Friday Night: Mario Kart Tournament at CFSBK!
Get ready! This Friday, April 13th starting at 7:30pm, CFSBK is hosting a Mario Kart tournament. Relive your college years, childhood, adolescence, infancy, adulthood, or whatever the case may be.
About a week before, we’ll going to set up a practice station by the couches. For the main event, you’ll choose from 1 of the following classic Nintendo characters:
- Mario
- Luigi
- Princess Peach
- Toad
- Yoshi
- Donkey Kong
- Wario
- Bowser
Please leave a comment on the event page to let us know which you’d like to play as. See you Friday!
News and Notes
- See that Beyond the Whiteboard widget to the right? There’s now a dedicated part of our site where you can sign up for this FREE service and see recent activity from CFSBKers!
- Congrats again to Runit and Lauren on taking 3rd place in the 2018 Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge! Stay tuned to the blog tomorrow and Thursday to read about the 2nd and 1st place winners…
Yesterday’s Results Board: Arnold Press / RDL | Pull-Ups, Box Jumps, Farmer Carry
Routine, Detail & Patience in the Olympic Lifts Catalyst Athletics
Why Scientists Are Starting to Care About Cultures That Talk to Whales Smithsonian
Wednesday’s Programming
A1) Back Squat:
4 x 10-12
A2) Three-Point Dumbbell Row:
4 x 10-12
Use a heavy load for the rep range that allows you to move with perfect form. Keep rest to a minimum, 30-60 seconds between movements.
*Warm up and then perform a set of Back Squat, followed by a set of Dumbbell Rows. Repeat for 4 work sets of each, resting 30 seconds to a minute between movements.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 2 of 8
5 Rounds for Quality (with as little rest as needed):
5 Ring Dips (22X2 Tempo)
5e Single Arm Dumbbell Thrusters (22X2 Tempo)
15 Calorie Row
Choose the load on the Thrusters and do sets across or build. Matador Dips are ok as needed, or scale to Push-Ups.
Post work to comments.
5 e lateral box step ups
5e SA ring rows
45 sec ring FLR
Pistol/Ring dip practice
FT@ aer
270m run
2 rounds
5 C2B pull ups
10 burpees
14 alt pistols
270m run
rest 5 min
x2 sets
Wednesday, 7am w/ Jess
BSQ 115×12, 125x12x2, 135×10
Rushed through that last set bc we were out of time, it could have looked nicer.
3pt DB row: 20×10, 25x10x2, 27.5×10
WOD: Got through about 4 rounds. Shoutout to Jess for working with me on those tempo push-ups. They’re hard! I need to work on keeping my hips up, as opposed to snaking my back upwards. This goes for regular push-ups as well.
Ready for rest day(s) and vacation!! Any suggestions for things to check out (Crossfit gyms or otherwise) in Vancouver?
7 AM squatting in the corner with Jason. We had to squat using the yoke as a rack because 608 was hoppin’! Between getting exiled to the corner and using the broken plates that are stored with the sleds, it was positively Dickensian. 😛
Squats at 145×10, 3-point rows at 30×12. I was thinking of going to 35 on the latter at first, but I’m glad I didn’t. Reps 9-12 on each set were gnarly.
Couldn’t manage that tempo on the matador so I did the accessory work with pushups and that was PLENTY hard. That pause at the bottom on tension is not easy! I kinda sandbagged the thrusters (25, 27.5, 25, 30). Not that I did them poorly, I just think I could have done them heavier.
AG looks so tempting tonight! Too bad I’m probably still going to be in the office at 7:30 🙁
7am doing Monday’s bro stuff with Snickers!
Half kneeling SA Arnold press:
15# x 5ea; 20# x 10ea x 4 – y’all ladies doing these at 25# are PUMPED
45×8; 95×12, 105×12, 115×12, 125×12 – good! Focused on keeping lats engaged & barbell close
Got over-excited/lost in the transition during the first round so wound up pretty winded and sweaty throughout this. So fun.
-Banded CTB w/green + red band
-box jumps to soft 30″ – good thing I had the soft box as I biffed a few of these
-farmer’s carries alternating btw red KBs + jerry cans – happy to know I can move jerry cans as I wasn’t sure; they were totally heavy but also an amazing stretch out of my traps
Yesterday: testing with RO!
A1) Deadlift: 4 attempts at a 1RM
293/303/313 Fx2
Ha!! I knew I was gonna feel like a sack of potatoes today. I was planning to open with 303 and i knew it wasn’t happening once I started warming up to it. When I hit 330 is was in October when I was feeling pretty damn good. Not worried about it, it’ll bounce back!
**rest 10 min** then A2
A2) @85% of A1 for max reps (303x.85)
Just goes to show you that regardless of how cruddy I feel it’s all relative. Amazing. Not surprised that I was able to do this based off of my training last year. I almost went for a 10th but I still get a little nervous about my back and I was feeling it slightly begin to round. This felt slow AF though. So pretty sure this was all I had in the tank anyway. Stoked about that number.
B) 20 min amrap @hard effort:
100ft farmers carry, 24kg/hand
200ft SB carry, 80lb
10 burpees
9 rds + 70feet
Farmer carries unbroken and felt pretty easy.
sandbag carry unbroken for first 3 rounds and then my low back LIT up. Broken up into 2 sets w/ quick rest. Ended up running with this by the end because my back was on fire. Tried to keep butt and core tight but there was no saving me
Only thing that slowed me down was back fatigue, lungs felt great. Need moar abz.
C) 10-15 min ez flush
10am with Lauren
Half kneeling SA Arnold press:
17.5x10e for 2 rounds, then up to 20# for the next 2. Sort of struggle on left side but right was easy? RDL: 105x3x10 and then the last set I only did 8 because #gripfail.
EMOM was fun and challenging. Banded c2b felt easy with the green band (But I think the one I grabbed was thicker than a normal green?) so switched to 2 blues for 5/7 rounds— this was a good but doable challenge. Box jump @ 18” for 5 rounds then tried 24” because Theodora told me I could. Had a few funny/embarrassing/strategic-ish misses and then got it and did a dance atop my black box mountain. Thanks to all for encouragement and especially Jess for diverting attention from her Wednesday crew to fix my box velcro…safety first! The last round I did 6 of these which felt crazy. Farmer’s carries: I mostly copied Nicole, so did one round with the white KBs, a few with the green, and a few with the red. Good cue from Jess looking out for safety again on picking them up better.
Cash out remembering Mario Cart in a few solo games (thankfully coached by Brett!) and then getting crushed by Greg. Watch out everyone, he’s killing it. And little snowmen are killing us all.
OH also do people have recs for drop-ins in NOLA?
I went to CrossFit NOLA (Magazine Street location) and liked it. That was like five years ago though.
10am group class w/ Jess
BSQ: (45×8, 95×6)
30x12ea x2, 35x12ea x2
squats felt better this week than last. positions and drive good. just breathing hard. 35 was quite challenging on the row, but stayed in good form.
5 rounds for quality
15 cal row (in :48-58. started in around 950-1000 and ramped it up so the last 3 rounds were 1100+. took a solid rest after this.)
5 ring dips @ 22×2 – so hard! 2 sets unbroken, then 3/2, 2/2/1, 2/1/1/1
5ea SA DB Thruster @ 22×2 (30# x 1, then 35# x 4) – felt solid. focused on keeping heels flatter and not “jumping” in the drive. probably could’ve gone up heavier but oh well.
then about 20 min of elbow/wrist recovery movement and some shoulder CARs/pec stretching
630 doing Wednesday’s work
45×5 55×5 60x4x12 – these were meh
Row 12x4x12 – challenging by doable
Thrusters @ 15# – felt good to focus on positioning here
Pushups – 2 sets on parallettes then moved to bench for the last 3 – very challenging, need to work on these
Row – really pushed it on the row