Front Squats are on tap for Wednesday. Check out this very useful Ask a Coach video on how you should be balanced in the Back Squat, Overhead Squat, and Front Squat. Is there something you’d like to see us address in a future video? Let us know in the comments!
THIS SATURDAY at 7pm: Community Potluck
The CFSBK Community Potluck is just 5 days away! This event will simultaneously kick off the new year, support the Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge, and bring folks from all times and corners of the gym together. The fun starts at 7pm and will continue until around 10! This event is open to everyone and all are encouraged to come.
Your dish doesn’t have to be paleo, but please try and keep the ingredients within the guidelines of the Challenge… animal and vegetable proteins, veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds, starches, legumes, whole grains, and dairy are all good to go. We’ll vote on the top 3 dishes, so bring your best recipe! You may, of course, opt to bring a healthy dessert that limits the use of sugars and refined grains.
See the event page for more details, and leave a comment to let everyone know what you’re bringing!
News and Notes
- Well, well, well. It looks like we have a bunch of your stuff again. But we want to give it back! Check out our latest lost and found clean-out, and be sure to claim your possessions before we donate them to CHIPS in a couple of weeks.
- We’re always trying to get better at what we do. If you have a minute, head over to the Feedback page and tell us about your experience at the gym!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Bench Press | Run, Sit-Ups, Ring Rows
Does Weightlifting Attract Hardcore Personalities… Or Develop Them? Catalyst Athletics
Dealing With and Working Past Bad Days in the Gym BarBend
Wednesday’s Programming
Front Squat
Work up to a medium-heavy Front Squat from the floor via a Power Clean.
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
Front Squats 135/95
Handstand Push-Ups
The Front Squats should be light-medium and unbroken on the fast end. Scale ROM (2AbMat Max) on the Handstand Push-Ups or to Box Piked as needed.
Post time and Rx to comments.
A. 2x
5 yoga push ups
10 ring rows @3012
10 hanging knee raises
20 double unders
B.Bar muscle up practice
C.For time @aer
10 burpees
50 double unders
8 burpees
40 double unders
6 burpees
30 double unders
4 burpees
20 double unders
7am with Lauren
Monday’s work – Bench press, we meet again!
63×8, 73×8, 83×5, 88×5, 93×3, 93×3, 100F, 98*
Hadn’t tested my 1RM since Iron Maidens around this time last year (95#), so doing 93×3 with ease felt GREAT! So great that I thought I’d follow Kirby’s lead and try 100. Failed that, but 98# moved pretty easy. I think I could make 100# if I had tried for a true 1RM without all the previous reps!
It’s my upper body strength that tends to sets me back while climbing, too. Excited for Mondays to improve this!
Metcon in 10:55. Used the rower because my cold urticaria + snow aren’t friends and I totally wasn’t dressed properly. Ring Rows were way harder than anticipated! Broke them up in about 7-4-4.
Notes on my Dry(ish)nuary. On Dec 31 I decided to set aside the nog and try to quit al-ki-hol for a month. Since I am too lazy to create my own blog I thought I would record some of my observations here. First, lets ignore the fact that January is technically not over, and I did have 1-1/2 glass of wine over dinner a couple of weeks ago – but I have been either on or off the wagon (not sure which one) for 29 out of 30 days. Now I have never been a huge/problem drinker – generally only beer and wine on the weekend, but I do love my pint of Guinness. Last year due to the fact that (a) I read about four newspapers a day and screaming into the Facebook echo chamber was not really doing it for me (b) I was (am) convinced that we are on the brink of a nuclear holocaust (c) a friend bought me a Beer-of-the-Month club membership for my birthday, I began to enjoy my pint several days a week after work a bit more often that I deemed appropriate. After all of the mandatory work parties in December I really felt like enough is enough and wanted to “cleanse my body of toxins” as GOOPers would say.
What have I noticed – most of all the quality of my sleep has improved. I don’t feel as completely drained when I wake up in the morning and don’t get up so many times in the middle of the night. My reflux (TMI) has generally settled down. I lost a little weight by gave myself permission to eat a ton of semi-sweet morsels so I think that sort of balanced things out. In terms of “Look, Feel, Perform” better, it is hard for me to make meaningful improvements on the first and third part of the challenge so I need to attack the second. (Psychopharmacology has come really far in the last decade by the way).
All in all I did not find the whole experience that difficult and feel like I was able to reset and handle my anxiety like a non-frat boy again. My birthday is coming up so the streak is under threat but that’s ok. I don’t want to stop enjoying brew but I want to make sure that I don’t pick up a bad habit that could turn into a big problem.
In February I intend to step kicking elderly people every day. Thank god it is not a leap year.
that “stop” kicking elderly people (sorry). I really have to.
I was wondering what a step kick was.
It’s a dance move. I suspect that Jay-Star has an awesome step-kick. We really need a Crossfitsouthbrooklyn talent show so he can share.
A) 4×10 FSQ @ 120#
Should have felt fine. But hips were super stiff after plane last night. Felt better after this
B) Single arm Strict DB press: 3×8 @ 35#
C) Kelly : 24 mins 58 secs | Rx’d (2 mins 22 secs PR)
5 rounds of:
Run, 400 m
30 Box Jumps, 20 in
30 Wall Balls, 14 lbs
YAAAA!!!! Love a big PR in simple CrossFit workouts like these. I recall it was really hot the last time I did this and my back was a little tweaked. But all things considered I think I’ve come a long way since July. Happy with how easy wall balls felt given all of the Squats/presses in KVW performance care I had before this.
—Runs were outdoor and with a moderate-fast pace. nothing craZ
—All box jump up/ step down
—Wall balls: 15/15, 12/10/8, 12/10/8, 12/9/9, last set unbroken. Pushed my limit there but proud that i didn’t give up, because that HURT. Weewooo!!!
D) 6 rds: 20 on/10 off
Bike: 29 cal
*rest 1 min*
6 rds: 20 on/10 off
Row: 30 cal
*rest 1 min*
Bike: 28 cal
6 rds: 20 on/10 off
*rest 1 min*
6 rds: 20 on/10 off
Row: 28 cal
tough after aaaall of the legs! smoked.
Spent a good deal of time recovering to decrease DOMs. think I did some solid work because I feel pretty normal.
16.2 programmed today……….so pumped that I did this 10 days ago!…..that’s what I get for deviating from my programming for a day. May consider adjusting this if my lowers aren’t feeling right in my warm up. We’ll see!
Worked up to 118 on the
reverse curlpower clean-FSQ. Need to work on the elbows, obvi.I also think this cycle I’m going to do OG once a week to get in an extra squat exposure and some heavy pulls. I want my strength back!
WOD in 7:21 with box pike and 1 abmat (which was there for psychological reassurance more so than a true need to limit ROM). This was allllll about the HSPU — the FSQ were no problem to do unbroken but holy moly did those pushups go away fast!
I might be down to join you for extra squatting, and/or some squat-related accessory work!
Thursdays at 7 AM? Email me!
stellavision, gmail
Came back for AG. BMU transitions are hard!
If you ever are at OG on Fridays, please grab me. I’m always down to work on my FSQs.
7am w/ Lauren doing Monday
Between sleep deprivation and airplane-induced stiffness, I wasn’t feeling 100% this morning, but it still felt good to be back!
Bench press: 63×8, 73×8, 83×5, 88×5, 93x3x2 (I think? or maybe 98×3), 100×1, 103×1. Moved well! I realized today I really like benching.
WOD in 11:05 (thanks for watching the clock for me, Shawn!) with rowing instead of running because snow. The ring rows add up!
From another group, a link that goes along with D.O’s vid – How to Squat – ttps://
I’m teaching Pilates tonight! Come have a fun time and maybe get to learn what “the claw” is!
Also my sketch team’s last show of the season (before we find out if we get renewed for next season, we probably will, cause we’re good, and then I’ll do this again next season) is next Monday. 10pm, which is late, but we’re paired with the best teams so it’ll be worth it. You can buy tickets here, my team’s name is Raw Denim:
We just got accepted to Toronto’s sketch festival, which means we’re really good and now internationally respecognized 😉
/end of shameless plugs
Monday’s Bench
I think the 8,8,5,5,3,3,1,1 went like this, but Allie B/Jessica plz correct
63,73,83,88,93,98,103,113(F), 113
115 is my current 1RM, I was super heinously sore today, so hitting 113 slow as hell (arch got really dramatic here) and after a bunch of reps was a success and super fun.
Not a fan of using the 33lb bar for any kind of powerlifting. I like the extra surface area to push against in the bench, and the center knurl for squats. Would like to hear both sides of the debate though, so please, discuss.
3000m x 2 @ T3-T4 pace (programmed as 3-4 rounds but I had eaten like no food)
3000m, 13:29.1, @ 2:14.8/500m R21
I wanted to do T3 for both pieces but I read my chart wrong and this is technically T4
3000m, 13:42.6 @ 2:17.1/500m R20
This is T3 but on the faster end
Had you suggested to me 3 months ago that I should row 6K for a workout I would have told you where you could shove your dumb idea. Now I’m like “oh that sounds nice” so CRASH B’s is good for that.
Also since Ronda Rousey signed with the WWE does that mean she might come to the gym?
I would love to do pilates tonight with you– but I’m forcing myself to stay for AG after AGS to work on bar muscle-ups! Bummer!
7am w/ Lauren doing Monday’s Workout
It’s been a while since I attended regular Crossfit Group Classes during the week. Since its the start of a new cycle, I decided to get going again.
Bench Press:
95×8, 115×8, 125×5, 135×5, 145×3, 155×3, 165×1
165 was my last PR and it was a challenging slow grind. Today everything moved well. Excited to make this with the different rep scheme.
WOD in 11:20. Rowing instead of the run and challenged myself on the ring rows. It added up fairly quickly around the end of round 2 and I sandbagged round 3.
You did not.
10am doing Wednesday
Metcon Rx’d in 4:59
Tried to do everything unbroken but shoulders are smoked.
FSQ unbroken
HSPU 10/5, 5/4/3, 3/3/3
7 am with Jess
I had so many big plans today. Alas, really out of steam. Worked up to an 88# power clean/front squat combo. Everything was heavy and I wanted to keep moving as much as I could force so I did the WOD with 73 on the bar. Did 15 unbroken; then 7-5; then just fell apart. Jess said try to go unbroken for the last 9 and I approached my bar with that in mind (push, push – I was thinking) but dropped it not once but twice 4-3-2 maybe. Similar slow demise on the HSPU. Started with one abmat – got to about 9 and decided from there I’d go 12-9-6. Did one with one abmat in the round of 9 and added a second thereafter. Failed twice trying to eek out that last 6. 10:30 I think. Geesh. Hard.
GURL way to stick with those HSPUs!
7 AM with Lauren and huge thanks for her cheering me into a major bench press PR.
70×8, 75×8, 80×5, 85×5, 95×3, 100×3, 105x1f, 105×1*****
Pressing in general I love and I’m with you Kirby, bench press is so fun!
Second out of the blue PR in January (also had the deadlift one two weeks ago) so I’m thrilled with these miscellaneous unexpected gains.
And Shawn you are only ever slowly demising in your own mind. To the rest of us on the floor you looked amazing!
Reason 101 and 102 why I’m glad you’re back. I appreciate the support and demise as a verb!
Amazing Bench Pressing people!
My week so far…
Sunday’s WOD in 24:05 working with Jess and Allie. We were really pleased with this time. Jess smashed through her rounds as if she was using a PVC pipe instead of a barbell and we all completed everything unbroken, so that for me was an achievement – obviously the rest helped! Stayed for AG afterwards. Handstands and handstand walks have always been a movement I enjoy doing, but for some reason I always walk backwards! I’m starting to walk forwards with more consistency, but it’s still a work in progress.
Even though I haven’t felt a great deal of muscle soreness from Crush Week (a first!), I did feel a bit floppy (lazy) and fancied an easy day on Monday. Opted out of the workout and did some light lifting (BSQ + Bench Press) and pull -up work instead.
Wednesdays workout today at 12pm with Lauren and Keith:
Worked up to 133lb on the Power Clean/FSQ. This felt really solid, which is strange because it’s not that far away from my power clean PR. Last time we tested the clean + jerk I think I took the weight up in 5s and did a lot of reps, whereas today I went up in 10s and rested for longer. Hopefully this means my clean PR should be a higher. I’ll definitely try this approach next time I test my 1RM.
WOD finished in 7:53.
I went to class intending to do DB Push Presses in place of handstand push-ups to prevent a neck injury and thought that 20lb dumbbells would probably be appropriate, but Mrs Fox persuaded me to use 35s as we prep for the open. It was HARD and my arms were flailing all over the shop! Pressing overhead is a major weakness of mine – definitely something i’ll be working to improve over the next couple of months.
AG tonight. Allie – today is going to be your day!!
16.2 Today:
CrossFit Games Open 16.2 : 340 reps | Rx’d (1 rep PR!!!)
AMReps in 20 mins:
25 Toes-to-bars | 25 reps
50 Double Unders | 50 reps
15 Squat Cleans, 85 lbs | 15 reps
25 Toes-to-bars | 25 reps
50 Double Unders | 50 reps
13 Squat Cleans, 115 lbs | 13 reps
25 Toes-to-bars | 25 reps
50 Double Unders | 50 reps
11 Squat Cleans, 145 lbs | 11 reps
25 Toes-to-bars | 25 reps
50 Double Unders | 50 reps
9 Squat Cleans, 175 lbs | 1 rep
25 Toes-to-bars
50 Double Unders
7 Squat Cleans, 205 lbs
1 REP PR!!! Hayyo! I will absolutely take it. My legs were unbelievably sore from yesterday. Couldn’t even do an air squat. Almost took a rest day and then made myself come in and forced a long warmup and went for it regardless. Two years ago I cleared the 145# with 5 seconds to go. This year I had 1:15 left! Had a full 1:30ish to get my one 175# clean in. I think if my legs were fresher I could’ve gotten 3 or 4! Super stoked about getting one more rep regardless! Good day!
also apologies to the Short Circuit class, who were rudely interrupted during DROMs by my tribal lifting noises
–QOD: what’s your favorite animal noise?
— Jason Maschi: Katie Harper.
4 mile run at lunch. City running is the suck due to how often you are forced to stop for lights. I respect lights.
5:30 bench
8 – 165
8 – 170
5 – 175 (fail last rep)
5 – 175
3 – 180
3 – 185 ( f last rep)
1 – 190
1 – 195
0 – a million pounds
My fails were form failures and not strength. I’m a warrior and never fail bc of lack of muscle. It’s always form.
6:30 Strongfit
This post gives me all the smiles.
I wish I could get out of work just a littttttttle bit earlier so I could come to Tuesday Strong Fit!
Back at it after a lot of sickness this winter! Pretty sure I got the flu twice this year 🙁 But all the rest did me good, and I’m ready to get back into the swing of things with a new cycle!
6:30 group, Monday’s class
Wasn’t sure where to start with the Bench press since it had been so long, started with 33lbs and ended at 80! Felt pretty strong, so when they come around again I will try to start off closer to 80.
Wod was slow at 15:50, but I always find running pretty challenging. Scaled back some of the distance a bit after the first round by not fully hitting each corner, since I didn’t want to take 5ever finishing. Oh well! One of these days I’ll figure out how to run.
Welcome back, Sarah!