WOD 3.21.18
20 Minutes Not for Rounds:
Row 300m
10 Alternating Heavy Dumbbell Snatches
Single-Arm Farmerβs Carry (down and back, each side)
15 Supine Leg Raises (4-2-4 tempo)
The tempo for the leg4 seconds down, 2 seconds hold at top, 4 seconds lift. Rest as needed at top.
Post work to comments.
Front Squat
Warm up and work up to a heavy single for the day.
Post loads to comments.
As we mentioned in Monday’s post, Robert C. has been doing some really fun stuff with data pulled from the Games leaderboard. First thing’s first: the chart above shows that close to 90% of you did 18.4 as Rx’d. That’s awesome. It’s what the Open is all about! The gym collectively lifted 854,310 pounds or 427 tons, which is about five and a half Space Shuttle Endeavours (OV-105). Hell yeah. Robert also created this cool chart showing the falloff from round to round. “You can see that the two most significant blockers were the first round of Handstand Push-Ups followed by the first set of heavy Deadlifts,” Robert says.
Swole Hearts: The End of the Challenge
By Chris Fox
The 2018 Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge is coming to a close, and we couldn’t be prouder of all the positive changes that took place among so many of you. Great work! Recently we asked the question, “What’s one small thing that you’re proud for doing over the past 10 or so weeks?” on the LFPBC private Facebook group page, and the replies spoke volumes. Here’s a sampling:
- “I cut out refined sugar and now I no longer crave it. I slayed my sugar demon!”
- “I have a way better relationship with food and drinking and making good choices, as well as breaking the binge/ deprive cycle.”
- “I now feel like I understand food and how it affects my energy. Having an extra snack before the gym makes working out feel less like murder. Who knew?”
- “Small realizations, such as needing to get protein in at breakfast and lunch or else I’d get super hungry and indulge at dinner, have made a world of difference!”
- “I lost like 12 pounds without being hungry, which is crazy, stopped drinking wine with dinner every day and all but killed a lot of intense cravings I used to have for unhealthy things. My co-worker kept telling me, and other people, how ‘boring’ she thought I was for not eating chocolate and cookies with her every afternoon during tea time and for bringing my own lunch instead of ordering in. So I also feel better about resisting stupid peer pressure!”
- “A small but useful change has been packing snacks to get me through the workday. It’s really helped me cut down on the mid-afternoon coffee and pastry combo.”
- “Strategic indulgence: If I want an ice cream then wait for Ample Hills Trip and not just buy any store ice cream sandwich. Cheat days became one item off in one meal in two weeks.”
- “I’ve made consistently healthy choices, especially with getting workouts in when it’s the last thing I want to do.”
- “In the past, I’ve definitely been in the camp of “if I can’t stay on track for a week, I might as well not try at all…ever”. In addition to eating healthier and drinking less feeling just…normal and habitual, I’ve also noticed that I’m much less prone to emotional food choices — i.e. I’m not as tempted anymore to “reward” myself for good, bad, and hard days with copious amounts of melted cheese, wine, or both!”
You guys make our hearts swell, or “swole,” as one LFPBCer suggested. So proud!
If you participated in the Challenge, don’t forget to complete theΒ Post-Challenge Submission, which is due nextΒ Wednesday, March 28th.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
How to Cheat at HSPU CrossFit Games
What Is My Dog? The Outline
7am with Ro and Brett
Glad to just be movin’ around during the WOD. Practiced snatches with a 40# DB to calm my anxiety about 18.5’s inevitable heavy DB work (calling it now!).
Front squats: 145×1, 155×1, 165×1. That’s a 10# PR since I last tested in August! Can I add that as one thing I’m proud of from the LFPB challenge? As I said yesterday- not many physical changes for me, but I can DEFINITELY tell my performance at the gym has been kicked up a notch. Thanks for organizing, Coach Fox!
Speaking of which- since it’s a snow day, I stole Kirby after class and asked if she could help me work on getting a kipping pull-up. She gave me some awesome tips (if there’s anyone’s form you wanna emulate, it’s hers!) and gosh darnit after 10 mins I got 6 kipping pull ups in a row! What really helped me was doing a strict pull up first, to really set an expectation of how “high” I have to pull myself. After I did the strict pull up, something clicked and I got a big enough kip to do the damn thing several times over. Also her cue of *pushing* the bar away as I come down was super helpful.
Thank you so much, Kirby! So excited to practice these.
Six effortless, beautiful kipping pull ups in a row! Congrats Jaime!!!
THIS WAS SO AWESOME TO WATCH!!! I had no doubt you’d be able to do it and I’m so proud of you. It’s been awesome to see you come so far, so fast! You inspire me with your determination…and your superwoman strength π
Legitimately could not be making this progress if I wasn’t pushed and encouraged by you both! <3
So awesome! Congrats on a monster gym morning – lots of hard work definitely paying off. You rocked those squats!
NICE, JAIME! Wish I’d been there to see it!
Nice work! (It was kind of fun teasing you about how easily you did your farmers carry with 75 lbs – fast, smiling, chatting along the way!)
Congrats Jaime! Those first connected kipping pull-ups are a wonderful milestone, and the “push away from the bar at the top” (instead of just falling) is a great cue! (until you want to learn how to do butterfly)
That’s awesome, Jaime! Congrats!
You steadfast OG folks are another breed. Working out alone is terrible and sad and I don’t wish it on anyone!!!
Warm up:
25c no-arms AB
Crossover symmetry – internal/external rotation + rows
Hip openers + good mornings w/15# bar
HBBS: 135x5x3
HAHAH wasn’t this just recently my ~*easy*~ 10rm?? Wow the leggies lose their mojo quick. Still readjusting to high bar & definitely hitting a deeper squat.
Modified today’s 20min NFT:
10c ab
8e single arm strict press @ 15#
farmers carry down & back @ 24kg
10 supine tempo leg raises (spicy!!!)
Did about 4 rounds + some chatting with Jaime & Kirby.
I’ll come by to chat too! I’m often looking for low impact ways to procrastinate leaving the gym and going to work!
If you’re coming tomorrow morning, I’ll be there. Let’s chat ‘n’ gab!
7am w/ Brett + Ro
Grateful for a NFT workout after yesterday! I did two rounds total (plus one extra row). For the snatches, 35# then 40# DB, and for the carries, green then red KB. On the row I kept my split around 2:10. I actually really liked the tempo leg raises! Core stuff is fun.
FSQ with Vanessa and Jen: 115×1, 120×1, 125×1. Kept it light today and just worked on cleaning up my form. Felt good!
7:20 – 3 mile run to the gym. Snow just started and I wept. I was born in Erie PA and snow there is insane. Then I had a glorious lifetime in NC where snow was rare. Now Iβm back in the north. This is the definition of masochism I think.
8:00 group
Those tempo leg raises were no joke.
Front squats were
190 PR
Hung around for short circuit and had low energy for it. Def didnβt give it my all.
8 AM class with Doug at Mousetrap Fitness in Orlando, FL. No snow.
Today’s class was a choice of Power: a 10 min AEMOM with
6 deadlifts + 10 pullups/8 ring dips or a speed workout . Went with Powah (duh).
Followed by optional open gym for the remainder of the hour.
I did the deads at 185# and scaled to 6 pullups and 8 pushups. All
the pull-ups unbroken.
Used the open gym to do the front squats, which I was psyched about
6×45, 6×95, 6×125, 3×135, 1×155, 1×165, 1×175 (95% of my 1RM).
Coaches quote of the day: “I’d demo that, but then I’d have to get on the floor.”
Also – small plug! Friday night, a few pals and I are sleeping on the street near Times Square in solidarity with homeless youth for an organization called Covenant House. I’m gonna wake up on the pavement and then waltz on into the gym to do 18.5 πππ
If anyone would like to donate to my team’s fundraiser, please do so here! https://sleepout.donordrive.com/participant/jaimec
7am today!
NFT work was super; got through nearly 3 rounds. Kept the rows consistent at a 1:50 – 1:54 pace. Built to 35# on the snatches which felt… actually good? I was surprised how well these moved. Definite progress, hooray! Used a handle for the first time which I found FAR easier to hang onto than a KB, grip is always a limiter for me. Will file that away.
FSQ with Jaime (BEAST MODE) and Sacha, who both PR’d! So fun cheering them on. I worked up to 150# which was plenty for today; my back is better-ish but still not quite right. Savin’ it for whatever db-thruster cage match we have in store this weekend.
I told you! Those snatches looked great!
Apparently, some data landed after my last tabulation and we got shortchanged as a result. The new, official tally for how much weight was lifted by CFSBKers in 18.4 is…………….1,003,090lbs!
At ~500 tons, we lifted about 1/30th the weight of the Brooklyn Bridge.
So there’s that.
Sorry for the woeful inaccuracy. I’m gonna go back to counting snowflakes.
Open workout 18.5 will be a chose your own adventure!!!! 3 options will be presented tomorrow the 22nd at 3pm PT and you will have 2 hours to vote!
Not sure if everyone saw the latest Open gimmick – there’s going to be a vote tomorrow on what 18.5 will be (among 3 options). Voting goes from 6pm to 8pm.
9am short circuit
– tried to keep up with Kayleigh during 45s of burpees. Almost died.
– contralateral lateral strength work was super interesting, a mix of balance and strength.
10am group class
Metcon was fun, short circuit followed by a NFT is always great.
– Farmers carry up to 165lb
– DB snatch up to 80lbs (woof!)
– rows in a nice slow pace;
– leg raises were not as bad as I thought, but had to break them up in 5/5.
Front squat 225-245-260*
That was a 5lb PR, and it felt great, felt like there were another 10 or 15 lbs.
I will never, ever try to keep up with Kayleigh on burpees.
Yay snow day Short Circuit!
Haha I appreciate how we both realized we were racing on the burpees without saying a word. Quite a push!
Tuesday doing Wednesday’s class:
Nice mix of movements to focus on good form and get a little sweaty.
FSQ: 123×5, 153×3, 173, 193, 203, 213F
I think my PR is 210, so certainly not disappointed here.
Today’s snow day meant some bonus short circuit fitness. Fun scaling up some movements (like 24″ box jumps and 20# WB) and racing Daniel with burpees.
A little AG inspired bonus fitness after (thanks Ro)
4 rounds:
500m row or skierg – alternated each round
5 T2B
10 push-ups
10 alt. DB squat snatches (35#)
7 am with Brett and Ro
I did three rounds of the warm up minus one row. Worked up to a set of 10 35# snatches but they were not pretty and I took some time before every left side lift but better than not at all. 75# farmers carry – easier on my non-dominant side. Why? Must be that this has a lot to do with bracing, which happens more on the opposite side of the implement or something like that. I’ll ask next time!
FS – Did a single at 115 and it came up fine but felt a little mushy at the bottom. Went for 120 and bailed. Brett said my knees caved – not my usual issue. Ohz Wellz – 125 is my PR and I think it’s still in me with better focus.
I would love to hear someone with knowledge talk about typical weakness in skills. So like Shawn C spoke about caving knees, but I don’t think that is ever my problem. My problem normally is elbows down and folding at the back. To me it seems like the “smaller” problems end up being big problems in the overall scheme of things.
I love the write ups on things and would love to hear about how our coaches overcame certain obstacles. I know writing things up involves a lot of mental work and outside the office stuff, but I would love to hear more about the struggles the coaches OR EVEN VET MEMBERS have had. I am happy to talk about my struggles (every movement) until I die.
The struggle is real.
Love trekking to the gym in the snow on a snow day for noon class π Quieter than expected.
NFT: Completed 2.5 rounds, then finished up the third round after class
Rows: kept a pace under 2 minutes on the first, didn’t really pay attention on the rest
Snatches: 40#-45#-50# 50# needs to work. A little wobbly on my feet and need to drop under it. Also had to take my time to set these up.
Farmer carry: 24kg-32kg-32kg
Leg raises: These felt fine bc we did a ton of leg raises in AGS
FSQTs: 145-155-160F
I hit 150 three times at the end of January so thought 160 would be fine. Wasn’t able to keep my chest up and didn’t activate my glutes. Was not going to fight for it so bailed it at the bottom on my way up.
All that NFT work adds up! In January you probably hit your 160 prior to anything other than a warm up.
True, Shawn! Didn’t even think that my 150×3 was when I was fresh. Thanks π
@Corey, that’s a cool idea. Do you mean a coach/athlete writing from their personal perspective about a particular issue or weakness in their training/fitness that they chose to take on and specifically improve? Or more broad than that? I love writing and love talking about my problems, so … …
Morning clients all canceled, so I shifted gears: read and drank coffee in bed with Penny while watching the snow. What a restful luxury! Took my time coming in to workout and jumped in on Brett’s first piece:
30/21 cal row
rest until 3:00 mark each time (all done by 1:20)
rest 3 min
22/15 cal row
rest until 2:00 mark (all done by :50)
rest 3 min
15/10 cal row
rest until 1:00 mark (both done by :28)
-did all these rows with supinated grip, just for fun. and cuz my elbow’s been weird. didn’t feel very different in terms of power/efficiency.
B. wu :2 rds: 5 each box hammy curls, 2 ea TGU 25#, banded hip work
FSQ, to heavy single
35×5, 85×5 @ 31×1
115×3, 135×2, 145, 155, 165
-smooth all around
-superset w/ 4x : 40 sec forearm plank, 8ea SAHP @ 15#, single arm ring row tempo/pause work, and lots of R anterior shoulder/bicep stretching
every :45 for 10 sets:
3 thrusters, adding weight each time. out of a rack.
65, 75, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105, 110, 115, 120#
Brett and I did a competition back in early october and part of that was a 1RM thruster at the end of a WOD. I failed 115 once and eventually hit it, but couldn’t get more. So today was stoked to do 120×3 at the end of this little ditty. training works! π
cooled down with 10 min AB
Yeah! Little problems that took forever to mentally fix. Like with all of my Olympic lifts getting to full extension is a tiny problem that affects the lifts so much! I see people who make lifts look easy and forget that they def had their fair share of problems along the way. Just little reminders that we all have the same problems but can overcome them.
4:30 with Lauren
~3 rounds with 35# db and red kb
Front Squat 45×5 65×3 70×1 72×1
75×1 a 5# PR from December
Im hoping Castro programs a nice and easy NFT for 18.5 π
5:30pm Group Class w/ Coach KVW
Felt great to just move around today
1 Wall Walk
8e High Pulls 12.5lbs (slow tempo)
12 KB Swings 20kg
:30e lateral forearm plank
300m Row: Kept this easy
10t DB Split Snatch: 50×10, 65×10, 80×10
FC: Used the handle for the first one then used the 32kg KB for the rest
Leg Raises: These were easy!
(45×5, 135×3, 165×1) 185×1, 205x1x2
Wasn’t feeling any push today, just worked up to something heavy enough and called it for the squats.
Extra Credit:
TGU Sit-Ups: 16kgx6ex3
Windmills: 16kgx5ex2
4:30 group today!! It was perfect.
warmup: 35# 2x6ea high pulls! Slower down faster up tempo. Coach KEEF did ya hear that?! Couldve kept going too π
NFT work:
carries: 85#
snatches: 50#x10, then 65#x10
row: sloooow
supine leg raises: terrible at these, also slow
Got totally meat headish with those DB snatches. But 50# felt easy and there was no 60# DB so i just went for 165#. Only had one fail with my left arm. Which is definitely harder but once I focused and stopped laughing at myself I was fine. was fun to get a big ol dumbbell up and over my head!
FSQ: 83, 113, 153, 173, 183, 193, 203 (sad fail- i twerked it at the bottom for a bit though so that was funny)
honestly the reason why i failed that is because i have squat anxiety right now. I just get nervous when it starts to feel heavy so i forget how to keep tension. I just plummet to the bottom and twerk. Which is fun and all I guess but I would really like to stop doing that so I can push past some veeeeery very longstanding plateaus. That weight is there. just need to train it more! I think 203 is my all time best squat (who knows, i haven’t tested it in over a year and a half) fun being partnered up with the goon squad karina and matt cohen. we had some good times.
wait, YOU have squat anxiety? that somehow makes me feel better about MY squat anxiety. (i have a lot of it.)