AMRAP 10 Minutes:
Alternating Dumbbell Power Snatches 50/35
Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20
The Burpees are box-facing and Rx’d as a two-foot take off. Jump down or step down as desired.
Rest 5 minutes, then…
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
30 Double-Unders
15 Toes-to-Bars
30 Double-Unders
5 Bar Muscle-Ups
Scale the Dubs to 2x Singles or 1/2 attempts as needed. Scale the Toes-to-Bars to Hanging Leg or Knee Raises, and the Bar Muscle-Ups to Jumping Bar Muscle-Ups or 3x Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups as needed. Close to a BMU but don’t have one yet? Use today to practice!
Post rounds, reps, and Rx for each workout to comments.
Tomorrow: LFPB Challenge Info Session and Q&A, “Recovery, Performance, and Body Composition”
The next Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge Lecture and Q&A is tomrrow at 12pm in the Annex. This week’s lecture will focus on the question, “How does recovery (or a lack therof) affect my performance and body composition?” We’ll cover stress (both the good and bad kind), cortisol, and how good nutrition and recovery practices can optimize performance and body composition. As always, an open Q&A will follow.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
Masters Athlete and the Mudslide Miracle CrossFit Journal
How Our Bones Might Keep Our Weight in Check NY Times
10am class
Combo of a persistent cold and a questionable torta had me like, whoa…
a) 90 reps Rx’d
Stopped around 8 minutes…
b) 2 Rounds + 45 reps Rx’d
Tough training day today. Thankful to be able to get some work in.
Back! Missed the gym so much!
Strong Fit: I am proud of myself for not letting a keg to the mouth (seriously, I clocked myself right in the face) stop me from clean-and-pressing the keg eventually. Hoping I don’t end up with a fat lip, because that’ll be an interesting one to explain to my non-CrossFit friends 😛
Short Circuit afterward was lovely and AR was even better.
Finally watched that Whit video this morning. Help me understand the mind of Alex B. It’s amazing.
AMRAP 1 Rx’d: 96 reps (round of 20 + 36 reps)
I did this WOD second and was dreading it but just kept a consistent pace so my heart rate wouldn’t blow up and it was still difficult but manageable. Did muscle snatches for all reps at 35# which was cool. I think in the open last year, I had to do PS. Snatches were slow bc I’m not coordinated enough to exchange hands on the way down (or maybe not strong enough) and I’m still super cautious about my wrist and shoulder so recovered the DB to my shoulder first which slowed me down. I’m so annoyed about the standard change to the BBJOs. Ugh, I had that step-up-from-a-burpee strategy down and it was the only thing that made me decent at them bc I’m not fast but I was super efficient at them. Oh well. Got lots of practice on the new standard and they take sooo long!
AMRAP 2: 2 rounds +37 reps
Subbed 15 C2B for BMU and did them in sets of 3. No repped myself on one. Double unders were inconsistent. One set unbroken, one set 25-5 and two sets with tons of trip-ups. I tripped on my last rep of my last set of DUs about 5 times which was frustrating. TTB were 5-5-5 or 6-5-4.
Today was especially tough after AGS!
Snatch: worked up to 93 and hit it 5 times in a row with no misses. Progress!
Clean: worked up to 133, which is 2 lbs shy of my 1RM
Comptrain workout with Ryan:
13 Mins AMRAP:
70 DB snatches at 35#
60 wall balls
50 cal row
I got 11 HSPU which is better than I expected!
Ab cashout 🙂