Front Squat + Jerk Complex
3 x (5 Front Squats + 3 Jerks)
Perform 3 sets of the complex at 70-75% of your best Jerk from last week.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 2 of 8
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
10 Power Cleans 135/95
20 Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Coach Lauren gives Jen B.’s some individual attention on Squat day. Check out photosets from a couple of last week’s classes here and here!
As you may have noticed we’ve added a Frequently Asked Questions page accessible under Member Resources on the blog (to the right). To draw your attention to the FAQs and to refamiliarize everyone with some important stuff, we’ll be reposting some of these questions and answers to the blog. Next up…
Yes. One of the most important parts of CrossFit as a training methodology is that it’s quantifiable. That aspect keeps everyone involved (the athletes and the coaches) honest and helps us to see what’s working and what’s not over the course of time. Plainly, your journal measures your progress (or lack thereof). Your training journal should have both some quantitative and qualitative data in it. You can use your favorite electronic device, a plain old notebook and a pen, or one of the fancy schmancy ones that we sell at the front desk. Your journal will provide you with important information that will be both informative and affirmative. What you were able to lift last week (quantitative) and how it went (qualitative) are pretty telling about what you should be able to lift this week. Also, it’s a nice affirmation that things are going in the right direction when you look back 6 weeks, months, or years into your journals and see the progress you’ve made. Keep a journal!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Triple Metcons
Jerk Rack Adjustment Catalyst Athletics
Why You Should Eat More and Train Less This Christmas Breaking Muscle
(10 min)
2-3 sets for quality
5 ea lateral box step ups
5 ring rows @3012
5 burpees
B. (10-12 min)
Pistol practice (band on rack, standing on box or plate under foot)
18 min row with a partner@80-90% SE
every 3 min switch with partner and perform:
10 alt pistols
10 Toes to bar
10 box jumps
8:00am with Lady Fox and her hounds
First time getting to do a regular Sunday class. But nervous bc I hadn’t don’t jerks since maybe I was brand new.
3 x (5 front squats and 3 jerks)
95, 105, 105
Weight was fine, maybe a tiny bit too light, but wasn’t sure about my form so I didn’t want to be dumb.
I’m a fan now!
Metcon – four rounds plus 1 power clean. This was way more tiring than I thought it would be. Managed to do the last 20 wall balls unbroken.
Couldn’t cash out because I was running a bit late to a class I had to teach.
10am w/Snickers and Fox
FSQ & jerk complex: 33, 63, 83×3
Footwork was ok; a few felt very snappy, really dropping under. Still struggle with bringing the bar back down to my shoulders efficiently! Nice sharing the bar with Jaime and Thaisa!
WOD: 3rnds+8reps RX
Hemmed and hawwed on the weight here because I can’t cycle 95#. Cleans were singles but ok – got in trouble on the first round when Fox said “go for unbroken wall balls!” I thought “well OK sure!” Totally blew up and never got my composure back. Maybe should have scaled? Maybe good to practice the weight?
If I’ve learned anything today it’s that chili technically doesn’t involve beans.
10am Strength Cycle w/ Jeremy
Strength Cycle continues to be a psychological game. I go into every class dreading the amount of weight I’m going to squat, only to then successfully squat 3 sets of 5 reps at the dreaded weight, feel good for 5 min, then start dreading the next weight jump. These are weights that I would have never attempted by myself, so I’m glad Jeremy is writing them up for me, and even more glad that I’m learning that I can hit them.
Low bar back squat 3×5 @ 275lbs
Press 4×4 @ 140lbs
Barbell Row 3×8 @ 135lbs
11:30am OG (waiting for Thaisa)
Split Jerk 5 sets of 3 @ 155lbs – focused on footwork with a medium weight, in particular when tired on the last sets.
3 x (5 FSQ + 3 Jerks): 123#
These were humbling – much tougher than I anticipated.
WOD: 6 rounds + 7 power cleans Rx
Power cleans were unbroken, 5-5 for two sets, then in 5-3-2 or 4-4-3 for the rest.
WB unbroken for first two rounds, then in two sets for the rest.
Tried out the Lift Off WOD after. Definitely didn’t go all out, but this was definitely a rough one.
12 min AMRAP:
25 Pull Ups
50 Cal Row
100 OHS 45# <–soul crushing
50 Box Jumps 20″ <–Got 10 in here at the time.
25 Pull Ups
Friday doing Saturday's triple threat as well. Too much to record. All the fitness.
11 a.m. w/Lauren & Ro.
Complex: 185#. First few jerks were dicey. Last set was the best. Fortunate to be in a good trio who kept me honest!
Metcon: 5 rounds on the nose, Rx’ed. Unbroken first round, split cleans up 5-3-2 and WBs some variant of 10-10 (11-9, 12-8) after. Tried to keep up with Charlie; failed. Took just a bit too much rest in there to push for those leaderboard numbers (although LOL at me trying to catch Kayleigh’s trailblazer).
1pm class
FSQ Jerk Complex @165 across
Felt tough today.
Metcon Rxd
4 rounds
Moved pretty slow today 😴
1pm with Lauren and Arturo
FSQ + jerk complex: 33, 63, 70×3. These were a little wobbly but got better as I went along. I’m still not dropping under as aggressively as I need to. Good cues by both coaches; just have to operationalize.
AMRAP – got 3rounds + 2 reps, with 63# for cleans and 10# wall balls. I wish I took shorter rests but I did move consistently, doing 4/3/3 for cleans and 8/7/5 for wall balls throughout.
2pm AG
Lots of pistol practice using the green and blue band, which was really helpful for practicing a movement I wouldn’t even try otherwise. Only my second or third time doing this so they felt really awkward.
FSQ/Jerks: 93# across
It felt great! Jerks improved across each set.
Wod: 4 rounds +7 reps
83#, 12# wallballs (8-9 ft. Target)
Last wall ball workout I used a 10# ball to try to stick with it and not take too much rest. Today, I tried to do the same but with a 12#. Next time, I’ll move up to a 14# ball/8-9ft target and hopefully keep the same stamina. I want to get better at wallballs, so I’m just experimenting with some different strategies.
Cleans: 4-3-3
Wallballs: 10-10
Fun pistol practice at AG.
Three times:
Row for 3 minutes, then 6 pistols/10TTB/ 10 box jumps to a 24” box (8 the first round).
Good times!
Such a good idea for wall balls! I’m going to do them after each workout for the next several weeks. I’ll start 10 reps with10 to 8 then 9; then 12-8 then 9 etc until I work up to 20 unbroken 14 to 9. I’ve just got to stop letting these kick my butt!
A) strict press: 3×10 @ 75#
B) single arm oh walk: 3x50M @ 55#
Both easier than it’s been in the past! Feeling good
C) Went out to red hook track for a 5k run with Charlie! So glad that she was there to keep me company it made it way more fun! Wanted to get a standardized 5K and be positive I was running the true distance. I miss running on a track it feels so different and it’s nice to know that it was pain free. Running on the sidewalk concrete kills sometimes.
Anyway, really went all out and pushed my pace here. Happy with my efforts and mostly how I pushed through the mental suck of this one. 12 laps + 200M! Tried to hold 1:45 per lap for awhile and tapered a bit after that. Held it for awhile though! Finished in 21:48. A 2 min and 10 sec PR! I almost threw up! HR read 170 avg/190 max bpm. Practically dead. Haha
Wow!!!! That’s amazing!!!
Just like the article says, I would like to make a plug for not being very intense with your diet over the holidays!
The times where I have been hyper-concerned about it have lead me down dark paths and made the holidays miserable, and I end up doing way worse!!
I’ve been so much more relaxed about it this year, and it has caused me not to go off the deep end, or to feel remorseful, etc.
I am looking forward to the challenge in January… I am ready to finally commit 12 weeks to RP, not drinking, etc.I’ve thought a lot about it! I am so committed to exercising, I feel motivated to finally commit to eating enough fat and protein at the proper times and see what happens to my strength and physical appearance!
With that said, not stressing about holiday treats has made me be way more logical with the choices I am making!
Maybe try it? Bye!
Get those gainz AB 🙂
9am with the Foxes
73 FS and Jerk
These felt good after my first rep which was just low energy.
Wod – 3 sets plus 11 wall balls. 14# to 8″ but way too many no reps. Wall ball no reps are such a waste of energy. I have an improvement plan starting tomorrow by golly!
Complex done @93# which was 70-75% of what I hit last week. Felt great but had trouble standing up from the split jerk. so weird.
WOD: 4+10 @83#
Would normally do singles at 93# but my thumb bothered me a lot during the HPC/jerk partner WOD the other week so decided to keep it lighter and challenge myself by holding onto the bar longer. Did 3-3-3-1 for the first three rounds of cleans and then 5 singles and 5 cycled on the last set- only because Ro was yelling at us to not let go of the bar. Glad for that push or I wouldn’t have finished the cleans. Tried NOT to hook grip each round since that’s what irritates my thumb. That was challenging in itself.
Wall balls 7-7-6 then in sets of 5s with lots of breathing breaks. Def should have no repped myself a bunch but didn’t bc it would have crushed my soul today. haha.
Practiced some handstand walks and made it 12ft (width of three mats).
Wanted to do AG but life was calling and had things to do. Hopefully next week.
11 AM w/LauRo, modifying (almost) all the things:
I did sets of 5 FSQ plus 3-5 Cuban presses. Topped out at 133 on the squat and 22×5 on the presses.
6 rounds + 16 reps doing 135# deadlifts instead of cleans and 20# med ball squats instead of wall balls. My glutes were toast!
Then I came home and promptly got food poisoning 🙁
FSQ/Jerk @95
AMRAP: Cleans @#95, WB #14/8′ (in the garage) 4 rounds, 10 cleans.