For Time:
550m Run, then…
3 Rounds:
21 Deadlifts 135/95
15 Toes to Bars
The Deadlifts should be light and completed in 1-2 sets. If you can’t string together sets of 6-10 Toes-t0-Bars then scale to Hanging Leg or Knee Raises.
550m Run, then…
3 Rounds:
15 Hang Power Cleans 135/95
9 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
The Hang Power Cleans should be medium heavy and completed in 1-3 sets. If you can’t string together sets of 3-5 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups, then scale to Chin-over-Bar Pull-Ups or Jumping Pull-Ups.
550m Run, then…
3 Rounds:
9 Overhead Squats 135/95
6 Muscle-Ups
The Overhead Squats should be medium-heavy and completed in 1-2 sets If you can’t complete the Ring Muscle-Ups in 1-3 sets then scale to 12 Ring Dips or Burpees.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Headed into the 2nd day of Wodapalooza, Coach KHarpz is at 7th place on the Intermediate Women leaderboard. Show her some love in the comments!
Farewell (sort of!) to Katie H.
As we mentioned yesterday, the blog is still catching up on community news. CFSBK’s resident anthropologist Katie Rose Hjetmanek recently completed her research at the gym and actually in Miami at Wodapalooza this weekend to observe the competition. Here’s a great message she sent us:
Hi CFSBK! Your resident anthropologist here. I hope you are thriving as 2017 gives way to 2018. I haven’t seen many of you the past couple of months. I have been traveling and nursing a knee injury. It has been a wonderful 18 months with you all. I have learned more than I ever thought I would, made wonderful friends, and experienced so much that the gym and its community have to offer. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you
I want to thank David Osorio for his openness to this project and to me as an anthropologist. He allowed me to run around and do my anthropology, trusting me along the way. My heart is full of gratitude for the opportunity and overwhelmed by his generosity. Thank you so much David for this incredible chance to learn more about CrossFit, CFSBK, and what it means to build something that is so important for so many
Thank you to coaches. I cannot begin to explain how much I learned from you as I practiced and observed classes and training. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with me, as both an anthropologist and a member. Not only do I understand the various parts of CrossFit better but I can embody them better as well – I’m so much stronger and able than I was a year ago. Thank you for extending your wisdom my way. Also, I’m sorry. I know it was annoying to have me hanging out, especially when I was around for hours and hours.
To the members, thank you so very, very much. So many of you have shared your experiences of CrossFit and CFSBK with me and I am forever indebted to you for your willingness, kindness, and openness. Your candor has helped me learn about and make sense of CrossFit and the way it manifests itself in your lives. This project really relied on your generosity and I’m astounded and impressed by the depth of it. Thank you for welcoming me as you do others, even though I asked more from you. You are all so very fortunate and brilliant to have made CFSBK the true treasure that it is!
I am not yet finished with the project as a whole. I am going to Wodapalooza in January (Go Katie Harper!!!) and will complete my fieldwork at other gyms by the end of June. I’m still hoping to do international fieldwork as well but that all depends on funding. Afterward I will write up. Therefore, if you have any questions, concerns, or comments, you can always contact me at KHejtmanek [at], maxesandprs [at], or via Instagram at @Maxesandprs.
Finally, I’m not really going anywhere. I will remain at Brooklyn College and in Brooklyn. And I hope to return to CFSBK as Katie (full stop) rather than Katie the observing anthropologist. CFSBK has come to mean a lot to me too, I’ve built very important relationships, and perhaps the blessing of doing fieldwork where you live is that you don’t have to leave, you just have to put down your notebook. So perhaps I will see you in 2018.
Again: thank you, thank you, thank you.
See you soon, Katie! If you’re reading this, tell us how it’s going in Miami!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
Drive Better by Stopping Better in the Jerk Catalyst Athletics
Define Your Habits by Playing the Long Game Breaking Muscle
Dropped into CrossFit Rising Star @ Rutland VT yesterday (nice place!), and did…
Dips are getting a bit better, Thaisa helped me see that I was going way too deep in them and that’s why they were uncomfortable. Everything else progressing slowly with the high volume. Then we did a metcon…
Annie Rx in 12:35. Decided to give this an Rx try for the first time, since I can now do larger sets of doubles. Was very happy with the result – managed to link together a few large sets (10+), although still had quite a few singles here and there.
Now for a couple of rest/skiing days. Kinda glad that I’m not doing this crazy Sat metcon, think it would take me 50min…
Go KHarpz!!
For healthy and strong shoulders, no such thing as too deep of a dip!
Thanks everyone! Here’s what I’ve got today. It’s gonna be a late one! They took away my handstand walk at the last minute for the RPM chipper 🙁 boo.
Strong swim: heat 15, lane 5, 12:59pm
2 rounds:
200m Swim
150 Air Squats
10 Sandbag Cleans (150, 100#)
50m Sandbag Bear Hug Carry
RPM chipper: heat 27, lane 6, 7:12pm
50 Deadlifts (185, 135#)
40 reps (20 Ring Dips + 20 HR Push-ups)
30 Alt. DB Squat Snatches (60, 40#)
200 Weighted RPM Scout Double-unders
100ft Single-Arm DB OH Walking Lunge
Yesterday 7am solo
Rxd in a little under 42min. Really hard, really fun. Did the runs on the Air Runner, which David swears is slower than a regular run but maybe he’s not too familiar with my regular run.
Go Katie!
That air runner is 100% slower than regular run (this expert opinion comes from being on it 2x, feeling like I was going really fast, looking at the speedometer, only to see like 8:30/mile)
Oh great, that means I probably do a 12 minute mile on that thing!
It’s slower, or the addition of feet pulling adds to how taxing it is. It tried switching to a mid to front toe strike on it and that seemed to help gravity play into it more. Imuh keep testing out other running styles on it to see what works best.
Saturday is Katie H. day. Kill it KHarpz! Miss you, Katie RH!
Strongfit with Brett
Loving these classes. I need to work on my grip strength. We ended with 1:00 max cals on the assault bike and 3 of us died.
10:00 group
The limiting factor was the over head squats, or as I liked to think of it, every movement. I scaled a lot so I could get through the thing, and it was still brutal. Closest I’ve felt to being in an event and makes me excited to sign up and volunteer and watch people do events in the future.
10am drop in again at CF Forte in Nashville
Partner WOD—25 min for reps:
Box step ups with dumbbells (20’ box; 15#)
Ring rows
We split evenly and got through 26cal on second round of 30. Picture of partner Maggie and me on my Instagram @jenbo1. Glad I went back today; great box and work out!
Awesome to hear that the classes are as good as the setup/organization. Love Nashville.
Such a good recommendation! Thank you 🙂
12nooner with Whit and Brett
Phew! 32:24 @ 83# and 10 ttb/jumping CTB/12 burpees
This was a beast. First round was fine, but still can’t organize kip on the ttb.
Second round was another adventure in cycling cleans at 83# but it happened! Sets of 5.
Third round was haaard. First set of OHS was 5/4 and then unbroken after. Could barely snatch this weight up after everything, but finally locked in and it was OK. I don’t think I’ve ever repped this weight for more than 1-3 in the past, so I’m happy! Lots of sucking wind after burpees.
Oh and the runs were lulz. Going to eat a chicken now byeee.
Good job doing 83!!!
29:31 63#
I know I could have gone heavier, but I had AG strength at 11, and just wanted more of a metabolic stimulus.
-Deadlifts unbroken for 2, 11-10 for final; TTB 5-5-5
-15/8-7/8-7 cleans; 3-3-3 c2b (some reps I didn’t touch the bar, but was high enough- gotta pop that chest?)
-OHS unbroken
-ring dips: 3-3-3-3 every round
AGS was hard, as always. Left feeling swole all over. 😛
Fun, satisfying Sunday.
Got up to 135 on the C&J and for the first time in the nearly 6 years I’ve been at CFSBK I wasn’t totally embarrassed by my form, and also felt like I had more in the tank for the jerk (which based on my strict press 1 RM I should).
I’ve been back at CF from my first love, Strength Cycle, for about 6-7 months now and I wanted to acknowledge the various teachable moments and queues, especially at the weekday 10am and noon classes, I’ve received received from coaches like Lauren, Ro, Whit, Brett, David, and the Foxes, who have each worked with me on both Olympic lifts (and HT to Melissa for all the help getting my OHS even a thing).
251 on the WOD doing “Rx” (32kg) on the bell partnering with Greg and Evan.