Back Squat / Three-Point Dumbbell Row Superset*
A1) Back Squat:
4 x 12-15
A2) Three-Point Dumbbell Row:
4 x 12-15
Use a heavy load for the rep range that allows you to move with perfect form. Keep rest to a minimum, 30-60 seconds between movements.
*Warm up and then perform a set of Back Squat, followed by a set of Dumbbell Rows. Repeat for 4 work sets of each, resting 30 seconds to a minute between movements.
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Exposure 1 of 8
For Quality, with as little rest as possible:
Russian Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg
Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Strict Ring Muscle-Ups
The Kettlebell Swings should be unbroken and the gymnastics movements done on 1-3 sets. If you can’t do 5 unbroken strict Handstand Push-Ups and/or 2 unbroken strict Ring Muscle-Ups, consider scaling some volume.
5 Rounds for Quality, with as little rest as possible:
30 Russian Kettlebell Swings
5 Handstand Push-Up Negatives (3 seconds down, no crashing on your head)
2 Low Ring Muscle-Up Transitions
Use a kettlebell that you can swing unbroken for each set. Come down and kick up for each Handstand Push-Up Negative, no kipping.
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“The odds are that your body will be sending you messages to change things up long before it dawns on you to read that telegram (that’s an old guy joke… do telegrams even exist anymore?).” Check out the latest in Coach Fox’s “Older, Fitter” series for Beyond the Whiteboard, “How To Keep Working Hard as You Age”! | Photo by Thomas H.
This Sunday! WrestleMania Screening at CFSBK
Do you have a Mania when it comes to Wrestling? Not necessarily doing it, but definitely watching it? You’re in luck! This Sunday, April 8th, we’ll be showing WrestleMania 34 on our big, big screen! The show starts at 7pm. Feel free to BYOB, snacks, and friends!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
Why Nicole Carroll Does the Open CrossFit (video)
Develop the Powerful Habit of Mindful Focus zen habits
To start off I’d just like to say there are not enough people at the gym familiar with the phrase “are you flexin’ me bro?”. I’d like it to be worked into our cultural lexicon. It’s things like this that make me feel unsupported in my journey towards becoming a croissant man.
Monday Group Class
Arnolds at 17.5lbs (feels fine, feels fine, rep 10, oh my god)
RDLS at 95lbs, didn’t go heavier cause my SI/left cheek has been giving me a little grief.
Only got through 3 rounds cause I was distracted by being a goon with KHarpz.
Whit made me and Jamal get rid of all out “diet kip” out of our strict T2B and tempo lowers which made them horrible and now we have gross cues (of our own making not Whit’s) for how to do them. If I do it 100% nearly perfect I’m like 20 degrees away from the bar, which is ok.
Tempo Matador Dips: 3 with the green band the first round cause I wasn’t paying attention. 8 with the blue band the second round and 12 with the blue band in the third round cause extra.
The new ass bikes suck. Blew up my quads something nasty and I need those to get home so I switched to the rower for subsequent rounds.
Partnered with Jake M and Matt E so super bestest fun time.
Farmer carries were a trip. Got up to 230lbs (115lbs in each hand) for 40 ft successfully. Failed 290lbs after 5 feet. Then got the 270lbs like 25ft and then my left hand failed. But not the right one. So work cut out for me there. Need to get to work strangling more cats with my left hand <— What my mother said when I told her about grip strength “why do you need it? for strangling cats?” This was apparently a relevant skill in the Soviet Union.
Sandbag loading IS SO FUN. Got the 80lb bag for 7 reps/1 minute (I was being a little bit of a derp) and got the 100lb one working so that was rad. Thanks Matt and Jake for making me take it seriously.
Keg overhead holds were ehhhh. There’s a big jump from the light keg to the medium keg so just did stupid human tricks with the lighter one.
Metcon Super fun
:30 row
:30 45lb plate ground to overhead
:30 sled push (unknown weight)
:30 rest
Doing the 45lb plate to overhead super fast gave me such a massive, fabulous pump. It was amazing. I sandbagged the row.
Sunday Makeup
Went to Murder of Crows for community open gym with Gaby and 1/2 of my comedy swolejers.
3×5 front squat ~135lbs
everything was in kilos so there was a lot of “how much is this?” “no that’s not right” “this is 600lbs now”
3×5 bench 105lbs (maybe 103?) doesn’t matter, looked cool.
Then heavy single deadlift cause we ran out of time and the plates were confusing at what was possibly 230lbs.
Becoming a croissant? Step 1: eat croissant. Step 2 – infinity: repeat. Pastry PR.
What if I ate a bunch of butter, folded myself 16 times and then baked at 375?
4×15 (145-165-165-185)
3PT DB Row
Perf Metcon was fun/tough. Took just under 15 minutes at a somewhat leisurely pace, which is more favorite pace.
I watched WWE smackdown last night (by chance, not a normal pick for me), and now I’m kind of excited to watch wrestlemania…………..
7am with Ro and Brett
Back Squat 95×15, 105×15, 115×15.
3pt DB Row: 15×15, 25×15, 25×15. Reps 1-10 are totally fine and then my strength just..vanishes and I spend the next 5 reps looking for it.
Metcon was fun. I am definitely stronger than the last time we did HSPU negatives, because I remember not being able to really do them without crashing down, even with two ab mats. Today I did all five in a row with one ab mat, and kipped back to starting position each time!
7am w/ Ro + Brett
Only got through 3 sets of the strength stuff…
Rows: 20x15ea, 25x15ea, 27.5x12ea.
BSQ: 95×15, 100×15, 105×12. Was relatively conservative with the weights here; just wanted to maintain good positions. This had me really winded!
Got through ~3 rounds of the fitness metcon. HSPU negatives to one abmat, and then just the gymnastics mat…these are improving!
I had SO MUCH FUN at StrongFit yesterday, that class is so awesome. I’ve only taken it a few times but part of the reason I love it so is that it plays to some of my strengths as a weightlifter and the cardio while much needed by me was not too overwhelming. I appreciated Keith taking time to explain very carefully and completely the technique for the sandbag-hoisting movement (I worked up to a few sets at 100#). I agree with Karina I wish there were more of a middle ground for the kegs, the 47# is fairly easy but the next one up seems daunting. Maybe working my way up will be a fun challenge. Always love pushing a sled as I am virtually guaranteed to sleep like a lamb afterward. So fun, I will be back!
Nice article C Fox!!!
I came off the plane yesterday and was drained. Tried to do 5:30 before coaching. Only slightly succeeded:
Lifts felt awesome. I love RDLs:
Arnold Press: 4×12 ea @ 20#
RDLs: 4×12 @ 115/125/135/145# respectively, hook grip. slow down fast up tempo just by habit but mostly cause I wanted to be positive I was doing them well. good pump
Metcon: uuuuuuuuuuhhhh 0.765 rounds 🙂
I realized I needed to order seamless and my shoulders/lats were destroyed after all those chest to bar the day before. I scaled toes to bar to V up, and then ring dips to pushups. Even pushups hurt and I was feeling shakey so I decided lifting was enough!
Back on track next week.
12pm group class w/ Ro
BSQ: (45×8, 95×6) 105x12x4 – conservative start, felt perfect
DB Row: (25x5ea) 30x12eax4 – not conservative, was quite tough but solid
*kept a “slower down than up” tempo on both movements.
*felt like I was leading with my hips a bit on some of the sqts so focused on letting my knees bend a bit more and leading with the bar. fixed it right up and then my quads were en fuego. yay!
Performance WOD with some changes…
-KB swings as single arm, just changed hands about every 10 or 5 reps, adding up to the 50-40-30-20-10 ea round.
-Strict HSPU to 1 abmat: 5-4-3-2-1
– 1 Strict RMU + 2 ring rock throughs per round.
Now I have some ring abrasions in a really awkward spot and am going to a wedding this weekend SHOOT.
After class: 30 min / 6 rounds, aerobic
1:00 row (12-13 cal)
:40 FLR rings with alt leg lifts
1:00 bike (170-180 watts)
100′ side shuffles
10 alt quadruped to pec bridge
Feel like a million bucks now!
Thanks Fox for the article. At 52 and usually the most senior in the group classes, I love a little nod to the olds. I sometimes bite my tongue when others sigh about getting old! Some encouraging words perhaps – I haven’t tested in a long while but I know in an all around way (at least!) I’m continuing to get stronger. This past Open was my first at RXing all the workouts and have hit some new PRs. I also just watched a video on You Tube about a woman named Ellen Stein – she’s a power lifter who, at 65 yo is still lifting more than ever (406 I think). I don’t know that there’s much to recommend in terms of following her training regimen but she did make me decide to stop waiting for my limits to hit. I suspect they will find me when the time comes!
7 am with Ro and Brett today
Started conservatively because…lots!
75×15, 80×15, 85×14, 90×12. These were never a real grind – some slow downs at the top of the last two sets to settle breathing a bit but I think all good depth and form.
3pt DB Row – 15×15 with a correction from Brett because I think I was doing the opposite of the instruction and had my shoulders all sagging forward and my back curled (oh crap – sorta how I’m sitting at my desk now….OK sitting up now). Then 20×15, 20×12, 20×12
KB swings with 16#
HSPUs with 2 mats x4 then 1abmat with a plate x5 then; 1 with 1 with only an abmat but couldn’t get up on 2nd so put the plate back x4 with a cue from Brett to think head through as soon as I ascend. How different and helpul! Then one more set with 2 mats x5.
Ring transition practice: it’s fun to pretend.
A) Deadlift @2211
205 x 7, 235 x 5, 265 x 3
225 x 7, 255 x 5, 275 x 3
Felt unfamiliar. Why? I’ve been deadlifting, but TNG. Moved well though.
B) Bench Press @2011
95 x 7, 115 x 5, 125 x 3
105 x 7, 117.5 x 5, 127.5 x 3
Left wrist was hurting- moved my grip in which helped a bit.
C) EMOM 18
1. 4 x TTB
2. 8 x burpees
3. 15 x KBS @24kg
Focused on not swinging my legs way back on the TTB.
D) 10 mins AB
4:30 group with Snisky!
BSQ: 4×12 @ 145# across all sets
hell yeah. Felt great.
3 pt row: 2 sets @ 35#x12ea then final 2 @ 40#x12 ea
also felt great. Slower down faster up.
swings were a lot for me today. I’m stiff everywhere.
HSPU: 6/4, 6/2, 6, 4, 2
Srict MU: big fat 0, my body can’t even right now. There was one where I almost had it but my false grip isn’t trained well. It makes my left wrist really hurt in a not okay sort of way. i don’t particularly care about false grip anyway because I never use it, i love theezz wrists and I need them for work. When i back off of all of the hands on manual work in my day to day schedule perhaps i’ll focus on getting better with strict sometime in the future
10 min cardio cashout on the echo bike: very slow
Squats: 100×15, 105×15, 110×15, 115×15
Lower back fatigued!
Rows: 20×15, 22.5×15, 25×15, 27.5×15
Could have pushed the weight more on the rows.
Swings: 50-40-30
HSPU negatives to on ab mat: 5-4-3 (strict non existent today!!)
2 Ring MU transitions
75×12, 75×12, 85×12, 90×12
15×12, focusing on form and after short circuit was kinda fried..
Fitness Work with 2 abmat, surprised I even was able to a few HSPU with a strong kip, nice!
This workout really exposed how much stronger my upper body is!!
Rows: 20×15, 25×15, 27.5×15, 30×15
Used to doing 30×0 tempo and 45# at AG Strength, so these felt easy.
95×15 HARD
105×15 HARD
Also hard.
Performance wod with 5-4-3-2-1 handstand push-ups and assisted strict muscle ups with help from DO scaled 2-3 per round.
Hbbs: 95,105,115,125 all at 15 reps.
Row: 25×12 for all with a solid pause/squeeze at the top and 2 second down.
5 rds:
30 kbs at 16kg
4 strict hspu to 1 ab may
3 rmu transitions
6:30 today with David and Keith
Bsq started at 45 and worked up to 80. Felt good/challenging, would like to do more next time. David gave me some good tips to keep my stance a little wider and lead by sending my hips back.
Db rows with 15 lb dbs. Gotta another cue to keep my back arched, knees bent and shoulders back.
For the 5 rounds I used the blue kb and tried my best at the piked push ups. Didn’t really get there, but felt like I was doing something good. Got a lot of work to do on the false grip ring rows, but I think by the end I was looking a bit less awkward.
730pm w/ David & Keith
HBBS @ 45×12 50×12 55×12 60×12
form suffered a bit on the last set – will retest next week
wondering if there is a benefit to descending weight over sets?
Rows 20x12x4
these felt challenging, but easy – will add weight/reps next week
Workout: scaled to paused ring rows and seated presses @ 17.5# 10x8x6x4x2