Back Squat
The first 10-rep set and the 5-rep set should be sub-maximal efforts. Work up to a heavy single in the middle and go for it on the last 10 rep set. Use spotters, and don’t bail the bar on them! If you’re feeling good then go for a new 1RM today. If not, then aim for 90% and leave it there.
Post loads to comments.
Partner 3K Row
Work with a partner and switch off every 300 meters.
Post time and partner to comments.
More excellence from this past weekend: CFSBKer and Starting Strengther Dan Crapanzano won both the Masters 2 group and Best Overall Masters lifter at the USSF National Championships in Oakland. Dan Squatted 520 lbs, Pressed 218 lbs, and Deadlifted 610 lbs (a PR!) for a total of 1,347 lbs. Huge congrats, Dan! Let’s show him some love in the comments… | Photo by Tom Campitelli
Upcoming Changes to Sunday’s CrossFit Preschool & Kids Classes
As you may have noticed, our Sunday kids classes have grown quite a bit over the past couple months! While we are thrilled about this growth, we realize that a few changes need to be made to ensure that your children receive the best experience possible.
Therefore beginning this Sunday, January 21st, we will be moving the Preschool class to 9am and adding a 2nd Kids class at 10am. We will also be requiring parents to RSVP their child for each class. Full details are outlined below with instructions on how to reserve the class.
Sunday Preschool/Kids schedule change (effective 1/21/18)
9am CrossFit Preschool (in annex) (CAPPED at 10)
10am CrossFit Kids (in 608) (CAPPED at 8)
11am CrossFit Kids (in 608) (CAPPED at 8)
Sunday’s Preschool and Kids Class Reservation Process (effective 1/21/18)
Parents must have a current membership for their child that includes an enrollment in the class. When the parent logs into the member connect site, they will be able to click on the calendar and see a list of all the classes they are eligible to take. From there they can add or cancel a reservation by clicking into a specific class. RSVPs for these classes can be made 1 week in advance. If the number of reservations for a specific day and time has been reached, the parent must choose another class or add themselves to the waitlist. Each class has a waitlist of 5. Email confirmations will be sent for confirmed RSVPs, class reminders, and waitlist openings, so please make sure we have a current email address on file.
If the parent fails to cancel their reservation before the cancellation limit, 1 class will be automatically deducted from their membership’s attendance limit. So if a person has a 10 class card they fail to cancel their reservation, this automatically deducts 1 class off their 10 class card, leaving only 9 classes. Classes must be cancelled at least 2 hours prior to class start time.
Parents will have a 2 week grace period during which anyone who hasn’t RSVP’d can still attend/participate in class. However, we will begin enforcing the RSVP policy starting in February.
Please note that these changes do not affect our Preteens or Teens classes.
News and Notes
- The next Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge Lecture and Q&A is this Sunday, January 21st at 12pm in the Annex. This week’s lecture will focus on the question, “How does recovery (or a lack thereof) affect my performance and body composition?” We’ll cover stress (both the good and bad kind), cortisol, and how good nutrition and recovery practices can optimize performance and body composition. As always, an open Q&A will follow.
- Missing something? Maybe shoes, wrist wraps, or approximately 600 water bottles? Check out our latest lost and found dump, and be sure to claim your stuff before we donate it to CHIPS in a couple of weeks!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
Emma McQuaid: Back on Track CrossFit Journal (video)
This Australian Art Museum Is Filled with Giant Skulls Atlas Obscura
7am with Brett + Ro
Came in with a conservative mindset since I’ve missed squat days this cycle, but everything felt and moved really great today!
10’s @ 95#, 5’s @ 135#, 165#, 175# (PR!), 180# (PR!), 10’s @ 135#
Row was much harder than I thought it’d be. 300m intervals seem like a piece of cake until you get to the 3rd or 4th. Was so exhausted at the end, I totally forgot to look at the time. It was 13:something. Got to partner with the awesome Steven though, so that was a win!
Those PRs looked SOLID too, Jaime! Congrats!
Seriously!! So strong!!
Congrats on those PRs!!
Thank you!! You guys are the best!
Great job! Super impressed!
Congratulations to Dan. Dan worked so hard to achieve this goal. Anyone who has been in the gym during late morning OG has probably seen him in their training and preparing. So much hard work. Great to see it pay off!
Noon WOD with Ro.
295 x 1, 315 x 1, 325 x 1, 225 x 10. For context, 372.6 is my all time 1 RM PR. The 225 felt SO light for that first 3 reps and then got very heavy very fast.
WOD: 12:24
7am w/ Brett + Ro
BSQ: 115×10 / 130×5 / 155×1 / 165f / 165f / 95×10
Thought I’d ride yesterday’s PR high straight into today’s squats but…not so much. 165 is technically my 1RM, but I haven’t been able to hit it the last few times we’ve tested (actually, not since before I sprained my ankle in May). I think this is largely in my head, but perhaps I’ve also just hit a strength plateau? Got some great tips from Ro on accessory work I can do to work on this (single-leg step ups, midline strength stuff, etc.). While I’m frustrated with myself, it was AWESOME and inspiring seeing so many strong ladies crush their squats today–Jaime, Christine and Kate TK I’m lookin’ at you!!
3k row w/ Christine in 12:41.3!
Kirby! You are so strong and you will 100% get those squat gainz.
You HAVE the squat gains already! Remember- just two bagel sandwiches. That, or channel your inner Christine and yell it out on your way up 🙂
(also, I miss you, 7 AM — coming back next week!)
It’s all good, Kirby! Don’t be frustrated! I’ll do all the RDL’s, step ups,and glute bridges, etc. with you!
Also, Stella! Hope you’re on the mend and will be back soon!
I will be back just in time for Crush Week AAAAAAAAAA
That’s a lot of great lifting Kirby! Keep up the good work. It’s right there for you!
This support thread is amazing. Keep at it Kirby, you’ll get there so much faster than you think!
Huge congrats to Dan! Seriously impressive and inspiring, and I’m sure the result of a tremendous amount of work.
7am today with Brett and Ro
115 x 10, 130 x 5, 155, 175, 180, 95 x 10
180 is a PR for my post-college life, which I’ll totally take! I also feel like I had a small breakthrough on that last heavy rep, I got a little angry instead of getting shaky and nervous and I think it helped! The mental game on these for me is still a huge challenge.
So much erg time lately, I’m getting flashbacks to crew. Partnered with Kirby, finished at 12:41 if memory serves. Tried to keep the split below 1:50 which I mostly did. I thought this was a great exercise in going fast but not too fast, and playing around a bit with stroke rate vs. slower recoveries and harder pulls, etc.
I saw that 180 and it looked smooth! Way to get after it!
PS – I <3 this 7am love fest
Shout out from 6 AM to all these 7 AM ladies crushing it.
Nice to see a big 7am crew this morning w/Brett & Ro
LBBS: 115×10, 145×5, 175×1, 185×1, 195×1*, 135×10
A new PR! In my eagerness to get that 200, I’ve been skipping 195 – while it was great to have everyone’s encouragement (including Ro’s) to just go for it, I feel like it was a smart mental move to hit 195 first. It was drama-free, and I’m ready to keep going! The biggest win on the day might be how freaking light 135×10 felt after all that. Many thanks (to Fox, I think?) for the squat programming this cycle. I think I made the most mental/physical gainz with the alternating tempo work since strength cycle. Got to go heavy, but stay well in control.
3k row w/Kate W in 12:39. Kate W is very good at rowing. Kate Tk is not. Finally kept it under 2:00 for the very last 300m…
195 woot! Congrats – 200 is riiiiiight there (also 135 x 10, damn!)!
SO CLOSE to 200#!
Kirby and I were talking about this on the way home – I told her all the weird mind games I play with myself before getting under the bar.
If the goal is only 5# away, that’s two 2.5# plates, which is like sticking a couple of loaded bagel sandwiches in your backpack. You wouldn’t even notice it – it’s NOTHING compared to the giant plates. Next time you test for 200# just think about a couple of bagel sandwiches 😀
Wow! Go, Kate!
SUCH an awesome way of looking at it 😀
This is awesome, Kate!! killin’ it.
I’ve been a more erratic Crossfitter lately, partly because I have switched to outdoor training for a big mountaineering goal next summer – so lots of slogging up hills and mountains with a weighted backpack. But apparently all that legwork has been paying off as last night at 6:30 PM class, I stunned myself with a deadlift PR of 183 (previous PR was 163….soooo that was quite a leap).
Irritatingly tied my own press PR of 78, even after Coach Katie had advised us to toss on fractionals as a way to edge past previous PRs – I should’ve done so and then failed at 82 and 81.
Thanks Colleen for being a great lifting partner and we’ll see what back squat holds today! Kirby you are still my hero sorry I’ve been missing morning classes 😉 and joining in all the congratulations for Coach Katie who is an incredible inspiration!
Dan C FTW…great work!
Yesterday 4:30
Heavy enough.
Held right around a 1:40 split on my 300s.
Yesterday 6pm AGS
Was still feeling all the pull-ups from Monday, and my lats were super sore. Stuck with 7-8 reps instead of 8-10 for pull-ups and HSPUs, then with 9 reps for Arnold presses and bent-over rows. The swole from AGS is real, arms were pumped.
Yesterday 7:30pm AG
Rope climb practice is always great – no matter how much I theoretically know how to wrap my leg, in practice I still struggle with the right positioning. I also struggle with going very high because I don’t feel like I have full control of the descent – not something I fixed yesterday, this will be a longer battle. Workout was fun as always, although doing another set of 10+ HSPUs was *tough*.
Wednesday rest (and cooking) day! I’ll try to come back to squatting with the next programming cycle.
Huge congrats to Dan, by the way. I’m always in awe when I see him training and moving massive amounts of weight during open gym.
p.s. someday someone will explain to me what the difference is between the powerlifting federations (?). Seems like “strengthlifting” is related to the Starting Strength program and includes pressing instead of benching…
100% correct, Daniel. “strengthlifting” is the term coined by Starting Strength and they started their own federation. The main differences between them and say, the USAPL or the IPF, is they contest the press instead of the bench press, and they do not allow sumo style for the deadlift.
Awesome sauce Dan!
Back at it today after an amazing time cheering on KHarpz in Miami. Such an inspirational experience. While most of my fitness was observational, did manage to squeeze in a Spectator Strongman workout (6 min AMRAMP 50′ sandbag walk with squats at each end – done without dropping the bag – ouch; Sandbag Grace with a 6 min cap – I made it to 25 reps) and a hotel thruster/burpee hell piece with KLove. Oh, and made one and a half reps of a partner lunge – inspired by the Elite team athletes and some mojitos.
LBBS: 175×10, 205×5, 235×1, 252.5×1, 265F, 185×10
Misloaded bar at 252.5, but actually felt pretty solid, but couldn’t make the PR happen today. Definitely could have gone heavier on the last set of 10.
WOD with BK: 11:32. BK brought his A-game to the row. Myself, only a B.
Deadlift make-up after: Worked up to a single at 315. Not trying to PR, just try something heavy-ish.
Congrats Dan! Incredible!
Yay Dan!
Yay all the strong women i usually get to share classes with! I have lbbs pr goals this cycle but alas missed testing with you all! Heading back from Florida tonight. Cant wait to high five all the PRzers!
Dan is so awesome to watch- congratulations!
10 AM with Brett.
Been stuck at 210 for at least a year- so excited to get 215.
Row with Adam in 11:08. targeted 1:40/500 for all segments and kept it around there for my 300’s.
Congrats DAN! Hell yeah!!!! And great seeing all this positivity and encouragement on the blog today between everyone … I love this community!
All the legs today…
WU: 2x 1:00 ea banded clamshell, 12 ea monster walk, :30 ea psoas march
FSQ: 8-6-4-8-6-4-8… shooting for 2 min rest between, 3 min on the heavier sets
130×8, 145×6, 160×4, 135×8, 150×6, 162.5×4 (90%), 140×8
felt good today. focusing on driving elbows up on the way down. had some good vibes flowing from the fierce women around me, too 🙂
Every 3 min for 5 sets:
10 cal row
10 WB shot @ 20#, 10′
1:26 / 1:22 / 1:26 / 1:23 / 1:21
TOUGHHHHH. That 20# ball felt like shit after all the front squats.
Rows in :33-:35. BMU unbroken, first one was hips to the bar and smooth every time, the second two still need patience and tension.
Probably should repeat this and go for 8-10 sets. Probably need to take my pace down on the row a bit to keep it sustainable.
6am with Ro and Brett
Squats went like so:
Pretty sure that 295 is a 10 rep PR, but I don’t really track those too closely. Was 10lb of the 1rm PR, but I hadn’t planned to make a run at it today. 405 felt good.
Row with Scott in 11:33. Spicy at the end. Let’s will be sore tomorrow.
Ack! Messed up the squat weights and left out the third single at 405.
Saw that on the board — impressive lift!
I love these test week comments! Everyone is so inspiring and awesome!
4:30 with Lauren
BSQ: 85×10; 105×5; 120; 135(1RM); 137(new PR); 95×10
I’m so happy with this PR even though it was only by 2# and a total grind—-I am pleased to announce that after far too long, I am officially capable of going full depth on my squats. This was maybe the biggest win of this cycle for me. I still need to work on doing it every single time (definitely had 3-4 on my last set of 10 where I should have gone a little lower) but it’s a huge improvement.
Rowing in 12:40 total with my wonderful partner whose name I sadly forgot. But he was terrific and an excellent motivator for this and the squats!
Also I signed up for the Open because of promises of scaling options. Excited!
I believe you partnered with my husband Lauro 🙂
Congrats on the PR!
Yes! It was great to meet him. His squats were motivational
Kirby!!! We are twins again!!
145×1 so easy
160×1– failed lol. Too big of jump
125×10– hard, but made me realize I’m capable of squatting more than I realize. Got to get stronger!
Tried my best on the row with Klove. Lots of advice and feedback… 13:30ish. Thanks for everyone cheering me on while I was the last person rowing the final 300m… sigh… the support helped for sure!
SO MUCH LOVE on the blog today!! What an amazing community! Great work to everyone who hit PRs and Big Dan on his earth shattering lifts this weekend!
5:30pm Group Class with Coach Keith
Low Bar BSQ
Felt pretty pleased with these. 295 was a little bit of a grind but definitely had some room
3K Row Metcon
11:34 with Pierre D
I kept all my intervals between 1:40 and 1:48 dipped into the 30s in the last one for like… maybe a couple seconds.
Did some Active Recovery afterwards
Omg huge congrats on the PRs! My PR ladies… IRON MAIDENS??
Also so happy and proud of Big Dan with his winnn xo
Congrats, Dan!
Had an amazing weekend in Miami cheering on KHarpz in some fierce competition. Super impressed by her overall performance and especially the fact that she was still smiling through the last WOD after sneaker-less sled pushes (at 300#? whaaaat) left her with huge blisters on her feet and closing out the weekend with heavy cleans, front squats, jerks, thrusters and rope climbs with bloody hands! Super woman!
Serious blog love going on today. Congrats everyone!
Only worked out once this weekend and did thruster hell which is 100 thrusters with 5 burpees at the top of every minute. I thought that going *light* with 20# DBs would be easy but nope, had about three rounds where I only did three reps to catch my breath and still sore from it! Clocked in at 12:47 and didn’t even match a PR in 2014. Oh well, there was lots of drinking this weekend and not a lot of sleeping.
125×10, 145×5, 175,195, 205, 145×10
Didn’t feel like attempting any PRs so worked up to a heavy single (~93%). Still have a mental block once I hit the low 200s but manage to hit it every time so need to build up more confidence there. 145×10 felt so easy at the end.
WOD with Allie in 13:20
First couple of rounds kept rows at 1:55-2:05, then the last few maintained a 1:50-1:55 pace.
Really liked this! Perfect amount of rest and perfect amount of distance to push hard and not die.
Congrats on some great lifts, Dan!
Hooray for Dan!