WOD 2.17.18
3 Rounds for Time:
800m Run
25 Pull-Ups
25 Overhead Squats 75/55
Scale the Pull-Ups to Jumping Pull-Ups as needed and the load on the barbell to be able to do the reps in 1-2 sets.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Azam P. at the Orcas Island 100
Azam P. recently completed the Orcas Island 100 mile race. Here’s his report:
The Orcas Island 100 offers a steep single track, rolling terrain around mountain lakes, and fun and fast downhill sections through old-growth forest and sweeping views of the neighboring Islands. With ~26,000 feet of elevation gain (and equal loss), it’s as tough as it is beautiful. Runners have to complete four 25.2-mile loops, each loop with five fully stocked aid stations. There is a 36-hour overall time limit, and cut-off times were strictly enforced throughout the last loop. There was a local beer, live bluegrass musi,c and wood-fired pizza at the finish line! This race is quickly gaining a reputation as being a low-key, intimate race with a grass roots feel.
It was hilarious to witness runners scream profanities to whoever designed course as we were crawling through the steepest part of the course. The toughest part was being able to power through the same course four times. The best part was the pizza slice in the my mouth as I ran out of the aid station on my last loop with 14 minutes before the 36-hour cutoff time. My finishing time was 35 hours 29 minutes and 50 seconds. So I basically had 30 minutes left before the race was officially over.
Congrats, Azam! This was truly an amazing feat.
Tomorrow: Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge Lecture, “Snack Attack”
The 4th Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge Lecture and Q&A is this Sunday at 12pm in the Annex. I’m soooo hungry… What healthy snacks can I have? Do you struggle with mid-afternoon hunger or late night munchies? In this lecture we’ll dig in a bit to see why and learn a few strategies for dealing with it.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
My Body Size Does Not Determine My Ability Girls Gone Strong
The Father of Artistic Figure Skating Is a New Yorker Who Lived During the 19th Century Deadspin
Wow! I’m jealous of anyone who does an ultra marathon. Ever since reading Ultra Marathon Man I’ve wanted to do one.
Today! 6:30am – 7 mile run around Brooklyn. Legs were stiff for the first two miles. Got into a groove for the next four and the last mile was a slog. Meh! Pace was 9:30 which is medium light. Conversation pace.
8:00am Strongfit with Fox
Single arm deadlifts were the new movement. I need to work on grip strength bad. Left arm is my limiter and got up to 155#
SA overhead walks. 50# was able to walk back and forth six times before bailing which took 1:16.
Am I the only one who enjoys the zearker(so?)? Maybe bc I can sit it on my belly and have a good chuckle. Don’t know.
Open gym 2:00
Deadlifts for form
Sets of 5 – focus on pulling without jerking and keeping a flat back
135, 185, 225, 245, 275
50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders and Erg
DUs better than yesterday but got real wonky at 20
Wow! Azam that’s so cool and congrats! I love Orcas Island, it’d be super fun to go watch this happen some year.
In normal times I would have awarded you the crazy bastid of the week award, but someone has already earned that title for the 100th or so time in a row. Oh yeah, and all the guys that compete in a Skeleton.
Sorry man.
Azam!!!! This is phenomenal. No wonder you were wasting it out on the air runner all of those days! Nice work. That is probably the only ultra marathon I would ever consider. Blue grass with a view has me sold! So cool
Beasting it out***** geez autocorrect
So Cool Azam. Keep up the amazing endurance work.
Azam! I can’t imagine doing a race like that, let alone putting in all the work to get there. Nice job 👍🏼
Azam is absolutely incredible! Not mention the 6,087,456 spartan races he does every year! A total beast!!!
Wod: all these movements in my wheelhouse, but couldn’t knock it out of the park today for whatever reason…
22:37 RX
Pull-ups: 8-7-5-5 ( second set had a couple more breaks)
Ohs: unbroken (messed me up), then 15-10 for the next two sets.
I went into it experimenting (kind of like Thursday)— what would happen if I tried to do all sets unbroken?? Well, know thyself. 15-10 the whole way through might have helped me achieve a faster time… hm. I’m just trying to push my boundaries a little bit to get a clearer idea of what my limitations actually are. Maybe I’m better than I think. Or worse!
Then AGS and my arm and ab pump is real. I’m going to crush some chicken right now. 🙂 Russian dips have gotten so much better, and did 6 ring muscle-ups assisted by Ro. Gotta be more confident.
Azam nice work, always putting the extra time in!
Today with 15 PU per round and 45# OHS
23:55, that run really slowed me down..
Signed up for the OPEN.. :/ (cash out)
Azam is a certified beast, and also a fun dude to hang out with while lifting heavy weights in AGS 😄 only a couple days after this 100mi run, he was back to AGS!!
9am Short Circuit fun as always, played with the 25 lbs wallballs, got 19 unbroken in one of the rounds. 50 lbs db walking lunges will kill me if they show up in the Open.
10am Yoga with Whit, my first time ever in a Yoga class. Fun and less intimidating than I thought!
11am AGS got my HSPU down to a single abmat for 3 reps. Curious to test in the near future. Rows with the 70 lb kettlebell and now I got that arm pump!
Dropin at CF Kent Island for my last day of the week, had an hour and 15 min to squeeze in a bunch of crap. Good to know I can actually get this done in under two hours:
A) 2 rounds
10 BTN press
8 high pulls
10 banded pull aparts
B) 3×6, DB external rotation (10#) 4s down, felt fine
C) 3x50M double arm OH carry (moderate load)
chose two 25# kettlebells, felt great
D) 13.2!!!! Never tried this one before
10 min AMRAP:
5 push press (75#)
10 deadlift (75#)
15 box jumps
Completed 277 reps. So 9 rounds + 5 PP + 2 deadlifts. I didnt go into this with a plan and didnt let myself look at the open leaderboard either. Trying to save myself a little bit for next week. I’m happy with how this turned out though for sure! I had no hops today. Legs felt like lead for whatever reason. So jumping died early on. Everything unbroken. Went straight from push press overhead into first deadlift, and then box jumps all jump up step down. Step ups are still allowed in this WOD so i would do a few in the beginning in the later rounds to reset so I could go hard on the barbell. Couldn’t have done any better with the barbell. Box jumps can eat away at your time though, mental notes for next time: bound box jumps until I cant anymore to get ahead of the clock, then step down. Went out too conservatively in the beginning. Sprinting with these movements are okay. you will not fail a rep or redline. just keep moving.
E) Front Squats: 4×14 @ 120#
brutal after 13.2……….just evil. milk was a bad choice.
I hope this is the workout they repeat this year 🙂 I like the advice about sprinting this kind of workout from the beginning!
Good Anchor Man reference
AZAM! wowwwwwww wow wow wow wow. that is such an achievement! congratulations!
@Kharpz: FSQ 4×14 @ 120 AFTER that wod??? murderrrrrr.
Enjoying Saturdays as a low key flush out day. Butt SUPER sore from pistols yesterday. Back feels good. Today’s work:
30 min, moving and breathing:
:55 row (avg 15 cal)
200′ double kb OH carry (12kg each hand)
:55 single unders (played around with footwork)
10 GHD hip ext @ 20×1 + :25 sorenson hold
…think I did 6-7 rounds?
30 min, moving and breathing:
:55 assault bike (57 rpm)
:55 assault runner (screen not working, moderate effort)
50′ bear crawl (high hips, compression, fwd/bwd)
50′ crab walk (fwd/bwd)
50′ ea single arm farmer carry @ 105#
…again, I think 6-7 rounds on this one?
Azam, you are a crazy person. But man, what an accomplishment! Well done!!!
Did this programming yesterday solo.
-subbed a 1.5 mile bike for the runs. Stayed just under 3mins each time on the bike which for me is really good! I hate that damn thing. Pullups as 15-5-5, 12-5-4-3, 10-5-5-5. All OHS unbroken.
Today Active Recovery:
15mins of Farmer’s Carries with 45# in each hand. Did 22 lengths of 608, so at about 80ft each did a total of 1760ft. Each length took about :20 and then rested as needed. Never got sweaty or really challenging…but that’s the point of active recovery right? 😉
Thank you everyone for all the great comments and congratulations… I just also want to thank CFSBK, the amazing coaches and the awesome programing that provides me the fitness platform to do these crazy adventure races…