The 4th Annual Iron Maidens Raw Open: Register Today!
Hosted by CrossFit South Brooklyn
Saturday, June 2, 2018 from 9:00am to 6pm
Squat, Bench Press, Deadlift
You are invited to test your one-rep maxes in a women-only environment of badassery. Compete for awesome prizes and cheer on female feats of strength. This meet is open to all women; you do not need to be a member of CrossFit South Brooklyn to participate. We have space for 60 participants, so sign up soon!
All lifters will have three attempts to lift one maximal rep, in the following order, for:
1. Back Squat
2. Bench Press
3. Deadlift
The sum of the heaviest successful attempts will constitute each lifter’s Total. For each weight class, a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place will be awarded to the highest Totals.
Weight classes: 123lbs and under; 132lbs and under; 148lbs and under; 165lbs and under; Over 165lbs
All ages are welcome.
Iron Maidens Stay Strong Scholarship
For the 3rd year in a row, we are thrilled to continue our partnership with Grace Outreach, a Bronx based nonprofit that works with women to further their education and gain financial independence. Through competitors’ fundraising efforts, the annual Iron Maidens Stay Strong Scholarship assists low-income women in paying for their college tuition.
In 2017, competitors raised $35,000 in scholarship money. In total, we have raised over $65,000, and supported 10 women pursuing a higher education. We hope to match or exceed last year’s incredible show of support.
Entry Fee: $60 for non-CFSBK members; $50 for CFSBK members.
Includes: Eligibility for prizes, and a t-shirt.
Registration Deadline: April 27, 2018
Cancellation Policy: No refunds will be made after April 27, 2018. If you are not able to compete, please notify the Meet Director as soon as possible.
Competition Rules and Regulations can be found here.
Submit required additional registration information here.
Please visit our blog for more information, stories, and updates.
Questions? Want to get on the waitlist? Contact Meet Director Margie Lempert at margie [at]
News and Notes
- Come out to the gym tonight from 5:30 to 8pm for the 5th and final Friday Night Lights event of the Open. Go HERE to sign up for a heat!
- Missing something? Be sure to check out the results of our latest lost and found dump, and be sure to claim your stuff at the front desk!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Clean | Handstand Walking
In NAFTA Talks, US Tries to Limit Junk Food Labels NY Times
CrossFit Athlete Emily Abbott Athlete Daily
Saturday’s Programming
Open Workout 18.5
AMRAP 7 Minutes:
3 Thrusters100/65 lb
3 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
6 Thrusters 100/65 lb
6 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
9 Thrusters 100/65 lb
9 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
12 Thrusters 100/65 lb
12 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
15 Thrusters 100/65 lb
15 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
18 Thrusters 100/65 lb
18 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
This is a timed workout. If you complete the round of 18, go on to 21. If you complete 21, go on to 24, etc.
Post total reps and Rx to comments.
No Iron Maidens for me this year. (I always have to travel for work that weekend.) I has a sad. 🙁
It really is the most incredible atmosphere! Sign up, ladies!
Same…so bummed.
Oh hey! That’s me! Registration is LIVE! Sign up ASAP- this will sell out quickly.
This is inspiring on the last day of the Open –
I can do that.
Cleans up to 95 just stayed there cause I needed to clean these up. Whit fixed my start position which I think made all the difference. Needed to have my butt higher. Looking back on the video it definitely made the start look less potatoey and therefore the rest look less potatoey. Felt more consistency here.
Lots of slapping myself in the face before the handstands. Reptile brain standing down more quickly. Did some middle of the room balancing, thanks for the spot Snickers!
Then Brett tried to kill us in short circuit. Wall ball Tabata might be the worst thing ever, especially when paired with the other 5 tabatas. Was trying to decide which was the worst final movement and I think I’m gonna go with the bear crawl plate drags (funnily enough this was my final movement). Lotsa quad cramping. Well played Brett.
“Brett tried to kill us in short circuit.”
this is making me laugh uncontrollably
7am with Lauren doing 18.6
Got 87 reps doing the scaled version. Feel pretty happy with that and with my pacing. Stuck to the rep scheme I wanted: 3s and 6s unbroken, 9s in 5/4, 12s in 5/4/3, and 15s in 6/5/4. Would have been nice to eke out those last few reps to finish the round, but I was happy regardless. I can’t wait to watch everyone crush this! I CAN wait to do the LFPB challenge benchmark test Monday…more thrusters ugh!
Last night 6:30 with Whit and Lauren
Worked to a new power clean PR at 97 but failed at 102 twice. The bad kind of fail where I just didn’t get under it. So mental. I need to get this by the end of April! On a plus note, kicking up to a handstand is getting better. I’m not terrified upsidedown any more. Would be nice to have this integrated with group class more beyond this cycle.
7am w/ JB doing Thursday
Partnered w/ my girl Jaime for the power cleans and we worked up to 123#, which I hit twice (the first time it was weird/bad). This was my 1RM squat clean until 18.2, when I discovered I could power clean it. Felt good today!
Spent the remainder of class doing some handstands and practicing chest-to-bar pull-ups for tomorrow.
…And then I registered for IM!! Last year I came to the gym for group class on the day of the meet and had major FOMO…super excited to be a part of it this year.
(now sign up for strength cycle!!!!)
Wishing so badly I could do Iron Maidens! I will be at a bachelorette party in Savannah. So polar opposite of becoming one day fitter. I’m about to be that age where wedding season is every season. Oh well, hoping I can participate next year!
Came here to just echo Kirby’s post – we did the exact same work today! Wanted to hit 135# – I got it during 18.2, but it was the ugliest power clean of all time (legitimately surprised I didn’t injure myself) and I wanted redemption. But doubling up at 123# felt right after some weird elbow action on my first attempt.
Those chest to bar pullups are no joke! I experimented with a chin up grip and mixed grip which are just WEIRD to kip with. I loved watching Toni and Sacha kill it this morning on 18.5. I think I’m going to copy Toni’s strategy of doing fast singles.
So happy to do Iron Maidens again this year! Last year was my first experience and I just had the best time ever. I got a few of my climbing pals to come cheer-
they were crackin’ beers and cheering everyone on, and they’re really pumped to come again this year 🙂 Such an empowering event.
7am with Lauren. Saturdays WOD.
Man, the Open is a weird thing. This is my second open, and it’s crazy to see the improvements and new skills I have gained. During the open I definitely felt a lot of mixed feelings. I was hard on my self, disappointed at times, I was happy and I was proud. It’s crazy how “working out” can really mentally mess with you.
I enjoyed Bretts articles, so honest and super relatable. Especially the first post. Having certain expectations, and being my worst own critic. “Nothing is ever good enough”. Wanting to always be better. Its human to feels those emotions, as athletes I think if we didn’t feel them just a little we wouldn’t be able to push our selves further and get those first push-ups, pull-ups and/or muscles ups.
After completing 18.5 I am super happy and excited to put my new skills into practice. I did not have any goals to finish anywhere specific on leaderboards, (I didn’t even look at them) I just wanted to improve from last year. I did, I can now do Double Unders unbroken. I can now do kipping pull-ups, and I just did 31 reps of chest to bar pull-ups, so I guess I now have those too.
This open ended up being a win for me personally. At times I thought I sucked at CrossFit and was going back to my SoulCycle ways. Thats not the case, CrossFit is my new obsession. I am super excited to learn more skills in this next year 🙂
But anyway, I’ll get back to work before i’m caught on this too long!
18.5 – 76reps
If you are on the fence about Iron Maidens.. go for it! One of the best days at the gym all year!! I’ll be traveling that weekend also, cheering you all on from afar.
9am Short Circuit, haven’t hit this class in a while and so very missed it. Sweat, sweat, sweat – my own personal dark place after the tabata squat with ‘rest’ at the bottom (whoa thanks Brett)!
10am Class, found myself with extra time, who knew??
18.5 Scaled – (82 total reps) 7 chin over bar pull ups into 15. Super fun, going in I just wanted to finish the 12’s, two movements I <3
7 am with JB
I was all over the place today. Janet videoed a couple cleans for me so I could see what was happening when I did do or didn’t do what I should do. Every lift felt different so it was hard to hone in and correct anything and yet, I hit a PR – 100# and it was a power clean and so there’s more there once I get my stuff together. (Once? If?)
Then walked on my hands some. Not as solid as last week. I wasn’t kicking up with enough umph. Still, I walked some. Also practiced getting my chest to the bar. It’s good to know in advance that I’ll use a switch grip. Looking forward to gathering some awesomeness from those of you FNLing it tonight so I’m primed for tomorrow morning!
Just finished 18.5 and left Friday Night Lights.
1) I’m really going to miss doing a big group workout on Friday nights. I loved having it to look forward to at the end of the week. It kept me from eating pizza for lunch with my colleagues, too, which is an every Friday occurrence.
2) I’d love to organize a big hero WOD every friday at OG. Would anyone be interested??? I love having Saturday’s for strongfit, short circuit, AR, AG Strength, accessory work, etc… since I can spend many hours at the gym. Just a thought!!!
3) I am very proud of how I fared in the open. All my gymnastics work paid off. Now I just need to get stronger! (1 rep shy of finishing the round of 15)
4) Toni is an absolute beast. She literally just got pull-ups and totally kicked ass in this workout. Toni, you really inspire me. Thanks for being my judge!
5) My lungs still burn 1.5 hours later. I just dipped my toe in the entrance of the pain cave. I want to get better at allowing myself to fully submerge. I could have gotten a few more reps…
6) I’d also like to shout out Asha, Klove, Shawn, Katie, Grisellle, Whit, etc for being so supportive. Everyone who attended FNL, really. Such a great, positive, and encouraging way to end the work week. I LOVE CFSBK!!
Good luck and good job, everyone!!! Thanks for organizing, Brett!
Would be down to do Hero WODs.
I would especially love to do the female Hero WODs, Jenny and White. The vast majority of Hero WODs are male, and I would like to make sure to remember the women that are giving their lives for my freedoms.
Yaaas thank you Corey
I’m very happy the open is over. Not only was it a test physically, but it was also a test of character. I’ve excepted in the last few years that a problem with my character is my own toxic masculinity, and this open tested that every week. Every time a workout was announced, I knew I couldn’t even do one of the movements, and that made me mentally feel weak as a man. Honestly, it made me not want to come into the gym because mentally I was defeated before even getting there. A win was showing up, so there is that. I understand that this stuff takes time, and that in time I will get these movements, but as a fucking dude who LOVES to compete and compete at a high level, this was soul crushing. I’m still on the ropes of if I should or shouldn’t have done the team competition as well. Forcing myself to go RX had benefits. I made some lifts and weights that I haven’t done before, but leaving each week having only technically done a few reps burned my soul. I’m not even in a bad mood or looking for a pity party, I’m just thinking about how as a first timer, I might have went at this wrong. I don’t know. I know I didn’t love the open. There were moments that I did. I had more fun watching than competing. I knew my holes well before this, so it’s not like I learned anything from it.
But I think I would do it again this way? I don’t know. That’s where I’m struggling. Need to process this shit some more.