Tempo Back Squat (32X1)
6 x 2
Heavier than last week. Should be challenging but not too much of a grind out of the hole. Use spotters if you’re not 110% sure of your reps.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 7 of 8
3 Rounds
AMRAP 3 Minutes:
10 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20
5 Bar Muscle-Ups or Chest-to-Bar Pull Ups
Rest 3 minutes between rounds. Begin each round with the Burpee Box Jumps. Sub Jumping Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups as needed.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Like everything else at CFSBK, the big fridge next to the front desk is very well organized. But it’s not just pretty to look at! It’s also full of the best supplements and pre/post-workout snacks around. In this new video, Captain Osorio talks about some of the Puori stuff we carry. Below, Coach Fox goes into a little more depth and explains why you might want to introduce these into your routine. Tag team effort!
What’s in the Fridge?
By Chris Fox
Puori O3
Omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil. You’ve probably heard that you need more omega-3s but might not have heard just why. They have an anti-inflammatory effect and help your body maintain normal heart function as well as normal brain function and vision. One dose of Puori O3 is equal to 99g of wild salmon. If fatty fish isn’t always on your plate, you may want to add some fish oil to your daily regimen. Puori O3 is sourced exclusively from wild anchovies, responsibly caught in the south Pacific Ocean. Since these fish are low on the food chain, they don’t accumulate toxins and heavy metals like larger fish such as cod, salmon and tuna. Puori’s O3 is consistently awarded 5/5 stars from IFOS for freshness, stability and purity. These softgels don’t have the fishy taste or smell that you can get with some fish oils—it has a fresh lemon taste. The dark capsules protect the fish oil from light to avoid oxidation and keep them fresh. We recommend taking them with a meal. Puori takes the extra step to get O3 back to natural triglycerides (once purified) so that your body can use the omega-3s faster and without side effects like the dreaded fish burps.
Puori M3
Magnesium is an important mineral that helps muscles to contract and function properly. Studies show that 48% of the population gets less than they need. Each dose of Puori M3 contains the same magnesium as 380g of spinach or 111g of almonds. Are you eating that many nuts or greens every day? Puori M3 combines organic forms of the minerals Magnesium and Zinc. Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body, involved in more than 300 processes and critical to good health. Zinc is an essential mineral involved in numerous aspects of cellular metabolism including immune function. Some micronutrients, especially calcium, can interfere with the absorption of magnesium. Avoid taking your M3 supplement with foods rich in calcium like dairy products. Alcohol has also been shown to lessen M3’s effects when taken with it. Try to take M3 30 minutes before bedtime or after a workout on an empty stomach to get the full benefit of your supplement.
Puori D3
Vitamin D! Your immune system, muscles, and bones need it to function normally. Yet deficiencies of vitamin D are common because many people don’t get enough exposure to sunlight or food containing vitamin D. D3 helps your body to absorb calcium and maintain normal bones. Puori D3 is derived from purified sheep’s lanolin and is the form of vitamin D3 that the sun stimulates in our body. The softgels also contain organic, virgin coconut oil to ensure solubility, since D is a fat-soluble vitamin. It is best to take your vitamin D with a meal. The amount of vitamin D you can get from the sun alone depends on time of day, geographical latitude, the color of your skin and the amount of skin you expose to sunlight. You produce most vitamin D in the middle of the day when the sun is high in the sky, and the closer to the equator you live the easier it is to produce vitamin D from sunlight. For example, in Florida your body can produce vitamin D most of the year, while in New York or Boston you can’t produce much vitamin D from November through March. The more melanin you have the darker your skin color, which works just like sunscreen regarding UVB exposure.
Puori Synboitics SB3
Probiotics! Provides at least 13 billion good bacteria from two of the worlds most well researched bacterial strains (Bifidobacterium BB-12® and Lactobacillus fermentum PCC®). Packed with fiber to help the bacteria thrive in the intestine and vitamin C to support immune function. Did you know that your gastrointestinal tract is home to 100 trillion bacteria? Scientists now agree that “good bacteria” are essential to human health, providing a first line of defense from pathogens and unwanted germs. No need to worry about refrigerating—each dose is in an individual pack that contains freeze-dried powder so you can take it wherever you go. With a fresh cranberry taste and natural sweetness from the prebiotic fibers, it’s great mixed in a smoothie or straight from the packet. Take your SB3 supplement 30 minutes before eating or with a meal.
Isopure Zero Carb
Ready-to-drink whey protein isolate! Your body needs protein to recover from exercise, and protein is the main nutrient you should be sure to include in your diet as an athletic person. Your muscles, bones, and immune system are all made up of proteins. Zero Carb is a clear (non-milky) lactose-free and gluten-free, ready to drink product that provides 40g of 100% pure whey protein isolate per bottle and only 160 calories. Useful pre-workout if you haven’t eaten a meal for a few hours prior to training, and/or post workout if you won’t be eating for a while. Bonus points if combined with a piece of fruit for some carbs.
Optimum Nutrition Cake Bites
A convenient, tasty, high protein snack bar! The protein in the three small cakes come from milk and whey isolate. With around 225 calories, 20 grams of carbs, 20 grams of protein, and 7 grams of fat, these can be a convenient pre or post-training snack/small meal.
RX Bar
Another convenient snack bar, made from all natural ingredients! Made from egg whites, nuts, and dates, these bars are dairy, soy, and gluten free with no artificial colors, flavors, or fillers. At around 200 calories, 25 grams of carbs, 12 grams of protein, and 7 grams of fat, these can be a convenient pre or post-training snack/small meal.
Do I need to take supplements?
No, not at all. You can certainly get all of these nutrients from a healthy and balanced diet and lifestyle. Supplements are convenience products and simply make it easier to ensure you’re getting these nutrients on a regular basis. They should always be considered as an addition to an already healthy diet, and cannot make up for an unhealthy lifestyle.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
How Old Is Your Muscle-Up? CrossFit Journal
Dave Castro Drops First Hint for 2018 CrossFit Open BarBend
BSQ up to 275
Felt good
Metcon Rx’d
1+11, 1+13, 1+12
I dislike BMUs a little less this year than last year.
7am w/Brett & Ro
32×1 Tempo LBBS: 155x2x6 – Felt fine. Last couple sets were a definite challenge so I think this was the right weight. Nice sharing the bar w/Christine & Kate!
WOD w/Sterling (welcome!): 1+11, 1+11, 1+12 w/jumping BMUs from 24″box + plate. Could I have probably pushed this a little more & tried without the plate.
Kate – you were so boss on those jumping BMUs that I gotta say yes. Although I’m saying that with a full ab-raspberry from scraping myself to extension so….
7 AM-in’
LBBSQ at 170#. This is a 15# jump from last week but sets of 2 are no bigs. Will go to 185 next week I think.
WOD: 1+13, 1+13, 1+14 with chin over bar kipping pullups. This was my first time doing kipping pullups since the neck issue. I’m pretty sure I hyperextended several times but I feel okay right now, so that’s good. I will be slow about ramping up my volume on these over the next few weeks.
It’s taken a while, but I’m getting back into the groove of things again. Learning to take a step back and let my body readjust to my previous routine has been the biggest challenge for me.
Sunday 12/31/2017
PP + PJ + SJ: Worked up to 135lbs.
NFR: Tried the Skierg for the first time and the Airrunner. Worked up to 160 on the Sandbag carry.
Tuesday 1/2/2018
7:30 PM
Seated DB Press – 25lbs
DB RDL – 30lbs
I was mostly focused on learning the movements. Felt a little awkward on the RDLs, but it was my first time doing them.
Scaled Jackie – 9:25 @ 45lbs + Jumping Pull-ups. It’s my first time attempting this workout. Broke down the thrusters in 15,15,10,10. I didn’t have enough pull-ups in the tank to attempt 30, but I’m looking forward to the next test.
Yesterday 6pm AGS
The Arnold Press is back! The bodybuilder in me (?) loves that one. Doing sets of 8-10 strict pull-ups is brutal.
Yesterday 7:30pm AG
Super fun, and I did my first pistol – assisted, sure, but I had never done one before. My ankle mobility is terrible, and I always thought I just wouldn’t be able to get one. The metcon was super interesting too, I really like doing the “aerobic pace” metcons where the goal is to keep a steady 70-80% pace. Did the assault bike for 3 min (keeping a 50 rpm / 185 watts pace), then 12 (assisted pistols), 10 burpees and 8 T2B/leg raises. Felt like I could kept going, which I think was the goal.
Dropped in at Crossfit Santa Monica yesterday because it was conveniently located. Nice little gym if you’re ever in the area.
4 RFT:
400m row
20 wall balls 14#
10 pullups
5 burpee box jump overs
21:12 RX. All in all a good first workout of ’18 after a bit of time off. Think I’m going to go back today…apparently they do hero WODs every first Wednesday of the month. Today’s (Dallas 5) has some deadlifts and snatches…looking forward to picking up a barbell finally!!
Thanks for posting! I was going to reach out to see where you’ve been. Have a good trip and see you when you’re back. Happy New Year!
Whoa “Dallas 5” looks fun !
7am with Ro and Brett
125×2 then 135x2x5
Fun working with Kate x 2 today! Hadn’t squatted in a few weeks and my legs are still processing yesterday’s workout, so this weight seemed right. A 10# jump from the last tempo work I did. Definitely have some room to go up next Wed.
2 even, 2+2, 2+2 – scaled to jumping chest to bar from a stool
What even are legs? The burpee box jumps were a struggle today. Just tried to keep moving and not trip.
solo sesh. 6-8 min heat up, then
8ea high pull (25#, 30# x 2)
:30 bottom of squat with int/ext rotation
DB Bench @ 30×1
(30×8) 35×8, 40×8/8/8/6
Split Sqt @ 30×1
(BWx8ea), +20# farmer hold x 8 reps x 4L/2R
a. 10 min (85%)
30 du’s
8 DB OH walking lunge (35# each hand overhead)
rest/reset/move gyms 10 min
b. 10 min
4 push jerk 105#
8 ghd sit up
10 cal row
a: 6 rounds + 32 reps (last time 5 rounds + 38 reps)
b: 5 rounds + 4 reps (last time 3 rounds + 7 reps)
finished with 7 min easy on the runner and some stretching, hip recovery
Sad to miss AGS last night— will make it up tomorrow. I love the Arnold press too!! Woohoo!!
Wednesday 8am
Hbbs: 115x2x2, 120 1×2, 125 3×2
Wasn’t sure where I’d be since I missed last week.
Wod: 2 rounds every time with chest to bar pull-ups. Felt like going for more of a metabolic workout than bar muscle up practice.
Short circuit after was awesome!!
Had some really fun workouts in Berlin:
A 40:00 emom
8 cal assault bike
2 sled pushes 50kg
30kg dball hold :40
2 clean and jerks 50kg
8 deadlift 50kg
18 airsquats
:30 plank
Then a partner wod of
800m run (together)
100 front rack lunges (25kg)
30 rounds:
3 pull-ups
3 g2o (I did thrusters bc it was light)
3 burpees
100 front rack lunges
TTB (with 30 jumping jacks between each set)
800 m run together
Both gyms were complicated in their own way, and as always, pale to CFSBK in terms of programming, coaching, convenience, organization, and friendliness. So grateful and lucky to have found CFSBK- can’t take it for granted.
Also, the challenge has been going really well— sooo happy to have more freedom with eating, thanks to regular ol’ level 2 macros tracking.
Happy to be back! Bye!!
Noon class with Ro.
Lift: 6 x 2 Squats partnered w/ D.O. Got up to 245# for sets 3-6 with more in the tank; missed last week so played it a bit safe this week to get back in swing of it.
WOD: 1 + 5, 1 + 4, 1 + 5. I just need to bear down and push harder to get a few more reps at this point, as I think my conditioning has come back after nearly 6 months in regular CF again, just not my confidence to give it the gas on the burner burst type WODs like today.
OT: Incredible video of Phish NYE countdown moment at MSG — https://youtu.be/qQLBGSUY37Q?t=10m20s. Can’t miss goodness here.
12:00pm Group Class with Coach Ro
Felt Fine. Partnered with Rob for maybe the first time ever?
BBJ/BMU Interval Metcon
R1: 1R + 14 reps
R2: 1 R + 10 reps
R3: 1 R + 10 Reps
Lost my BMU mojo today, no idea where it went!
I remembered the snatch cue you gave me about 5-6 weeks ago that I liked…. It was to use a seam of the mats to both line up the bar and the middle of my feat. That cue forced me to move the bar back and get me into a better start for the movement, rather than too far forward, and in turn helped to think about the bar going straight up vertically
Oh yeah!! That WAS it!
7 am with Ro and Brett
Today was scary. 130# tempo – 5×2. I asked for a spot for my first set and that helped address the fears somewhat but I was told that I did not hold the pause. Geeze – that’s such a body/brain disconnect because I swear it felt like I was down at the bottom for a year. At least these were all low.
Then the WOD on the hard, wooden, raggedy edged 20″ box instead of the safe cushiony welcome of the 18″ pylo. I don’t know how high up the bar was for my jumping bmu work. In the first round I missed my 2nd and 3rd attempt badly so went to c2b but recovered in the next two rounds and got all 5 jbmu. However, I was getting on the bar up high on my abs and had to pull my middle along the bar to press out. I look sunburned a whole week before Florida.
Did anyone happen to find a pair of glasses in a SALT case in the couch yesterday after 7:30 class? I left them there and they weren’t at the desk.
Never mind. Found them
A) FSQ: 3×10 @ 120#
Not too bad. Fried a little bit from DT yesterday! But still so comfortable at 10s these days. I love it
B) OH single arm DB press @ 35# 3×6 ea
not bad. Stiff L shoulder after ydays DT
C) Run Assault AirRunner 5000 m : 32 mins 30 secs
Testing submax distance for WZA. Doing a 7k on this bad boy in 9 days! Decided not to go the full distance cause I’m close to tapering and I was going a submax pace anyway. Goal was to find an average between 5k on track and 5k on this thing as well as a sustainable pace. Obviously there’s a discrepancy because I went slower but the assault air runner has some gnarly resistance to account for! Looks like if I hold 6:15-6:30 for the first 5000M I’ll be able to gun it for the last leg. Going to write out some splits and see what makes sense. Looking forward to crushing this WOD!
Fox— super helpful and interesting “what’s in the fridge” post.
6:30pm with David
Tempo BSQ
95×2, 100x2x2, 105x2x2, 110×2, then 100×2 specifically to practice sitting back into the squat deeper. I was pleased overall with how this work went but didn’t have any steam left by the end where those last two felt HARD. anyway. So much improvement overall in form.
Round 1) 1+10
Round 2) 1+10
Round 3) 1+8
Using 12” soft box and doing jumping chest to bar with a 16” box on the low bar. First WOD in awhile with burpees where I won the mental game.
Also, great write up by Fox about the supps!
I Love the orange flavored ISOPURE Zero Carb. It took me a minute to get into the flavor but now I crave it when I’m at home. Also, So much protien! It’s like two servings of protein in one drink!
Yeah, great post.
I love the lemonade one! Definitely has helped me even out my macros before!! I’ll have to try the orange one.
This post convinced me to buy the fish oil from the fridge this morning. My boyfriend was like, “why is that one so much more expensive and “better” than the cheap kind?”
… so I read exactly what was written above. No fish burps here! Heh heh! Thanks!!!
Love the info on all the supplements- probably wouldn’t take the time to learn about each item on my own, so thank you!
LBBS: 125-130-135-140-145-150
Missed the last exposure with the pause at the bottom and have been conservative on my squats the last two cycles to maintain form so worked up in weight just to see where I could go with the pause. All weights felt great and I think my form was pretty solid bc I didn’t get feedback otherwise.
WOD with C2B
(2+3)x3 Consistent!
Hi there,
Black squat (No squat stand)
30, 35, 40, 45, 45, 50k
WOD(Push up Hand release instead pull ups)
2+9, 2+13, 2+14