Arnold Press / Romanian Deadlift Superset*
A1) Half-Kneeling Single-Arm Arnold Press:
4 x 8-10
A2) Barbell Romanian Deadlift:
4 x 8-10
Use a heavy load for the rep range that allows you to move with perfect form. Keep rest to a minimum, 30-60 seconds between movements.
*Warm up and then perform a set of Arnold Presses, followed by a set of Romanian Deadlifts. Repeat for 4 work sets of each, resting 30 seconds to a minute between movements.
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Exposure 3 of 8
5 Rounds or 20 Minutes (for quality):
14/10 Calorie Row
14e Single-Arm Kettlebell Swings
7 Floor Levers (3 seconds down)
Begin each row with 5 “Legs Only” strokes + 5 “Legs and Hips” strokes before moving into the full stroke. Use today to prioritize mechanics over speed, and to stay efficient and connected to the machine. Scale the Floor Lever to the tuck as needed, but be true to a slow decent.
Rowing For Calories: Pick Drill
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Iron Maidens and the Stay Strong Scholarship
You probably know that The Iron Maidens Raw Open, a women-only powerlifting meet slated for Saturday, June 2nd, is one of our most anticipated events of the year. 60 women, from CFSBK and beyond, will test their strength at Back Squat, Bench Press, and Deadlift. Save the date!
For the 3rd year in a row, Iron Maidens lifters will raise funds for the Stay Strong Scholarship, which supports students at Bronx-based Grace Outreach.
Why should you support the Stay Strong Scholarship? Here’s a message from CFSBK’s very own Danae McLeod, Executive Director of Grace Outreach:
Nearly four years ago, I started working at Grace Outreach, an incredible non-profit in the South Bronx that works with women to get their high school equivalency degrees, go to college, and get jobs. I met so many smart, talented, and motivated women who wanted to improve their lives through education. The problem was that a bunch of them couldn’t afford to go to college. They were DREAMers and undocumented women who had come to the U.S. as children, and they weren’t eligible for financial aid.
I started looking for ways to help financially support these women’s dreams of getting a college degree. At around that time, Margie Lempert, the Iron Maidens Meet Director, told me she wanted to add a fundraising component to the women’s powerlifting event she had been running in different iterations for a few years. We thought that the grit and determination that it took for first-generation, low-income women to get to college matched the strength and tenacity that women powerlifters demonstrate.
We created the Stay Strong Scholarship to support women at Grace Outreach. The money we raise pays for 80% of college tuition for undocumented students, DREAMers, and women who have been victims of predatory for-profit colleges.
Two years after Iron Maidens and Grace Outreach started the Stay Strong Scholarship, we have have raised over $65,000 and sent 10 women to college! Two students have graduated with Associate Degrees and moved on to Bachelors programs. We currently have five students making their way through CUNY community colleges with GPAs over 3.0.
We know that now, more than ever, the undocumented community needs our support. The Stay Strong Scholarship positively contributes to women who are determined to change their lives through education.
This year, our goal is to raise $40,000 to continue supporting these students. How can you get involved? Show some love by donating to your favorite lifter(s) through the 2018 Crowdrise campaign here.
News and Notes
- Great news! We’ve added another Short Circuit class on Saturdays at 10am. Another great chance to reprogram your body in the spring! (It is spring, isn’t it?)
- We don’t mean to brag, but we’re the number 1 rated Brooklyn CrossFit affiliate and in the top 10 of all Brooklyn gyms on Yelp! Got an extra minute? Yelp us out with a review!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Clean and Jerk | Partner WOD
Man Walks on Hands for 6 Hours a Day boingboing (video)
When the Dried Plum Lobby Tried to Make Pruneburgers Happen Atlas Obscura
7am solo stuff
Warm up
:45 du practice
100′ sa OH carries @ 30, 35, 40
:45 side plank
8ea suitcase DL @ 24#
Front rack step up
33x 6ea to 20”
Then dropped down in boxes bc felt like I was getting cheaty w/my back foot –
33x 8ea to 16” + green plate
45x 8ea to 16” + green plate
Powell raise @ 30×1 tempo
7.5x10ea x3 – ugh these were so hard.
3 rounds for quality
200m run
14 box jumps 20″
14 renegade rows @ 12.5#
Btw the powell raises & the renegade rows I wonder how I even stay upright – my scapular/mid-back weakness is REAL. Renegade rows still super challenging. I have to squeeze as hard as I can and there’s still too much shifting in my hips back and forth. Legz felt like lead, too, no spring on the box jumps. Just a slow & sluggish rainy day.
I’m STILL beat up from Saturday so taking a rest day today. (Also that rain this morning…just, no.) Lots of great fitness this weekend so here’s a recap:
Saturday 9am w/ DO
Did an in-between scale for the deadlifts: 95×25, 115×20, 135×15, 165×10, 185×5. Failed the first rep at 185 and started to panic a little, but David came over and was like, “c’mon, you got this,” so that helped me get over myself and I did them as bailed singles.
Double-unders are usually no problem for me but I was struggling! Kept tripping and getting frustrated. Largest unbroken sets were probably 25 or 30, but mostly I did sets of 10 to 20. Finished in 20:08
Then I did the (new!) 10am Short Circuit class! Grateful that was added to the schedule. Followed by AR, then CitiBike ride to Brooklyn Bridge Park where I practiced some handstands. FITNESS!
Sunday 1pm w/ Whit + Lauren
I never come this late, but it was fun getting to do the workout with KLove!! Kept the complex light because my back was lit up from Saturday’s deadlifts. Worked up to 108 and everything felt great.
For the partner AMRAP we got through 10 rounds plus 11 reps. This was harder than I expected! I really liked how it pushed me to do things unbroken that I normally would have broken up. I was able to do the 10 T2B unbroken every time–was really proud of that!
Girrrrrrrrrlllll I can’t believe you did that WOD and THEN did Short Circuit! Bowing down.
8 AM because I have the midnight shift at work tonight :/
Arnold press 27.5x10x3, then x6. These were a STRUGGLE. In fact last week I think I failed after 8 on the last set, not 6!
RDLs 155×10. Not too bad.
Legs and legs-hips row strokes felt super awkward at first, but then I could see that my pulls were getting stronger when I went from there to full pulls.
7 am with Lauren and JB
I got to do my RDLs and Arnold presses with Christine who has such a good work(out) ethic that it helps me stay on task! Glad the rain didn’t keep you away Christine! Somehow last week’s inability to keep my ribs down disappeared today. I went up from 85 to 95 and this week’s form was way, way better and a wee bit lower. I did sets of 10 until the last set (8) because we were low on time. The Arnolds felt good at 20# and I did three sets of 10e. Then tried 22.5 x 8 for the last set. Fine on my left side. Failed after 6 on my “strong” side just after saying how much easier on my right the 20# presses were. I think I was just rushing… The NFT work was interesting and helpful on the row, did 12,12 then 16, 16kg sa KBs, and those levers were hell – mixed in some tucks – still hell.
Saturday 10am Keith
Saturday’s work was a little too scaled. 75, 95, 115, 135, 165 on the DLs. At the end I threw all my plates on. At least I stuck to my rule: when I go too light I have to break less so these were: 18/7; 14/6; 7/8; 7/3; 3/2. I had a really high box for the JMUs (24″) but was afraid to tip it over to 20. Did singles to make sure I didn’t break at all. 17:11 (so maybe not toooo scaled for me).
Sunday was a blast! 10 am with Fox
Nice to meet Nicole and work with her on the complex. Got up to 88. Those high pulls feel great! I just need to get it there before getting under for the clean. I did a couple of times at 83 and 88 and gotta say – doing a proper clean is so fun! Jerks were all good and crispy. That partner WOD was so fun (in the beginning, then less so in the hurty end and then again in retrospect). I was partnered with both MJ and Nicole, who was my twin partner B. Double whammy for keeping me on task. I had a couple of box jump fails. One was hilarious as I wound up, sung my arms, hoisted my body up from my hips and my feel just stuck to the ground. No amplitude whatsoever. MJ talked me into a calm and I took care of the rest of the set. A set or two later, I did the more classic miss – one foot on, other foot just toes. Recovered and took the remainder of that set really slowly. Fox came over and said I was looking too far down. I had one last set to practice a better spot to focus on and that last set (as the clock was winding down) was the best. Not sure how to score this. We each completed 4 rounds of everything.
Then some very much needed AR with Fox to follow. I’m sure this is why I woke up feeling human today!
So fun working with you (as always)! The RDLs looked super strong!
7am today, so much rain!
RDLs and Arnold presses with Shawn, who is super fun to partner with. RDLs up to 95 this week; my hamstrings are just so hilariously tight and weak, these have been a good adventure. They are getting better and better, and I think I have room to jump next week. Presses at 22.5, struggle on my L and felt great on the R.
Liked the NFT work, rows and floor levers in particular!
A1) Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat
@20×1 8-10 reps, 2-3 sets, rest 1-2 min
40 x 10 x 3
Omg these were so hard. Very out of breath!
A2) SA Farmers Carry
@50ft/arm, 100lb, rest 1-2 min
B1) Strict Dip
@10×1 8-10 reps, 2-3 sets, rest 1-2 min
3 x 10-
May add weight next week. I love how quickly these improve. I could only do 8 two weeks ago.
B2) Single Leg KB/DB Romanian Deadlift
@20×1 8-10 reps/leg, 2-3 sets, rest 1-2
40 x 10 x 3
Not entirely sure i’m getting these right.
C)24 min AB @45-55 rpm
e6 min
5 c2b
7 push ups
10 box jump step down, 24″
Really thought about straight legs and feet together on C2B. Felt better today.
Sets were 2/2/1, 3/2, 4/1, 2/2/1.
Did some accessory work before class today… got some feedback from KHarpz about my deadlifts. It’s so awesome when coaches off-duty are still willing to give feedback— it makes me love the coaches even more!! (Exercises were deadlift wave, kettlebell death marches (after two sets with 29kg had to drop down to yellow), barbell hip thrusts…)
AP: 25×10, 27.5x9x2, 27.5×8
RDLs: kept it light because of the accessory work and deadlifts I did earlier 63×10, 83×10, 103×10, 103×8
Meant to finish at 135. Oh well. Oops.
Worked up to 103# on the clean complex and stayed there for the last 4 rounds. At this weight my push jerks are smoother than my power cleans so didn’t continue to add weight. Focused on turning my elbows over quickly.
Partner WOD with Kirby
Literally died at the 10minute mark. Sorry for all the complaining Kirby. I think Saturday did me in.
I did thrusters at 30# for the first two rounds. I think these are what got me. Heart rate spiked majorly after my second set so dropped down to 25s.
KB swings were meant to be at 24kg but forgot to grab a bell before time started and not enough time bw movements to grab one.
TTB: first set was 7 then realized there was plenty of time between sets so went to 10s.
Pushups: the worst. I thought this may have been because I went to failure on pause bench the day before but I also think the deadlifts from Saturday is what really did me in. SNAKED so many of these. Whatttt. Could not keep my midline tight.
Slogged through AG.
Saturday: 17:25
Deadlifts Rx’d: did the first 4 rounds in three sets then did one rep at 205 so that I didn’t have to make a jump from 185 to 225. Did the 225 as 2-3. Not too sore from these, but def have overall exhaustion.
Double unders: these were ok! I did a set of 25 then added weight to my bar and finished my second set of 25. This allowed me some rest and gave me a mental break to avoid frustration when I tripped. Did a few sets unbroken.
C2B: first few sets did 3-2 bc my kip was off, then got it together and did the remaining sets unbroken.
I LOVED this workout but not the aftermath…just….so tired the next two days!