WOD 2.1.18
At 0:00
In 3 minutes…
3 Rounds:
20 Double-Unders
5 Power Cleans 135/95
At 6:00
In 3 minutes…
3 Rounds:
20 Double-Unders
4 Power Cleans 165/115
At 12:00
In 3 minutes…
3 Rounds:
20 Double-Unders
3 Power Cleans 185/125
At 18:00
In 3 Minutes…
3 Rounds:
20 Double-Unders
2 Power Cleans 205/135
At 24:00
In 3 Minutes…
3 Rounds:
20 Double-Unders
1 Power Clean 225/155
The barbell load should begin at light-medium for you and end with a heavy Power Clean. Scale the Dubs to Singles as needed.
Post work to comments.
Better Know a Member: Trisha Buckley
Over the last few weeks, your trusty CFSBK blog has been bringing you Better Know a Member profiles from across our community of kind, interesting, wonderful members. Last week we learned about Corey B.’s comedic talents and exceptional bowling abilities. Today we’re very excited to get to know Trisha B., one of our dedicated Fit 55+ athletes, a little better.
Name (and any nicknames):
Trisha Buckley, and in many CrossFit circles, “Mama Buckley.”
Where were you born and where did you grow up?
I was born right here in Brooklyn, came home from the hospital to Berkeley Place. I was raised in a traditional Irish Catholic family. I’m the youngest of 4 and the only girl. I also raised my two daughters Emily and Bridget in Park Slope. Can’t take a girl out of Brooklyn!
How long have you been CrossFitting, and how did you arrive at CFSBK?
I have been CrossFitting for 2.5 years. I arrived at CFSBK a year ago when I asked my younger daughter, Emily, to find a CrossFit gym closer to home, one that would offer me a challenging workout and also keep an eye out on me to avoid injuries. She spoke with Coaches Fox and David and here I am… amazingly happy to be part of the Fit 55+ class.
Do you have any unusual rituals/superstitions or habits related to life or CrossFit?
With every workout I am challenged! I imagine myself as my Games athlete daughter, Emily Buckley. I imagine her for inspiration and try to mimic her technique, which at times includes a lot of grunting and heavy breathing! I was extremely happy to compete on a team with Emily a few months ago at Fight Gone Bad!
What’s your hidden talent?
I’m an astrologer and tarot card reader! Wacky, I know how it sounds, but it’s all about the cycles of life, and I am able to help people using this medium.
Ask me about that time I…
I hitchhiked and backpacked across the country a few times! It was a different time, and I would probably kill my own kids if they had even attempted to do it.
If you had to switch careers today, what would you choose to do?
Thankfully, I have reached an age where I happily left my corporate sales management job and only do what I choose to do: I read astrology charts and tarot cards professionally, and I provide child care for a very lovely family. I love kids! I find my days very rewarding.
What are you up to when you’re not at 597 Degraw Street?
Hanging out with friends, traveling, and making repairs/improvements to my very old house on 12th Street.
Any advice for new CFSBKers?
I encourage anyone even slightly interested in the 55+ Fit class to give it a go! We are all stronger than us think we are! If not now, then when? Start slowly, easily, learn how to do every part of the class with good form and just go from there. You’ll be amazed at the results.
News and Notes
- The Community Potluck is this Saturday night. In a CFSBK first, we’ll be doing karaoke! (David is getting soft.) In case you want to practice beforehand, these are the YouTube channels we’ll be using: Sing King Karaoke and Karafun. Don’t forget to leave a comment on the event page to let everyone know what you’re bringing.
- The next Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge Lecture and Q&A is this Sunday, February 4th at 12pm in the Annex. See the event page for details!
Observe, Measure, Repeat, and Improve CrossFit Journal
Dogs Are The Internet’s Favorite Animal The Outline
Great to learn about you, Trisha! Love the hitchhiking story…
7am w/Lauren & Mr. Fox
WOD: 10DU attempts per round + power cleans at 83-93-113-113-123
DUs were a nightmare today. I lost all rhythm – even my usually reliable single-single-double game was gone. Stamping, tight shoulders, slow left hand. Sigh. Thanks to Fox for patiently feeding me cues even as I kept flailing.
Power cleans felt super for the first 3 rounds – in the 4th round I realized I had missed a planned jump and was already at 123 (planned 93-103-113, but skipped the 103!). Totally failed 123 twice – so went back down to 113 for the rest of that round. Looking back I wish I had just taken a moment to get composed and kept at it – 123 went up fine in the last round…
Tried a few more DUs after class, but the rhythm was still just missing. Did a few hollow holds and a quick stretch called it a day.
OH I did mean to add yesterday that I’m still blown away I was able to do all 15 chin ups in the cashout, within the few minutes we had left for it – even getting a double in each set of 3! That’s a WIN!
Nice on those chinups! You really have come a long way.
Thanks Kate! I’m actually pretty conservative even in the early 70’s just have this lust for life…that can’t be stopped.
Trisha, how cool to be able to share CrossFit with your daughter! Also, very cool to learn about one of our Fit 55+ members — I think it’s so awesome that we have that class but I almost never get to see it in action.
Came into OG this morning for a solo powerlifting day:
BSQ 155x5x3
Press 60x5x3
Deadlift 215×5
It is clear I have a bit of work to do to get back to peak strength. Squats in particular felt way heavier than the weight I chose used to feel, although maybe that’s because it was the first lift of the day. Definitely going to keep doing this once a week throughout the cycle, because I’m a stronger and happier person when I squat twice a week and pull heavy.
Hi Stella, Have done 55+ classes now at two Crossfit gyms now..CFSB has the best programming and Coaches..No surprise there..I’m sure.
Great getting to know you, Trisha. Love these pieces!
WOD Rx. Shortest round was 1:17 (round of 2 PC), longest was 1:36 (round of 1 PC).
Two trips along the way (one at 2 and one at 20), but otherwise DUs unbroken. Power cleans started unbroken for 95, doubles for 115, then singles from then on.
Strict pull-ups after: 6(!) – 4 – 4 – 3.
Power clean + FSQ: Up to 153.
WOD: Didn’t even look at the clock – a long, long time. Rx front squats (unbroken) and 9-6-3 HSPU with 1 abmat. Lots of fails along the way – bench press / KB swings from previous days definitely took a toll.
Thanks! It’s the best part of my week!
Trish is a BOSS and it’s a privilege getting to know her. Some of the other Fit 55+ members have a saying when deciding on what weights to use…WWTD? (What would Trish do?) so they can scale down from that.
Hey Chris…it’s a privilege getting to know you better also…I love M,W, and F.
Love seeing this write-up on Moma Buckley 🙂
Great energy and a great member of our community!
Looking forward to meeting you someday, Buckley!
11:30 run of the day
3.25 miles tempo run
Mile 1 – 9:10
Mile 2 – 8:06 (tempo mile)
Mile 3 – 9:06
Haven’t done tempos in a long time so my mind was struggling to keep at it. That used to be my race pace, so it’s hard not to get frustrated. It will get easier though, and that’s all I care about for now.
5:30 group
I ❤️ this workout. I got up to 145, which was fine but now I’m wishing I went heavier earlier and gotten to 160 at the end. I actually got a couple cleans where I kinda got under the bar! Super!
This class felt extra supportive today for some reason.
Hi Corey,
Same here…maybe at next years anniversary party? David?
Did this, sort of in the middle of the 6:30pm Group Class. Didn’t have time to take a full class between clients etc so I just started cold and used the workout itself as a warm-up
As Rx’d!!
Missed the third clean at 225 and had to reset for a bit before attempting it.
Fun one! Lots of rest 🙂
Did the 430 class today
First time working out since last Tuesday. Thanks a lot Flu Gods!
This was an awesome workout! Tried to get my ‘MAT’ training that RO always talks about.
Rd times
1:23,1:20,1:23,1:08, :57 as rx
Loved it and everyone was crushing some serious times in the 4:30.
After class
Every :90
7 t2b
6 burpee box jump-overs
Toes to bar were all unbroken which was good. Tried to stay aggressive in the kip today!
It felt good to be back in the gym!
Nice to get to know ya Trisha!
Took a rest day yday, felt much better today:
A) 2 rounds:
10 Supinated Deadlifts 135#
15 GHD Hip Extensions
1:00 Suitcase Hold each side
8 Pause Waiter Squats each side 35#
40 second Bent Knee Hollow Hold
B)5 rounds, 30 secs per station:
Strict Pull-up | 10, 8, 8, 8, and 6
Rest 30 secs
Row Calories | 9, 8, 8, 8, and 5
Rest 30 secs
Push-up | 18, 19, 17, 13, and 15
Rest 30 secs
Assault Bike Calories | 8, 7, 7, 7, and 6
Rest 30 secs
Screen troubles on last row and bike. Sort of died out and lost focus at end but happy with pull-ups and push-ups! Going to keep working strict pull-ups until/throughout the open. My shoulders always feel better when i do them.
C) Got lonely, so jumped into group class!!! Power cleans and DU as RX
Rd 1 @ 95- 1:21
Rd 2 @115- 1:13
Rd 3 @ 125- 1:08
Rd 4 @ 135- 1:01
Rd 5 @ 155- :54
Smooth! all touch and go and unbroken. Power cleans felt great. I love power cleans. Mostly just wanted to jump in to enjoy some group class action and cheer for people and stuff. Solid 5:30pm crew!
I’m about to dye my hair out of a box. Wish me luck.
How do you cycle so quickly?!?
I muscled the first two rounds to save time and then I started skipping the hip on the descent which probably shaved a lot! Also that RPM rope can crank like nobodys bizznizz if you move quickly at the wrists.
Just came back on here to say I watched that video about Emily Buckley just now. Cool little piece! I’ve only met her once at a Subway Series event and she was super nice. (Trisha, you should have her train here every so often!) Yay Buckley Fam!
Thanks K. Harp!
WOD: Forgot to check my time each round so times might be slightly shorter:
@83: ~2:22
@93: ~2:22
@103: ~2:49
@108: 2:??
@113: 2:54
Lots to work on here. I cycled the cleans at 85 and 95 and was not able to reset my hook grip so hands hurt (when my thumb hurt I purposely didn’t reset my hook grip to put less stress on it so have to figure out how to do this again). At heavier weights I overextended and didn’t drop under the bar. Lauren pointed out that I was shifting my weight from the middle of my feet to my heels. Made sure I hit at least one decent rep @115 after the WOD,
DUs varied. Many rounds in 2 sets but also had plenty of rounds with so many trip-ups. Prayed to the DU Gods and got one unbroken set in the last round.
Sad I can’t make it to the potluck on Saturday! I have to work until 9pm and committed literally the day before the date was announced. 🙁
Yay Trish! She’s always smiling that one.
8am group class:
All cleans unbroken and all but one round of dubs unbroken. Rounds in 1:29, 1:26, 1:25, 1:15, then dnf.
God damn 155 had me pull a split clean out of nowhere! I havent done that in years. Then I couldn’t not do it and got so frustrated and stopped. This is a mental block for me at that weight for a power clean and I need to get over it.
Also my heel quickly let me know I should have subbed the dubs.
Hey Jess,
That’s cause I’m always happy to get my workout in…
Had the pleasure of being on Trisha’s (and Emily’s) FGB team last fall – so friendly and positive and strong. Fun to see your faces again today, guys! And to learn that you’re an astrologer, Trish!
Great to get to know Trish, I <3 the F55 class!
6:30pm with Lauren
Rx with rounds between 2 and 2:30
Power cleans were all fine, touch and go for 135/165, then singles for the rest. 225 felt great and it's not far from my recorded PR, so it might be time to retest. All time was spent on DUs – lots of small sets of 1 or 2, which led to frustration and more trip ups.
7:30pm semi-private AR session with David was great.
All in all feeling great these days – I guess I should thank LFPB!
6:30 group, started at 42 and worked up to 50 little by little, mostly just wanted to focus on form since I’m feeling rusty, they went ok next time I need to go a bit heavier. Scaled to 20 single unders and found myself pretty uncoordinated today, disappointed I couldn’t do them all unbroken. So it goes!
did 5′ instead of 6′
started with pussie weight of 40kg, and go on until 62kg /136!! oh yes mama!
yes still pussie weight but that’s all I have in my “homegym”, so i’m pretty happy about it.
did around 2′ / 2’10 each round
super quick and intense wod, love it \m/