Triple Metcon
At 0:00
For Time:
20 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
30 Overhead Squats 95/65
40 Calorie Row
Scale to regular Kipping Pull-Ups or Jumping Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups as needed. The Overhead Squats should be light for you and done in 1-3 sets. Push your comfort level on the row.
At 12:00
For Time:
20 Toes-to-Bars
30 Push Presses 95/65
400m Run
Scale to Hanging Leg/Knee Raises as needed. The Push Presses should be light for you and done in 1-3 sets. Run, don’t jog.
At 24:00
For Time:
15 Thrusters 95/65
10 Bar Muscle Ups
15 Thrusters 95/65
Scale the Bar Muscle-Ups to jumping bar muscle ups, or to 15 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups + 15 Burpees.
The gymnastics elements will be done unbroken on the fast end. If you’re scaling the first two workouts, choose an option that allows you to complete sets of 4-5 reps when fresh. Use one barbell with the same load for all three pieces. The bar should be light for all three movements. Scale as needed.
Score all three times and and post to comments.
Coach Keith teaching the Turkish Get-Up at Wednesday night’s 5:30 class. Keith’s full bio is now available on our Coaching Staff page!
- Schedule Change: Today’s 10am Yoga for Athletes class is cancelled.
Special Shop Night for CFSBK Members at Lululemon
On Thursday, December 7th, lululemon’s Smith Street location is offering a special shop night for CFSBK and Brooklyn Boulder’s members only! Here are the details:
- Open to all CFSBK & BKB members (must show key card for entrance)
- Members get 25% off all lululemon gear for one night only
- You can shop for yourself, friends, and family
- Shop night is open from 8pm to 9:30pm
If you plan to attend, please register through the Eventbrite link below. And don’t forget to bring your CFSBK key card!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
CrossFit Athlete in Kayak Note Sure Where to Adjust Resistance The Overheard Press
This Frostbitten Black Metal Album Was Created By Artificial Intelligence The Outline
Maggie says
Shop night is on THURSDAY, December 7th at lululemon smith st! I hope everyone can come!
Fox says
GOOD TIMEZ last night doing the Lift Off with The Crew, aka Jess, Sarah, and Pierre. No PRs but it was the heaviest I’ve lifted in a long time, at a significantly lighter body weight, and after letting an abdominal hernia heal for a few months.
211F (fudged bar math…)
Clean and Jerk
251F (clean felt great, pushed the jerk out in front)
Metcon – AMRAP 12 Minutes
25 Pull Ups
50 Cal Row
100 OHS 45#
50 Box Jumps 24″
25 Pull Ups
—222 reps
Pull Ups 10-8-7
Row ~1000 cal split
OHS 40-30-20-10
BJ rested atop the box after 10, 20, and 30
Got through 47 Box Jumps at 12:00. Big thanks to Pierre for keeping me moving. Shoulda done the pull ups unbroken, and/or rested less between sets on OHS and BJ. Overall though, very happy with how the evening went.
Corey Brown says
Woke up and ran 2 miles to the gym. Happy that my short runs are 100% pain free, and am looking forward to getting back to my regular lengths.
Strong Fit with Fox (1st time)
Hoping to add this to my weekly routine. It’s very different and makes me feel weak compared to the morning monsters, which I like. I like looking up.
Followed up with Short Circuit with Brett and Keith
I need to keep doing these classes because I’m so bad at doing rehab exercises and this gives you a great workout as well as rehab exercises.
Dats it!
Peter Hoppmann says
Thought the triple metcon looked a little daunting and was going to do the snatch workout, but after warming up I threw caution to the wind and did the triple anyway. All the weights were #65, subbed front squats for the overheads, subbed 15 pullups/15 burpees for the muscle ups. Rowed the 40 cal. in 2:45.
had a couple minutes to rest after 1st round, about 5 minutes after the 2nd round, and beat the buzzer on round 3 by :30.
kate tk says
11am w/KVW
It was so great partnering with Victoria on this! We went RX on the bar and then scaled from there…
Jumping c2b, low bar w/16″ box
OHS in 15-15
Row, slow
kipping leg raises – many of these got superrr close to legit t2b! exciting!
push press in 10-10-10 (or maybe the last was 5-5)
Run happened
Thrusters 8-7
JBMUs – had warmed up w/24″+green plate, had to go up to 30″ from fatigue! sad.
World’s slowest thrusters in 5-5-5
Daniel R says
Sat: 9am Short Circuit and 11am AR
Decided against doing the Sat Metcon because I wanted to keep my muscles mostly rested for Strength Cycle tomorrow. Short circuit was fun as always, then did a bit of DU and HPSU practice before AR with DO.
Thu: Strength Cycle at 7pm
LBBS 270x5x3
Bench 180x5x3
DL 345×5
Squats are crushing me, but I’m still making all the reps. It’s a mental game at this point, need to boost my confidence that I can do these sets even when the weight feels so heavy and increasing. Gotta accept that I’m gonna fail at some point and that’s OK. Bench and DL still feel and move so much better in comparison.
KLove says
WOD 1: 7:42 Rx’d
C2B went really well then everything went downhill. Started off with a set of 7 on the C2B and then did sets of 2s, 3s, and 4s. Did a set of 12 OHS and then 2 more sets (don’t remember the rep count) then failed on the 28th rep which was really frustrating. My heart rate jacked up and shoulders were fatigued so I couldn’t just pick up the bar and finish the last 2 reps quickly. Row was horrible too. Could only maintain a pace in the 600s 🙁 OHS are usually a strength but I think (hope) I was just fatigued from AGS this morning- only the second time doing lots of strict-weighted-tempo work. I also didn’t go in with a plan oh how to break everything up and I should have.
WOD 2: 5:13 Rx’d
T2B went well. PP not so well. Took 4 sets. Run was fine.
WOD 3: 4:02
Thrusters: 8-7
Subbed 15 C2B for BMU
Thrusters: 6-5-4 with long breaks in between each set.