Clean and Jerk
Warm up and build to a heavy single Clean and Jerk. If you’re feeling good then go for a new 1RM, otherwise get as close to 90% as you can and try to make a few reps there.
Post loads to comments.
20 Minutes Not for Rounds:
270m Jog
100′ Low Bear Crawl
5 Strict Chin-Ups
Keep the runs and crawls at a maintainable pace and aim to just keep moving. Use bands or add weight to the Chin-Ups as appropriate.
Post work to comments.
Some fun stats on 18.5 from Robert C.! CFSBK collectively Thrusted 450,455 pounds, which is the equivalent of 2 blue whales. We collectively performed 9,927 reps, which is the equivalent of dying. “You can see that men and women track very evenly at CFSBK,” Robert writes. “There’s nearly identical completion rates throughout the workout.”
KHarpz at BTWB
Check out this snippet from Coach KHarpz‘s latest post for Beyond the Whiteboard:
At the end of the day, it’s a matter of self-confidence and believing that I am a winner. Belief, just like anything else in the gym, is a skill that I need to train. I have begun this process by taking out my little brown notebook, identifying my “can nots”, so I can eventually kick them in the arse, and turn them into “cans.” Let’s just say, I plan on continuing this habit throughout the open, and will have that little brown notebook full by the end of 2018.
It’s from “Developing An ‘Open Mind’: A Positive Outlook for a Positive Performance,” and it’s about the head game aspect of competitive fitness, a common theme on the blog lately. Give it a read!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
An Open Letter to Those Who Need to Lose Weight CrossFit Journal
Homeopathy Explained Kurzgesagt (video)
This morning began with an internal dialogue of “Go to the gym!” “But I’m sleeeeeeeepy!” I compromised and went for group class instead of my normal lifting Thursday since I saw that the WOD was NFT. 😛
C&J was a mess. I haven’t come on Thursdays much this cycle and it shows. Got to 118, but it was totally a power clean followed by a FSQ, not a real squat clean.
NFT work on the other hand was great! For some reason I take to bear crawls nicely, and I ended up doing a set of 5 chins with +10, which was cool.
Got off a hella miserable flight from a sorta miserable trip (where I managed to get sick again), showered and then went directly to the gym. For better or for worse.
Wednesday group class:
Thank god for KHarpz, who I grabbed and said “Katie, will you be my cruise director please, I’m not thinking good” and she directed our sumo deadlift cruise.
185 x 5
215 x 5 (touch and go felt good here)
245 x 3 (too scary for touch and go)
245 x 3
255 x 1
265 x1
KHarpz said I had a little midback rounding in the singles. I probs need to hang out around these weights more often, I’m guessing my lat strength is not commensurate to my hindquarter strength.
This is where I discovered that the new cute fitness bra I bought is only good for being cute and nothing else. What a disaster.
Scaled to 44lbs for the snatches and only 5 per round because in warm up I was cleaning the bar in the snatch grip and warning Snickers that I might be a danger to myself and others.
Basically exactly a minute per round.
Then went across the street for some
3×5 pause squats at 135lbs just to wake up the legs.
3×5 OHP at the weight i’ll probably be pressing for the rest of my life, 60lbs.
Gonna try and come in for group class (maybe a double feature with short circuit) and then probs go see Isle of Dogs again cause it makes me so happy and everyone go see it plz. So basically Crossfit and a movie.
Also stoked for movie night tomorrow!
I want to go on a sumo deadlift cruise!
A. 30 mins hard effort
15 RKBS @24KG
400m row
30 DU
10 rounds plus 1 swing. Kept a good consistent pace.
B. 15 mins AB @50RPMish
Just wanted to chime in on the blog because I finally read the “Open Letter…” article in the crossfit journal. It was a really worthwhile read…definitely worth sharing friends and families who are searching for change.
This part really struck me:
“You are going to feel so powerful, so in control and at peace with your body.
Your focus will shift from dissatisfaction with your body to joy at what it can accomplish. You will start working with it instead of against it. You will start seeking out foods that will fuel your workouts instead of mindlessly snacking and suffering regret. Before you know it, you’ll be looking back at today as the turning point in your fitness journey—the day you started intentionally becoming fit.”
I am sure that speaks to a lot of us–obese or not! Crossfit has helped me so much with my self-image, my feelings around food, my ideas about being strong, etc. as it has for so many others! Mindsets are hard to break, but mine are definitely in the process of rewiring thanks to crossfit!!
7 am with Jess and Lauren
I’ve been home with a nasty cold the past 2 days. Unheard of for me to not go into the office but all that real rest did me some good! I can breathe through my nose and I PRed my C&J! 100# Triple digits baaabeee!
3 rounds of nft work. Bear crawls sure do get challenging quickly. Went backward 2/3 times and that was better. First 2 sets of chins were good and I was thinking of adding a wee bit of weight but third set took a nosedive! I ran once and did the other 2 rounds on the bike. I can’t see the monitor so I biked as long as whoever started at the same time as I on the first ride and for the second ride I pedaled as long as it took Janet to run. This means that I pedaled with my head turned to the right, watching the door. Which brings me to a thanks to Katie Harper for her write up today. I have to get a grip on what my abilities are and I really have to start pushing through physical stress: too winded, too rubbery, too ouchy has to start stopping me from stopping. So, I’ll get on the bike more often since I really hate it.
NICE Shawn!
Congrats on the PR! Feel better!
6:30pm with Whit & Lauren
C&J 195-205-215-227*-235*
The jerk was a bit wobbly on both PR lifts, but I don’t think it was enough of a press-out for me to throw them away. Happy that the 235 clean went up with not much struggle. NFT work happened, got to cruise on those newfangled smooth Rogue bikes for a while…
128 Did something weird with my feet. Not quite a split jerk and not quite a push jerk. Lynsey said it looked more like a dance- but NOT a graceful dance so I redid it.
128- only cleaned it. It felt heavy so I just dropped the bar.
133 only cleaned it
133 PR match from Dec 2016- pre injury. FINALLY!!
NFT: three rounds