Want to Explore the World of the Rings?
Join guest gymnastics Coach Ken Haller as he takes you through four weeks of gymnastics strength training starting in one week! This 1.5 hour long class will incorporate different facets of body weight strength training and movement. Specifically, each class will focus on three to four distinct areas: warm-up and active mobility, rings skill work (muscle ups, levers etc), bodyweight strength conditioning, balance (on hands and feet), and flexibility. Students will be asked to have a goal or intention to focus on for the next four weeks. Students can then focus on that goal outside of class.
Class Outline:
Inverted Hangs
Back Levers
Ring Routine
When: 4 Sundays in April from 6 – 7:30pm (4/8, 4/15, 4/22, and 4/29)
Cost: $100 for 4 weeks
Buy-in: Previously attended rings class or 1 Pull-Up for women or 3 for gents
More About Ken
Ken Haller was a nationally competitive gymnast in Newton, MA and at the University of Michigan. After graduating, Ken coached for eight years at Capital Gymnastics in Northern Virginia where he coached regional and national champions. His students have gone on to be NCAA champions and members of Cirque du Soliel. In searching for an activity to replace gymnastics, Ken filled the void with rock climbing and yoga for the past ten years and recently found CrossFit to round out his training.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Arnold Press / RDL | Row, Toes-to-Bars, Ring Dips
Does Your Equipment Hurt More Than Help? Breaking Muscle
China’s Running and CrossFit Boom CrossFit Journal (video)
Wednesday’s Programming
Back Squat + Three-Point Dumbbell Row Superset
4 x 12-15 reps
Use a heavy load for the rep range that allows you to move with perfect form. Keep rest to a minimum, 30-60 seconds between movements.
Post loads to comments.
For Quality, with as little rest as possible
Russian KB Swings 24/16kg
Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Strict Ring Muscle=Ups
The KB Swings should be unbroken, and the gymnastics movements done on 1-3 sets. If you can’t do 5 Unbroken Strict HSPU and/or 2 Unbroken Strict Ring Muscle Ups, consider scaling some volume.
5 Rounds For Quality, with as little rest as possible:
30 Russian KB Swings
5 HSPU Negatives (3 seconds down, no crashing on your head)
2 Low Ring Muscle Up Transitions
Use a bell that you can swing unbroken for each set. Come down and kick up for each HSPU Negative, no kipping.
Post work to comments.
50ft SA Oh carry
5e SA ring rows @3012
5 kipping knee raises
15-20 double unders
Bar muscle up practice
For time @aer
6 DB Curtis P’s, 50/35
8 box jumps, 24/20
12/10 cal AB, row, ski, run
rest 3 min
x3 sets
Just googled DB Curtis P’s… :X At 35#!? Yikes!
Now I just googled it. That looks like TORTURE.
I’m suddenly not as bummed I might have to work late tonight.
Did anyone happen to find a ring (very thin silver band) after 6 AM? (Only mildly panicking)
I cracked an egg and got a lucky double yolk, and then 2 seconds later the front desk called to say it was found on the mats. The universe is weird
Rude. I just helped you.
^ Got a heart laugh out of that – thank you.
That’s two mornings in a row I’ve been awoken at 4:30 for some BS reason. Yesterday was not my fault, today totally was. Why do I ever think I can have alcohol, even if it’s just one drink, after 9 PM without consequences?! #gettingoldsucks
Also, hammies are super sore from yesterday.
Mega-7 AM class! QOD was “tell us something” so a few of us Wednesday warriors warned the Monday people what they were in for.
Not that today was any easier. 125 for 15s on my squat sets (GOD SUCH A LONG SET), 25x15s for the 3-point row. Maybe could have done a little heavier on this but not by much.
Used the accessory work as an opportunity for exposure therapy for descending in a handstand. I know we were supposed to switch to DB seated press if we couldn’t maintain the slow descent on the negatives through the bottom of the handstand, but for me it’s a reptile brain issue at least as much as it is a strength issue. I get halfway down, my balance isn’t perfect, I freak the F out, and I fall out of the handstand (usually with a high-pitched squeak that would amuse Ro if he were around).
Soooooo…this was all about getting upside down and descending as many times as possible. I made it down to the abmats (two of them) exactly twice. Like I said, exposure therapy. I used to be able to do a couple of strict HSPU with two abmats and a 2.5# plate before I hurt my shoulder a few months ago, so I know I can do this, I just have to condition myself back into not freaking out on the descent.
Stella, take a B12 before or right after you have that drink it you might find you don’t have the issues.
Also, there’s a good convo about magnesium as a sleep aid on the swole sisters facebook page!
I know, I actually started taking it a few weeks ago after someone raved about it on LFPB boards. I think it might be helping?
(not that any amount of Mg would have helped me sleep through whoever thought it was a good idea to ring my buzzer over and over at 4:30 AM yesterday. grrrrrrrrrr)
7am w/ Lauren (and EVERYONE) doing Monday
Arnold press: 15#x15eax2, 17.5#x12eax2. These start out easy and get difficult REAL quick!
RDLs: 75#x15, 95#x15, 105#x15, 115#x15. Hellooooooo glutes! Kinda love these.
…Then I did all the other stuff and it was fine.
7am with “a class bigger than the number of people at my gym, total” -lovely drop-in visitor from Colorado
Arnold Press: 25# x 12 x 2. These really started burning, so my last set I dropped down to a set of 10ea. I’ll probably start at 17.5# and build up next time.
RDLs: 75#x12, 95#x12x3. Grip was the limiter here for me!
Would love to get a full ROM matador dip with no bands in the future! For now, I can do 6 in a row with the blue band. Also, those bikes are so hard!! I gave it 95% for the first 8-10 cals and then it went downhill SUPER quickly afterwards. Next time I’ll keep a steady 70-80% throughout.
1/2 KAP
5 Rounds
10 cal (3 Bike, 2 Row)
4-6 Strict TTB
6 Strict Ring Dips
4×15 (145-165-165-185)
3pt DB Row
About 15 Minutes for the Perf metcon, which was tough
Small 6:30 class today with Katie
Used 15 lb dbs for the Arnold press. They got pretty challenging towards the end but felt like a good weight. Gotta remember to really press out at the end. Pretty easy to get a little loosey goosey
Worked up to 72lbs on the rdls. Katie gave me some good advice to keep my knees out and core tight which helped me feel it less in my back and more in my ham strings. This movement always makes me realize just how bizarrely long my arms are lol. Too easy to touch my toes.
Didn’t keep track of rounds just tried to keep moving. Really enjoyed doing hard things slowly. My pushups are still pretty sad, and it was cool to take some time to focus on them, amazing how quickly I can tire myself out with those 3 sec down pushups. Hanging knee raises and rowing went pretty well.