Saturday Metcon Mash-Up
1) AMRAP 9 Minutes:
3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18… +3 reps per round of:
Burpee Box Jumps 24/20
Scale the Toes-to-Bars to Hanging Leg or Knee Raises as needed, or use this as an opportunity to work on them, knowing that you will be saved by the clock at 9 minutes.
Rest 3 minutes, then..
2) AMRAP 9 Minutes:
21 Squats
15/9 Push-Ups
9 Hang Power Cleans 115/80
The Hang Power Cleans should be on the light-medium side for you, unbroken on the fast end.
Rest 3 minutes, then…
3) AMRAP 9 Minutes:
50 Double-Unders
20 Sit-Ups
Scale the dubs to 100 singles or 20 attempts, or use this as an opportunity to work on them, knowing that you will be saved by the clock at 9 minutes.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Bid farewell to Coach Melissa, Alex, and Lily today at Pig Beach at 4pm. All are invited!
Open Intramural Team Rankings: Final Results
Congrats to Make America Blue Again on taking home the gold in this year’s Open Intramural Team Competition! This is the first time in 3 years that it hasn’t ended in a tie, which is very cool. Thanks to everyone who participated and made it extra fun!
Current Ranking – Team – Final Average
1. Make America Blue Again: 33.7
2. Kippin’ It Real: 34.33
3. Going Dark: 36.17
4. Amino Disrespect: 36.7
5. The Incredible Hulks: 37.53
6. 50 Shades of Gainz: 39.13
Upcoming Events at CFSBK
The Open may be over, but we have some more fun stuff coming up! On Sunday, April 8th, we’ll be showing Wrestlemania 34 on our big, big screen. The following Friday, April 13th, we’ll be hosting a CFSBK Mario Kart tournament on that same big screen. Click the links to check out those event pages!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
The Lost Tradition of Playing Ball in Church to Celebrate Easter Atlas Obscura
What Causes Press-Outs and How to Fix Them Catalyst Athletics
Man, that is a seriously bad-ass photo of Melo. I’m going to miss her.
seconded on all counts
Strong Fit! I missed you!
One-armed sled drags are hard. So is partner sandbag carry around the block when you use the 100# bag. I had entertained thoughts of doing Short Circuit after and I was totally ready to do it until we did the sandbag carry and I was KNACKERED.
Knackered!! Love that you used this world btw!
9am Short Circuit
Tabata circuit! Started on wallballs, so I was gassed for all the other movements. Decided against sit-ups because of group class later, so did planks but my shoulders were so… tired… Missed out on the plank/wallball relay! 🙁
10am group class with Melo (her last! :'( sniff…)
T2B/BBJ: finished round of 12 + 16. Burpees were slow, T2B ran out on 15.
SQ/PU/HPC: 4 rounds + 26. HPC were so much fun, push-ups were not. Paced this one well, I think.
DU/SU: 4 rounds + 50. DUs were slow and trippy until the last round, when I think I did 40 unbroken. Sit-ups just happened.
We’re off for 2 weeks out of town, and we’re missing Melo’s good-bye drinks, so let me just say here how Melo (and Alex and Lily!) is a fantastic coach that will be sorely missed. I’ve been doing classes with her since I joined, and she’s by far the #1 person I know in terms of strength-to-calm ratio – incredibly strong and such a calming presence. You’ll be missed Melo, and good luck in Connecticut!
I’ll definitely miss the CFSBK fam during the next 2 weeks. Crush week? Not so much. Next week will be Decompress Week for me, after all the weeks of Open and LFPB challenge.
Had a blast at AGS today— decided to come in fresh and make the most of it. Definitely had strong fit/ short circuit FOMO though.
1pm group:
2) 6 rounds +13 squats RX.
78# felt surprisingly good, all unbroken, really used my legs.
Pushups 5-4… felt *solid*
1) still have a funky tendinitis thing when I push down on the bar in my lat for TTB. Held onto a KB and lifted my legs to the KB. Crushed my abs (after 40# weighted sit-ups in AGS, it was slightly torturous.)
7 reps into the round of 18.
3) PRd with two sets of 50 unbroken! 6 rounds + 1 DU 🙂
Such a fun workout!
Skipped movie night last night, but I’m excited for Pig Beach to say bye to MeLo and Alex. We’ll miss you, Thaisa and Daniel! Have fun 🙂
Came back to gym after pig beach party.
4 rounds
12 KB DL 20kg
8 ring rows
8e DB press 25lbs
Then a few minutes of mobility
Had zero motivation for intensity. Cruised throufh each piece today at about 60% RPE. Just moving fir the sake of moving
3/6/9/12: cleared 12 rounds
21/15/9: 3R+21reps subbed 135lb Deadlifts for HPC
50/20: 3R+50 reps