CFSBK is excited to partner with our friends at beyond the whiteboard to provide digital workout tracking for our affiliate! Members are able to access each day’s workout on the app or desktop site, both of which provide tons of data, gym leaderboards, and a variety of other cool tracking parameters. BTWB is an official CrossFit® app, and it’s run by CFSBKers!
Complete the following steps to register and start tracking your workouts:
- Create a profile by registering at
- Use the gym code CFSBK101 to receive a free membership and link you into the CFSBK group class programming feed.
- Download the app for Apple or Android and sign in!
You read that right: this premium service is completely FREE for CFSBK members. OMG, that’s you!
We’ll be adding a BTWB widget to the blog this week, but get on there now and start tracking your workouts!
News and Notes
- Schedule Change: Today’s Jiu Jitsu Open Mat is cancelled. Callie is out of town this week.
- T-Minus 8 days until the announcement of CrossFit Open Workout 18.1. Go here to join Team CFSBK!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Push Press | Deadlifts, Burpess
Powerlifting Slows the Aging Process: Here’s Why BarBend
I Will Die in This Beautiful Place NY Times
Wednesday’s Programming
Every 3 minutes for 5 rounds:
10 Box Jumps 24/20
10 Russian Kettlebell Swings 32/24kg
10 Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9
The goal is unbroken reps with consistent scores.
Post work to comments.
Back Squat
Warm up and work up to a heavy set of 10 reps. Use spotters on all work sets.
Post loads to comments.
2 sets for quality
5 hanging leg raises/knee raises
5 ea DB high pull
5 bootstraps
B. Kipping toes to bar Practice
C. 10 rounds for time with a partner @aer pace
5 t2b
10 db thrusters, 35/50
12/15 cal row
Wednesday’s work with Jess:
Loved the WOD today! Sprints make such a great mental exercise for me, for how hard I can push myself (speed and weight).
Done Rx’d, rounds in 0:57, 0:53, 0:52, 0:55, 0:53. Wanted to get in the 40s range so badly, how did the 6am-ers do it?!?
Back squats felt great, despite being slightly fatigued from the WOD.
95×10, 115×10, 135×10. I thought 135 was my max, but these actually moved quite well and I think I could go 10 or 15# higher. Happy to pair with Jean!
Made a BTWB account. It’ll probably be hard for me to commit to tracking on another platform, but I’m already loving updates from other CFSBK-ers! Maybe that’ll motivate me.
8:30 AM conference call = the lovely people of 6 AM, at the unlovely hour of 6 AM.
Very consistent on the E3MOM work (and always consistently slower than the pack of Kayleigh, Dan L, and James A): all rounds between 1:08 and 1:10.
135, 145, 155 on the squats. Probably could have gone a little heavier, especially paired with Kayleigh who worked her way up to 205×10 (!!!!).
Also, @Sarah, just saw your post from yesterday (yesterday’s blog was EN FUEGO!) about DO encouraging you to try a harder burpee scale.
I will never forget the first time he made me do Rx burpees in a workout. I think I asked him whether I should scale to elevated burpees (at the time, we had enough space in the gym to do that) or knee pushups. He was like “that is a false dichotomy” (okay, that’s what *I* would have said) and that I should do full-on burpees.
It took me like 18 minutes to finish a WOD that took everybody else like 12 minutes, DO no-repped me a few times, and I gave him the finger at least once.
The man is a sadist, but he’s effective 😛
Also @Sarah, YAY re: your push presses yesterday and DO IT re: signing up for scaling solidarity 🙂
@Stella Nice! Excited for the day when I can do them Rxd 🙂 For a while I really could maybe eek out 1 knee push up so I really had like no choice but to scale way back. But yeah… you do those scales long enough and you get stronger and such 🙂 Gotta get over my burpee-biases.
@Jen I signed up! (AHHHH!) Thanks for the encouragement 🙂 You’re da best.
BTWB is the best. Their app is super fun to use to I’m on it almost as much as instagram these days with the open coming up (if you’re a data happy person you’ll love it).
Pro tip: blog on BTWB app right after you do it. The copy and paste from the website right here on the blog! I do that all of the time because I love getting the stats and I also love writing on the blog. Then I don’t waste time double blogging or typing out the whole workout myself.
: )
Yesterday: not a lot of energy, felt like i could’ve fallen asleep mid workout Yday!
A) Annie : 6 mins 46 secs | Rx’d
50-40-30-20-10 reps of:
Double Under
AbMat Sit-up
:42 slower than my best. This workout annoys me for some reason. The transitions are odd towards the end and my rope always gets twisted, since it’s such a time sensitive workout its always frustrating! Messed around with RPM speed and tripped a lot. Is what it is!
B) Snatch: heavy single
Trying to get some confidence back here. I rarely hit heavy numbers so just went up until I wasn’t successful for three tries. Felt heavy as bricks!
83×5, 103×3, 113×2, 123, 128, 133, 138 Fx3
Will probably keep doing this the next couple of weeks. I fear a repeat of 17.2 and doing worse than I did last year. Although much has improved since, my snatch confidence was much higher last year than this year. Hoping it comes right back with a little exposure. Hitting Frankie’s class again this thursday!
C) “Tabata” – Bar Facing Burpees : 8 x 20 secs / 40 secs : 64 reps | 64 | Rx’d
8 across, fine, Focused on breathing easy and moving fast.
D)”Tabata” – Handstand Walk : 6 x 20 secs / 40 secs : 64 ft | Rx’d
Guesstimate. I am going to try and get inverted at least 3x a week in a static hold to try and figure out this breathing thing. System is super uncomfortable upside down these days.
E) Strict chins in as few sets as possible: 9/6/5/5/5
Felt just a little shaky and weak here at this point! A lot of little things were adding up
F) 30 min cardio: *mildly uncomfortable pace*
10 min row: 115 cal
10 min bike: 78 cal
10 min ski: 88 cal
May have taken my liberties with the “mildly uncomfortable” pace, took it easy I was feeling sleepy!
ALL of the numeric and kombucha and vitamins. I fear sickness this close to the open. So many coughing humans on the subway this AM.
BTW: do the open. It’s my absolute favorite thing about this sport. I obviously want to do well myself, but I genuinely enjoy cheering other people on this time of year more than anything else. It’s a reminder of why I put in all of these hours. It’s incredibly cool to see everyone push their limits and support each other, especially on those Saturdays! I come in early just to watch cause it gets me hyped for my own open performance! My favorite addition is the friday night lights, which has some pretty incredible energy, especially with the snatch WOD. I’m looking forward to being home every weekend of the Open this year so I can be around for all of it!
9 DAYS!!! Ermergerd (NervousLaughter) ((ImFine)) (((EverythingIsFine)))
Super helpful protip. I really like my handwritten journal — insight if that’s worth keeping too or if I should just switch to BTWB?
no need to ditch the journal feels! I value handwritten notes too. Logging can be super quick and shouldn’t take more than a minute or so once you get the hang of it.
Cool. Thx.
7am doing Wednesday
E3MIN Rx’d
:56 – 1:03
While I’m old and old school and like writing my notes down with a pen on paper in a book, BTWB is pretty rad and has a few really smart guys writing for them nowadays. Plus, the team that runs it are mostly CFSBKers. That and the discount code make it seem like a no brainer. Hopefully folks will still post here a la Harper’s suggestion…I’d hate for the ol blog die.
yeah, please don’t replace me with robots, guys
WOD: :55, :54, :52, :50, :47 Rx
Managed to keep up with James’s magnificent bounding box jumps on the final round.
LBBS: 165×10, 185×10, 205×10
Fun pairing up with Stella for this one. Definitely felt better than anticipated and could have gone heavier, a pleasant surprise.
Noon with Keith doing yesterday’s work
These small noon classes are a big driver of my new work-from-home-once-a-week strategy. Such a great way to break up the day.
Partnered with Nicole today, which is always great. Push presses: 53×5, 58×5, 58×3, 63×3, 68×1, 73*x1. These felt harder than I thought they would and I didn’t go as high as I hoped. Oh well. 5rounds + 7reps on AMRAP with burpee scale (stepping over bar) and 125#. Cashed outwith 5 min of DU practice. Still can’t atring them together but am getting better at one single one double one single one double…
I ooze jealousy for your work schedule. Man, 10 AM class once a week would be delightful.
I mean, I’ll do it til I get caught?
Will there be Friday Night Lights again this season?
Will there be auto generated “teams” or do we have to sign up for a team?
A) 21-15-9 reps of:
Squat Clean, 125 lbs
Deficit Handstand Push-up, 2.5 in
Completed in 11 mins 35 secs RX
Cleans rocked the system faster than I wanted them to. This fatigued the low back about halfway through round 15 and that’s what ultimately slowed me down. Bummer! Haven’t had that problem in awhile. Will get on hollow holding stuff in h recovery for the next couple of weeks. HSPU felt good. Intentionally broke them up but I don’t know if I should have because I’m pretty sure I was fine! Just building confidence with my kip again I suppose. 16/5, 9/6, 9
B) High Pulls: 3×15 @ 18#
C) Ring Dips: 20 in as few sets as possible
Hurt my biceps like hell today! Got better as I went along. Just need to do these more.
BTWB is great. Thanks for partnering with them and offering the service.
Two questions:
1. Is there a way to record a failed/missed lift other than in the notes section?
2. Most of the CFSBK programming is already populated on the app/website but Sunday’s was not. I tried to create it but there was no easy solution.
hello guyS
Im from Portugal, and usually um doing your wodS.
theres no membrrship for mE. can i still have access to the app and your wods?
if not, no worries 🙂
11:30 am 4 mile run. Had a couple of those sweet moments where you get lost in your head and forget you are running. Then you wake up, mentally, half a mile later and cry.
5:30 group doing Monday
Didn’t have a partner on the bar for the push presses so I got through the rotation quickly. Whit said I had enough time to go for a PR if I wanted and now have a 175 PR instead of 165
5 x 2 at 125
3 x 1 at 135
3 x 1 at 145
1 x 1 at 155
1 x 1 at 175
I also watched a lot of Dragon Ball Z during the day and felt powered up.
Metcon using 245# and got 5 rounds and 4 reps
THANKS FOR THE SWAG! I made an account today and already logged my shizzzz
7:30 with Keith
Push press:
113×1 ** 3 lb PR!
Wod at 175: 6 rounds, 5 reps. Deadlifts are notttt my friend.