Power Snatch
Warm up to a medium-heavy Power Snatch, around as heavy as your second load for the workout.
Post loads to comments.
Open Workout 13.1
In 17 Minutes:
40 Burpees
30 Snatches 75/45
30 Burpees
30 Snatches 135/75
20 Burpees
30 Snatches 165/100
10 Burpees
AMRAP Snatches 210/120
The Burpees in this Open Workout were to a target 6″ above the athlete’s reach. We’re not going to set up targets, but be sure to jump and reach overhead on each Burpee. The Snatches are anyhow… Power, Full, Muscle, or Split. The first weight should be a weight you know you can get through. The second weight should be doable, something you can do sets of 2-5 when fresh; however, many people will end up somewhere in here as the total work adds up. The third weight should be challenging for you. That 4th weight is really just a joke that @thedavecastro played with us mere mortals that year, and something only Regionals level athletes worked up to.
Post total reps and Rx to comments.
Better Know a Member: Corey Brown
New year, new round of Better Know a Member! In this series, we profile members from across the ever-growing CFSBK community. Last week we got to know Texan and Court Street Grocer aficionado Jaime C. This week, let’s learn more about Corey B.!
Where were you born and where did you grow up?
Born in Erie, PA and raised in Chapel Hill, NC.
How long have you been CrossFitting, and how did you arrive at CFSBK?
I’ve been doing CrossFit for a year and five months. I became a runner six or seven years ago and then started running marathons. I used to run by CFSBK when I would run home from work. I’ve always had zero motivation when it came to lifting heavy things, but I like to do crazy stuff, and CrossFit seemed to be just that. I signed up for Foundations class and quickly made a promise to myself not to ever tell anyone about CrossFit. I have failed numerous times with this promise.
Did you have any mentors or heroes growing up?
I’m such a daddy’s boy, and he was and is my hero. Growing up biracial I felt out of place 100% of the time, and he was so good at explaining life and how things would change for me as I got older. This was coming from a man who lived through a terribly racist time, and he still was able to see the good in the world and teach me to look for that. I should send him a card.
What are you up to when you’re not at 597 Degraw Street?
I am a performer and teacher at the Upright Citizen’s Brigade. Basically I’m very funny and help to make other people very funny. I also have a full-time job as an academic adviser at NYU. You can also catch me checking my stats to see how well I’m doing in the Bachelor or Bachelorette leagues that I’m in.
What’s your hidden talent?
I was on the bowling team when I was in college at East Carolina University. I always hovered slightly above a 200 average, which was good, but not good enough to try to make a career out of it and do well. I’m still pretty decent out of it, but it’s very expensive to bowl in NYC.
What’s the first movie you ever loved?
I was smitten with The Karate Kid. I did a lot of martial arts growing up, and seeing some punk kid from Reseda learn karate made me want to find a wise old man who lived in a shack and have him teach me how to defend myself. Then they made The Karate Kid 4 and broke my heart.
Any advice for new CFSBKers?
Watch! I usually get to the gym 30-45 minutes before class starts, and I just watch everyone else. I can see what people are doing right and wrong and that teaches me a ton. You can only learn so much in an hour, and your body can only handle so much lifting, but your eyes/ears and brain can keep digesting. So if you creepily ever see me just staring in your direction, all I’m doing is picking up tips! Or you have a booger and I’m deciding if I want to tell you.
News and Notes
- “Some of us can self evaluate, assess where we need more work and flexibility, and get to it. Most of us, myself included, cannot.” That’s from Coach Fox‘s latest post at Beyond the Whiteboard. It’s called “Older, Fitter: Little Tips for a Long CrossFit Life,” and you should check it out!
- In case you missed it, we’ll be running on a modified schedule this weekend. Everything you need to know is over on the Schedule page.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Front Squat | Open Workout 13.2
Fueling the Open CrossFit
Cocktail of Brain Chemicals May Be a Key to What Makes Us Human Scientific American
WOD: 169 Reps Rx (19 reps into the 100#)
Practiced the new burpee standard. Caught myself stepping out at the start of sets – thankfully made the fix before I would have been no repped on burpees.
My word of advice (I don’t know if this will be regulated or not in the open): Change weights in the middle of your burpees. Breaks up those longer sets.
Love these interviews!
Stairs are mean
Also, Corey is cool
Your Cool.
My legs are just beginning to rebel against me.
7am w/ the dream team, Lauren + Jess
Power snatches: 62x 2 or 3 (tng), 72×1, 82x1x2, 85(f)…I had 85, I just punked out.
WOD: 131 reps RX. I feel great about this! Really happy to clear the second round of snatches. I basically muscle snatched the first set at 45# in sets of 5 and it felt nice and easy. Burpees stayed pretty steady in sets of 5 as well. Second set of snatches at 75# in singles and doubles. Then one lonely burpee to finish it out!
Sadly (…?) I’ll miss the last two crush week workouts because I’m heading to Puerto Rico tonight for a wedding this weekend. Hoping to check out a CF class at Rincon Fitness Center while I’m there. See you next week!
9am with the wifey
154 reps Rx’d (4 snatches at 165)
Very happy with this, definitely an improvement over 2013.
First set of burpees in just over 2 minutes…lost track of the tie breaks from there. Should have probably just done the 135 as singles. Started out with a few sets of 3 but with (too) long of breaks.
Corey makes the blog (and the gym) better! So are you still doing marathons? It took me about two years of CrossFit before I gave that shiz up. (It’s so nice not spending my entire Sunday morning running every week, all summer long!)
Doing a Ragnar relay for the first time this summer. Should be……fun?
Yay Corey! Always keeps me on my toes in class. In a good way.
My legs aren’t that sore!? Yet? Let’s see what happens, but I’m happy so far. Did a 10 min bike cooldown after the WOD yesterday and ended up jogging home 1.7 miles with Penny, and I think that might have done the trick. Slept like a log last night. My neck and traps are actually more stiff/sore than the rest of me. Took that as a sign to be smart today, as those signals can sometimes be my first step on the road to painville and tweaktown with my neck!
3 min row
200′ single arm OH carry 40#
5ea 1 1/4 waiter sqt 12kg
1:00 ea side plank
5 half roll down to hollow @ 3111
:30 hang and swing and chill on the rings
5 sets
:30 all out row, :15 L-sit
2:30 rest between sets
row: 151m, 149, 147, 138 (fell off the seat a bit), 144
L-sit: holding on for dear life while panting and willing my legs to stay straight
10 min easy spine movement, neck stretches, etc.
Nice interview!
Noon with Jess (LOVE this as part of my work from home days schedule)
Practiced double unders before class. I’m getting them on ~50% of attempts but can’t string them together yet.
Worked to find a heavy snatch to base scale weights for the WOD on and accidentally PRed my power snatch (72#). Used 35# and 55# for rd 1 and 2. 112 reps total. Followed gameplan for first round of burpees and snatches to do in sets of 10s and finished that in 8 min, then spent the next 5 min on burpees, which I just couldn’t fully catch my breath on. I wanted to squeeze in more snatches in the remaining time but felt like my form was weak so was trying to at least do good ones.
Anyone want a full sized platform bed frame? Dark brown, has some scratches, but its real honest to gosh wood so it has plenty of life left. Need to get rid of it ASAP and hate the idea of garbage…free if you want it.
Also have the mattress if desired, and some sheets, too.
Great interview with Corey! Just a little bitter about going to see WWE with me didn’t somehow come up. CMON COREY
Was very proactive about my cool down, A/R and did a ton of walking today so legs are only feeling PRETTY BAD.
A combination of 150 wall balls, a cold shower and fucked up episode of Black Mirror last night had me SHOOK.
I don’t kiss and tell.
Can anyone here recommend a plumber? I need a consultation to install washing machine pipes in an apartment.
Thanks in advance
These interviews are great!
Virtual high five to those of ya’ll who are cranking out the burpees after 150 wallballs yesterday. Mobility and walking for me today.
Great interview!
6am with Jess and Lauren
164 reps (14 at 165)
Very happy with the improvement. I failed my one attempt at 165 last time I did this.
Dear Crush Week,
I wish I could quit you.
With all my love,
Goal was to get through the second round of snatches, which I did and two whole more burpees in. Helluh win.
2 smile 😎run b4 class
Yeah Corey. Great read!
DO thank you for posting about your WB struggles yesterday. I feel like I haven’t improved on them in my 5 years of doing CF and now I don’t feel as bad about it.
I spent more time figuring out how I wanted to tape my thumb (bottom half only? top half only? whole thumb?) than I did snatching.
WOD: 150 reps Rx’d + 1 rep at 83#
Burpees were steady the entire time. Took Kayleigh’s advice and added my plates for the 75# snatch half way through my second set of burpees.
45# snatches: 12-11-7
75# snatches: all singles with a longer break after each set of 10. My form was terrible on these. I did the worm as Whit calls it. Arched back, no tension in my core and bar wayyyy out in front. Barely dropped under the bar. :/ If we are working on the power position again next cycle I’m going to stay at a low weight to drill form.
Then the plan was to do a full snatch at 85, 95 then 100 BUT I don’t remember how to full snatch bc I haven’t done them in so long and I think my legs were tired. I couldn’t get myself to drop under the bar. When I realized full snatches were happening, I squeezed in one power snatch at 85.
Didn’t feel dead afterwards so think I kept an appropriate pace!
Side note: I have been using arnica since my high school field hockey and track days, but recently started using Penetrex instead and it’s more effective! There’s a flash deal right now on Amazon so a good time to try it out as it’s fairly pricey but a lot goes a long way. Deal is for $14.22. It will sell out quickly! Go ahead and read all 21k reviews if you don’t believe me 🙂
7:30 with Brett.
Did the workout at 42-72-82 and got 8 reps at 82. Quads still tight from wall balling my life away earlier this week!
5:30 class
Worked up to 78# on the power snatch.
Wod: 159 reps
I can’t remember if I did 30 at 52 before my amrap at 62. I think I did. It’s all a blur…
Oh yeah! Corey is the funniest! Love doing workouts with him!!