time to squeeze in any IM prep last week so skipped group class.
Back Squat:
Worked up to a heavy single on the back squat- 195. I rarely attempt 1RM back squats so need to get over some fears here before the meet. Felt heavy walking it out but squatting it was not a problem.
Worked up to 110x2x6 with a pause. Was supposed to do 3 reps but could only manage two- plus I didn’t have a spotter so wasn’t going to risk it. Added a few extra sets to get some volume in.
Worked up to 215×3 from a dead stop. That’s all I had in me. Think I was still tired from the DLs in Wednesday’s WOD.
Worked in 2 tempo pullups (unbanded) in between my bench and DL sets and got in 10 sets all together.