Handstand Push-Up / Dumbbell Split-Stance Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift Superset*
A1) Tempo (40×1) Handstand Push-Up:
5 x 6-10 reps
Add a few reps to last week. These should all be sub-max sets, adding a deficit if you’re able to. Full range of motion, no AbMats. No crashing or resting on your head! Perform the reps strict if you can. You can kip the concentric if you must, but keep true to the tempo on the eccentric through the full range of motion and do not crash or rest on your head.
A2) Dumbbell Split-Stance Single-Leg RDL:
5 x 6-10 reps
Add weight and/or reps to last week.
A1) Tempo (40×1) Seated Dumbbell Press:
5 x 5-8 reps
Add weight and/or reps to last week. Optional: Perform a Kick-Up to the wall with a few second hold immediately after each set of Presses.
A2) Dumbbell Split-Stance Single-Leg RDL:
5 x 6-10 reps
Add weight and/or reps to last week.
*Warm up and then perform a set of Handstand Push-Ups, followed by a set of DB Split-Stance Single-Leg RDLs. Repeat for 5 work sets of each, resting about a minute between movements. The last few reps of each set should be tough, but the goal is no misses.
Post loads/reps to comments.
Exposure 2 of 8
3 Rounds for Time:
400m Run
21 Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9
7 Ring Muscle-Ups
20 minute cap. If your Muscle-Ups are inconsistent, then cut some volume and count all attempts as reps. No Muscle-Ups? Scale each muscle up to 1 Strict Pull-Up (Chest-to-Bar of you can) + 1 Hand Release Push-Up. Push the pace on the runs and aim to do the Wall Balls unbroken.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Part 3 of CrossFit Journal’s series on our Group Class Coaching Expectations is out! This time Captain Osorio drops some knowledge about our approach to safety. With a CrossFit Journal subscription, you can watch the whole thing here
Kettlebell Kitchen at CFSBK
Did you know that Kettlebell Kitchen will deliver delicious, healthy meals right to CFSBK? They will! Pick ’em up after class, take ’em home, and heat ’em up—it couldn’t be easier. If you haven’t sampled the delicious goods that come from the big silver fridge, the busy holiday season is a great time to try them. Here’s the latest info for current and potential KBK customers:
- KBK now offers flexitarian and vegetarian meal plans for customers looking for these types of meals. They’re also launching new plans for endurance athletes and for brides to be.
- They just launched a new way to refer friends and family, giving you the chance to earn $25 in credits. Build up your KBK referral bank and get access to 2,000 different perks from the best brands in lifestyle, e-commerce, and fitness. (Psst. This is a great opportunity to refer your gym buds!)
- KBK will be running a New Year’s Achieve with Kettlebell Kitchen Challenge! After all, summer bodies are made in the winter and we are putting together an awesome online nutrition challenge for you- complete with custom guides, templates, video, co-promo prizes, and DNA reporting.
Give it a try!
News and Notes
- Missing something? Maybe a water bottle or a whole pair of pants (including belt)? Take a look at our latest lost and found dump, and be sure to claim your pants before we donate them to CHIPs in two weeks.
- In case you missed Saturday’s announcement, Movie Night returns this Friday with a very special screening of The VelociPastor, starring our own Gregory James Cohan! See the event page for details.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rack Jerk | Deadlifts, Burpees
Don’t Lock Your Elbows in the Pull Catalyst Athletics
Scaling CrossFit for Cancer CrossFit Journal
6am (!!) with Lauren + Ro
Having some neck issues so stuck to the tempo DB presses: 20#x6x5
DB split-stance SL RDLs: 30#x8x5
WOD in 17:37 with RXed wall balls and the 1 strict pull up + 1 HR push up option (though my pull ups got a little squirrelly toward the end).
Sunday 10am with Fox + Lauren and like EVERYONE (seriously, biggest class ever)
Worked up to 115#x1 on the rack jerk.
WOD in 6:28 or so with 125# deadlifts…this weight was probably a little too conservative, but high-volume deadlifts have been bothering my back lately, so I took it easy.
Then 11am AR with Fox!
Great to be back after a few days away. Dropped in at a gym in MD on Thanksgiving and had a great workout, BUT it was a reminder (not that I needed one…) of how the coaching, management and community at CFSBK really is unmatched.
DB presses at 20#x8 — this is lighter than last week, but I also did not realize I was supposed to be doing these at tempo last week.
SSRDLs at 27.5#. All the 30s were taken! I should go 35 next week tho.
WOD 14:52 super-scaled (20# med ball squats, ring rows w/feet on bench, HRPU). I am still staying away from pullups in WODs although I did give chinups a try after class to see where I’m at. I have definitely lost some pulling strength in the last couple of months 🙁 So now I can do 2 chinups at a time, I used to be able to do sets of 5 or 6. But hey, at least I can still do them? KHarpz, sorry, I know I was only supposed to be doing them banded at this point, I just wanted to see whether I still could!
Anyway, tried to imagine a lax ball under my chin for each pushup, which helped a lot. My neck seemed OK afterward.
Hey Coach Fox— based on conversation at AR, do you think I should do the RDLs today? Thanks for the advice!
HSPU: Did the HSPU as doubles or singles keeping the tempo down and kipping up (basically super-supersetting between left and right RDL for max volume). Hoping this strength + skill practice together will help.
DBSSSLRDL: 35# x 10 each time
WOD: 14:04 with strict pull-up + hand release push-up
WB unbroken. Pull-ups definitely got rough at the end, but kept moving.
I’m a fan of the diligence it takes to figure out the acronym for the staggered stance deadlifts. Us Crussfitters love to abbreviate ALLLLL of the words. hah! The idea of typing out that word is more exhausting than a 60 min metcon!
AB – should be fine, start light and see 👍🏼
8am class
Tempo Strict HSPU
Metcon Rx’d in 16:40 (BK+1:00)
Muscle up stamina wasn’t great, aaaand I ran slow.
12pm class with Fox! L hamstring/glute feeling off/weird/painful since Friday (I think). Not exactly sure what’s up there, but keeping an eye on it.
wu: 3x
5 push up @ 31×1
4 strict TTB
2-3 ring rock thru
16 rvrs lunges
Seated Arnold Press
4×8 @ 40×1 @ 25#
4×8 @ 30×1 (habit) @ 25# — could def be heavier but this was grippy with the presses and being tentative with my hammy/butt
WOD in 17:10
Scaled Ring MU volume to 7-5-5
Rd 1 = 5:30 (mu 3-1-2-1 I think?)
Rd 2 = 5:45 (mu 2-1-1-1)
Rd 3 = 5:55 (mu 2-1-1(F1)-1)
All WB’s 13-8 so I was somewhat fresh to walk into the muscle ups.
Happy with only one failure on that last rep. Didn’t commit. Kept getting hit in the face by the stinkin’ ring strap rolls!! made for good humor. No longer using true false grip and it feels pretty natural. had some snappy reps but I can tell I lose tension in the transition from “pull” to “push.” next facet to work on!
3x8ea single arm db bent over row @ 21×2 @ 35#
3×6 (left only) single leg box step up @ 31×1 @ 20kg (did R side unweighted)
then messed around with a bar MU straight arm rock drill… FUN! 4×10
Man! Took 5 days off for the first time in ever doing crossfit–pulled a small muscle deep in my back!! Rested and relaxed and ate and slept a lot! It’s all better now! I couldn’t even read the blog to see what the workouts were. It made me too sad. (Especially hard because I had planned to do ALL of the classes over my 4 day staycation. Funny how life works! Instead I was forced to relax and spend time with the people I care most about… 😛 )
Oh, and note to self: Don’t push yourself hard on THREE crossfit bench marks, do 10 rounds of several toe to bar and handstand pushups at AG, go for a 3 mile run, then come back and play on the aerial hoop. If one had even a few reps that weren’t perfect form during Isabelle and then overloaded oneself without proper recovery, one’s bound to get hurt. #Lessonlearned Also, I may never try to go fast on Isabelle or Grace if I even begin to *think* my snatches or C&Js aren’t perfect.
Felt SO great to be back!
HSPUs: 5×6 kipping out of bottom. Felt good!
DBSSSLRDLS: 17.5×10, 22.5 x 4 x 8
WOD: 14:01 I think? 10# wallballs (kept it light) unbroken, run medium pace, 7 strict pullup (mostly c2b)/pushups.
Endorphins rushing! Great to say hello to friends and have an after-work decompression/social hour. Gosh, crossfit is the greatest! Lots of gratitude and thankfulness for health, wellness, and the great community of CFSBK! So glad to be back. 🙂 <3 xoxox