Mid-Hang Clean
Warm up and work up to a heavy single for the day.
Post loads to comments.
Handstand Walking
Choose one of the following scaling options, and spend 12 minutes developing your hand balancing:
A) Hand Walking (free or 2′ from wall)
B) Wall Inverted Hip Shifts with Hand Release (from a wall walk or kick up)
C) Box Piked Hip Shifts with Hand Release
D) Floor Piked Hip Shifts with Hand Release
Rest as needed between sets.
Post work to comments.
The Open is Here!
So far we have 165 (!!!) CFSBKers registered for the 2018 CrossFit Open. If you’ve registered, congrats on making this decision! It’s going to be an awesome five weeks in which you’ll get to benchmark your overall fitness and engage in some fun competition with yourself, the CFSBK community, and the rest of the world. Last year, about 330,000 people competed in the Open making it the world’s largest participatory sporting event.
Open Workout 18.1 will be announced tonight at 8pm New York time. See the CrossFit Games site for more info.
If you haven’t registered for the Open yet, there’s still time to get in on the fun! Go here to sign up.
Intramural Teams
As you may have read right here on the blog, we’re going to do in-house intramural teams again for the 3rd year in a row to make the Open even more exciting and inclusive. For more information on that, check out the event page. When you sign up for the league, you’ll be placed on a team in which your performance will contribute to your team’s overall score. Each team will be assigned a captain who will communicate with their team over the 5 weeks and submit their scores to management. This is a great way to meet some new people, have a bit more fun with the Open, and motivate yourself to work a little harder. We encourage everyone to sign up and give it their all! Remember: your team won’t be penalized if you can’t do a workout for some reason.
If you’re on a team, you should have been contacted by your captain already. You can follow the Intramural Team Competition leaderboard here.
Friday Night Lights
We’ll also be doing a series of “Friday Night Lights” events again this year. Every Friday night from 5:30 to 8:00pm for the next 5 weeks, you’ll have a chance to take on that week’s Open Workout with your fellow CFSBKers in a high-energy environment. These are open to EVERYONE who’s doing the Open. Go to the FNL Sign Up Sheet to reserve a space in the heat of your choice!
Programming & Submissions
As usual, the Open workout will be programmed for Saturday’s group class, which means you’ll have the following opportunities to perform the workout:
- Friday morning/afternoon group classes
- Friday Night Lights, 5:30-8pm
- Saturday Group Classes, 8-2pm
- Saturday Open Gym, 2-4pm
- Sunday Open Gym, 6-8pm
For extenuating circumstances, we can try to work with you if you CAN’T make any of those times. With the exception of the Frida and Saturday group classes and Friday Night Lights, you’ll have to find someone to judge you in order to post a valid score. There are often folks hanging around to do the workouts, so just ask the coach to assist you if you can’t find someone to help out yourself.
In order for your score to be counted, you must submit your score and judge’s name to the CrossFit Games site by 8pm on Monday night. If you don’t submit a score, you’ll get a zero for the workout, but you’ll still be allowed to participate in the subsequent workouts. There’s nothing worse than crushing a workout and then posting a zero for the year! You’ll have to submit your judge’s name when you submit so remember to cut off the bottom of your scorecard and take it home with you. In a worst-case scenario, you can submit “David Osorio” as your judge.
Judges Needed for Video Reviews
Since the inception of the CrossFit Games regional competitions, Coach David has worked as the Competion Director for the North East and Canada East regions. This means he leads a team that reviews Open Workout videos and works at the Regionals leading judging and scoring teams, as well as determining appeals and making sure the competition element runs smoothly.
Part of his task is to assemble a team of 9 people to help watch the top videos in his regions in order to ensure that movement standards have been met by all the athletes heading to Regionals. We’re looking for a few more people to help lead the charge on this! You would be responsible for watching 5-10 videos per week and giving them the thumbs up or down regarding performance standards. Coach David will assist you on any tough calls or questions you have a long the way.
The only requirement is that you pass the online judges course.
If you’re interested in helping out, please e-mail David [at] CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com as soon as possible!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Burpees, T2Bs, Row | Front Squat
4 Benefits of Butterfly Pull-Ups BarBend
CrossFit Open or Tropic Thunder? Morning Chalk-Up
Strong Thursday:
LBBSQ 180x5x3. Belted for the first time in a while, which is probably why this felt easier than 175 did last week.
Press 65x5x3. Weirdness in right shoulder. :/
I had chinup envy watching Kevin do weighted pullups in OG so I decided to swap out deadlifts for 3 sets of max chinups for pulls today. 7, 7, 5. Very pleased with this result. I haven’t been able to do two sets of 7 in a few years! (Used to be able to do 7-7-7, or “the jackpot” as Jeremy calls it, but that was when I weighed almost 10# less.)
7am with the Dream Team – Jess & Lauren!
Hang clean: worked up to 133
Got to partner with Jaime today (who CRUSHED her cleans)! I had 1 fail at 133, and another at 138. Got under both just fine, but had NO legs and got totally soft in the catch. This matches my clean 1RM from the floor though – 10# pr from the hang. Gotta work on these little leggies & core strength, forever. Lots of PRs around the gym this morning. Good vibezz.
Fun playing around with the handstand stuff. Got in a few little steps towards the wall (this was a fantastic drill, thanks for all the help, JFox!). Bonus 2 more strict pull ups after class.
Looking forward to some AR tonight + THE OPEN. Woo!
Good job on the PR and the walks were looking better and better as you went along! I think you have a consecutive pull up in you too!
7am with Jess and Lauren:
Hang Cleans: Partnered with Kate and got up to 138#, a PR by probably about 20# or so! Something just clicked with me today, where I focused on quickly dropping and getting under the bar, as opposed to doing like a “deep” power clean, and THEN getting lower. I need to keep a tighter core – the Foxes (both of them, separately) pointed out that my midsection was kind of wiggling all over the place as I dropped to the squat. I’ll take a video next time, I need to see this.
Handstand stuff was fun! I apparently demonstrated a kick up heard ’round the world, so I need to work on being a little less aggressive with those. I tried some assisted handstand walks a couple of feet, thanks to Lauren. Mostly successful aside from me nearly kicking her in the face several times.
YAY for the Open! I’m going to be out of town this weekend, so I MIGHT do 18.1 tonight after AR, depending on what it is and how I feel…
Go red team!!
Daaaaaaaamn, Jaime! That’s some clean!
You’re on fire! Great job! If you do 18.1 tonight I’ll be with you in spirit as you lead us off! Go Red! If you need to do it on Monday morning I’m happy to judge.
A make up up post:
Wednesdays Class on Tuesday with Whit.
Best time 1:31/ Worst Time 1:42
I basically did everything that Whit told us not to do! When I started my first set of T2B they felt better than they ever had done, so I completed the full set of 10 with a few slight misses on the bar. That was a bad idea. I couldn’t sustain 10 reps every round, so every round got technically worse and more difficult. If I’d have chosen to do perhaps 6 in every round, I would have been more consistent. Just like Whit said at the beginning of class! Lesson learned.
Front Squats @ 95; 105; 115. I chose the right weight here. 10 is a lot isn’t it! You don’t approach the last set with a ‘yes! just a couple more reps to go’ attitude. That being said, Erica gave me excellent advice before my last set. She said to think of it as 2 sets of 5 or 5 sets of 2! A great approach!
I had a bit of a headache after that class, so I almost didn’t stay for AG as planned. But I did stay. I wish I didn’t.
Rope Climbs went well.
50 Wall Balls were OK.
Double -Unders were awful.
Kipping Pull – Ups were a F***ING disaster!
I managed a spectacular fall off the bar and landed on my back. Such bad timing! I’ll be gutted if I can’t do the open. Luckily I’m feeling better today than I thought I would, but I’m not sure if/how I’ll be able to approach 18.1, whatever it may be! Here’s hoping I’m better by Monday!
nooooo!! feel better! : ( : (
Thanks Katie!
ow ow ow ow ow! Hope you feel better soon!
Thank you Stella.
Oh no! Rest up and bounce back quickly!
I’ll certainly try! Thanks Jen.
7 am with Lauren and Jess
Fun working with Sasha today. She PRed by 20#s which inspired me to go for triple digits but alas-103# Fx3. Made 93# with no problem. 98# is my 1rm for a clean. Lifting went by really fast today!
Upside down walking…took a few steps here and there with all those confidence building spots from Jess and Lauren and Keith. I have to try to just kick up with no wall and no spots to get more comfortable on my own. My daughter has been working on one handed hand stands so I have a good tutor at home!
I’m excited for tonight’s announcement! It’s going to be so fun to see what workout the Red Team is gonna RULE!
Hang clean: 123, 143, 153, 163, 173, 178*, 183F
Caught 173 at the bottom and hung out there for a few minutes before standing it up. 178 is a PR (previously 173) and got a great bounce out of the bottom. Got under 183 and sat there for a few seconds, but just couldn’t stand it up after some solid twerking at the bottom. I’ve always failed cleans by not getting under them, so not standing it up is a great new problem to have.
Handstand walk practice:
Managed a solid two steps on my own – that’s two more steps than I’ve ever taken before. Great tips from Jess, whose handstand game I was admiring before class. Now that I’m no longer terrified, now I guess I should practice…
Some cardio afterwards to round out the day…
5 x 500m Row:
Focus on consistency. Stay at/under 1:50 pace for first two, 1:55 pace for next two, then a related 2:10 pace for the last one. Played around with power vs stroke rate for each pair to see what felt more comfortable.
Excited to see what 18.1 will bring this evening!
10 AM with Jess.
Hang Clean: 3×95, 2×115, 135, 145, 155 165*, 175 (f).
These great- fast and solid. 175 is approaching my front squat PR, so I think I just gave up once I caught it.
Lots of side to side handstand walking on the wall and then a few steps with Jess spotting.
Can’t wait for 18.1. Maybe, I think.
Hit the 7AM class… Thanks Jess and Snickers!
Paired up with Richard who crushed the hang clean. I got up to 165 but my legs are still shot from the 30 front squats and the WOD from yesterday so my 170 failed. I think if I was fresh I would have gotten it.
In the hand stand walking part I walked from the bathroom side to the start of the racks. I think it’s a PR for distance. Shoulder felt good and solid the whole time. Since we have not done a lot of overhead in the past couple of days my neck let my head and should talk. I was psyched.
Bring on the open!!!
Go Red Team!
PS I am a registered judge so if someone needs a judge and I am in the gym just grab me.
That sounds like a really excellent handstand walk. Congrats!
nice lil prep day:
5 min: soft tissue work on R hand, forearm. think it’s helping.
5-10 minutes line drills and heat up
8 bb sumo good mornings (33#)
8 bb press
5-10 lat activations (alt pronated, supinated grip)
8ea single arm high pull (15, 20, 25×2) – been a while. this felt good.
:30 ea half kneeling pallof hold (red)
4 ctb chin ups
:30-1:00 joint distraction (R elbow — WOW that bicep/elbow pit area was gnarrrrrrrly! definitely discovered part of my problem. R front rack. R wrist (both directions)
for time, 90%
cal row
cal bike
rows stayed above 1100
bike i think 62 rpm or so for first two rounds
right into…
12 min assault bike, easy (35 rpm)
go HARD for :10 at the end of every 2:00
got up to 91 rpm on my last one! i think that’s a first for me. moar powerrrrrr.
7am class
HCLN up to 225, plenty left in the tank.
“Fun” to practice handstand walking. It might be the last crossfit goat I have, as in “I can’t do it at all’. Warmed up on the wall and then moved about 10” today under control…progress?
18.1 first reaction: after all the dread this actually looks like a pretty good workout for me (and I think for a lot of people). Pretty accessible and ends up just being a who’s got more lungs test. At least it’s a reasonable tall person workout 😄
Doing it tomorrow afternoon at Crossfit Blizzard in Truckee, CA! Would love to watch a live stream of FNL if there is one.
I give 18.1 the official y’all person deal of approval.
Seal, even. Sheesh.
What’s a y’all person?
Hahaha for some reason my phone autocorrects tall to y’all!
7:30 with Brett
Worked up to 75 lbs on the clean. Was pretty content with it overall, I feel like I mayyyybe could have gone heavier but at 75 I was definitely finding it harder to drop aggressively and my arms were taking their sweet time getting up to where they need to be.
Had fun with the handstand stuff. Still miles away from doing a legit handstand (or handstand walk for that matter) but I enjoyed working with the boxes, something new to try instead of wall walks.
See ya tomorrow…eeek!
Thanks for the kind words on the blog last Friday, Allie B! I am grateful for my mother’s genes. More about you, later. And Lauren M. – looking forward to the Edmund Clark exhibit at ICP. Thanks for the heads up!
I dropped in at NotCrossFitButSimilar Guantanamo Bay last week. They call it “Max Performance,” probably a licensing issue.
We started with Wimpy Roxanne: burpees but no jumping jacks. Please.
10 db power cleans
20 back squats
30 power cleans
40 box jumps
800m run
40 box jumps
30 power cleans
20 back squats
10 db power cleans
(I can’t remember the weights)
The space was outside in an area about 3/4 the size of the annex with at least 30 people. So it was really cramped, which made me nervous, and buggy, which also made me nervous (tell me to stop diagnosing myself with Zika). We had to share equipment and use the same barbell for squats and cleans, which made the workout rather chaotic with a lot of waiting around. Can’t the DoD spend a little more on barbells and a little less on…[insert rant here about a fight gone very, very bad]. I can’t speak to the coaching; the regular coach was off somewhere for hazmat training.
I’m not too humble to reveal that the coach said, “you know you only have to jump to a 20″ box,” when she saw me jumping to 24″. I never would have tried it a few months ago if not for Allie B.’s encouragement and tips! I really enjoyed the box jumps. Cleans? Not so much.
Glad to be back at my CFSBK home. I don’t have Zika, right?
@Sara G— definitely not Zika.
8:30 with Brett
Worked on the hang cleans up to 88 (which is a PR for a clean from the hang), but failed 93 3 times. Ugh. Next time. But really focused on getting elbows up which helped a lot.
Handstand practice was somewhat exhilarating since I don’t usually do this. Did the box piled hip shifts a few times and then since it was a small class I got to practice kicking up with Brett’s help. Then, I tried walking twice, the first time 5 little baby steps and the second time 10 little baby steps. Connected hollow position to kipping position (things are clicking!) so practiced some hanging leg raises too.
Good luck and have fun on 18.1 tomorrow everyone! @Jamie— did you do it tonight? How was it?!
I did!! Even as a not-tall person, it wasn’t so bad! Mostly bc you know when it ends 😀