Team 10k Row
In teams of three, with one partner working at a time, complete a 10k row for time. Trade off every 200-500 meters—your choice. This isn’t meant to be sprints, so aim to keep the pace aerobic throughout.
Post time and partners to comments.
Coach Frank of our Next Level Weightlifting Club just casually Front Squatting 407 lb to the sweet sounds of Whitney Houston | Video by Coach Nick
Good, Better, Best: Making Healthier Choices
By Chris Fox
Editor’s Note: The following are Coach Fox’s notes from a recent LFPB Info Session. We think they’re of interest to everyone, so we’re reposting them here. Enjoy!
“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”—Thomas Edison
Some of you might feel like you’re failing with this Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge. You’re not!
When you mess up on a movement in the gym, you don’t decide that you failed at exercise. You simply use the information as feedback and adjust in the future. Keep trying until you find the habits that work for you. Remember that developing healthy habits takes practice.
There are no “good” or “bad” foods, simply those that are better or worse choices for us depending on our goals.
Better Choices share a few qualities like: being natural and unprocessed (or less processed), nutrient dense (provide a large amount of vitamins, minerals, and micro nutrients for their caloric load), high in fiber, generally thought of as healthy, and hard to overeat
Worse choices also share a few qualities like: being highly processed, low in nutrients, low in fiber, generally thought of as unhealthy or indulgences, easier to overeat.
Using the above guidelines, you can assess where any food is on the spectrum from better to worse. For example:
Corn > whole grain corn tortillas > homemade tortilla chips > store bought tortilla chips > Doritos
Steel cut oats > old fashioned oats > quick oats > homemade oat pancakes > Cheerios > Fruit Loops
Soft boiled eggs over beans and spinach > fried egg sammy with lettuce and tomato on sprouted grain bread > ham, egg, and cheese on whole wheat > bacon, egg, and cheese on plain bagel
Using that method, you can take just about any meal or food item and move it just a little bit along the spectrum from worse to better! For example:
Loaded nachos from a restaurant (deep fried corn chips, re-fried beans, ground chuck, pico, iceberg lettuce, loads of cheese and Sour Cream)
Can move towards:
Homemade nachos (baked tortilla chips, black beans, diced chicken breast, homemade pico, shredded cabbage, pickled jalapeños, low-fat pepper jack and guacamole)
Play around with this and see how you can make some of your favorite “unhealthy” meals just a little bit better!
The next Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge Meeting/Q&A has been moved to SATURDAY 3/17 at noon in the Annex. This is the final meeting of the Challenge, and we’ll cover: taking a break from “dieting,” adjusting habits to meet goals, end of Challenge submissions, and moving on.
Reverse Hyperextension BarBend
To Boost Sports Performance (and Annoy Your Opponents), Grunt NY Times
5 ea lateral box step ups
5 burpees
20 double unders
B. Pistol/Ring dip practice
5 min @aer
1 rope climb
4 DB squat clean thrusters, L/R 50/35
rest 2 min
5 min @aer
5 toes to bar
8 box jumps, 24/20
rest 2 min
5 min @aer
5 burpees
10 wall ball, 20/10 14/9
Shoulder felt GTG so gave 18.3 a whirl today!
456 reps (4 bar muscle ups) with a 13:38 tie break. Lotsa little things I could have done bettter I’m sure, but overall pretty stoked with the result. 4 bar muscle ups alone last year may have takes me 2 minutes.
nice!!! glad the shoulder bone is feeling better
Wow! That’s an amazing score–especially post-shoulder struggle. Congrats!
1pm with Ro(wing)
10k in 39:03min with Kelly and Brian. Had a lot of fun: we kept a great pace and pushed each other to perform better. We did 250m splits in the beginning and end, and 300m splits in the middle. I was happy that I managed to keep a ~1:35min/500m pace throughout all my splits.
2pm AG
Ring dips were good (unassisted!), pistols are still far away. Workout was fun as usual, including a new DB “oly” move that I hadn’t tried before.
You guys crushed that row. Man!
Agree about the fun workout at AG!
Partner row with Daniel and Brian in 39:03. Had a great time with them because we were being competitive and did not treat it like a recovery row. Kept a 1:53-1:55 pace for most of it and occasional crept up to 2:00. Last 250m, maintained a 1:46 pace which might be a record for me.
AG afterwards
Sandbagged the pistols because my legs were mush and I worked on them yesterday at OG. Dip a few strict dips but being really careful about my shoulder so didn’t do that many plus also these in OG yesterday. Scaled up on box jumps and the WB for the workout and maintained a sustainable pace and didn’t push it. Rope climbs getting better with the Russian wrap but using my arms too much.