Power Clean and Push Jerk
Every 3 minutes for 6 rounds:
5 Touch-and-Go Power Clean + Push Jerks
Build across the 6 rounds. Post loads to comments.
For Time:
30 Calorie Row
20 Dumbbell Burpees 50/35
30 Calorie Row
Post time and Rx to comments.
The CFSBK Open Intramural Team Competition is back! See below to find out how you can join the fun…
The Open Is Upon Us
Team SBK!
As most or all of you know, the 2018 CrossFit Open starts on February 22nd, one week from today. The Open is a worldwide competition in which CrossFit HQ releases a workout (and a scaled version) each week for 5 weeks. Last year more than 380,000 people from all walks of life and all levels of fitness participated in the Open. For the 8th year in a row, CFSBK will be participating in the Open, and this post provides a quick rundown of how to sign up and participate.
How can I learn more about the Open and Sign Up?
Everything you need to know about the Open and registration info can be found on the CrossFit Games site. Make sure to register as a member of our affiliate AND our team (also called “CrossFit South Brooklyn”). We already have over 100 CFSBKers signed up!
Ok, I’m registered. What’s next?
Great! CFSBK will program the Open workouts every Saturday throughout the Open, which means you’ll have opportunities to perform the workouts during:
- Friday morning and afternoon CrossFit group classes
- Friday evening Open Gym as part of our “Friday Night Lights” events (open to all)
- Saturday at any CrossFit group class or during afternoon Open Gym
- Sunday evening Open Gym
Every Friday night of the Open, CFSBK will host a series of Friday Night Lights events. Anyone can come in to do the workout. We’ll help organize heats and judges and all the other stuff. Stay tuned to the blog for more info!
We’ll also be bringing back our Open Intramural League in which (if you so choose) you’ll be placed on a team of about 20-30 people. Your scores and participation will help your Intramural team earn points, and a victor will be crowned at the end of the competition (unless there’s a tie, which has happened). This is a totally voluntary, totally fun, and very low pressure way to add an element of camaraderie and friendly competition to the Open. You don’t need to be “good enough” or do the workouts as Rx’d to contribute points to your team.
Member Survey & Intramural Opt-In (Super short!)
If you’re doing the Open, we want to get to know a little more about you so we can highlight and support members from different backgrounds and experience levels through the 5 weeks. Also, if you want to participate in Intramurals, we NEED you to fill this out to be on a team.
May the WODS be with you!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Box Jumps, KB Swings, Wall Balls
The Ski Pole That Norway Will Never Forget NY Times
Science at the 2018 Olympics Scientific American
Strong Thursday:
Squat 175x5x3
Bench 115x5x3
Deadlift 235×5
Also known as The Day When Sh!t Got Real. Everything felt quite heavy today, especially the deadlift, and I’ll definitely make smaller jumps next week.
Also, this thing going on in my right upper tricep/shoulder is definitely A Thing. Not painful, but just enough discomfort/weirdness (noticed now on 3 separate occasions) that I can’t wait for Saturday morning AR so I can ask DO all the questions about appropriate recovery exercises.
Come to AR tonight and get your fix going earlier 😉
I wish! I can’t do Thursday AR except during the summer, when my choir isn’t rehearsing 🙁
7am with Jess and Lauren!
TnG Power Clean + Push Jerks:
73×5, 78×5, 83×5, 83×5, 93×5, 98×4 then 98×1. Had to set the bar down for a second on that last one! Cycled all of these as Lauren had perfectly demonstrated…although now that I think about it, I think (esp on the last set) I should have done the power clean, reset, then jerk. Or was that missing the point?
WOD done in 6:40, Rx. This was WAY harder than I thought it’d be. I swear it was solely the blaring of Sum 41 that got me through the row. Got a taste of those 35# DB’s I’m so intimidated by. Still intimidated. Bring on the Open!
5TnG Power C&J: 93, 103, 113, 118, 123, 123
Happy to be able to maintain TnG at this weight. I did take a quick pause on the way down before the 4th and 5th reps on the top sets. Great cue from Jess to keep thinking head through on the jerk to be more efficient.
WOD: 4:52 Rx
Probably could have pushed the pace a bit more on both movements. Took me three attempts to correctly jump out on my first burpee. Darn standards.
Hello! I never post on the blog, but here goes…
First, I’m IN for vegetable CSA! I’d love to do the every-other-week deal.
Second – I haven’t been able to workout/come to class in about 3 months, but I am good to go now. In an act that is either bravery or insanity, I’ve registered for the open. (very, very scaled.) Putting this in writing here to hold myself accountable. Sometimes you just gotta bite the bullet and show up as the person you hope to be, right?
I thank you in advance for not laughing at me as I embarrass myself over the next 5 weeks.
Let’s do this!
Yay, Jenny!!! I’ve been thinking about you recently! Glad you’ll be back soon in an act of 1,000% bravery! What could be a better time to come back!?
And…FWIW, there are millions of people who would never even take the risk of trying the crossfit open in the first place… (And laughing at them would just be wrong, so I’m pretty confident you’re only going to feel like a TFBA! No embarrassment necessary in a place like CFSBK!) So glad you signed up. 🙂
See you soon! 🙂
Yay, Jenny!
Go Jenny!
Yay Jenny, I miss you partner, happy to hear you are coming back! Welcome to the Open Scaled Team, we will be right next to each other. I can promise many claps from baby Laura 🙂
7am w/ Lauren and Jess
C+J: 63×5, 68×5, 73×5, 78×5, 83×5, 93×5. Took a chance and made a bigger jump on that last set—and it showed! TnG status was questionable. This was really challenging; I’m so accustomed to taking time to reset in between the clean and the jerk, so it was hard not to default to that instinctually. I kept feeling off balance, like my weight wasn’t properly distributed in my feet or something.
WOD: 6:12 RX. Just tried to keep up a steady pace! Kept my stroke rate between 30 and 32 on both rows, though I was able to push it to ~34 for the last 10 calories of the second. Did not hate the DB burpees as much as I expected to. At least there’s no jump!
I am potentially interested in an every-other-week veg CSA!
6am with Jess and Lauren
Felt good. Jerks were a little sloppy that last set but was able to do cleans straight into jerks without resetting which is a win.
Wod in 4:12 Rx. Should have pushed more.
Thanks for being my spotter today!
Let’s go STEVE! Back in group class hayyo! 💥💥💥💥
6am with Jess and Lauren
Worked up to 185 on the C&J. Last set was challenging
WOD in 3:51 Rx. Could have pushed more on the burpees
7am Class
The set at 175 got a little off balance.
Metcon Rx’d in 4:14
Went in with the mindset of “start out hard and try to keep up”. Didn’t have as much energy to push the 2nd row as hard as I’d have liked but felt appropriately trashed after anyway. #shortandaggressive
Woohoo, excited for intramurals! Feeling sufficiently PUMPED for the open!
A little stomach trouble last night, but got a killer 9 hours of sleep. Felt a bit sluggish this morning, but better with water and coffee 🙂
A. WU, 4x:
:30 headstand (playing with tuck and extend)
100′ single arm OH carry, each side @ 50#
10 beat swings
lower body stuff — some cossacks, hinging, hamstring groove, etc.
B. Power Clean + Push Jerk + Split Jerk (8-10 min, nothing past 85%)
85 (1pc+3pj+3sj)
105 (1+2+2)
145 x 1 x 2
C. EMOM x 5
3 power cleans @ 125# (singles)
-felt solid once I got my lats in the picture
D. Every 5 min for 6 rounds (alternate couplets each time, 3 rounds of each):
2 min row
5 push jerks @ 125#
2 min bike
5 bar muscle ups
scores = meters or cal and total time per round
A. 475m, 2:30 / 482m, 2:27 / 482m / 2:26 (holding 1:58-2:02 mostly)
B. 22 cal each round, 2:30/2:29/2:29 (holding about 58 rpm)
Jerks were a shock in the first round. my legs felt DEAD when i got there. just had to shake that thought and fire it up! I know I’m still not getting under the bar as much as I could/should. but cycling 125 is huge progress in the past 6 months.
BMU unbroken and felt great. Feel like I’ve got a good rhythm that I can breathe at the top and in the swing so it feels semi-sustainable.
15 min cooldown, recovery movement including lots of quad/adductor stretching
I want in on the veggie share!
12noon death at Crossfit Max Effort here in Vegas
EMOM x 15
5 snatch deadlifts (135/95)
4 hang power snatches
3 bar facing burpees
Score is weight + number of rounds successfully completed (if your work runs into the next minute, you rest the remainder and miss that round).
I completed 13 rounds @ 65#. Effing nightmare. Couple days of Vegas living before this did not help.
Huge, stocked gym; pretty good coaching. “Max effort” seems taken seriously – there was lots of loud “encouragement” to not rest and plow on.
Making things better with tacos now. Ready to be back in BK!
Everything is louder in Vegas (I blame sin)
Well, my posting was short lived. My little Biscuit has stolen my heart and taken over my life already, so last week was a particularly quiet one for me in the world of fitness. But, I’m back in the game!
I did both Monday and Wednesdays workouts on Tuesday.
Push Presses:
5 x 83
5 x 93
3 x 103
3 x 113
1 x 123 F
1 x 118
These felt good up until my failed attempt at 123. Annoyingly, it was my mental approach that caused it. I told myself from the moment I took the bar out of the rack that I wasn’t going to do it. And I didn’t! It’s definitely a weakness of mine – Maybe i need to work on more aggressive facial expressions and growling to help me through! That definitely seems to work for some people! 😉
I was hesitant to attempt the AMRAP RXd. I knew the aim was to move through the deadlifts unbroken and I wasn’t sure if I could, but Mrs Fox was, once again, the thorn in my … I mean the positive force that I needed to push through. I’m very glad she was! Managed all deadlifts unbroken finishing with 6 rounds & 5 reps. Ultimately I just needed to go faster!
Wednesdays workout was fun! Quickest round was :54, slowest was 1:01. Wall Balls slowed me down as always!
10 @ 115
2 x 10 @ 125
I can definitely take more weight, but my left knee has been a wobbly old issue for me recently, so I kept the weight there and focussed on keeping it under control.
Weightlifting club last night where I managed a cheeky Jerk PR @ 143! Felt really solid, so there’s definitely room for more.
There’s been so many great achievements and blogging taking place recently. Amazing work everyone!
Lyns that 143# jerk was a beaut.
Ah thanks my love!
Run – 2 miles right before class. Hill work.
Mile 1. Uphill @ 9:10
Mile 2. Down @ 8:40
Today was supposed to be a recovery run, but I didn’t wake up this morning in time so I punished myself with hills. No way I could do any real speed since I did tempos the day before.
5:30 group class
The cycling of this really messed with my brain, so most of my jerks were under powered. So I kept it really light and hoped to just figure out the movement. Still tiring as hell doing sets of five. This is like a fun type of frustrating though. Like patting your head and rubbing a bear at the same time.
Metcon was a lot of fun, for me. Since the open is coming up, I am keeping my dumbbells to scale weight of 35# ended with a time of 4:46. Could have done RX but I want to feel what kind of pace I should push for the open.
In for CSA! 🍎🥒🥔
Came in for some weightlifting! Had a 1RM snatch programmed with kinnick today so it worked out perfectly!
Hit a lot of reps at 65. Good discussions and thoughts included focusing on just the shrug and not extension at the hips. It helped me finish the pull slightly more properly than I normally do. Have the tendency to finish the pull with too much arms (wanna power everythaaang), and when I get under the bar (which is usually quickly) I have a lot of downward momentum to deal with as a consequence. Video helped me understand. I feel what I’m doing wrong and I see it. I had a few more here and then when I went up to 85 it started to make more sense. Had some solid lifts here. Internalized it the best I could. Then started to build to a heavy single!
130 (Fx2) got a little mentally tweaked, high pulled the CRAP out of the bar to show myself I was strong enough to lift it, and was totally fine. Moving along.
150 (F) , reset, 150×1 good!
155x (Fx3 or 4) can’t remember
Ohhh man that lift is so dang close. It isn’t too important to me that I hit it now. But I was under it just got fried at that point. I needed this for confidence. If 17.3 pops up again I’ll be ready. Funny to see how much performance tanked briefly because of my simple fears of not being able Hit 135 consistently. That was a good trick. Just pull the crap out of it and tell your brain to shut up.
Good day. Resting for majority of the weekend and ready to get this open GOING! 7 days!
73×5, 83×5, 88x5x2, 93x5x2
Got some good advice from Whit about driving my heels through the floor, while leading with my shoulders and keeping them back.
Was discouraging…
Liked the advice from Fox about starting hard then trying to keep up.
Went out too hard and couldn’t keep up. Last off the erg despite giving it my 100%.
Was frustrated during burpees because those are supposed to be the part I’m good at! With 35# dumbbells, I’m no longer good at burpees.
Then it took me about 75 pulls to get to 30 calories. Sigh. 7:00 RX.
So, I suck at rowing and obviously have not made an attempt to get better. I think I need to make a commitment to row 1-2x week outside of class— minimum! As much as it pains me… #noexcuses
6:30pm with Lauren and Whit
C&J 135-145-155-165-155-155
Focused on cycling without touching my shoulders – I usually have a 2-stop cycle motion (shoulders/legs), so it was super weird to dead drop. C&J were no problem.
Metcon 5:33min Rx
1800-ish on first row, burpees killed me, then 1200-ish on second row. Burpees were weird, was hard to jump into with a narrow stance.
7:30 group!
Worked up to 62lbs, which felt pretty challenging but I made it. The cleans in particular for some reason, still trying to keep that straight line and drive with the legs but it’s a work in progress. Brett gave me some pointers on when and how to transition into and out of a hook grip which was tripping me up. I think I almost got it.
7:19 on the wod with 20lb dbs. Rows went ok but those burpees! Found myself pausing to catch my breath a couple a times. Ended up skipping the pushups again and doing the step ins. Tried to jump in a few times but it wasn’t happening. Hard stuff but fun!
Haven’t worked out since Sunday! Monday was rest day, Tuesday was migraine day, and Wednesday was sore throat day. Sad I missed a bunch of fun WODs and AGS. Felt better today and mid-winter break starts…now!
All reps felt surprisingly good except for my last two cleans at 103 bc I wasn’t able to reset my hook grip.
WOD Rx’d in 6:19
Rowing is a major weakness. I’m pretty good at burpees but didn’t know how to go any faster. Probably could have pushed the pace on the row in the first round a bit more.
Excited for the Open! I don’t think I’m in my top CF shape right now after nursing two injuries over the last year, but I’m certain I will surprise myself and am excited to see what that surprise will be this year! The Open is my favorite time of year bc the adrenaline boost makes me push harder than I do in regular WODs. I’m more strategic, purposeful, and am able to get over mental blocks more during Open WODs than on a regular day. Five years ago I did my first 14# wall balls in the Open (still a weakness!) and my first 95# cleans. In later years of the Open, I got my first kipping HSPUs and not just one but 3 BMUs! Do it so you can surprise yourself!