At 0:00…
3 Rounds For Time:
20 Calories Rowed
20 Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9
At 12:00
3 Rounds For Time:
15 Power Cleans 115/80
15 Burpees
The Power Clean should be light/medium for you. The Burpees happen behind and lateral to the bar, no jump over.
At 24:00
Every Minute on the Minute x 10 (5 ea):
Minutes 0, 2, 4, 6, 8: 45 Second Hollow Hold Minutes
1, 3, 5, 7, 9 : 45 Second Reverse Plank
Tuck the Hollow or bend your knees on the Plank as needed to hold for 45 seconds.
Post work to comments.
If a medicine ball falls in the gym, and nobody’s there to catch it, does it count as a rep? (Probably not.) | Photo by Thomas H.
TOMORROW: Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge Lecture and Q&A, “What Do I Eat?”
Are eggs bad for me? I know avocado is a healthy food, so can I have as much as I want? What’s a whole grain? I heard that avoiding carbs is a fast way to lose weight. Should I skip them? What about gluten, lactose, caffeine, nails, etc.?
Whether you’re following Level 1 or Level 2 on the Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge, we want you to focus on what foods to eat rather than what are “bad” or foods you should try and will yourself to not eat. In the first lecture of the series (tomorrow at 12pm in the Annex), we’ll discuss what healthy foods you should be including in your diet, as well as provide some guidelines on how much of them should be on your plate (even if you’re not counting your macros). An open Q&A will follow.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
Saikhom Mirabai Chanu Clean and Jerks 2.27x Her Bodyweight hookgrip (video)
What Is “Starting Strength”? Starting Strength
8-rep fatbar deadlift: Worked up to 165#. Poor baby hands.
1 min sandbag over yoke: 9 with 80#, 6 with 100#. Struggles getting under the bag.
Turkish get-ups with a barbell: 22#, 45#, 52#
9 AM:
Power clean/burpees: 4:31
Unbroken, 9-6, 7-4-4
Doing this one next to Dan L was humbling.
Row/WB: 6:27
WB unbroken
Hollow hold/reverse plank: Gross. Hollow hold kept rotating legs. Plank was fine.
What’s a fatbar?!
It’s a thicker barbell in diameter, so really hard to grip. If you are ever in 608, take a look around the barbell rack (I think) and one might be over there.
Huh interesting. Thanks; I will!
Satan. A fat bar is Satan. As evidenced by the fact that I couldn’t even do 140×8 with one!
LOL. Got it.
Strong fit!
I’m not a bit numbers guy (yet) because I became numbers obsessed as a runner, so I’m just noting down what I’m getting out of these classes.
These classes are great at testing how strong you are in areas you probably never check. I can also use my size and weight to my advantage where a typical Crossfit class, it makes it harder. I have a feeling I won’t really be able to see the gains here, but it will translate to other lifts where I will be able to tell.
10:00am group class
These multiple metcon saturdays are brutal, but I think if you are struggling mentally that this is a class to challenge your mind. It’s long and even though you want to check out, you can’t AND there is another workout coming just a few minutes away. So if the typical metcon scares you, do some saturdays and a single one will be nothing.
10am with Melo and Keith
I was dreading these and thinking ‘how will I have time between the workouts?! Should I end before I’m done?’ but I made it on all of them and it wasn’t so bad and I was at least consistently paced.
A) WBs used 12# for first time in a WOD (usually use 10#); rows took between 1:10 (first and fastest) and 1:27 (last and slowest). Finished 9:52
B) 53# bar for power cleans; scaled burpees. Finished in 10:30
C) holds and reverse planks happened. Glad I got to end on these.
I also am feeling really hydrated because of the LFPB challenge, which is something I never realized was missing in the way it was. So that’s exciting.
10am w/Melo & Keith
Went out of order –
B. 7:29 (or 6:29? I think I wrote on the board wrong) @ 83# – cycled this weight for the first time!!! 8/5/2; 5/5/5; 5/5/5
C. Reverse planks killed my shoulders! Alternated w/plank from forearms
A. 8:26 – row was tough but managed to mostly 1 cal/pull
Loving all these cleans + burpees. Good to test barbell stuff under some duress.
10am class – Fun class!
A) 6:17 Rx’d
Rows ~1300 cal/hr – 1000 cal/hr
WB Unbroken
B) 7:49 Rx’d
PC 6/5/4
Burpees sloooe. Tough one.
C) Various hollow versions + bent knee reverse planks
Strong Fit + Short Circuit today. The former exposed that my grip is not nearly as good as I thought it was. The latter was utterly humbling in that holding two 20# DBs overhead for 30s at a time proved to be a problem. Okay, I guess when you’ve just done renegade rows and thrusters with the same DBs, and you did Strong Fit…but still. Lots of crow to eat today.
AR was the best.
3 classes in a row? Damn girl 😉
11am AGS for all the arm pump. I swear my sleeves get a lot tighter during this class :p managed to get all the 8 tempo strict HSPUs today to 2.5 abmats, tough at the end.
1pm group class with BrWhit
A) 7:18 Rx, kept a good 90% pace, all wallballs 12/8.
B) 8:28 Rx, this was a rough one to stay the course, the burpees really depleted me. Power cleans were all 6/5/4 and were pretty much muscle cleans.
C) happened.
So much fitness!!
Part A 8:41
Rows took foreverrrrr
Part B: 8:14 Rx’d
Cleans were so hard right after part A and AGS this morning. Whit gave me some things to practice bc I don’t know how to use my glutes on PCs.