Announcing the Artists for CFSBK’s Fourth Art Show
CFSBK’s fourth Art Show is next Saturday, November 18th, from 7-10PM. Free entry and alcohol (and La Croix!).
The show will feature live tattooing by Brooklyn artist Jim Gentry (flash sheet and sign-up information below), textiles for sale by Brooklyn artist Bekka Palmer, and photographs and Pop art by New Jersey artist Jon Arias.
At 8:30PM, CFSBK members Alona Katz and Erica Dohring will present an aerial hoop performance, which will be followed by a dance/spoken word performance by Sacred Circle Theatre Company featuring CFSBK member Anise.
Come check out art from fellow talented CFSBKers:
Jaime Cheng
Sonya Cheuse
Katherine Akiko Day
Brian Faulk
Lucas Garrido
Katie Harper
Steve Hutsal
Jenna Jerman
Amy Muckerman
David Osorio
Nicholas Piltoff
Jay Reingold
Trevor Safford
Keith Walter
Brian “Baz” Zimbler
Get Inked at the Art Show
Are you an avid tattoo collector or interested in losing your skin’s virginity? At the Art Show, you’ll have the opportunity to get art permanently drawn onto your bod by a Brooklyn tattoo artist, Jim Gentry (@gentrytattoo) of Hand of Glory Tattoo in Park Slope. Jim will be live tattooing at the Art Show from 7-10pm in 20-minute sessions from the flash sheet of small, simple designs pictured here.
The price? Only $20.
The catch? There are only 9 slots total.
Sign up HERE
If you have questions about any of the above, email Kate R. at katharinereece [at] gmail [dot] com.
News and Notes
- Do you hate and fear workouts that involve rowing? Do you secretly love them but don’t want to admit it? Join Coach Nick‘s CFSBK CRASH-Beasts and train for the World Indoor Rowing Championship! The first technique clinic is this Saturday, November 11th, and there’s still time to sign up. See the event page for details.
- As if there weren’t already enough cool stuff on our humble Gowanus block, an axe-throwing venue called Kick Axe will be moving in across the street in mid-December!
- We now have another set of Rogue speed ropes in 608 to match our set in 597! We also organized the weight belts in both gyms and set aside any that didn’t have names on them. If you can’t find your belt, it’s in the crawlspace near the lifters at 608. Please write your name on it before returning it to the downstairs storage spaces. See the front desk if you need a marker or help with anything else!
- We’re hosting the CrossFit Level 1 Certificate Seminar this weekend, which means we’ll have to cancel a few classes. On Saturday, November 11th the following classes are cancelled: 8am group class, 9am group class, and AG Strength. On Sunday, November 12th, these classes are cancelled: 8am group class, 10am CrossFit Preschool, 11am CrossFit Kids, 11am Active Recovery.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Press/Deadlift Test | Tabata Mash-Up
Running a Marathon? Think Hot Tub, Not Ice Bath, Afterward NY Times
Why Does the Sumo Deadlift Get So Much Hate? BarBend
Wednesday’s Programming
Back Squat
Establish a new 1 or 3RM Back Squat. If you’re newer, then go for the 3RM. No tempo. The movement standards are as follows:
– Begin the lift with both knees and hips fully extended
– Squat down to full depth, until the hip crease passes below the top of the patella
– Return to fully standing in one motion (though it may be slow!)
– Feet must remain planted throughout the lift
– If you fail, STAY WITH YOUR BAR and do not bail it on the spotters. Your spotters will help you stand and guide the bar back into the rack.
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders
15-12-9-6-3 Burpees
Scale the dubs to singles as needed. The goal is a quick metcon with minimal rest.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Ohhh emmm geee I would have LOVED to get a little flashy flash, but in what is becoming an annual tradition, I’ll miss the art show again 🙁
6am with Lauren doing Monday
Didn’t get much sleep last night, so wasn’t trying to be a hero. Nice lifting with Kirsten who I must apologize to for calling her Kristen allll morning. Sorry bud. Way to rock those PRs though!
Press: 33×5, 53×3, 73×1, 78F (lol) then 68×3, 70×3, 73×3*
Didn’t think this was a PR, but my notes would indicate it is! Very happy as this moved well – fast and smooth. My attempt at 78 was way under-warmed up, pushed out and then up, so it just wasn’t happening.
DL: 95×5, 135×3, 185×3, 200×1
185 was touch & go and moved well, definite progress (3RM is 215 tho)! 200 felt heavy and wanted to take care with my back, so left it there.
Tabatas tabata’d!
Haha, I get called by the wrong name so often that it doesn’t even register with me anymore. Congrats on your surprise pr too!
Wait, is AR canceled on Saturday the 11th, Sunday the 12th, or both? (Blog says “Saturday, November 12th”)
The second Saturday was a typo. It’s fixed now.
LBBS: 235, 245, 265F
Poor planning and was overly ambitious – 245 felt pretty good and decided to try for a PR, which was not my original plan. Enjoyed lifting with Rex, who was PR party this morning.
WOD: 4:59 Rx
Apparently could only do 16-17 at a time after the first round – burpees just taxed me.
10 kipping pull-ups (5-5)
250 m row (~50-55 sec)
2-3 sets @Z1 effort
5 ea weighted ssrdl
5 ea DB high pull@3012
:20 supinated L hang
B. Kipping toes to bar practice
C. 5 sets @80-90% SE
5-8 TTB
10 DBT’s, AHAP/unbroken
12/9 cal AB
rest walk 1:1
I am VERY excited about today’s post and the upcoming show. Apparently, one of our artists has a surprise for us (looking at you, Jay) and I can vouch that you will love all the art that’s being shown.
Also, I imagined the live tattooing would be popular but head’s up that there are already only three spots remaining. Sign up ASAP if you’re interested!
I don’t consider my work erotica but apparently everyone else does.
Jay-star: please discontinue using 1-888-GOW-ANUS to field inquiries into your “art”. Our lawyer, Chas “7th-place-suckas” Carey, Jr., Esq has sent a ceast-and-desist letter to you by facsimile and Gowanus Canal carp courier.
6am, Monday programming.
press: 90 – this is the same as an old pr from quite a while ago, but considering how uneven I’ve been with class attendance for several months, I’m ok with it.
deadlift: 275 – new PR! By 5 lbs. A PR is a PR, right?!
Wednesday workout.
Backsquat: 305, 320, 335. 335 is 10% of my 1RM max (372.6) so felt good to hit this and still feel like I had something in the tank. Combined with yesterday (161, 405) that’s 901 for a two-day CF total.
Was spent though for the WOD — 7:30 doing single unders.
Sorry for double comment but wanted to add something…
I was a little skeptical of the tempo work at the start of the last cycle. Not for any good reason since I have no training/expertise in coaching/programming, but just simply because I didn’t get it at first and how it could help.
BUT, after having done it for two cycles now, I’m really impressed by the difference it’s made in the core power lifts for me at least in terms of my form and confidence of my positions under load. I’m a convert and a fan. If this makes any sense, I feel more “thoughtful” and deliberate under the bar about hitting my positions when going at regular speed.
So, compliments to the programming and programmer.
7am with Lauren
BSQ fun working with other-Jen and Connor, and got a new PR. 45×5 75×3 95×3 115×1 125×1 135×1 145f. That fail was great because I needed to feel stuck at the bottom and know that it was ok and I wasn’t going to get crushed, which I didn’t.
Metcon in 6:24 but with single unders and no push up in the burpee after the first round. I took the push-up out because I just get so stuck sometimes getting back up and I wanted to make sure I stayed moving. This is something I’d like to improve though.
Oh hey, wearing a Tufts shirt today was fun because both Connor and Henry are Jumbos too. Small and fun world. (Anyone else?)
Hey, I’m going to let you finish and do the whole Tufts thing, but’s it’s been long established that CFSBK’s NESCAC allegiances are to Colby. Go White Mules!
Seth here, new to CFSBK, and also a fellow Jumbo!
Has anyone ran a marathon while doing crossfit? If you did, did you follow any specific book or training plan? I’m considering doing the NYC marathon next year but want to research some good training plans before I sign up.
Hi Sarah,
I started at CSFBK in 2012 and did the NYC marathon ’12, ’13, ’14, and ’15.
I basically cut back on my CF to 2-3 days a week to get in one long run in a week (the most important part a training) and 2-3 shorter runs. CF itself is a good way of training so long as you’re getting lots of rest and your long run in every week.
What you should not do is what I did in 2015. Over a 5 week period I did, in order, a half marathon, Fight Gone Bad, another half marathon, a Starting Strength powerlifting meet, and then the full NY marathon. Don’t do that. (And every coach at the gym told me “don’t do that”). I was training intensely for strength and endurance and that was hard.
awesome!! Thank you Rob!!! I may continue to pick your brain here too!
Hi Sarah! I’m a little late to the party but trained for and ran the NYCM several years ago while also doing CF. I did not attempt anything nearly as bananas as what Rob describes doing in 2015 but +1 to his general suggestion of scaling back slightly on CF frequency to make the space for the long run in particular. I’ve generally found that CF is awesome for cardiovascular fitness and actually makes me a better runner (I was far better equipped for the NYCM than I had been for previous marathons pre-CF) – but the time on your feet required to run 20+ miles is just a very different beast. Good luck and have fun!
You should talk to Jess Fox too, she ran a marathon a couple years ago and would be a great source of advice
Thanks Christine and Frank!!! I’ll pick everyone brain about this!
I’ve run six marathons, and one while doing crossfit.
I think the first question I would ask is your goal for the marathon? Would you be trying to set a pace, or is just finishing the goal? That will change your approach a bunch for this.
If the focus is just finishing, which mine was when I combined the two, I didn’t have to really pull back on my CF. You are mainly focused on base mileage, and you can do those even if a bit sore. I would generally pull back on some exercises if I knew they really beat up my legs, like thrusters.
I personally think Hal Higdon’s guide is the best because it has levels based on where you think you are, and obviously everything is modifiable.
The major difference, for me, when combining the two was having to be willing to dump a run here and there when just TOO beat up. Short runs you can do that, but you should never dump your long run.
Ooops here is the link for Hal Higdon
D.O., Melo & the crew – y’all are awesome.