WOD 3.12.18
5 Rounds for Time:
270m Run
12 Kettlebell Swings 32/24 kg
6 Push Presses 165/110 lb
3 Bar Muscle-Ups
The Kettlebell Swings are Rx’d as overhead. The Push Press is taken from the floor and should be on the heavyish side for you.
5 Rounds for Time:
270m Run
12 Russian Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg
6 Push Presses 115/75
3 Toes-to-Bars
3 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
The kettlebell and barbell weights should be medium-heavy for you but unbroken. Scale the loads accordingly. The barbell is taken from the floor. The low reps on the gymnastics elements should allow you to choose a challenging version of each if scaling, even if you need to do them as singles.
Post time and Rx to comments.
SAVE THE DATE: 2018 Iron Maidens Raw Open
The 4th Annual Iron Maidens Raw Open is happening! We’ve moved to a warmer month this year: June 2, 2018.
This is a full, raw powerlifting meet contesting the Back Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift. It is open to women only. You do not need to be a member of CrossFit South Brooklyn to participate and we welcome all ages. We have space for 60 participants, and we always sell out fast!
For the third year, we are happy to continue raising funds for the Iron Maidens Stay Strong Scholarship which provides college tuition support to students of Grace Outreach, a Bronx based nonprofit that works with women to further their education and gain financial independence. Through past competitors’ efforts, we have raised over $65,000 and supported 10 women pursuing higher education!
Registration will open March 23, 2018. Be on the lookout for the sign-up link posted right here on the blog and the Iron Maidens website!
News and Notes
- Missing something? Check out the goods from our latest lost and found clean out, and be sure to claim your stuff before we donate it to CHIPs in a couple of weeks.
- Photos from Open Workout 18.3 by Thomas H., Robert C., and your blog editor are now up on Flickr. Relive the glory!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Team 10K Row
Balls of the Feet, Not the Toes, in the Split Jerk Catalyst Athletics
There’s a Bunch of Extremely Cool NASA Stuff on the Internet Archive The Outline
IRON MAIDENS!!!!!!!!!!
Performance-Fitness Mash Up WOD:
KB Swings at 24kg, push press at 103#, and 3 T2B & 3 C2B. Ended up breaking up the push press into two sets from round 3 onward so I wouldn’t be totally crushed going into the next movement. Finished 18:43.
Tried to repeat 18.3 for a better tie-breaker time. Yeah, no luck there. But then all the rowing at 10AM. Broke up into 300m each, playing round with both using and not using the strap (1:50 split vs 1:45ish split). That 2:1 rest:work with conversations throughout makes rowing far more enjoyable.
StrongFit! (figured this wouldn’t affect by short open workout to follow)
18.3: 220 Reps with a 4:01 tiebreaker. Really enjoyed playing on the rings afterward and got a lot of good feedback about being high enough. Have not made MU a focus at all, so was not expecting anything, but now motivated to add them to my checklist for next year.
Woohoo, Iron Maidens! Truly one of my favorite, most memorable moments of 2017. I will definitely be signing up again!
WOD in 16:50:
KB Swings at 24kg, push press at 75#, 3 jumping muscle ups from the mini side bar thing… Had it set up just a tiny bit higher than usual, but got through them all pretty easily and unbroken. All push presses done unbroken as well, which means I probably should have bumped it up to 83#. This was a fun one!
Cash out was 2 mins on the assault bike and 2 mins on air runner. I’ve never used the runner before, and it took me a solid minute to realize I’m supposed to run in the center of the thing. I kept being forced into a sprint, which was super frightening! Not what I asked for!
You CAN run toward the front if you want to, but…who wants to? 😛
Gah! I so very much want to be at Iron Maidens but I’ll be out of town for work. I will cheer everyone on in spirit! (and I wanna do the next Strength Cycle anyway)
Today I suppose I could have chosen to do Fitness and up the weights, or Performance with the T2B/pullup combo, but…this was one of those days where just dragging my reluctant butt out of bed and getting myself to Degraw Street felt like a major accomplishment. So I did the Fitness WOD with chin over bar pullups, 16:54.
Right shoulder a little sore despite internal rotation stretch both before and after class. Will have to treat myself to a little Alpha Ball this evening.
Food for thought: I seem to have kipping pullups down, so I have no excuse not to Rx Murph this year. aaaaaaaa!
Iron Maidens is such a great event!
10am class
Metcon Performance Rx in 21:14
Unbroken but not unslow
Warmed up for class by trying 18.3 again to see if I could get 100 DU. Success in just under 13min! (Stopped after 50 last time to switch to scaled.) Didn’t try OHS because that wasn’t my goal. Excited by this. Legs hate me.
5:30 with Keith and DO
17:2X. Used 63# for the push presses and did hanging leg raises and jumping chin over bar from stool. There were also more people on the sidewalk than I’ve seen in a long time, and it’s not even spring yet!
Yeah, Jen!!
Oh how I love the Open! So fun over the weekend to watch some badass women try for (and get!) their first muscle ups ever, or first in a long time!
(okay okay… dudes too!)
Also, YES Iron Maidens! Such a wonderful event. seems to get better every year. if you’re considering it, on the fence, not sure if it’s for you… DO IT!
now, make up posts:
FRIDAY afternoon, Open WOD 18.3!
514 reps RX’d
tiebreak 11:33
happy with this effort! looking at the workout and thinking through it, I really felt that I could get through a round. did my best to stay calm throughout and execute!
first DU’s 50-30-20. then 3 sets again. after the RMU and snatches i think i started with 25 and then just tried to take out chunks between 20-30 with short breaks.
OHS 13-7 i think
RMU 2-2-2-then i think i switched to singles? may have been one more set of doubles, i can’t remember.
Snatches 12-8. was probably dumb to put it down, just felt like i was redlining.
BMU 3-2-1-2-1-1-1-1 ?
got to my rope and just tried not to die for the last :30. definitely ugliest doubles I’ve done in a long time! wahoo!
i think to improve on this I needed to intentionally warm up my RMU much more. i did a few favorite drills and swings beforehand, and i got through them fine, but they didn’t FEEL great, so i was nervous about missing and rested longer than i may have needed to. wasn’t efficiently using my hips or continuing back through to arch to assist with the dip, and for me that just comes with grooving it correctly in the warm up.
BMU felt good, just ugh… SUCKING WIND by that point. still stoked to open with a set of 3 since last year in the open I could only do singles.
considered re-doing this one, but decided against it… again! my calves never felt too bad, but my feet certainly did/do. and i have a small bruise under/around one of my toes that is sort of suspicious.
about 7 rounds through i think?
1:00 ski (avg about 11-12 cal)
1:00 bike (57-60 rpm)
1:00 row (1:58-2:02)
then some mobility/recovery and core work
10 min ski and bike
4 sets (first @ 25#, then 30# x 3):
8 seated DB press @ 20×1
8L/5R split stance SL RDL @ 20×1
10 goblet sqts @ 21×1
15 WB shot 16#, 9′
15 KB swing 20kg russian
10 GHD sit up
rest 1:1 after first round and keep pace
pace =1:20
Iron Maiden’s is definitely something I look forward to every year!!!! Do it!
24kg Bell, 82# push press… and skipped the last movement. Didn’t really look at the clock because I felt like I didn’t really do the workout. 13-14 minutes.
Felt something weird when practicing bar muscleups two weekends ago— took care of it. But felt the same tendon-y, pain (felt very abnormal) when doing TTB yesterday. Keith’s advice was to take it easy and not do anything that could mess it up. He has me make it up with some single arm high pulls after class.
15×10 each arm
WOD modified in either ~16:30 or ~17:30 (looked at the wrong clock then had to estimate and then forgot what my estimate was :/ )
Run: slow
Russian swings: unbroken @24kg
PP: @93# All unbroken but paused and reset in the first two rounds. Realized this fatigued my shoulders more than cycling so then cycled in sets of 2-4 for the last three rounds.
TTB: unbroken
C2B: unbroken
FUN minus the run!
Looked at the program today and thought “what a great day to do some weightlifting!” 🙂
Dropped into NLWL and it was great as always. Focused on OHS, which took Frank about 30s to identify as a deficiency on my snatch.
– a bunch of triples and doubles on snatch up to 115lbs
– 5 sets of 1 power snatch + 5 OHS @ 95lbs
– about 7 sets of 7-10 Sots Press (sp?), started at 33lbs then 45lbs.
– Back Squat 3×10@185, 3×5@215
— felt good to squat heavy-ish again, first time since January, although 3×10 is a workout.
Got to witness some extra Open magic as folks were trying for 18.3.