Handstand Push-Up / Dumbbell Split-Stance Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift Superset*
A1) Tempo (40×1) Handstand Push-Up:
5 x 6-10 reps
These should all be sub-max sets. Add a deficit if you’re able to. Use a full range-of-motion. No crashing or resting on your head! Start toward the low end of the rep range and aim to add reps each week.
A2) Dumbbell Split-Stance Single-Leg RDL:
5 x 6-10 reps
Start light at the higher end of the rep range and work your way up in load over the cycle.
A1) Handstand Push-Up Negatives or Seated Dumbbell Press:
5 x 5
Perform 5 sets of 5 reps of Handstand Push-Up Negatives (4 second eccentric phase) through full range of motion, kicking back up for each one as needed. No crashing or resting on your head! If you can’t organize the kick-up or lack the strength yet to control the eccentric, then perform 5 sets of 5 Seated Dumbbell Presses.
A2) Dumbbell Split-Stance Single-Leg RDL:
5 x 6-10 reps
Start light at the higher end of the rep range and work your way up in load over the cycle.
*Warm up and then perform a set of Handstand Push-Ups, followed by a set of DB Split-Stance Single-Leg RDLs. Repeat for 5 work sets of each, resting about a minute between movements. The last few reps of each set should be tough, but the goal is no misses.
Post loads/reps to comments.
Exposure 1 of 8
4-5 Rounds Not for Time:
300m Row
15 Burpees
10 Alternating Pistols
Aim to move continuously at a conversational pace. The Pistols are 5 each leg. Use the Pull-Up rig for support or perform them to a band as needed.
Post work to comments.
Upcoming Training Cycle Template
Training Cycle Dates: M 11/20/17 – Su 1/14/18
Test Week: M 1/15/18 – Su 1/21/18
Crush Week: M 1/22/18 – Su 1/28/18
Transition Week: Will be the first week of the following cycle, starting January 29th
Goals: Build on the tempo overhead work from the previous cycle and use it to move and support more weight overhead in the jerk, in addition to building bodyweight vertical pushing strength and stability. We’re Front Squatting again, and combining it with heavy Jerks on Sundays. We’ll also see the continuation of “Crazy Metcon Saturdays” and regular bodybuilding-style work in cash outs and on NFT days. A metcon or NFT work will follow each day’s lifting segment, as usual.
Monday – Tempo Handstand Push-Up + Dumbbell Split-Stance Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift Superset
A1) Tempo (40×1) Handstand Push-Up:
5 x 6-10 reps
A2) Dumbbell Split-Stance Single-Leg RDL:
5 x 6-10 reps
A1) Handstand Push-Up Negatives or Seated Dumbbell Press:
5 x 5
A2) Dumbbell Split-Stance Single-Leg RDL:
5 x 6-10 reps
Wednesday – Back Squat
Week 1: 3 x 8 (32X1)
Week 2: 3 x 8 (30X1)
Week 3: 4 x 6 (32X1)
Week 4: 4 x 6 (30X1)
Week 5: 6 x 4 (32X1)
Week 6: 6 x 4 (30X1)
Week 7: 6 x 2 (32X1)
Week 8: 4 x 2 (30X1)
Thursday – Snatch
Complexes, EMOMs, and variants.
Saturday – Metcon Funday!
Varied mixed-modal metcons of longer than our usual time domain, including partner workouts.
Sunday – Front Squat + Jerk
Week 1: Rack Jerk 1-1-1-1-1
Week 2: 3 x (5 FSQs + 3 Jerks). Use 70-75% of Week 1.
Week 3: 3 x (5 FSQs + 1 Jerk). Heavier than Week 2.
Week 4: 3 x (3 FSQs + 3 Jerks). Same load as Week 3
Week 5: 3 x (1 FSQ + 1 Jerk). Heavier than Week 4.
Week 6: Push Press + Push Jerk + Jerk 1-1-1-1-1
Week 7: Rack Jerk 5 x 1 at Week 1’s load. Focus on consistent mechanics.
Week 8: Clean and Jerk: 5 x 1 at 85-95% .No misses.
See the Current Training Cycle page for our new standardized warm-ups!
How to Raise an Angry Gorilla CrossFit Journal
Science Suggests You Can Live Longer By Getting a Dog Pacific Standard
Woohoo, group class!
I’m not ready to get inverted just yet, so I worked up to 22.5# on the seated press and 35# DBs for my last set of 10. Split stance RDL is awkward!
300m row shy of 4 rounds on the NFT work. You know how in cartoons Bugs Bunny ties Elmer Fudd’s rifle in a knot? That’s what my pistols look like. Oh hai mobility issues. But hey, I can get to depth, so there’s that?
Welcome back! Glad to have you around in the morning again!
yayyyyy, great to have you back!
Management: Is there a holiday schedule for Thanksgiving and the day after?
I’d also like to know this!
The full Wednesday through Friday schedule will be on the blog tomorrow. We’re still figuring out a couple of details, but I’ll try to post it here later today.
Yay thank you that would be awesome!
Josh will make this look prettier, but here is the schedule for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
Wednesday 11/22
– CrossFit Group: 6a, 7a, 8a, 10a, 12p, 4:30p, 5:30p
-Short Circuit: 9am
-Diapers and Dumbbells: 11am
-Fit 55: 11am
– AM OG Membership: 6a-1pm
Starting Strength A, C, D Cycles
CrossFit Preteens
Thursday 11/23 (Thanksgiving)
CrossFit Group: (9a, 10a, 11a)
AM OG Membership 9-12p
-Everything else cancelled-
Friday 11/24
Short Circuit: 9am
CrossFit Group: 10a, 11a, 12p
Open Gym Membership: 9a-1p
Open Gym 6-8pm
Fit 55 (cancelled)
Diapers and Dumbbells (cancelled)
Starting Strength (cancelled)
Thanks Charlie.
Big thanks to everyone who came to the Art Show on Saturday (and bought art!), and to all our artists and volunteers and especially to David. I think this was the best show yet. Can’t wait to see all of the healed tattoos. <3
HSPU Negatives: 5 for the first three rounds, 4 for the last (cut out one because I didn’t want to start crashing down)
DB S-S S-L RDL (that works, right?): With 25# each for 10s.
Much needed the NFT today – got through 4 rounds. Failed my first attempt for a pistol on each leg – early morning struggles.
7 am with Lauren and Ro
Worked with Travis on HSPU with one abmat for a couple sets then none- doing the negatives and coming down between. SL RDLs at 30# and then 25# for the last two sets. Annie has me abby and I was feeling that in the ups from the dead lifts. These feel so awkward that I needed a little talk therapy afterward. Thanks to Ro for indulging.
NFT -Tried to: be mindful of every stroke on the row- heels down, finishing the pull, into the catch; stay on pace for all 15 burpees; experiment with pistols – green band, holding the post, blue band. I want pistols someday soon.
My pull up cash out was poor today – just did 2-2-2-2.
7am w/ Ro + Lauren
New cycle, woohoo!
Stuck to the fitness programming and after 1 set of HSPU negatives, I felt something bad in my neck and decided to switch to the presses (with 20# DBs).
Did the RDLs in sets of 6 with 25#. Definitely lots of room to go up. Like these a lot!
~3 rounds of the NFT. I also really like pistols! 300m row in about 1:15 each time. Burpees were burpees; I think I only did 2 sets.
Great weekend of fitness-ing…
Saturday 10am
Partner Morrison with Noor and Becky. It was awesome…think we finished in like 39:29. I like Morrison but I REALLY like it as a partner workout! So much more fun. Then AR w/ David, great as always.
Sunday 11am
Isabel: 5:something, 62#, should have RXed it.
Grace: Hit the 8:00 cap with 6 more to go, RXed. Way too much set-up time between reps.
Annie: I LOVE this workout! 7:something RXed.
Cash out coffee with Jaime C. at the new coffee place around the corner from the gym!
Public service announcement: if you are not following @cfgymnastics on Instagram you should. Its handstand week. Great videos of movement progressions.
Good to be back at CFSBK! Bummed to have missed the art show by just a few hours.
Yesterday with Jess
Snatch EMOM x 10
Worked up to 175
Partner Chief-ish (#fcukyeah)
3 Power Cleans 135/95
6 Push Ups
9 Squats
We did 16 rounds plus 3 power cleans. Good times.
10am class
Strict Tempo HSPU
Both movements were pretty spicy.
4 Rs on the NFRs
2 things I forgot…
1) That’s BOO BOO ON THE BLOCKS up there!
2) Thanksgiving Thursday we’ll have 9/10/11am group classes! If you’ll be in Brooklyn, you should come! I’ll leave it to Josh to give an accurate report on the rest of the deets.
Got Grace programmed by chance today! Was excited since I was so motivated by all of the fire breathers from Sunday. Lucky to have DO, Lyndsey and Nick here there for me!
A) Grace: 2:03 (19s PR)
arrrite! Tried to go in with less of a strategy and more of a ‘just go as fast as possible and deal with the consequences’ attitude, which isnt always my style. In the past i’ve taken the bar speed a little slower to keep my HR under control, but I thought about in advance and realized that’s the point of this workout anyway. SO i just went for the biggest set possible and chipped away from there.
21 unbroken to start, then i think 2/2/2/1/1/1
Best part was the end when Nick yelled 2:04! for my time and i thought he said “do one more!” I was wigging out when i thought i only did 29. (confirmed on video time was 2:03 by judge osorio) but either way, sorry nick, you’re the best! : )
B) Tempo BSQ: 3×8 @130#, 4s down/3s up
C) Barbell Overhead Hold: accumulate 2 min @ 100#
Completed unbroken. That was gnarly towards the last 15 seconds my whole body was shaking! Had a really solid back position though no overextension.
D) “Tabata” – GHD Sit-ups : 7 x 20 secs / 40 secs : 52 reps |
E) “Tabata” – Hip Extensions : 7 x 20 secs / 40 secs : 87 reps
F) Cardio: HR 135-140
15 min row: 192 cal
15 min run: 2200M
HR monitor is dead and my apple watch is useless. Took the liberty to run a little faster because it was cold out there!
*finally ate correctly today. I felt good. Looking forward to seeing how this feels with some consistency over the next few months. Cooking three times a week with my schedule is so hard!
New cycle! Woo!
Stuck to fitness, HSPU are not a strength… I’ve been working on my kickups (100% mental for me right now) and and got 2 or 3 solid ones in before I started to overthink things. I even did what felt like a very solid negative with a few ab mats – that was a good mental boost. Look forward to practicing these on top of what we’re doing in AGS! Presses at 22.5, these felt a little light but good for the beginning of a cycle. Split-stance RDLs are… weird but fun?
3 rounds of NFT work. Yay, rowing. Ugh, burpees. I tried to use this as an opportunity to really practice replacing my hands with my feet, which is something my (lack of) flexibility makes difficult. Loved practicing pistols!
My shoulder, bicep and thumb bothered me after all the fitness yesterday. Sorta bummed because I haven’t had any issues in months (other than a slight occasional nerve feeling in my thumb) but after icing, doing some stretches I learned in PT, and taking Advil last night, thankfully felt much better this morning. Still decided to skip the HSPU work today. Hopefully will be ok for AGS tomorrow.
DB SS SS RDL (did I get the correct?)
25×10, 30×10, 35×10, 30×10
Thought I only had to do three rounds so my jumps were a bit aggressive. Dropped down the last set bc of my grip. Didn’t have time for the 5th set.
Only made it through three rounds of the NFT work even though I was moving consistently. Did the pistols with a red band. Probably should have made some bandless attempts but it required too much energy. Kept splits around 2:00 for the row.