Handstand Push-Up / Dumbbell Split-Stance Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift Superset*
A1) Tempo (40×1) Handstand Push-Up:
5 x 6-10 reps
Add a few reps to last week. These should all be sub-max sets, adding a deficit if you’re able to. Full range of motion, no AbMats. No crashing or resting on your head! Perform the reps strict if you can. You can kip the concentric if you must, but keep true to the tempo on the eccentric through the full range of motion and do not crash or rest on your head.
A2) Dumbbell Split-Stance Single-Leg RDL:
5 x 6-10 reps
Add weight and/or reps to last week.
A1) Tempo (40×1) Seated Dumbbell Press:
5 x 5-8 reps
Add weight and/or reps to last week. Optional: Perform a Kick-Up to the wall with a few second hold immediately after each set of Presses.
A2) Dumbbell Split-Stance Single-Leg RDL:
5 x 6-10 reps
Add weight and/or reps to last week.
*Warm up and then perform a set of Handstand Push-Ups, followed by a set of DB Split-Stance Single-Leg RDLs. Repeat for 5 work sets of each, resting about a minute between movements. The last few reps of each set should be tough, but the goal is no misses.
Post loads/reps to comments.
Exposure 3 of 8
3 Rounds:
30 Seconds for Max Reps of Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20
120 Seconds Rest
30 Seconds for Max Calories of Rowing
120 Seconds Rest
All out efforts on each work interval.
Post reps per round of each movement to comments.
At CFSBK most of our classes are led by more than one coach. How does our coaching staff work together? Part 4 of CrossFit Journal’s series on our Group Class Coaching Expectations provides some of the answers!
Tandem Coaching Guidelines
We’ve been posting these CrossFit Journal videos for a few weeks now, but don’t forget that you can read all about our Group Class Coaching Expectations on Inside the Affiliate, our business blog! Here, for example, is the full list of our Tandem Coaching Guidelines:
- Discuss work distribution before class starts, trying to keep overall workload even.
- While one coach is leading flow, the second coach should be organizing logistics for the following segment or working with troubled movers.
- Evenly distribute athletes between coaches.
- If a class goes over, one coach should finish out that class while the other coach begins the next class.
Read more about these guidelines here! And be sure to poke around ITA for some crucial insights into all the stuff that makes CFSBK tick.
Looking for a Sublet Near the Gym?
Mer R. is going to DC for work for a while (*sniff*) and is looking to sublet her apartment at the start of January. It’s a large quiet one bedroom in Park Slope with a separate study, good light, laundry in the building and shared backyard. Most importantly, it’s just a half mile from the gym! Email her at mr3340 [at] nyu.edu for more details.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Front Squat + Jerk | Power Cleans, Wall Balls
Why Lurks Behind Rabid Sports Fandom? Nautilus
10 Questions with CrossFit Athletic Group CrossFit Journal
Karina Sahlin says
Sneaking in here cause it’s still technically Sunday as I’m writing this.
Shame make up post.
Forgot to write about Tuesdays metcon.
3 rounds for time
400m run
21 WB 14/9
x5 strict pull ups + chest to ground push ups (scaled from 7)
This took 17:11 the pullups took me forever. They were kind of cheaty as I got some momentum from jumping up onto the bar, but I’m going to take it anyway. Tried to run properly which is a struggle of mine to not heel strike.
Wednesday 125lbs for the 30×1 tempo back squats, which was fine, could have gone heavier but felt in the warmup that I was just toast. Got through 36 Turkish getups, never done these before 10 @ 15, 10 at 17.5 and 6 at 20. Re-aggravated my back of the neck thing on top of my mad as hell front of neck flexor so had a bad neck day. I think the perfect storm is low back squat (bracing upper back) + some overhead movement. Will watch in future.
Thursday CRASH B
Erg: 2 x 20’/5′ #1 T4 – 4387m, 2:16.7 ave./500m, 19 S/M; #2 T4 – 4367m, 2:17.3 ave./500m, 18S/M.”
This sucked. Taking my prize for consistency tho as there was only a .5 second difference in the averages of both 20 minute segments.
Sunday CRASH B
So much better mentally knowing you don’t have to do another set at T4 after the first one. Felt really good today, could have gone harder on the first portion and recovered faster. Either quick adaptation (thanks Dad) or two rest days were nice.
Erg: 2 x 20’/5′ #1, T4 –4425m, 2.15.5 ave./500m, SPM 19; #2, T3 – 4124m, 2.25.4 ave./500m, SPM 18
Probs gonna be in the 4:30 class today (now that it’s for real Monday) and will post again!
Karina S says
it didn’t take my an hour to write this. the time is just an hour off.
Shawn Campbell says
“They were kinda cheaty….” I love that. They! (I’m totally going to use that phrase, from now on, maybe often.)
Karina S says
Also come to my sketch show if you want today!
7:30pm Magnet Theater
254 W 29th St, New York, NY 10001
It’s a weird one. But I’ll be on stage for two sketches (rarity cause I’m a writer). And then you can get drinks with us afterwards and pretend you’re a cool NYC comedy type 😉
Chas C. says
6:30 a.m. starting strength w/Jeremy.
Low bar BSQ: 3×5 @ 250#. Various course corrections but I wound up feeling pretty great about the last set. Like Daniel R. noted yesterday, this process is both terrifying and immensely gratifying. Earlier this year I could high-bar squat exactly 2 reps at 245#.
Bench: 3×5 @ 190#. Form is now paramount here, which is helpful for me. Can’t get lazy or the bar won’t go anywhere but down.
Deadlift: 355#x5. Actually felt better than 350# last week. Took my time, set everything tight, fought the metcon urge to try and cycle it.
Kayleigh says
HSPU: Lots of doubles with the tempo. Definitely feeling more consistent – surprised at how well these went given how sore my back is from yesterday’s workout. Trusting the process, I suppose…
DB.SS.SL.RDL.IDK.WTF: 40# x 8 x 5
BBJO: 8, 9, 9
Row: 12, 13, 13
Fun one!
K HarpZ says
I’m really liking what this acronym is morphing into. Let’s keep the streak alive loL!
Jaime Cheng says
Seated dumbbell press: 5×6, 20#, borrowed Kirby’s 25#’s for round 2 and will probably try that for all sets next week.
DBSSSLRDLOL: 5×6, 35#. Weight felt good, next week I plan to go up in reps.
Row: 8, 11, 11
BBJO: 9, 10, 10
It’s rare that I *really* give the rower my all (shame, I know) so I really enjoyed this one. You can do anything for 30s! Also, max BBJO’s for time are just ASKING for some bruised shins!!
Fox says
8am class
5×8 on the HSPU
Getting tough!
BBJO: 10-10-10
ROW: 16-17-16
Kirby says
7am w/ Ro + Lauren
Tempo DB Press: 25#x5x4 (Plus 2-3 kick-ups to the wall!)
RDLs: 35#x8x4
Only fit 4 sets in today. Oops.
WOD: Cals rowed: 10/10/10. BBJOs: 8/8/9. Fun!
Good weekend of fitness! Did Saturday’s workout RXed; grateful for an amazing squad of ladies (Jaime, Molly and Lauren) who helped me keep going. Then a great AR class afterwards. On Sunday I worked up to 88# on the FSQ/jerk complex and RXed the workout: 3 rounds + 6 pwr cleans.
Kirby says
Amended to add: In fact I did NOT RX Saturday’s workout. I RXed the weight! But did jumping BMUs and chin-over-bar pull-ups. Sorry! Phew, glad we cleared that up 😉
kate tk says
I had 100% confidence you did BMUs tho — SOON KIRBY! 😉
Jason says
Sunday Starting Strength w/ Jeremy:
I think I’m finally recovered from my “injury”. Just in time as things are starting to get heavy. Agree with Chas and Daniel how gratifying this process is.
BSQ: 270# 3×3, this was v tough after last week’s 3rd set fail @265, but felt pretty great after.
Overhead Press: 122.5#, 3×5. New PR!
Rows: 3×8 @130#. Still getting used to this movement but kinda digging it.
now to get my DL back up…
Shawn Campbell says
7am with Lauren and Ro
Pressed 20# x 8 and the last two were sticky throughout; moreso in later sets. I always want to go heavier and do less but I might stay at this weight until I can bang em out x 8. DBSSSLRDLSeses 25# x 8. I’m nonplussed by these. I’ll go to 30 # next week. Tempoed down a few handstands in between.
I wanted to use the pylo for the BBJOs but it’s time to make my peace with the hard, raggedy-edged boxes and so I did. Not very fast – 4, 4, than 5. I had one miss but didn’t scrape my shin. I might have gotten a 5th in the 2nd round but I thought the coaches called time, when they actually were counting down 3,2,1. Rows were 9, 9, 10.
Cashed out across the street – 10 wallballs 10# to 9 ft; then 4/3/2 pull ups. (I’m working on a get over hating wall balls scheme.)
Whit says
Noon class with Fox:
WU: 2 rds
8ea db hang muscle snatch @ 20#
5 strict dips
8ea 4″ def rvrs lunge
12 v-ups
Strength, 4 Sets:
Seated Arnold Press @ 40×1
27.5# x 8, 8, 7, 8
DB SS SL RDL @ 20×1
35# x 8 x 4
BBJO = 11, 11, 11
ROW = 12, 11, 10
woof. just… dead.
-was on pace to hit 12 bbjo in the second and third rounds but by then my arms were already starting to slow down a bit and i just couldn’t push to make it happen. good goal though!
-rowing still needs improvement but was happy with my effort!
-I did not hold back on anything, anywhere!
cooldown: about 3 minutes of moaning, trying to make my arms feel like arms, and hanging from a pull up bar. then 7 minutes of “rowing” about 400 cal/hr.
Was at the CF Level 2 Course this weekend and really enjoyed it. Learned some good things, got some good feedback, took away a LOT of little gems. Always fun to witness how the seminar staff runs their weekends.
Sat workout:
5 rounds each (10 total), with a partner, “you go, I go” :
9 cal row
6 hang cleans (we did @ 85#)
14:26 total for the 10 rds with my partner. I think I averaged about 1:05-1:20 per round. very uncomfortable 🙂
Sun workout:
power clean + push jerk
(wu: 85×5, 105×4, 115×3, 125)
135, 145, 155, 165F (clean — elbows/release), 165F (jerk, didn’t fully extend my hips before trying to get under it)
165 is still my power clean PR and I think 155 has been my push jerk PR for a while now, so I’m happy with the consistency at the end of a LONG weekend, but was obviously gunning for a little more!
K HarpZ says
Today was a good day! Roped Toni into working out with me again so it made my deathWOD go by so much faster!
16.5: my arch nemesis WOD
Thrusters (65#)
Bar facing burpee
Completed in 11:37!! That’s a 1 min 30s PR. Sucked it up and forced myself to do all of the thrusters unbroken. Couldn’t have made that possible if it weren’t for all of the endurance squatting/pressing I’ve been working on the past 2-3 months, and all of the dang cardio. So much heavy breathing.
Burpees all step to and two foot take off until the 6 & 3 where I jumped up and tried to go as fast as possible. This work out has been my biggest goatWOD for quite some time now. I have done this multiple times and have not been able to remain calm until today! Super proud of how I did and how hard I worked to get this time. Feeling more balanced out now that my engine has gotten better. Gives me a lot of confidence for the open and I can’t freakin wait to compete at WZA.
B) BSQ: 4×6 4s down/3s up, AHAP
Took 10# off post WOD I was fried
135/145/155/165, phewwww!
C) cardio: target HR 150-155
Row 10 min: 125 cal, 120avg/131max
Ski 10 min: 105 cal, 111 avg/153 max
Bike 10 min: 83 cal, 104 avg/114 max
Toasted. DO filmed me on the 3D app the whole time which made me dizzy but was also fun, and I actually managed to hit my target HR so maybe I need the 3D app more often! Lol
Jen Bokoff says
7:30 with David
Tempo (40×1) seated dumbbell press with 12.5# dumbbells 5×7. These moved fairly easily so will increase weight next week.
SSSLRDL 20# dumbbells 5×8. These were also a-ok and maybe I will go up next week.
3 rounds
:30 cal row— 8,10,9
:30 box step ups (16”)—15,15,16