Rack Jerk
5 x 1
5 x 3
Warm up and perform sets across at 90-100% of Week 1‘s best successful lift. The goal is consistent reps, not PR attempts or press outs.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 7 of 8
AMRAP 9 Minutes:
3 Front Squats 205/145
9 Toes-to-Bars
The Front Squat come off the floor and should be heavy but unbroken. First rep can be a full Squat Clean. Sub Hanging Leg or Knee Raises for Toes-to-Bars as needed.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Is Greg preparing for his new role as Sub-Zero in the next Mortal Kombat movie or just getting ready to go outside? | Photo by Thomas H.
Today: Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge Lecture and Q&A, “What Do I Eat?”
Are eggs bad for me? I know avocado is a healthy food, so can I have as much as I want? What’s a whole grain? I heard that avoiding carbs is a fast way to lose weight. Should I skip them? What about gluten, lactose, caffeine, nails, etc.?
Whether you’re following Level 1 or Level 2 on the Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge, we want you to focus on what foods to eat rather than what are “bad” or foods you should try and will yourself to not eat. In the first lecture of the series (today at 12pm in the Annex), we’ll discuss what healthy foods you should be including in your diet, as well as provide some guidelines on how much of them should be on your plate (even if you’re not counting your macros). An open Q&A will follow.
Akoto O. on Injury and Functional Fitness
Akoto O. hasn’t been around the gym lately because of an ankle injury. She recently send us a nice message updating us on her status and letting us know how CrossFit has prepared her to deal with this setback:
Many members have reached out to me to offer well wishes, words of encouragement, meals, books and Netflix recs! Colleen, who missed a big chunk of her own workout by staying by my side when I fell that Saturday, has even offered to be my open gym partner when I return. What a special, kind community you all have fostered. I am lucky to call CFSBK my fitness home.
Now, forgive this portion of the rant, but I gotta give a shout out to functional fitness:
I have strict instructions to not put any weight on my right ankle. In physical therapy, before I was discharged, as the therapist showed me how lift and lower myself on to the bed, couch, toilet, etc., I thought, “Oh, just like seated Pistol progressions.”
Using a walker is kinda sorta like holding myself up on the Matador.
Hopping around on one leg: one-legged Single-Unders!
The other day I was home alone and I had to bend down and pick up an object: Single-Leg Deadlift!
Point is, there is nothing I need to do to get around safely that I can’t do. All of this feels familiar to me in some way, and because of that, I feel wholly prepared to get through the next few months. Doctors, nurses and therapists have all remarked on my strength and stamina. I owe that to CFSBK, both to the grade-A instruction I’ve received in class over the last 4.5 years and to the things I’ve had the freedom (and equipment) to work on in open gym.
As for an update on my ankle and recovery: Compound fracture dislocation. Surgery went well. The pain is surprisingly manageable. Worst part: my sleep is trash. Best part: I get to track my macros with home cooked meals everyday, but I don’t have to deal with the tyranny of dirty dishes (thanks Mom). I especially don’t miss washing tupperware. Hashtag blessed.
My mother, who is a retired nurse and a phenomenal cook, just happened to be in town when all of this happened, so she’s extended her stay and will be with me at least until the new year. Also, insurance fully covers visiting nurses and physical therapists. Silver linings, ya’ll. I’m in good hands.
Doctor says no regular commuting until February, which is when I plan to come back to the gym, so I’ll see you all then.
Thank you, thank you, thank you a million times.
We miss you, Ko! Heal fast!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Wodurday
“Bring Sally Up” Pull-Up Challenge BarBend
The Messy Facts About Diet and Inflammation Scientific American
So glad to hear from you Akoto. Very glad you’re healing so well and with such great support. Will be most glad when you’re back! Miss you lots! Keep up the good work!
2-3 strict pull ups @1011 or 5 ring rows @4011
10 paloff deadbugs
3 wall walks
10 double unders
Butterfly pull up/kipping pull up practice
4 rounds for time @aerobic pace
400m row
20 split jumps
10 burpees
5 pull ups
Good luck with the rehab Akoto!
Hi, does anyone have a recommendation for a gym in South Beach? Thanks!
Ko! We miss you! Hope you heal fast. <3
Great group for today’s LFPBC meet up. Gonna be our best year yet, I think!
Ko – you’re a rockstar! Such a cool write up & can’t wait to have you back at the gym.
Sunday was…productive? It’s my only day off, so is rarely spent very far from the couch. After some cleaning/emailing/spending some profesh time with Jen B., made it in for OG!
Sunday’s strength work:
Jerk: 93, 98, 103, 108, 113. Dip & movement overhead felt solid; footwork is still suspect. Really struggling to kick my front foot out far enough.
AMRAP w/Matt:
8 or 9rnds + 3 FSQ @ 108# and hanging leg raises
Probably could have gone a touch heavier; cleans felt awesome (thx to all the cleans in these WODs!) but what are front squats even. Hands killed on the leg raises, kip was not great.
We miss you, Ko! Speedy recovery!
Ko! So glad to hear how you’re doing. We miss you- can’t wait until you come back!
Good getting motivated again at the LFPB meeting today. Gotta remember that eating those good clean foods always feels superior to not!
Jerk: worked up to 113- technique improved thanks to Thaisa and Klove.
Wod: 103#
10+3 I think— at least that’s what I counted on the whiteboard.
Chose to scale to 6TTB- did them unbroken every round. I wanted to get more rounds and do more front squats, rather than waste time breaking up the TTB.
AG was some good pull-up practice- butterfly is coming along… then a fun aerobic conditioning piece.
8:00 short circuit with Fox
Did a few new movements for me which made me slower than my usual slow. Got a wicked Charlie horse during the metcon in the final round. I will name him Frank. Frank made me go home instead of tonthe next group class!
5:00 open gym to make up for the jerks.
5 x 3 at 125 – maybe could have gone up to 135 but a decent amount were sloppy enough for me to want to have good form over weight.
Some front squat work and power clean drills to close out the day.
Great to hear from you Ko, looking forward to having you back!
11am AR, 12pm LFPB meeting, then…
1pm class with Ro and Lauren
Jerk up to 215#, focused on doing it well and didn’t go up in weight.
Metcon 8 rounds scaled: 185lbs and hanging leg raises. Maybe could have done 205 but front squats aren’t a strength of mine. Didn’t even try for T2B since I wanted to stay in one piece for AG.
2pm AG
Fun practicing butterfly pull-ups, but clearly needs a lot more love. Looking up and starting with smaller circles is what I need to keep in mind.
Fun metcon in 16:10min with 3 pull-ups instead of 5 since my hands were super sore at that point.
Ko, glad you are on the mend!
Split Jerk: 103-108-113-118-123x2F-123
Felt solid until the first attempt at 123 when I didn’t drop under the bar. I took the bar out of the rack and then put it back in on my second attempt. Needed more rest. Success on third attempt @123# and felt solid.
WOD: 7+9 @113#
Kept a sustainable pace to keep my heart rate under control. Did all T2B (except last set) as 5-4 and took a good rest before doing the FSQTs. I tried to rush through the last set of T2B to get on the bar one last time but that plan worked against me. Ended up losing my kip and having to go to singles. In hindsight it’s probably because I was on my 60th+ rep.
I was nervous about cleaning 113 because today was the first time I’ve squat cleaned that much since dropping a barbell on my knee while cleaning in October. Another reason I took a good break and didn’t just rush through the squats- did NOT want to fail the clean or let them mess with my head.
Butterfly pullup practice
WOD: sustainable pace
Split jumps were the hardest part. Needed to pause a bunch bc of the quad burn after rowing. Practiced butterfly pullups and did 3-2 each round.
Hands are on fire from all the gymnastics today!
Handstand walking practice. Farthest was 12ft.
Can’t wait to see Ko back in action
Did a very poor mans version of today’s movements, sorta.
Press: 125x3x3, 95x5x3
FSQ: 175x3x3
Bicecps curls: 22.5DBsx12x3