Open Workout 18.4
For Time:
21 Deadlifts 225/155
21 Handstand Push-Ups
15 Deadlifts 225/155
15 Handstand Push-Ups
9 Deadlifts 225/155
9 Handstand Push-Ups
21 Deadlifts 315/205
50′ Handstand Walk
15 Deadlifts 315/205
50′ Handstand Walk
9 Deadlifts 315/205
50′ Handstand Walk
Time Cap: 9 minutes
Masters Men – 185/255 Deadlift, 95# Push Press. and 10 HSPU
Masters Women – 125/165 Deadlift, 65# Push Press, and 10 HSPU
18.4 Scaled
For Time:
21 Deadlifts 135/95
21 Hand Release Push-Ups
15 Deadlifts 135/95
15 Hand Release Push-Ups
9 Deadlifts 135/95
9 Hand Release Push-Ups
21 Deadlifts 185/135
50′ Bear Crawl
15 Deadlifts 185/135
50′ Bear Crawl
9 Deadlifts 185/135
50′ Bear Crawl
Time Cap: 9 minutes
Masters Men – 115/155 Deadlift, HR Push-Ups, and Bear Crawl
Masters Women – 80/105 Deadlift, HR Push-Ups. and Bear Crawl
Week 4. Here we go!. 18.4 presents a few logistical challenges and a new HSPU standard, along with never before seen movements for both the Rx’d and Scaled divisions! Please be sure to read and review all the links below to familiarize yourself with all versions of the workout.
Workout Description
Movement Standards
Post time and Rx to comments.
Jessica E. contributes 1 of 13,963 reps from CFSBK women in 18.3
18.3 By The Numbers
CFSBK photographer and practitioner of advanced Excel sorcery Robert C. crunched some numbers, and based on your scores that have been submitted to the CrossFit Open website, CFSBKers completed 38,821 reps in Open Workout 18.3.That’s a lot! Nice work, everyone.
In 18.1, we did 66,801 reps, and in 18.2, we did 18,209. Good luck to everyone adding to those numbers today!
Repetition is the Mother of All Learning Breaking Muscle
Can Anyone Challenge Mathew Fraser? CrossFit
Alright, Felixdottir here with a 18.4 recap
Still rickity rekt from Wednesday’s workout, posterior chain fried. I had a 70 year old client today reach down to grab the prop I dropped on the floor this morning faster than I could. But to be fair, they are very spry. But, there’s no way I wasn’t gonna partake in deadlift heaven.
18.4 FNL Scaled in 8:29
Actually glad I didn’t sign up for a team because I would have felt the pressure to Rx and attempt HSPU, which are a skill I have no interest in attempting. Maybe when I can hold a handstand in the middle of the room for a respectable amount of time I’ll look into it, but I’ve been cold on any headstand positions since I came out of one badly this summer and panic texted KHarpz from a McDonalds I had hobbled into cause I was 100% certain I had slipped a disk in my neck (spoiler: had a caramel sundae, was fine a week later after a lot of “chinese graston” and k tape but woof tickets).
Anywho, did all the “Diane” deadlifts unbroken, originally considered breaking them up but they felt real light. Push ups I think I did a set of 15 and then 6 and then broke the rest of the rounds in thirds or more?, a reminder of how quickly those body weight skills can disappear. Prolly a little sausagey on the way back up but I find hand release much easier than regular flavor push-ups. Broke 135# up 7,7,7 then 5,5,5 and then unbroken for 9, potentially could have done these in bigger sets or unbroken, but I’m in this body for the rest of my life and I didn’t want to mess with putting myself in a sub-optimal position in touch and go deadlift.
There’s been a lot of hate on the bear crawl as a scaling option. And to be fair you do look like a bit of a prat, but embrace it. Growl a bit. It’s actually surprising how that little bit of inversion messes with your heart rate when you’re not used to it. Tried my best to demonstrate some ursine elegance on the first round (crowd erupted into cheers) and then just waddled through the rest.
I probably rested a little too much and cheered on Keith more than he deserved during this workout, but it was fun, I got to do 90 deadlifts. Finished with a pounding ass headache because before I came in I ate the following: pickle on a stick, popcorn with old bay seasoning, part of someone’s fish and chips order, and bibimbap. Literally the worlds saltiest person. I was also rapidly inflating with bloat from aforementioned salt and subsequent water while wearing my teaching clothes not my workout clothes. Long story short, came in a winner, left a winner.
Also thank you again Brett and everyone for adding an extra heat at the end! You the real MVPs.
Hahahahahahhahahahahahahaha “literally the saltiest person”. That bear crawl position must have been dangerous for ya Flexidottir. Nice job on 18.4! Wish I would’ve known you were at McDonalds that time you sent me a text, I would’ve asked you to pick me up an egg mcmuffin with a side of hot cakes. Freaking love egg mcmuffins.
I love this post sooooooo much
Keep bringing the team name inspo: elegant ursines???
You can never cheer for Keith more than he deserves!
Pickles absolutely don’t need sticks.
I absolutely adored (and “erupted into cheers”) when you did a bear claw before starting your walk. Great job Katrina, those DLs looked super light too.
18.4 at FNL! 129 reps
Sooo 8 deadlifts into round of 15 @
Felt good about my first attempt!
Had a lot of eyes on me for the new standard. Which is good, I want to do them right! I didn’t think the standard was that much worse, only one no rep and the rest were just a fight to push hard through the hands to keep shoulders active to get that extra distance. Was super stubborn about refusing to drop down and fighting for the rep until it was a good one. All HSPU unbroken. Not too terrible. Same plan next time!
155 deads- 6/5/5/5, 5/5/5, 5/4
Perfect. Won’t change a single thing
Only thing I want to change is part 2, which is very small: spent 1:57 on 21 deads which shouldn’t happen for me, I’ve been doing bigger sets at this weight all year. But wanted to be conservative on heavy deads because I was nervous about my back and handstand walks. Lesson learned: it doesn’t matter you either have it that day or you don’t. Hit 6/5/then awkward mix because I was nervous to get too tired. Next time stick to the plan 6/5/5/5 you can do it!
Handstand walks went as well as they could have. I shouldn’t have categorized this as a “regionals level” movement is training this year, and probably should have done the volume track a little more. But my wrists and hands get a little dicey sometimes after a long day at the office so I wanted to play it safe. oh well. No regrets! Happy with this effort and last night was a really fun one. Thanks Brett and David for helping out!
FNL was epic. So much fun. I’m a bit sad that I’ll miss the final one next week since Jess and I are going away, but super pleased with the three I was able to do. Thanks to Brett for creating such a fun, exciting, inclusive environment surrounding the Open workouts on Friday nights!
121 reps (21 deadlifts at 315)
Tiebreak – 8:38
Diane in a little over 6 minutes. After finishing the 21 deadlifts at 315 and shaking (somewhat) the feeling that my arms were going to fall off, I made an attempt or two at walking 5′ on my hands, which would have tied my meager personal best. Alas I could not do it. My first goal was to get some deads at the second load, my lofty goal was to finish the round of 21, and my stretch goal was to walk 5′ on my hands. Pretty pleased with the results. Plus I’m pretty sure I’ve got the best of Noah and David this year (barring something cray), which was my competition goal at the onset of the Open 🙂 Pierre still seems so far out of reach 😉
The HSPU standard is def harder than a regular class standard, but I felt like it was the same as the Open standard from the past few years. I had a few no reps for height (flex your damned toes down, Chris!) but that’s to be expected.
I did act the primadonna a bit with my judge when my rep count was off from his…sorry, Corey! In my defense I was upside down and really tired 🙂
All in all this Open has been a blast for me, maybe the most fun I’ve had doing CrossFit since I started. One more week!
Made it to Strong Fit! 😃😃😃
I thought I knew Kroc rows but the KVW Gauntlet of them is freaking hard. Feeling very swole now.
Had Snickers as my partner during the conditioning piece which is good because I clearly needed some coaching to remember how to throw a sandbag over my shoulder. My worst client is a short, skinny person and she was extra hyper rude yesterday, so I imagined it was her I was chucking over my shoulder each time. I was really hoping we’d have sandbag work today so I could do that. Thanks Keith!
If you get enough clients that you dislike, you should be able to crush the open next season.
Today was StrongFit and Short Circuit and a six mile run. Heading back to open gym soon.
One thing I wanted to say about judging (and life in general) is that words matter. Since I’m not an experienced judge and mostly a fan, I think I use some words that are confusing. I realize I’m saying “last one” instead of saying one left, and I can see how someone hearing last one would think they were done with a set. This happened twice and I’m now realizing my choice of words are confusing. Do they go over this in the online judging course? I’m going to watch that this week.
Watching Fox ramp up his speed on the set of 9 DLs was insane.
Great job,everybody. FNL is awesome– if you haven’t gone yet– come next week!!
Did diane RX in Jan in 8:59… So I expected to crush that.
Well… Extending fully over the line definitely makes it harder.
Did 85 reps at FNL (5 handstand pushups in the round of 9.)I went way faster on the dead lifts, in much bigger sets, unfortunately had to slow down in HSPUs in order to meet the standard. Also had 4 no reps!!! Dang.
Then, came in for AGS today and my pump is hard core, yet again.
86 reps 😛
If only I hadn’t had no reps!
18.4 @ 10am class: 24 reps Rx
That’s 3 HSPU and 3 more HSPU than I’ve done my whole life. Eric said something to me yesterday that rang completely true today – you come in doubting that you’ll be able to do a single HSPU, and you have a subsecond of happiness at the top of your first HSPU, and by the time you head gets back down to the mat you’re already frustrated that you can’t get more. Our minds play weird games with our expectations for ourselves. I’m happy for 3, but also frustrated that I couldn’t get more. Oh well, more gymnastic goals for next year (1 ring MU, multiple HSPUs).
It was amazing to watch people crush it today – lots of folks who had never done it before, came in with low expectations and just sailed thorough them (including 21+!).
Hell yeah! Get that new skill down!
YOU DID IT!!! Yay yay yay!
Friday was the first time I ever competed at the FNL. It’s so much fun, and I love the energy around. The people cheering you up definitely makes a difference.
I got there uncertain whether I could finish the first 21 deadlifts @ 225 lbs. I recently got a 3RM @ 245 lbs (at the Active Life Strength with Keith!!), but can I do 7x more reps at a slightly lower weight? Well there was only one way to know: try the workout RX!!
In order to be energy-efficient, I did one rep at a time, dropping the bar every single time at the top to save the downwards effort. I also worried about not getting injured, so I used the weightlifting belt (for the first time!) to help me keep my core tight, carefully repositioned my body for every rep and was conscious about maintaining a good shape throughout the movement.
It took me almost 4 minutes, but I got it! It was slow, but solid. I was very happy that it didn’t take me the entire 9 minutes and I would have a chance to try the handstand push-ups!!! (Fun!!)
Until then, I had only done pike handstand push-ups. I had tried the regular one, but failed. I had become stronger since then, and I didn’t think it was impossible (Open fairy dust!! FNL!!!). I watched a bunch of videos on YouTube on the technique, and how to maximize the kick from my legs. I realized I had to lower my knees a lot more than I thought to set up for the kick. Nearly touch my elbows! I practiced that position a little so it didn’t feel too awkward when I tried it for real.
And I had the chance to try it for real! Got on a handstand, lowered slowly, tripod, lower back against the wall, slowly lowered the knees to elbow, concentration, breath and boom! It happened! #FirstHSPU! I was thrilled!!!
The cheering from friends were so motivating (I gotta do more FNLs!)! So if I got one, why not try more? I had a number of failed reps. I kicked away from the wall (I don’t really have the technique developed), or did too close to the wall and fell, or simply couldn’t push hard enough. I tried to compensate for my lack of shoulder and arm strength with explosive kicks, which started cramping my quads (deadlifts!!!). I even had to do some quads stretching along the way! It was a journey, but I was able to get 2, 3, 4, 5… 6!!! I was super excited. I never imagined I’d be able to get that many!!! The FNL magic is true!
This was a fantastic and joyful experience. When it was over, I was told that I was all smiles as I did the workout. Thanks all for cheering for me!!!! 😀
And thanks CFSB for organizing FNL!! I was impressed when I got there by how organized and beautiful everything looked! Awesome job!
This is my first Open, and it’s being a fun and instructive experience. I’ve been learning about my strengths and areas for improvements and realizing I can do things I didn’t know I could do. I discovered members of the gym that perform similarly to me, so I can use as reference to push myself. And lots of other good stuff. I’m so glad I decided to sign up!
Now: time to rest.
(Trying to post again. The blog seems to ignore my posts :-()
Friday was the first time I ever competed at the FNL. It’s so much fun, and I love the energy around. The people cheering you up definitely makes a difference.
I got there uncertain whether I could finish the first 21 deadlifts @ 225 lbs. I recently got a 3RM @ 245 lbs (at the Active Life Strength with Keith!!), but can I do 7x more reps at a slightly lower weight? Well there was only one way to know: try the workout RX!!
In order to be energy-efficient, I did one rep at a time, dropping the bar every single time at the top to save the downwards effort. I also worried about not getting injured, so I used the weightlifting belt (for the first time!) to help me keep my core tight, carefully repositioned my body for every rep and was conscious about maintaining a good shape throughout the movement.
It took me almost 4 minutes, but I got it! It was slow, but solid. I was very happy that it didn’t take me the entire 9 minutes and I would have a chance to try the handstand push-ups!!! (Fun!!)
Until then, I had only done pike handstand push-ups. I had tried the regular one, but failed. I had become stronger since then, and I didn’t think it was impossible (Open fairy dust!! FNL!!!). I watched a bunch of videos on YouTube on the technique, and how to maximize the kick from my legs. I realized I had to lower my knees a lot more than I thought to set up for the kick. Nearly touch my elbows! I practiced that position a little so it didn’t feel too awkward when I tried it for real.
And I had the chance to try it for real! Got on a handstand, lowered slowly, tripod, lower back against the wall, slowly lowered the knees to elbow, concentration, breath and boom! It happened! #FirstHSPU! I was thrilled!!!
The cheering from friends were so motivating (I gotta do more FNLs!)! So if I got one, why not try more? I had a number of failed reps. I kicked away from the wall (I don’t really have the technique developed), or did too close to the wall and fell, or simply couldn’t push hard enough. I tried to compensate for my lack of shoulder and arm strength with explosive kicks, which started cramping my quads (deadlifts!!!). I even had to do some quads stretching along the way! It was a journey, but I was able to get 2, 3, 4, 5… 6!!! I was super excited. I never imagined I’d be able to get that many!!! The FNL magic is true!
This was a fantastic and joyful experience. When it was over, I was told that I was all smiles as I did the workout. Thanks all for cheering for me!!!! 😀
And thanks CFSB for organizing FNL!! I was impressed when I got there by how organized and beautiful everything looked! Awesome job!
This is my first Open, and it’s being a fun and instructive experience. I’ve been learning about my strengths and areas for improvements and realizing I can do things I didn’t know I could do. I discovered members of the gym that perform similarly to me, so I can use as reference to push myself. And lots of other good stuff. I’m so glad I decided to sign up!
Now: time to rest.
(Trying to post again. The blog seems to ignore my comments :-()
Friday was the first time I ever competed at the FNL. It’s so much fun, and I love the energy around. The people cheering you up definitely makes a difference.
I got there uncertain whether I could finish the first 21 deadlifts @ 225 lbs. I recently got a 3RM @ 245 lbs (at the Active Life Strength with Keith!!), but can I do 7x more reps at a slightly lower weight? Well there was only one way to know: try the workout RX!!
In order to be energy-efficient, I did one rep at a time, dropping the bar every single time at the top to save the downwards effort. I also worried about not getting injured, so I used the weightlifting belt (for the first time!) to help me keep my core tight, carefully repositioned my body for every rep and was conscious about maintaining a good shape throughout the movement.
It took me almost 4 minutes, but I got it! It was slow, but solid. I was very happy that it didn’t take me the entire 9 minutes and I would have a chance to try the handstand push-ups!!! (Fun!!)
Until then, I had only done pike handstand push-ups. I had tried the regular one, but failed. I had become stronger since then, and I didn’t think it was impossible (Open fairy dust!! FNL!!!). I watched a bunch of videos on YouTube on the technique, and how to maximize the kick from my legs. I realized I had to lower my knees a lot more than I thought to set up for the kick. Nearly touch my elbows! I practiced that position a little so it didn’t feel too awkward when I tried it for real.
And I had the chance to try it for real! Got on a handstand, lowered slowly, tripod, lower back against the wall, slowly lowered the knees to elbow, concentration, breath and boom! It happened! #FirstHSPU! I was thrilled!!!
The cheering from friends were so motivating (I gotta do more FNLs!)! So if I got one, why not try more? I had a number of failed reps. I kicked away from the wall (I don’t really have the technique developed), or did too close to the wall and fell, or simply couldn’t push hard enough. I tried to compensate for my lack of shoulder and arm strength with explosive kicks, which started cramping my quads (deadlifts!!!). I even had to do some quads stretching along the way! It was a journey, but I was able to get 2, 3, 4, 5… 6!!! I was super excited. I never imagined I’d be able to get that many!!! The FNL magic is true!
This was a fantastic and joyful experience. When it was over, I was told that I was all smiles as I did the workout. Thanks all for cheering for me!!!! 😀
And thanks CFSB for organizing FNL!! I was impressed when I got there by how organized and beautiful everything looked! Awesome job!
This is my first Open, and it’s being a fun and instructive experience. I’ve been learning about my strengths and areas for improvements and realizing I can do things I didn’t know I could do. I discovered members of the gym that perform similarly to me, so I can use as reference to push myself. And lots of other good stuff. I’m so glad I decided to sign up!
(Trying to post again. The blog seems to ignore my comments :-()
Friday was the first time I ever competed at the FNL. It’s so much fun, and I love the energy around. The people cheering you up definitely makes a difference.
I got there uncertain whether I could finish the first 21 deadlifts @ 225 lbs. I recently got a 3RM @ 245 lbs (at the Active Life Strength with Keith!!), but can I do 7x more reps at a slightly lower weight? Well there was only one way to know: try the workout RX!!
In order to be energy-efficient, I did one rep at a time, dropping the bar every single time at the top to save the downwards effort. I also worried about not getting injured, so I used the weightlifting belt (for the first time!) to help me keep my core tight, carefully repositioned my body for every rep and was conscious about maintaining a good shape throughout the movement.
It took me almost 4 minutes, but I got it! It was slow, but solid. I was very happy that it didn’t take me the entire 9 minutes and I would have a chance to try the handstand push-ups!!! (Fun!!)
Until then, I had only done pike handstand push-ups. I had tried the regular one, but failed. I had become stronger since then, and I didn’t think it was impossible (Open fairy dust!! FNL!!!). I watched a bunch of videos on YouTube on the technique, and how to maximize the kick from my legs. I realized I had to lower my knees a lot more than I thought to set up for the kick. Nearly touch my elbows! I practiced that position a little so it didn’t feel too awkward when I tried it for real.
And I had the chance to try it for real! Got on a handstand, lowered slowly, tripod, lower back against the wall, slowly lowered the knees to elbow, concentration, breath and boom! It happened! #FirstHSPU! I was thrilled!!!
The cheering from friends were so motivating (I gotta do more FNLs!)! So if I got one, why not try more? I had a number of failed reps. I kicked away from the wall (I don’t really have the technique developed), or did too close to the wall and fell, or simply couldn’t push hard enough. I tried to compensate for my lack of shoulder and arm strength with explosive kicks, which started cramping my quads (deadlifts!!!). I even had to do some quads stretching along the way! It was a journey, but I was able to get 2, 3, 4, 5… 6!!! I was super excited. I never imagined I’d be able to get that many!!! The FNL magic is true!
This was a fantastic and joyful experience. When it was over, I was told that I was all smiles as I did the workout. Thanks all for cheering for me!!!! 😀
And thanks CFSB for organizing FNL!! I was impressed when I got there by how organized and beautiful everything looked! Awesome job!
This is my first Open, and it’s being a fun and instructive experience. I’ve been learning about my strengths and areas for improvements and realizing I can do things I didn’t know I could do. I discovered members of the gym that perform similarly to me, so I can use as reference to push myself. And lots of other good stuff. I’m so glad I decided to sign up!
Looking forward to 18.5!
(Trying to post again. the blog seems to ignore my comments :-()
Friday was the first time I ever competed at the FNL. It’s so much fun, and I love the energy around. The people cheering you up definitely makes a difference.
I got there uncertain whether I could finish the first 21 deadlifts @ 225 lbs. I recently got a 3RM @ 245 lbs (at the Active Life Strength with Keith!!), but can I do 7x more reps at a slightly lower weight? Well there was only one way to know: try the workout RX!!
In order to be energy-efficient, I did one rep at a time, dropping the bar every single time at the top to save the downwards effort. I also worried about not getting injured, so I used the weightlifting belt (for the first time!) to help me keep my core tight, carefully repositioned my body for every rep and was conscious about maintaining a good shape throughout the movement.
It took me almost 4 minutes, but I got it! It was slow, but solid. I was very happy that it didn’t take me the entire 9 minutes and I would have a chance to try the handstand push-ups!!! (Fun!!)
Until then, I had only done pike handstand push-ups. I had tried the regular one, but failed. I had become stronger since then, and I didn’t think it was impossible (Open fairy dust!! FNL!!!). I watched a bunch of videos on YouTube on the technique, and how to maximize the kick from my legs. I realized I had to lower my knees a lot more than I thought to set up for the kick. Nearly touch my elbows! I practiced that position a little so it didn’t feel too awkward when I tried it for real.
And I had the chance to try it for real! Got on a handstand, lowered slowly, tripod, lower back against the wall, slowly lowered the knees to elbow, concentration, breath and boom! It happened! #FirstHSPU! I was thrilled!!!
The cheering from friends were so motivating (I gotta do more FNLs!)! So if I got one, why not try more? I had a number of failed reps. I kicked away from the wall (I don’t really have the technique developed), or did too close to the wall and fell, or simply couldn’t push hard enough. I tried to compensate for my lack of shoulder and arm strength with explosive kicks, which started cramping my quads (deadlifts!!!). I even had to do some quads stretching along the way! It was a journey, but I was able to get 2, 3, 4, 5… 6!!! I was super excited. I never imagined I’d be able to get that many!!! The FNL magic is true!
This was a fantastic and joyful experience. When it was over, I was told that I was all smiles as I did the workout. Thanks all for cheering for me!!!! 😀
And thanks CFSB for organizing FNL!! I was impressed when I got there by how organized and beautiful everything looked! Awesome job!
This is my first Open, and it’s being a fun and instructive experience. I’ve been learning about my strengths and areas for improvements and realizing I can do things I didn’t know I could do. I discovered members of the gym that perform similarly to me, so I can use as reference to push myself. And lots of other good stuff. I’m so glad I decided to sign up!
Friday was the first time I ever competed at the FNL. It’s so much fun, and I love the energy around. The people cheering you up definitely makes a difference.
I got there uncertain whether I could finish the first 21 deadlifts @ 225 lbs. I recently got a 3RM @ 245 lbs (at the Active Life Strength with Keith!!), but can I do 7x more reps at a slightly lower weight? Well there was only one way to know: try the workout RX!!
In order to be energy-efficient, I did one rep at a time, dropping the bar every single time at the top to save the downwards effort. I also worried about not getting injured, so I used the weightlifting belt (for the first time!) to help me keep my core tight, carefully repositioned my body for every rep and was conscious about maintaining a good shape throughout the movement.
It took me almost 4 minutes, but I got it! It was slow, but solid. I was very happy that it didn’t take me the entire 9 minutes and I would have a chance to try the handstand push-ups!!! (Fun!!)
Until then, I had only done pike handstand push-ups. I had tried the regular one, but failed. I had become stronger since then, and I didn’t think it was impossible (Open fairy dust!! FNL!!!). I watched a bunch of videos on YouTube on the technique, and how to maximize the kick from my legs. I realized I had to lower my knees a lot more than I thought to set up for the kick. Nearly touch my elbows! I practiced that position a little so it didn’t feel too awkward when I tried it for real.
And I had the chance to try it for real! Got on a handstand, lowered slowly, tripod, lower back against the wall, slowly lowered the knees to elbow, concentration, breath and boom! It happened! #FirstHSPU! I was thrilled!!!
The cheering from friends were so motivating (I gotta do more FNLs!)! So if I got one, why not try more? I had a number of failed reps. I kicked away from the wall (I don’t really have the technique developed), or did too close to the wall and fell, or simply couldn’t push hard enough. I tried to compensate for my lack of shoulder and arm strength with explosive kicks, which started cramping my quads (deadlifts!!!). I even had to do some quads stretching along the way! It was a journey, but I was able to get 2, 3, 4, 5… 6!!! I was super excited. I never imagined I’d be able to get that many!!! The FNL magic is true!
This was a fantastic and joyful experience. When it was over, I was told that I was all smiles as I did the workout. Thanks all for cheering for me!!!! 😀
And thanks CFSB for organizing FNL!! I was impressed when I got there by how organized and beautiful everything looked! Awesome job!
This is my first Open, and it’s being a fun and instructive experience. I’ve been learning about my strengths and areas for improvements and realizing I can do things I didn’t know I could do. I discovered members of the gym that perform similarly to me, so I can use as reference to push myself. And lots of other good stuff. I’m so glad I decided to sign up!
Now: time to rest.
Friday was the first time I ever competed at the FNL. It’s so much fun, and I love the energy around. The people cheering you up definitely makes a difference.
I got there uncertain whether I could finish the first 21 deadlifts @ 225 lbs. I recently got a 3RM @ 245 lbs (at the Active Life Strength with Keith!!), but can I do 7x more reps at a slightly lower weight? Well there was only one way to know: try the workout RX!!
In order to be energy-efficient, I did one rep at a time, dropping the bar every single time at the top to save the downwards effort. I also worried about not getting injured, so I used the weightlifting belt (for the first time!) to help me keep my core tight, carefully repositioned my body for every rep and was conscious about maintaining a good shape throughout the movement.
It took me almost 4 minutes, but I got it! It was slow, but solid. I was very happy that it didn’t take me the entire 9 minutes and I would have a chance to try the handstand push-ups!!! (Fun!!)
Until then, I had only done pike handstand push-ups. I had tried the regular one, but failed. I had become stronger since then, and I didn’t think it was impossible (Open fairy dust!! FNL!!!). I watched a bunch of videos on YouTube on the technique, and how to maximize the kick from my legs. I realized I had to lower my knees a lot more than I thought to set up for the kick. Nearly touch my elbows! I practiced that position a little so it didn’t feel too awkward when I tried it for real.
And I had the chance to try it for real! Got on a handstand, lowered slowly, tripod, lower back against the wall, slowly lowered the knees to elbow, concentration, breath and boom! It happened! #FirstHSPU! I was thrilled!!!
The cheering from friends were so motivating (I gotta do more FNLs!)! So if I got one, why not try more? I had a number of failed reps. I kicked away from the wall (I don’t really have the technique developed), or did too close to the wall and fell, or simply couldn’t push hard enough. I tried to compensate for my lack of shoulder and arm strength with explosive kicks, which started cramping my quads (deadlifts!!!). I even had to do some quads stretching along the way! It was a journey, but I was able to get 2, 3, 4, 5… 6!!! I was super excited. I never imagined I’d be able to get that many!!! The FNL magic is true!
This was a fantastic and joyful experience. When it was over, I was told that I was all smiles as I did the workout. Thanks all for cheering for me!!!! 😀
And thanks CFSB for organizing FNL!! I was impressed when I got there by how organized and beautiful everything looked! Awesome job!
This is my first Open, and it’s being a fun and instructive experience. I’ve been learning about my strengths and areas for improvements and realizing I can do things I didn’t know I could do. I discovered members of the gym that perform similarly to me, so I can use as reference to push myself. And lots of other good stuff. I’m so glad I decided to sign up!
Friday was the first time I ever competed at the FNL. It’s so much fun, and I love the energy around. The people cheering you up definitely makes a difference.
I got there uncertain whether I could finish the first 21 deadlifts @ 225 lbs. I recently got a 3RM @ 245 lbs (at the Active Life Strength with Keith!!), but can I do 7x more reps at a slightly lower weight? Well there was only one way to know: try the workout RX!!
In order to be energy-efficient, I did one rep at a time, dropping the bar every single time at the top to save the downwards effort. I also worried about not getting injured, so I used the weightlifting belt (for the first time!) to help me keep my core tight, carefully repositioned my body for every rep and was conscious about maintaining a good shape throughout the movement.
It took me almost 4 minutes, but I got it! It was slow, but solid. I was very happy that it didn’t take me the entire 9 minutes and I would have a chance to try the handstand push-ups!!! (Fun!!)
Until then, I had only done pike handstand push-ups. I had tried the regular one, but failed. I had become stronger since then, and I didn’t think it was impossible (Open fairy dust!! FNL!!!). I watched a bunch of videos on YouTube on the technique, and how to maximize the kick from my legs. I realized I had to lower my knees a lot more than I thought to set up for the kick. Nearly touch my elbows! I practiced that position a little so it didn’t feel too awkward when I tried it for real.
And I had the chance to try it for real! Got on a handstand, lowered slowly, tripod, lower back against the wall, slowly lowered the knees to elbow, concentration, breath and boom! It happened! #FirstHSPU! I was thrilled!!!
The cheering from friends were so motivating (I gotta do more FNLs!)! So if I got one, why not try more? I had a number of failed reps. I kicked away from the wall (I don’t really have the technique developed), or did too close to the wall and fell, or simply couldn’t push hard enough. I tried to compensate for my lack of shoulder and arm strength with explosive kicks, which started cramping my quads (deadlifts!!!). I even had to do some quads stretching along the way! It was a journey, but I was able to get 2, 3, 4, 5… 6!!! I was super excited. I never imagined I’d be able to get that many!!! The FNL magic is true!
This was a fantastic and joyful experience. When it was over, I was told that I was all smiles as I did the workout. Thanks all for cheering for me!!!! 😀
And thanks CFSB for organizing FNL!! I was impressed when I got there by how organized and beautiful everything looked! Awesome job!
This is my first Open, and it’s being a fun and instructive experience. I’ve been learning about my strengths and areas for improvements and realizing I can do things I didn’t know I could do. I discovered members of the gym that perform similarly to me, so I can use as reference to push myself. And lots of other good stuff. I’m so glad I decided to sign up!
Friday was the first time I ever competed at the FNL. It’s so much fun, and I love the energy around. The people cheering you up definitely makes a difference.
I got there uncertain whether I could finish the first 21 deadlifts at 225 lbs. I recently got a 3RM at 245 lbs (at the Active Life Strength with Keith!!), but can I do 7x more reps at a slightly lower weight? Well there was only one way to know: try the workout RX!!
In order to be energy-efficient, I did one rep at a time, dropping the bar every single time at the top to save the downwards effort. I also worried about not getting injured, so I used the weightlifting belt (for the first time!) to help me keep my core tight, carefully repositioned my body for every rep and was conscious about maintaining a good shape throughout the movement.
It took me almost 4 minutes, but I got it! It was slow, but solid. I was very happy that it didn’t take me the entire 9 minutes and I would have a chance to try the handstand push-ups!!! (Fun!!)
Until then, I had only done pike handstand push-ups. I had tried the regular one, but failed. I had become stronger since then, and I didn’t think it was impossible (Open fairy dust!! FNL!!!). I watched a bunch of videos on YouTube on the technique, and how to maximize the kick from my legs. I realized I had to lower my knees a lot more than I thought to set up for the kick. Nearly touch my elbows! I practiced that position a little so it didn’t feel too awkward when I tried it for real.
And I had the chance to try it for real! Got on a handstand, lowered slowly, tripod, lower back against the wall, slowly lowered the knees to elbow, concentration, breath and boom! It happened! #FirstHSPU! I was thrilled!!!
The cheering from friends were so motivating (I gotta do more FNLs!)! So if I got one, why not try more? I had a number of failed reps. I kicked away from the wall (I don’t really have the technique developed), or did too close to the wall and fell, or simply couldn’t push hard enough. I tried to compensate for my lack of shoulder and arm strength with explosive kicks, which started cramping my quads (deadlifts!!!). I even had to do some quads stretching along the way! It was a journey, but I was able to get 2, 3, 4, 5… 6!!! I was super excited. I never imagined I’d be able to get that many!!! The FNL magic is true!
This was a fantastic and joyful experience. When it was over, I was told that I was all smiles as I did the workout. Thanks all for cheering for me!!!! 😀
And thanks CFSB for organizing FNL!! I was impressed when I got there by how organized and beautiful everything looked! Awesome job!
This is my first Open, and it’s being a fun and instructive experience. I’ve been learning about my strengths and areas for improvements and realizing I can do things I didn’t know I could do. I discovered members of the gym that perform similarly to me, so I can use as reference to push myself. And lots of other good stuff. I’m so glad I decided to sign up!
Small 1pm with Brett and Whit.
Got through 12 DLs at 105# before time was called and insisted on finishing the set if 15. Bear crawl was awkward and slow.
It felt good to be back and see all the happy faces after a my (annual?) winter hiatus. Will be posting here to help keep me accountable and connected.
(It seems the blog spam filter blocked my original message, so I’m reposting…)
Friday was the first time I ever competed at the FNL. It’s so much fun, and I love the energy around. The people cheering you up definitely makes a difference.
I got there uncertain whether I could finish the first 21 deadlifts @ 225 lbs. I recently got a 3RM @ 245 lbs (at the Active Life Strength with Keith!!), but can I do 7x more reps at a slightly lower weight? Well there was only one way to know: try the workout RX!!
In order to be energy-efficient, I did one rep at a time, dropping the bar every single time at the top to save the downwards effort. I also worried about not getting injured, so I used the weightlifting belt (for the first time!) to help me keep my core tight, carefully repositioned my body for every rep and was conscious about maintaining a good shape throughout the movement.
It took me almost 4 minutes, but I got it! It was slow, but solid. I was very happy that it didn’t take me the entire 9 minutes and I would have a chance to try the handstand push-ups!!! (Fun!!)
Until then, I had only done pike handstand push-ups. I had tried the regular one, but failed. I had become stronger since then, and I didn’t think it was impossible (Open fairy dust!! FNL!!!). I watched a bunch of videos on YouTube on the technique, and how to maximize the kick from my legs. I realized I had to lower my knees a lot more than I thought to set up for the kick. Nearly touch my elbows! I practiced that position a little so it didn’t feel too awkward when I tried it for real.
And I had the chance to try it for real! Got on a handstand, lowered slowly, tripod, lower back against the wall, slowly lowered the knees to elbow, concentration, breath and boom! It happened! #FirstHSPU! I was thrilled!!!
The cheering from friends were so motivating (I gotta do more FNLs!)! So if I got one, why not try more? I had a number of failed reps. I kicked away from the wall (I don’t really have the technique developed), or did too close to the wall and fell, or simply couldn’t push hard enough. I tried to compensate for my lack of shoulder and arm strength with explosive kicks, which started cramping my quads (deadlifts!!!). I even had to do some quads stretching along the way! It was a journey, but I was able to get 2, 3, 4, 5… 6!!! I was super excited. I never imagined I’d be able to get that many!!! The FNL magic is true!
This was a fantastic and joyful experience. When it was over, I was told that I was all smiles as I did the workout. Thanks all for cheering for me!!!! 😀
And thanks CFSB for organizing FNL!! I was impressed when I got there by how organized and beautiful everything looked! Awesome job!
This is my first Open, and it’s being a fun and instructive experience. I’ve been learning about my strengths and areas for improvements and realizing I can do things I didn’t know I could do. I discovered members of the gym that perform similarly to me, so I can use as reference to push myself. And lots of other good stuff. I’m so glad I decided to sign up!
Hahaha, so it seems all posts decided to show up at once after my account was unblocked. I’m sorry for all the spam!!!!