Sumo Deadlift
All sets should be heavy, ending with heavy singles.
Post loads to comments.
5 Rounds for Time:
5 Burpees
7 Hang Power Snatches 115/80
5 Burpees
Rest 1 minute between rounds. Score fastest and slowest rounds.
Post time and Rx to comments.
CFSBK Individual Open Leaderboard: Final Results
Congrats to everyone who participated in the 2018 Pleasure Cave… uh… we mean… the CrossFit Open! Below are the final rankings for the top 20 women and men at the gym, along with their points and Northeast Regional ranking.
1. Coach KHarpz: 14 (#172 NE)
2. Coach Melo: 28 (#323 NE)
3. Coach Jess: 33 (#316 NE)
4. Erika M.: 36 (#429 NE)
5. Coach JB: 37 (#458 NE)
6. Morgan N.: 38 (#434 NE)
7. Coach Whit: 41 (#409 NE)
8. Jessica E.: 45 (#531 NE)
9. Katie E.: 46 (#501 NE)
10. Steph M.: 49 (#587 NE)
11. Sarah C.: 64 (#987 NE)
12. Kayleigh R.: 82 (#1385 NE)
13. Charlie N.: 89 (#1607 NE)
14. Allie B.: 103 (#2215 NE)
15. Kelly L.: 112 (#2383 NE)
16. Toni S.: 119 (#2903 NE)
17. Kate W.: 120 (#2700 NE)
18. Asha B.: 132 (#3096 NE)
19. Rachel H.: 134 (#3007 NE)
20. Allie C.: 144 (#3161 NE)
The Women’s North East Region has about 14,497 athletes!
1. Phil S.: 7 (#105 NE)
2. Coach Brett: 14 (#287 NE)
3. Chris L.: 39 (#1000 NE)
4. Dan L.: 53 (#1308 NE)
5. Jake L.: 61 (#1301 NE)
5. Greg Carlson: 61 (#1534 NE)
7. James F.: 64 (#1521 NE)
8. Pierre D.: 65 (#1562 NE)
9. Lucas G.: 77 (#1818 NE)
9. Dylan K.: 77 (#1953 NE)
11. Coach Keith: 90 (#1932 NE)
11. Mark G.: 90 (#1979 NE)
13. Brad D.: 93 (#2168 NE)
14. Coach Fox: 96 (#2172 NE)
15. James W.: 109 (#2531 NE)
16. Brendan W.: 117 (#2823 NE)
17. Greg Cohan: 129 (#3169 NE)
18. Andy S.: 130 (#3249 NE)
19. Christian R.: 131 (#2762 NE)
20. Jason M.: 146 (#3326 NE)
The Men’s North East Region has about 16,078 athletes!
Some fun facts: Jessica E. (aka Eggs) finished 7th among law enforcement in the Northeast Region. Team CFSBK ranked #38 in the North East Region. That’s a huge improvement over last year’s ranking (#78) and our highest placement ever. Give yourselves a hand! 200 of you registered for the 2018 Open. Thanks for taking part and bringing awesome energy to the gym every weekend!
Check out the full CFSBK affiliate leaderboard here!
News and Notes
- Today is the last day to get your Post-Challenge Submissions to us!
- Farewell party/drinks for Coach Melo, Alex, and Lily will be this Saturday at 4pm at Pig Beach on Union St. All are welcomed!
- We’ll be screening the newly released The Redeemed and the Dominant: Fittest on Earth this Friday night after Open Gym. See the event page for details!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
An Open Letter to Those Who Need to Lose Weight CrossFit Journal
The Redeemed and the Dominant Is CrossFit’s Most Emotional Documentary Yet BarBend
I’m really excited to see the Redeemed and the Dominant! I’m fascinated by the use of PEDs especially after watching the film “Icarus”—> (Thanks, Sasha!)
It seems like “doping” is extremely common in the world of professional sports (particularly the olympics) and there are so many ways to get around it. Considering how lax CrossFit is with drug testing, comparatively to the olympics… I wonder how many top athletes are using these drugs (in the off-season, etc.)
See ya Friday!
I second this! Also, last year’s documentary was SO GOOD. Excited for Friday!
I have been accused of doping by the editor of this very blog. Given my (ahem) performance in this year’s Open, he must think that I would really, really, really suck at Crossfit without them.
Or he may have just accused me of being a dope. I don’t read things very carefully . . ..
I only repeatedly accused you of doping to take up space, so I didn’t have to write more. That’s Journalism 101.
I watched this year’s doc and I can tell you (without spoiling too much) that they address it, but in my opinion not enough for you to say “oh yeah, clearly everyone else is clean”. I’ll try to show up Friday and watch it again 😀
7am GROUP CLASS w/Ro & Brett
Sumo DLs w/Kirby & Jaime: 135×5, 155×5, 175×3, 185×3, 195, 205 – 205 felt so easy, probably have another 10-20# for a true max effort. Never really have done heavy sumo DLs before. The sets for reps felt weird and clunky, but kinda figured it out by end I guess?
Modified WOD: 7 squat thrusts, 14 DB DLs @ 35#, 7 squat thrusts
Slowest 1:04, fastest (last round!) :54 – not doing full burpees was really disorienting.
7am w/ Brett + Ro
Ditto, Kate! Sumo deadlifts: 135×5, 155×5, 175×3, 185×3, 195×1, 205×1 (a lil 2# PR!). Also felt easy. Want MORE!
WOD at 63#: fastest :51, slowest 1:03. My slowest was my first round (as advised!), but my fastest was I think my 3rd. Although I only got slower by a second or two for the last two rounds. Fun one!
7am with Brett + Ro
YAY for partnering with Kate and Kirby! So glad to have Kate back in action 🙂
Same weights and reps mentioned above, but I failed 205# and sat there in awe as I watched K+K pull it with ease. Sumo citrus is my jam, sumo stance is not! Every rep felt v uncomfortable and foreign and grindy and I was not here for it. But, I liked that it was programmed because I’ve got to get used to being uncomfortable.
WOD with 72#, scaled volume to 5 hang power snatches. Fastest 0:50 (third and fifth round), slowest 1:00 (first round). My hands hurt.
7:30pm AG yesterday
DU practice was interesting – no breakthrough during the drills, but a big breakthrough during the workout. I realized that there’s a slower pace of DUs that I can maintain for longer without tripping. I also tried to make my wrists move a bit more instead of rotating the rope with my whole arm.
Metcon was fun, first time running for calories (wasn’t too bad). Push-ups disappeared when I got to 40ish of them.
8am group class today (just for the metcon!)
1:15 (slow) / 1min (fast) Rx
Those 115lb hang snatches got *real* in the middle rounds. I started with full volume, had to back down to 5 reps for rounds 3 and 4, then went back to 7 reps for the final round. That 1min rest was not enough.
9am short circuit
24min metcon circuit!
– Burpee race with Paul (I always instigate, then lose on burpee races)
– 45s of KB swings gets really cardio for me
– DB OH holds weren’t too bad today, despite my shoulders being fatigued
– After 3 classes in 12h, I had almost no energy by the end of this
Holy smokes, Daniel! So much fitness 🙂
10 am | Brett
Sumo Deadlifts all by myself:
225×5 / 285×5
315×3 / 345×3
365×1 / 375×1 (PR’s)
Happy with this considering I thought I’d tap out at 330#…
Then the metcon happened:
1:26 (slow) / 1:05 (fast) RX
115lb hang snatches got heavy. This workout owned me.
Looking forward to Friday night 🙂
Congrats on the PR! Those snatches were surprisingly heavy to me.
Woo! Pretty relieved the open is over! I managed to stay “one and done” this year, even though I debated redoing a couple of the workouts. Was happy with my first effort on all of them and mostly was just too sore or unwilling to suffer to do better on a re-do! I learned a lot about myself over the past five weeks and am charged up with ideas about how to move forward from here.
While I didn’t achieve my stretch goal (top 300 women in the NE region… a “goal” totally outside my control), I’m really happy with the progress I made from last year on several fronts.
I finished about the same on the leaderboard… 402 last year, 421 this year (top 2.9%) I think it keeps getting updated even since these numbers were posted this morning and we’re all getting pushed back a bit 😉 But my scores tell me an interesting story…
Last year best placement: 350 (17.2, the one with bar muscle ups)
Worst: 824 (17.5, the one with thrusters)
This year best placement: 194 (18.2)
Worst: 1629 (18.2a)!!!
Obviously, this makes me wonder if I should’ve just gone a bit slower on 18.2 and tried to actually (squat) clean in weightlifting shoes in 18.2a. Oh well.
I also had two more scores UNDER 350 on the leaderboard this year (18.1 and 18.3). So the things that I worked on this season (aerobic capacity/endurance, gymnastic skill – BMU, RMU, TTB, thruster/high rep sqt tolerance) markedly improved. But the tradeoff is that I wasn’t ready for the heavy DL (one of my least favorite things, coupled with a movement I haven’t been training -HSPU) or the heavy clean under fatigue. yowza. Excited for what’s next 🙂
I’d also like to bring everyone’s attention to the fact that the SBK WOMEN are CRUSHING IT! The top 10 women on our leaderboard all finished in the top 600 (top 4%) in our region! And last I checked Coach MeLo and Coach Jess were both in the top 50 women in the 35-39 masters division for the NE! It was a fun year to push and be pushed.
Taking the next 2-3 weeks as a “deload,” even though I’m super fired up. Going to focus on quality movement, having FUN, getting outside a bit more as the weather improves, etc.
Took short circuit today and had a blast as always!
:45 kb swings (24-27 reps, 16kg russian) / :15 rest
:30 hollow hold (mature, unbroken) / :30 rest
:45 wall balls (14#, 9′ – 23-24 reps each unbroken) / :15 rest
:30 DB OH hold (25, then 35# ea) / :30 rest
:45 burpees (13-17 reps) / :15 rest
:30 plank toe taps (14-16) / :30 rest
A. Back Squat- Heavy single @30X0
235 x 1, 255 x 1, 275 x F, 265 x 1
Haven’t back squatted since November so this felt unfamiliar. Excited to see where I can take this.
B. Assault Bike- 10 mins for cals @ hard effort.
119 cal
This was a suck-fest and took a lot of willpower.
C. 15 mins row @2.22 split
Wow. You are amazing!!!
Enjoying me some group fitness!!! Couldn’t wait to try out the sumo deads I haven’t gone for a single in like…..5 years. But I have been doing metcons every so often at 185/155 for the past year so I feel very comfortable with the lift
185×5, 215×5, 245×3, 275×3, 295×1, 305×1(Fx2)
Fried! If I was more comfortable with the lift it would’ve been there. Holy F this was a blast. I felt so skrong.
WOD: @83#
Didn’t feel like doing all of the extra bar math so just threw on the 25s. Felt good. Still a little heavy for me to throw this around but it felt good when I focused. I failed a snatch in the last round! Haha fell behind. Was trying the hip bounce hang thing which is still awkward and it fell behind. I’ll get it soon!
Cashout: 4×1 mile on rogue echo bike! Smoooooove as a baby’s bottom. Great air distribution from the fan. Very quiet. Listen to the engine #purrrrr
Well…THAT escalated quickly
Write a number. ANY number and you win.
Feeling so excited about the future of CrossFit! I feel like I’m over the sophomore slump and now I’m a Junior 🙂
Decided I need to make strength gains (especially lower body) before next year’s open.
Started today with some fun accessory work including a deadlift wave that was really fun— all with a 3 sec tempo.
Then did group class intending to take it easy.
205×1– pr 🙂
Then went light on the snatches in an effort to move weight well—52#
That was fun!
This is going to be a long one bc I haven’t posted since Thursday. Been posting daily on BTWB so got a little behind on here.
Side note- left my black stainless steel water bottle with a gray lid in 608 on Monday. It wasn’t in the lost and found today so if anyone sees it or grabbed it by accident, please put it in the lost and found for me 🙂
MeLo!! So sad to see you and Alex and Lily go, but it sounds like a once in a lifetime opportunity! MeLo is one of the most humble, kind and calm people I know and obviously an insanely good coach and CrossFitter with an engine like I’ve never seen. Going to miss you all and wish you the best! Sad I won’t be able to make it to your going away party.
Also want to add the fact that Noah opened his own gym, McDowell is managing a gym, and now MeLo has her own gym is a testament to David’s leadership! Can’t forget to add that so many coaches have become specialists which allows for such unique classes. Literally could not live anywhere else and go to a different CF gym.
Sumo Deadlift:
Still had more in me.
WOD: Cycling snatches irritates my thumb so kept it light at 63# which ended up being the perfect weight considering the volume.
:59, 1:00, :58, 1:00, :57
First two rounds of snatches felt crappy so asked Lauren for some feedback and they instantly felt better when I made a change.
Jackie Rx’d in 9:19
Row: 4:34
Thrusters: 30-10-10 (or maybe 30-11-9)
Pullups: 7-7-7(or 8), then another larger set and then I don’t recall
If my quads weren’t so sore from 18.5 probably could have pushed the row more. It would have been a rest day but wasn’t able to make it in on Tuesday and wanted to see if I’ve improved. Next time will push the row a bit more and will start with a set of 25 thrusters instead of 30 bc my shoulders were fried for pullups.
90 Reps Rx’d
Did C2B in sets of 3 through the round of 12, then they fell a part in the round of 15 and had to go to singles. I had planned on changing to switch grip at this point but completely forgot. Oh well.
Open Recap:
My worst workout was 18.2. I thought it was only used as a tiebreaker for the clean so when I got no repped 8-10 times on the burpees, I continued. Didn’t realize until the next day that my time for that part counted….but also didn’t care enough to redo it because I PR’d my clean by 7# and felt that moment couldn’t be replicated. I hit 4 lifts and 2 PR’s in only two minutes after all that work with some awesome people cheering me on!
Last year I was 1897 in the Northeast and this year I was 2424 so def took a step back! I did my first HSPU and BMU in the Open TWO years ago and haven’t made much improvement in certain areas since then which is kind of depressing.
I have to remember that one year ago I couldn’t even cut with a knife because I lost the ability to grip with my thumb on my right hand. It was pretty scary. After seeing Whit’s IG post about not doing HSPUs for a year it made me realize that I made the right decision about some changes I made in my training since my neck/shoulder/thumb injury in Dec 2016. This included not doing kipping HSPUs like Whit. They hurt my neck, my shoulder, and my thumb when I kip them (strict is fine). Thank you for that post Whit because I’m going to continue NOT doing them this year unless I have an ab mat and my neck and shoulder and thumb are feeling ok. It’s not worth it to risk further injury. Despite rarely kipping them for an entire year, I still got 17 HSPUs in18.4, which is 16 more than I got in the Open in 2016. So there that. Instead of being disappointed in my performance, I’m going to focus on the fact that I’m about 98% pain-free bc I’ve worked so hard at strengthening my upper body this last year, I know how to stretch and deal with my shoulder and thumb when they act up, and I know which movements to scale or avoid to prevent further injury.
Now onto Iron Maidens 🙂
If you made it this far, sorry for the poor grammar and the typos, too tired to proofread.
7:30p w/Keith
15 easy mins on the new bikes before class.
First time doing sumo 83×5 105×5 125×3 135×3 140×1 150×1
These felt great and 150 moved well – could have gone heavier and will next time.
#42 in the WOD – these were light and manageable. Don’t really like doing snatches in this format because I’m not super confident w/the movement. I didn’t note my times, but happy with the pace and how much my burpees have improved since starting CF.