Mid-Hang Power Clean
Work up to a heavy single for the day.
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP 9 Minutes:
3 Mid-Hang Power Cleans 165/115
6 Front Squats 165/115
9 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
The barbell should be challenging. Use a load that you can do an unbroken round when fresh. Scale the Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups to Chin Over or Jumping Chest-to-Bar as needed.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Better Know a Member: Kris Lee
Over the last few weeks, your trusty CFSBK blog has been bringing you Better Know a Member profiles from across our community of kind, interesting, wonderful members. Last week we heard from the WWTD woman herself, Mama Buckley. This week, let’s learn more about the man pictured above…
Name (and any nicknames):
Kristofer “Kris” Lee
Where were you born and where did you grow up?
Born and raised in the Bronx, NY.
How long have you been CrossFitting, and how did you arrive at CFSBK?
I have been CrossFitting since May 2014. I had finished graduating from basic combat training with the Army, and I wasn’t pleased with my overall physical conditioning. I could run and lift my body weight for the most part, but I lacked the strength I once had when I used to lift in college. I wanted to be more well-rounded. I Googled “CrossFit gyms in Brooklyn,” and CSFBK came up on top of the list.
Nightmare workout:
For Time:
100 Burpee Box Jumps.
Dream workout:
For Time:
30 Deadlifts at 225lbs
20 Front Squats at 185 lbs
15 Push Jerks at 155 lbs
10 Hang Cleans at 155 lbs
Run 1 mile
What are you up to when you’re not at 597 Degraw Street?
I’m currently getting ready to mobilize for a year long deployment in the middle east for the next 10 months. The opportunity just sprung up, and I volunteered to go. I also invest my money in the stock market and trade derivatives as well.
Favorite and least favorite lifts:
Favorite lift is the Clean and Jerk. What is there not to like about a lift that comprises the Deadlift, Squat, and Press in a dynamic movement?
Least favorite lift is the Bench Press. I suck at it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Any advice for new CFSBKers?
Those who just started may feel discouraged, sore, and unmotivated after realizing the degree of proficiency that some of the movements may require. Understand that it is a growing process, and showing up is more than half the battle. Now you just have to do it and try your best. I emphasize the word “bes”t because mediocrity should never be celebrated. I challenge everyone to be better than the person they were yesterday. The lifts will get heavy and WODs downright miserable, but you aren’t going to die. The only easy day was yesterday so get busy living, or get busy dying.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Muscle-Up Work | Deadlifts, Muscle-Ups
Olympic Dynasties: Why Certain Countries Will Dominate the Same Events They Always Do CS Monitor
Finding Intensity in CrossFit Again Breaking Muscle
Hi Kris! Nice to meet you! Your nightmare workout reminds me of an impromptu QOD we had on the blog years ago which was something like “if you had a WOD named after you, what would it be?” And Jay-Star’s answer was: “If you’re having girl problems, I feel bad for you son / Now do 99 burpees and a 1-mile run.” (please coaches never do that either!)
Solo strength Thursday:
LBBSQ 165x5x3. I feel like I now have to go wider with my arms than I used to. Shoulder mobility issues? Time to go back to all the rehab exercises I’ve fallen out of the habit of. :/
Bench 105x5x3
Deadlift 225×5
All of this felt heavier than these weights used to, but manageable. Will +10 on everything for next exposure.
I think you are thinking of someone else Stella. My Dream WOD is called “Guns and Poses”.
5 Rounds
25 DB bicep curls
5 minutes of freestyle flexing
Jay-Star, I guess I was mistaken too. I thought that was your daily warm up.
7am w/Jess and Lauren
Today was weird. Starting with getting to class late.
Hang power cleans: 83, 93, 103, 113, 123, 123F (squat clean), 123, 113
Was a little distracted by the really busy/big class, but overall this was fine. Happy to hit 123 a couple of times, over 90% of my full clean.
WOD: 4 rounds @ 95# w/jumping CTB from 16″ and then my right wrist said stop. My hands are super sore, and I have a tear on my right thumb, so I think was getting sloppy with my grip while cycling the power cleans and it started to get quite painful. Pretty stiff now – going to ice it and lay off for a day or two. Finished out two final rounds with 8 goblet squats (thx for the quick suggestion, Snickers!) + jumping CTB.
Great to get to know ya, Kris!
7am with Jess & Lauren. Always a great duo!
Hang power cleans: 83-93-103-113-113-118F
These felt really weird and off, and I’m ready for a rest day tomorrow! Sad that I missed 118# but happy to call it quits right after 🙂
WOD: 7 rounds at 95#, CTB jumping from a stool. Not sure how high those are?
Power cleans cycled and unbroken, front squats unbroken. Multiple chin-ups (anything more than ONE) are a major work in progress for me so I’ve really been focusing on utilizing my arm strength and jumping as little as possible! I would love to get 5 in a row, strict, one day.
Hang power clean: 83, 103, 113, 123, 133, 143F, 143, 148, 153, 158(squat clean)
WOD: 4 rounds + 5 C2B. Rx weight, but scaled the 9 C2B to 6 C2B per round.
Inspired by superstar rower/karaoker Toni, decided to do an “easy” 2K row this morning after class and might actually try to test it out when I am fresh. Goal was just to maintain a 2:00 pace from start to end. Finished 7:58.
6am with Jess and Snickers
First 6am class after tearing my acl last February. Felt good to be back!
Worked up to two at 185# on the hang power clean. First felt great, second was ugly.
WOD – 3 rounds and 5 c2b Rx
Hang power cleans 3, 3, 2-1, 2-1
FSQ all unbroken
C2B 5-4 all rounds
A year away hasn’t fixed my clean woes.
Thanks for sharing Kris. Thanks for sharing, Kris and thank you for your service.
8 am with Fox
Golly, I’m sleeping like crap this week and felt terrible coming in even for the 8 am instead of the 7. Still the hang power cleans felt mostly good other than some trouble getting my elbows around on a few. Hit a few at 93 – just 5 off from my PR so getting 3 good ones in was encouraging. I did the WOD with 83# and had a hard time going and going. The front squats felt heavy and soft on the bottom. Did 4 rounds and broke them up in 3 and 4. Jumping CtB on a 16″ box which was maybe too high but still was gassed throughout. I’ll bet tomorrow will be better.
Specialist Kris! Nice write up!
8 a.m. with the mighty Chris Fox. Worked to 205# on the hang power cleans.
4 rounds on the wod. Wrists not feeling super awesome so didn’t push it as much as I might have.
Kris is always fun to have in class or to share a bar with. And who doesn’t love military level inspiration?
“The only easy day was yesterday so get busy living, or get busy dying”
– John Rambo
6am class
205 on the HPC
5 Rounds Rx on the metcon…Grippy!
sore leggies from yesterday’s squats! took about 15-20 min to get warmed up for today’s wod, including working up to a medium power clean:
85×5, 115x1x3, 125x1x2, 135x1x3.
Was extremely fortunate to have Sarah C. jump on board and hit this with me. We both have different strengths and weaknesses on this one, so it was good to work through it side by side, but on our own paces!
Open WOD 14.4
AMRAP 14 min:
60 cal row
50 TTB
40 WB shot @ 14#, 9′
30 power clean @ 95#
20 ring muscle ups
score = 183 reps (3 muscle ups)
In 2014, I got 165 reps (15 power cleans), so 18 reps more.
I know I’ve done it once since then, but I didn’t clear the power cleans that day, either. Probably got somewhere in the 20’s. So today’s effort is a solid improvement. Of course I want more 😉
Row in 3:47, faster than planned, but felt like a solid, tough pace. I often over-pace a bit on big rows like that, so decided to just see what happened if I got more uncomfortable from the start. Knowing I had TTB afterward and could breathe on those helped. Started around 1100 cal/hr, then over 1000 through the first 20 cal (1:10), then settled around 950 for the middle and back up above 1000 for the last 10-15 cal.
TTB: 8-8-8-6-6-6-4-4. literally the first time ever i’ve created a rep scheme on ttb and actually stuck to it. haha! I always end up with singles and doubles but this felt great. not sure when I finished… sometime before the 7:00 mark?
WB: 14-6-10-10 … almost lost my shit there. shoulders felt fried. done by 9:01
PC: all singles. I wanted to stop so bad. need to do some more BB recharge/cycling work in the next couple weeks. this was the weak point for me. finished at 12:17. didn’t waste too much time between reps, but felt GASSED.
MU: failed my first rep like a dummy. was jumping up to higher rings, had to adjust my grip, and just didn’t get tight enough or commit. need to be smarter about my set up. after that, 3 singles. yay!
4 rounds for quality:
:30 assault bike, 60rpm
100′ sandbag carry 80#
100′ rvrs sled drag 135#
:20 L-sit
100′ each side, single arm OH KB carry, 20kg
about 4 min/rd, 16:00ish total
8am class:
Hang Power Clean
83, 103, 123, 133, 143, 153, 163f, 163
-last one wasn’t pretty and was a bit starfishy and slow to the rack. had to keep telling myself to squat clean it so that I could actually try to get under the bar.
5 rounds plus 15 reps, rx
-all barbell unbroken. all pullups as butterfly chest to bar for the first time ever! Forced myself to stick with this to practice even though I ended up taking more rest in between sets. Mostly in 4-3-2. Last 6 pullups were regular kip to try to get them in before time. Oh and I dropped the barbell after 5 squats in the 2nd round because I forgot what I was doing.
Kris is hilarious! Love that photo and learning a little more about you.
Kris!! This dude is strong as hell, which he reminded me the other day on a partner metcon when, to warm up to a 95lb thruster workout, he went up to a 205lb thruster. You know, just to get the joints going a bit, get that little warm up.
I’ve been out of service for a few days with some food poisoning, maybe I’ll show up again tomorrow morning for those hang power cleans.
Tough day at the Jim. No sleep last night. Took a nap after work and just couldn’t bounce back:
5 RFT: 400 m and Chest-to-bar Pull-ups : 21 mins 59 secs | Rx’d
5 rounds of:
Run, 400 m
20 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
On assault air runner. Feeling pretty cruddy today. I had a good rhythm on chest to bar 8/7/5 then started to rip on round 4. Decided to do singles and triples in fingertips cause ripping wasn’t worth it! Kind of took my time on the end, bad day outside of the gym so decided to be easy on myself
woohooo! light stuff to clean up my form. My hands were trashed after toes to bar and c2b yesterday. yuck! But still good tips from Frankie. I’ll be back next Thursday! Looking forward to it, especially when I’m feeling fresher.
Great to learn more about you, Kris!
Arrived really early so deadlifted and practiced kipping HSPUs, double unders and pistols.
103-113-118 (squat)-113-118 (squat)
Picked the bar up a couple of times at 118 and didn’t even make an attempt. Elbows were not moving fast enough but Whit showed me a good way to practice turning them over quickly. Small wins today include not over extending and failing by doing a squat clean rather than by pulling and not dropping under the bar.
WOD @93 with 9C2B
HPC: unbroken and did these slowly to practice cycling. I tend to not release my hook grip at the top and then when I do, I tend not to reset it on the way down. Slow but successful.
FSQTs: Unbroken and did these slowly as well to focus on keeping elbows up and not tipping over. So much improvement on these overall. FSQTs are a major weakness.
C2B: Was a bit too ambitious and did the first two rounds 5-4 then fell a part in the third round. Had to go to triples and doubles and failed a rep. Round 4 was slightly better but needed a lot of rest in between each set. Had to do singles on the last 4 reps of my 5th set and was so sad my chest did not touch the bar on my very last rep which would have completed the 5th round. Sigh. Did 44 C2B so that’s a win! Happy these have been programmed frequently.
Felt harder to get fast elbows today… I preferred from the floor last week…
WOD: 103, 4+2
Decided to push the weight higher because I knew chest to bars would be the rest period (3-2-2-2 most rounds). HPCs weren’t too bad, but FSQs were a challenge.
Good times!
Kris is one of the funniest guys at the gym! awesome to learn more. Amazing to volunteer for that tour.
Hi guys,
So it was,
3×5 reps each
Db press
Did mid hang power clean until 60kg
Wod (scaled) 50kg
3hang power clean
6 front squat
6 push up hand release
3 chest2bar