Bench Press / Row
5 Sets:
10 Bench Presses, as heavy as possible
500m Row for Time
Rest as needed between rounds.
This is a variation on a WOD we’ve programmed a few times over the years. Work up to as heavy a load as possible on the Bench Press while still making all 10 reps. Your score for the Bench Press portion is the total poundage moved for all 5 work sets. However, if you miss a rep and only complete 9, then you score a 0 on the Bench Press for that round. There is no time component for the entire round, but you’ll score each 500m row sprint. The intent is to go all out on the row. Set the monitor up to count down 500m and score your time for that as well. Rest as needed (probably around 2- 3 minutes) between rounds. Score total pounds moved in complete sets and fastest/slowest times for the row sprints.
Post total pounds moved and fastest and slowest times to comments.
“The message is always the same: that you’re welcomed here, and we’re going to challenge you to get better.” The latest installment of CrossFit Journal‘s Inside CrossFit South Brooklyn series was released last night, and it features Drs. Mike and Judy. Just watch it!
News and Notes from CFSBKers
- Amanda Mc (who recently redeveloped the CFSBK site) has just recently relaunched her own site,, with a new video on what you need to know to make sure your website is ready for 2018. Check it out here.
- Greg C. stars in The VelociPastor, which has been playing at film festivals across the country. Check out this review from the Portland Film Festival, which calls The VelociPastor “the single greatest achievement in the entire history of cinema.”
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Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
How Great Art Can Make You a Little Crazy Atlas Obscura
Vilma Ochoa Squats 218kg at 52kg Bodyweight BarBend
Stella says
DO’s last comment in that video…
I’m not crying, YOU’RE crying. <3
Jay-Star says
That video is fantastic. No poem from Dr. Mike though? Also, I was surprised to learn that there are other fire breathers at the gym besides myself. Who knew?
James A says
VELOCIPASTOR!!!! can’t wait
Monday – Tommy Mac – 27:23 Rx
T.Mac was a walk in the park compared to today
6am w/Ro & JB
Bench: 155x10x1, 165x10x4 …. 8150
Row: 1:37 | 1:46
This was awful
I hope it’s raining in Costa Rica
kate tk says
These videos are sooo amazing!
Nothing about today’s WOD was enjoyable except working with Shawn & Kate.
2820 (missed on my last set)
Bench: 63×10, 68×10, 73×10, 78×10, 80×7
Row: 2:09/2:12 (wooooooof)
Shawn Campbell says
Back atcha!
Kayleigh says
I love the community that David had molded at CFSBK!
I hate this workout. Just putting it out there. (Does anyone not?)
Tried to focus on consistency and did not go all out on the first round.
Bench: 85, 90, 95, 95, 95 (for 9)
500m Row: 1:46, 1:48.8, 1:48.5, 1:50.9, 1:55.5
Stella says
This workout is the only way to make me hate my favoritest lift ever.
Kris H says
Should have been 500m x 8. YUM!
Kirby says
7am w/ Ro + JB
This workout doesn’t bother me as much as it seems to bother everyone else. Maybe I’m doing it wrong?
3700# moved total
Bench: 65×10, 70×10, 75×10, 80×10, 80×10
Row: fastest 2:00, slowest 2:02.5
Think these weights were right…the last 2 reps in sets 4 and 5 were hard, but I never felt like I was at risk of failing. Was going to go back down to 75# for set 5 but decided to stay at 80 because things were moving well. Although JB called me out for not keeping my butt on the bench!
Think I probably need to row harder/make it hurt more.
Kirby says
Oh, also: I’m looking for a gym to go to over Thanksgiving and can’t find the travel gym recommendations page 🙁 Has anyone ever been to CF Shady Grove in Maryland?
@Stella, did you ever manage to find a decent gym in Gaithersburg?
Stella says
No, I usually go only for day trips. The one time I did an overnight stay there, I woke up in the morning and was like “AW HELL NO” to the 5:30 AM class or whatever I would have needed to do to make it to my clients’ office on time 😛
If you go, let me know how it is!
Daniel R says
There’s a loophole to the old website here:
Let’s see how long it’ll last… 🙂
Stella says
Kirby says
THANKS y’all!
Shawn Campbell says
7 am with Ro and JB
Working with the Kates made me add weight and now I wonder what would have happened if I moved to 75 sooner. I was so fatigued by that last round that my last rep was iffy (going down). Rows were 2:09 – 2:14. I had a 5 second differential when we did this over the summer but at 5 reps and 250 meters. I’m going to consider maintaining the same fast:slow in double the distance as a small victory. I really, really tried to make my last the best but had nothing left (2:12).
Legs were lead mush, which I’m still trying to figure out how both things can be true. I tried to google it but then all this dog sledding information comes up because google thinks that lead is lead.
Fun to bench at least.
Steph M says
K HarpZ says
Can we PLEASE host another movie night featuring the Velocipastor??
Doc Judy and Mike are the best! DO taking over the crossfit journal these days! So great
Rest day, best day.
Whit says
Velocipastor movie night YES YES YES!
Good solo session today:
A. FSQ Clusters @ 135 @ 21×1
3-3-3, rest :20 between triples
rest 3 min before next cluster of 3-3-3
-was debating keeping the pause at the bottom but talked myself into it because it’s really what I need! wu = 45×5, 95×3, 115×3, 125×3, 135×2 all on the tempo
-the last set of each cluster was quite uncomfortable, but form felt good overall.
B. For Time:
50 cal row
40 DL @ 155#
30 Box Jump
20 WB shot @ 14#, 9′
10 Muscle Ups
row in 3:30
DL done at 6:45 (8 sets of 5)
BJ done at 8:30, just slow and steady with step down
WB done at 9:34 (13-7)
MU: 2-2-1F-singles to the finish
-wanted to practice jumping up to false grip, but that got clumsy very quickly so I pulled my box over to use for setting up. just out of practice on the rings. swing and getting hips up felt great, but still catching pretty low and my ring dip strength isn’t great at the moment.
will be good to re-test in a couple months. the DL’s felt much harder than I wanted, everything else was ok.
did a few regular grip kipping MU’s at the end and they actually felt way snappier. maybe I just need to transition over to this method.
kate tk says
I just ate two pieces of pizza directly after eating my carefully meal-prepped lunch. HI, CRUSH WEEK!
Charlie says
12pm with Ro.
Having some knee trouble so opted for the Assault Bike, which Keith had brought over for a similar reason. We did 1K, which I think was a bit ‘easier’ than 500m on the erg.
Close-Grip Bench Press-95,100,105, 110,105
??, 1:45, 1:42, 1:31, 1:28
Didn’t hate this- i guess it’s the rowing part i hated in the past! Biking for meters is refreshing because they go up fast!
Corey Brown says
Rower and bl-erg with Ro and Keith
Bench = 6,900
Erg = 1:35.5 and 1:50.0 (I r zombie now)
This was a miserable fun workout. Went too hard on the first row and had nothing left for the other four and progressively got slower. Also got a headache and should have tried to hydrate, but warriors don’t admit weakness.
Corey Brown says
Also slogged through 2 miles before class started. Not timing my runs right now. Just know it’s slow af.
Sarah Costigan says
Loved hearing about the Doctor power couple who admire from afar each week!
Many People who know I live in BK have asked me about “that gym with all the different class”. cFSBK is quite a place!
Sarah Costigan says
I should learn to edit before I post….
Robert Underwood says
10am class. Partnered with Luke
6750# (135# x 10 x 5)
Times: 1:57 / 2:22
FYI, Brett gave me a sneak preview of tomorrow’s spotify line-up. It’s exclusively the folks in the following photo, taken in Coney Island. in 2004:
Robert Underwood says
Sorry – meant 2:11 on the slowest time
Stella says
I am proud of myself for dragging my butt to the hotel gym after a 13-hour day of market research. But maybe 3 hours after dinner is too soon for tabata situps 😳
0:30 bar hang (yay, a bar to hang on! It wasn’t a straight bar, but it still felt good)
10 blackburns
5 pushups (these were embarrassingly hard)
5/side one arm DB overhead squats (1 round at 5#, 3 rounds at 10#)
KHarpz is easing me back into overhead squat. It’s not easy keeping elbows locked with a one-armed movement! Super slow and controlled.
3 supersets
20/side one arm suitcase DL, 24kg
10 DB close grip bench, 25# DBs
10/side Kroc row, 40#
This felt like a metcon!
Tabata air squats
Tabata situps
Didn’t count reps either time.