Front Squat
Warm up and work up to a heavy triple.
Post loads to comments.
Open Workout 13.3
AMRAP 12 Minutes:
150 Wall Balls 20/14
90 Double-Unders
30 Muscle-Ups
If you don’t have Ring Muscle-Ups, but you get past the Double-Unders, start over again at the Wall Balls.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Looking to spice up your mobility work? Those stretchy bands that can be found with the other mobility toys are pretty handy for that. Watch this video for some tips and tricks!
This Weekend’s Schedule
CFSBK will host the CrossFit Level 1 Certificate Course in 597 Degraw this weekend. As a result, all classes will meet in either 608 or the Annex, and we’ll be running on a slightly modified schedule. Here’s what you can expect:
Saturday, January 27th
8am Short Circuit
8am Strong Fit
9am Short Circuit
10am Yoga for Athletes
11am CrossFit
11am Active Recovery
12pm CrossFit
1pm CrossFit
2-4pm Open Gym
Cancelled: 8am CrossFit, 9am CrossFit, 11am AG Strength
Sunday, January 28th
8am Short Circuit
9am Crossfit
9am CrossFit Preschool
10am CrossFit
10am Crossfit Kids
10am Starting Strength
11am CrossFit
11am Active Recovery
12pm CrossFit
1pm CrossFit
2pm Anti-Gravity
2:15pm Free Intro Class
6 -8pm Open Gym
Cancelled: 8am Crossfit, 11am Crossfit Kids
As you can see, we’re adding an 8am Short Circuit on Saturday! Also, please note that there will be no Open Gym outside the designated hours and only in 608 Degraw.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
An Uneasy Truce: Lessening Dysphoria with Powerlifting Women’s Strength Coalition
15 Years of CrossFit CrossFit Journal
Hi! Ro told us ags was cancelled and extended the class out an extra class instead.
It is cancelled, right?
I made a mistake. It is cancelled.
6am with Brett and Ro
Front Squat – 245 – heavy enough for today
12.3/13.3 – 255 reps (15 MU)
Took it easy on the WB and DU. Got to the rings with about 3 minutes to go
7am with Brett and Ro
Worked FSQ triples up to 98#, which is a big PR that made total sense given the time since I last tested it. Still felt great to hit, especially knowing there was more in the tank. Got through 10 DU attempts on the WOD and did wall balls 10#/8’ in consistent sets of 15. Lots of motivating ladies around me—always helps.
oooh triple digits next time!
FSQ Triples: 165, 180, 190.
Felt surprisingly good.
WOD: 240 Rx (+10ish C2B)
PRed my Karen time at 5:30 – the power of peer pressure and trying to stay competitive with powerhouses Jess and Katie. 60-30-13-17-11-10-9. Did DUs as 30-30-30, finished around 8. Then some poor BMU attempts and C2B.
And what I mean by that is: amazing. Well done.
WOD: 251 Rx. 25# med ball. Triple unders.
Hell yeah, @Jay-Star. Way to show ’em.
Seriously though, Kayleigh that hurts me just thinking about it.
7am with Brett & Ro
What are front squats even: 105×3, 125×3, 135×3 – last rep was squishy
150 wallballs in 8:35
180 singles (140 unbroken)
3 pull ups
I’ve never tested Karen before, so good to have a baseline there but would have liked to stay under 8. Mostly 15s and 10s, kept pace aerobic, never felt redlined. Tried to keep the ball from spinning too much & keep the weight centered. Also tried to keep up w/Kate W. I think I finished about 10reps behind her 🙂
Major frustration on the jump rope so bailed on the DUs today. I’ve gotten myself locked into the donkey kick/stamp – I need to retrain myself to stay long and jump higher/straighter off my toes.
7am w/ Ro + Brett
FSQ: 83×3, 113×3, 123×3, 133×1, then 1F, then I called it a day because my heart wasn’t really in it.
WOD: 240 reps RX. Started the wall balls with a set of 15, then went to 10s for a while, then 5s, then a set of 10 at the end. Wished I’d done 10s throughout but at least I was able to stay calm and not get super jacked up. DUs were fine; did sets of 20 and 10. Ran over to the bar but time got called before I could do anything.
Subway stairs were brutal!
7am with Brett and Ro
FSQ, hi old friend! It’s been a minute. 115×3, 125×3, 135×3. These moved pretty well.
150 wallballs in ??? I forgot what clock we were on and my brain was scrambled. Did sets of 10 except for 120-130 where I went to a dark place and did 2 sets of 5.
10 doubles which were quickly falling apart so shifted to 180 singles
4 (!!) kipping pull ups – I haven’t done a pull up in a workout in MANY MANY YEARS. I almost can’t believe those happened but they did.
+1 to the subway stair challenge, I am wearing yoga pants and flats at my kind-of-dressy-ish office because I just couldn’t fathom putting anything else on 🙂
Going to sprinkle some OLY back into my life with the open coming up. Want to clean up my form a bit and be sure I have confidence in my numbers.
A) Push Press: 3×5
135#x5, 135#x5, 140#x5
Felt really solid. I wasn’t sure what to expect here at all. Heaviest I’ve gone in a push press WOD is likely to be 105 this whole year so it felt awesome to muscle around some heavy weight. Took a minute to remember an aggressive front rack position and once I figured it out it felt great! Last known 1RM is around 155# (this is not accurate, since I haven’t tested in over a year) but I feel like I’m right about where I should be. Could have gone a bit heavier but not by too much. I want to hit push press once a week and see where I land by the end of February.
B)13:00 AMRAP:
55 Deadlifts, 155 lbs
105 Double Unders, 400 m
35 Lateral Burpee Over Barbells
55 Handstand Push-ups
0 rounds + 55 Deadlifts + 105 Double Unders + 35 Lateral Burpee Over Barbells + 45 Handstand Push-ups | 240 reps | Rx’d
Dang! Wanted to clear this round and be well into deadlifts. If I was feeling fresh I think it could’ve happened.
—Did 17.1 on Monday so I was super careful and slow on deadlift to be easy on back. 11/9/5s til 3/2 at end.
—Double under rope is missing so using a very rickety one! 10+ trips. I swear that thing has a 15 double under max. So frustrating.
—Burpees were trash after 17.1 this week!
—Tried to be true to open HSPU standard. Diligent at top. Used abmat with a 35/25 plate to be safe with neck (looked like a small deficit I think- half inch at most, but I figured it would be worth it) Better safe than sorry later! Good WOD. Knew it wasn’t the wisest move to do this after 17.1 but I played it safe and didn’t go crazy. I’m tired of being off track from programming, happy to be back! Rest day today and going to be easy for the rest of the week after three pretty intense days.
C) 4 rds: 20s on/10s off
Bike: 26.6 cal
*1 min rest*
4 rds: 20s on/10s off
Row: 28 cal
*1 min rest*
4 rds: 20s on/10s off
Bike: 18.3 cal
*1 min rest*
4 rds: 20s on/10s off
Row: 20 cal
Hamstrings were absolutely LIT. They surrendered by the 4th mini-TABATA
As you are all aware from recent blog posts, the 2018 Crossfit Games are just around the corner. As a veteran of several Games I have some pro tips that I would like to share with first-timers and seasoned competitors alike.
It is important to keep in mind that this is a competition. There is prize money at stake as well as potential endorsements, film roles, social media stardom etc.. So its no joke.
While you will likely be reading a lot of strategies for approaching the workouts (how to break up reps, when to go hard, when to back off etc.), gamesmanship rarely gets discussed. What Imean by this is how to crush the spirit of your opponents before “Three, two, one . . . go.”
My approach in the weeks leading up to the start (yes you need to begin this process early) is to communicate to your competitor in subtle fashion that you are just a little bit better than them.
For example, let’s say that Chris Fox comments that he completed Diane Rx in 5 minutes. I would reply to his post as follows: “Awesome job Fox! Way to go. 10am class. Diane Rx Plus, 4:30.” Let’s say he finishes 11 Rounds of Cindy. I would reply, “Awesome job Fox! Man, I was really smoked by round 11 also! 10 am. Cindy. 15 rounds.”
Importantly, IT DOES NOT MATTER IF YOU HAVE EVEN DONE THE WORKOUT! Just make sure that you consistently communicate your dominance over the person in your cross hairs. Then, when the first 2018 Games workout starts they will know that they will likely finish at best second so they may not push themselves too hard.
Stay tuned for some more tips in the weeks to come.
Thanks for making me your guinea pig with this one Jay…
The Art of WOD by Jay Sun Tzu
this is the best
Stop stealing my schtick
Please tell me this post is just the start of many to come.
Great tips, Jay! Let me try..
Hey Chris!
Remember the Diane we just did together, I actually did 42-30-18 reps but didn’t want to embarrass you on camera, great work though!
Wow, and “strict” HSPU, too! Inspiring stuff 🤩
As a very veteran competitor and co-creator of the games, I just want to say that this a really good post. You can order my live DVD training videos on how to post if you have the secret login at
happy hump day, y’all!
quick heat up, warm up. glute stuff. 2x: 5 push up, 5 sqt, 10 lat activation. maybe could’ve used a bit more primer, but oh well.
FSQ : 6-4-2-6-4-2 (20×1)
165×4 (got 3, F on 4 about 77% of the way up… cute)
170×2 (94%)
Then joined 10am group class for Open WOD 13.3!
249 reps RX’d
Last did this in spring of 2016. Think I got 242 or 243 that day. Very happy to get a bunch more muscle ups today! Think I paced myself out right going into it. Certainly could’ve pushed harder (but not, like, Kayleigh harder…) through the WB’s, but wanted to feel steady and ready for the rings. That being said, I think it’s the best Karen has ever felt and could even be a PR for me b/c it is NOT my kinda WOD!
WB: 15 sets of 10 reps, steady. Done at 7:36.
DU: 35-25-20-10. Done at 9:10.
MU: 1-1-2-2-1-1-1F … I think?
Guys, bad news…a teammate accidentally bumped into me during practice and my “hand is injured”…I’m currently listed as ‘questionable’ for The Open.
It took me so long to complete Karen today that we now have a common law marriage 🙁
Ran 2 miles right before class and worked up to a 155lbs for a set of three.
(laughing at your wit, not your experience)
Right there with ya Corey and glad to have you next to me today!
Kayleigh, there are no words. Same goes for Toni and Jessica.
Front squat:
135 and 145 were solid and I can’t believe how much my form has improved. My old habits crept back on the set at 150 which is 92% of my 1rm.
WOD Rx’d: 183 reps
I was so close to not coming in today because I hate wall balls so much and could’ve used another hour at work but sucked it up and did the WOD. I’ve only done Karen once (because I purposely avoid it when it is programmed) and that was two years ago. My time was 9:50 so thought I could at least get that on the wall ball portion. My notes say that I did sets of 10 up until rep 80 so my goal was to beat that. Today, I did sets of 10 until rep 100 BUT I had SO MANY NO REPS. Ugh. Starting around rep 50 I threw so many air balls which I did not count. I’m sure there were plenty of other bad reps in there that I should’ve no repped myself on but didn’t. The only win is that my breathing was manageable (but I also took longer breaks) and normally I would not be able to breath through this. It was quad burn that limited me and my crappy reps. Wondering/hoping if my upper body is just fatigued from AGS yesterday. I only had time to do 32 DUs.
Wow, so amazed by the mental and physical strength of folks!
Fsq: 113×3, 123×3, 133×3
Felt good!
Wod: 150 wallballs 14#\8ft in 7:58
Did sets of 8-7 throughout. Kept my heart rate suuuuper chill
Lots of trips on DUs.
Attempted two muscle ups. Couldn’t get through. Boo.
Previous 1 RM was 140 on the fsq… I can’t wait to work on these and improve!
Oops make up post from last night!
Did the Wednesday workout and got 285 reps, sans muscle ups.
Did Karen 14#/9ft in 7:40 and then the 90 double unders in a few sets. Sadly went back to the wall and my arms were toasted! Got 45 more wall balls. In tiny tiny sets 🙂
Not a fan of Karen but I think it was about a minute PR? Happy to improve.
7:30 PM (yes, you read correctly) with Keith and DO. Basically last night was AMRAP 90 minutes of bad food decisions and this morning I woke up to come to 7 AM and was like “OH NO THIS IS NOT GOING TO GO WELL.” Called myself out on the LFPB board to make sure I came in this evening.
Honestly at that point I felt like just making it in was an achievement, so I shot for 165 on the FSQ and hit it. Then I got myself a scale on the WOD, both because I needed one (my first WBs since my injury were only a few days ago, and it certainly was nothing close to 150 of them) and because I really wasn’t feeling like crushing anything. So my rounds (well, round-plus) looked like this:
75 WB 14#/9′, round 1 (15# slam balls thereafter)
90 DUs
30 pushups
240 reps (1 round + 45 slam balls). This was nowhere near as gross as 150 WB would have been but it still wasn’t fun.
Yep, there are days where “doing it Rx” means just coming to the gym!
Blog is poppin today!
Make-Up Post
“Diane” with Strict HSPU
6:09 Rx’d
Deadlifts unbroken
HSPUs… broken
8:30pm Group Class with Coach Keith
185×3 Paused
Open Workout….
Wall Balls and I have had a very strained relationship for a long time now. I thought things were getting better, but reality (a 20lb ball) slapped me in the face again tonight. To date.. i have NEVER cleared the Wall Balls in this workout and tonight was no different. Got through about 5 sets of 10s, then all 5s until the end with too much rest between sets. Did a bunch of AR on my legs after.
Got to 135 reps at 12:00
Finished “Karen” at 12:57
Week in California was cancelled, so…
6:30pm with Keith
Front Squats 205-225-235
Felt good, maybe I should retest my 1RM (current one is a bit old at 255).
Metcon 198 reps Rx
Karen in 8:46min (a 2:30min PR!!) by doing quick sets of 10. The remaining 3:15min were a mess of DU trip-ups, still managed 48 real ones. It’ll be fun to retest this when I can consistently string 20+ DUs.
front squat from floor
60k (max wight I have in my home gym 🙂
scaled wod:
amrap 10′
10 Wall balls
10 push ups
10 DU
7 rounds