Tempo Back Squat (20X1)
3 x 6
Heavier than last week.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 8 of 8
Light “Fran”
For Time:
Thrusters 75/55
The Thrusters should be light, and the goal is unbroken. Sub Jumping Pull-Ups as needed.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Congrats to Allie B. on her first Muscle-Up! “Allie has been working with me since I started the Anti-Gravity and Anti-Gravity Strength programs,” Coach Ro says. “I’ve seen her make so much progress during her time at CFSBK. A Ring Muscle-Up has been one of her long-time goals.”
Fight Gone Bad Fundraising Update
With just a few days to go until Fight Gone Bad 2017, we’re currently at $13,487 raised for Brooklyn Community Foundation, which is 54% of our $25,000 goal. It’s not too late to send a last-minute fundraising email. Let your friends and family know that you’ll be sweating for one of the best causes around!
Also, a heads up: all classes will be cancelled for FGB this Saturday, November 4th. Competitors can find their heat and judging assignments here. Contact your team captain or Coach Jess with any questions!
Last Call for Artists in CFSBK’s Fourth Art Show, on November 18, 2017
CFSBK’s fourth Art Show will be Saturday, November 18th, and we need to know by midnight tonight whether you want to participate.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
138 Years Strong CrossFit Journal (video featuring Jacinto B.!)
Losing Body Fat or Gaining Muscle Mass? Starting Strength
Thanks everyone for the kind words yesterday! I feel very lucky to be a part of such a great community!
6am today with Ro and JB
HBBS 255x6x3 – heavy but made all my reps
Light Fran in 2:45 – a little faster than my best full Fran
Also – congrats Allie!
7am w/JB & Ro
Tempo LBBS: 140x6x3
What up, strength cycle!
Diet Fran: 4:15 w/jumping pull-ups
Looks like this about 10sec faster than my last Fran at 50#. Goal was all thrusters unbroken but, le sigh: 21, 8-7, 9. Body did not feel OK after.
Congrats Allie!!!
From Yesterday
Congrats, Dan! Well deserved.
Also yesterday
Sugar Free Fran
4:12 Rx
About 40s faster than full calorie Fran
Congrats Allie B!!!
6am with Ro & JB
BSQ 255x6x3 felt great today
Baby Fran: Dan L + 1 min.
About 25 seconds quicker than Rx Fran for me
YEAAAAAAHHHHH ALLIE! So awesome that you worked so hard to make this happen and you made it happen.
OG this morning. I feel like KHarpz made a real breakthrough with me in our PT session yesterday — I feel better than I have at any point since I hurt my shoulder. Feeling like there’s a light at the end of the tunnel finally. 😀
On the other hand, I suck at time management. I absolutely had planned to do a metcon today and when I finished my lifting segment it was 8:15. Ha. Guess I need to wake up earlier now that I have more DROMS to do.
10 min NFR
5 chinup negatives
8 crossover symmetry A-T-Y-T
10 blackburns
Getting closer to being allowed to do chinups again! At first I tried a band for the negatives thinking it would be safer, but it turned out jumping up and getting my feet to the band was worse (because my legs were flailing around and dragging my torso with them) than just doing them unassisted. This did mean I couldn’t do the negatives at a slow tempo, but I’m just happy to have been doing them at all.
4 supersets:
20 low bar back squats 90#
10/side shoulder external rotations, 5#
10/side Powell raises, 5#
Holy crap I did not realize it would take me like 30 minutes to get all this done. Whoops.
Also JB coaching in her ski hat and parka cracked me up. Doesn’t it get cold in NorCal?
yay stella!!!
Allie – Super inspired by your work ethic and dedication. Amazing work!
Belated congrats to Dan L, long overdue! Joining the 6AM cult and trying to keep up with him during metcons has definitely upped my crossfit game. Or just trying to finish the round of 21 of Fran before he finishes the entire workout…
Tempo LBBS: 210 x 6 x 3.
Slowed down, but still moving.
Fran: 6:22 Rx
Went for full Fran, because it’s not exactly the thrusters that slow me down on this. All thrusters unbroken. Pull-ups started with a set of 10, usually ending in doubles. I have only Rx-ed it once before (August 2016, 11:52). Pretty gosh darn happy with this improvement.
AB after :20 on :40 off for 10 min – 93 calories.
Not to totally creep on ya here, but that last Fran was during my very first group class after foundations, and I watched you stay with it through allllll the pull ups & I thought you were a total badass (still do!). Crazy improvement since then, too! Congrats.
This is the sweetest. I love it. ❤️ CFSBK role models ❤️
Mine is Allie B! For inspiring me to set goals and stick to them!
Haha Kate, my hands were totally torn to shreds. Glad I could help make it memorable.
BSQ: 55×5, 95×3, 135×3, 165×6, 170×6, 175×6
Even lighter Fran: Thrusters@45, Blue band on the pullups 9:30 (or Dan L.x4)
Getting psyched for FGB Saturday!
Did open gym of today’s work this morning. 305x6x3 on the tempo backsquat. Did unbelted, felt stable. The tempo work has been really good for me in that regard.
Did a diet diet Fran as my bad diet during my previous job has made every bodyweight workout a reminder that I need to change my diet.
21-15-9 75 pound thrusters, 15-9-6 pullups. 5:15. Thrusters were 21, 8-7, 5-4. Was honestly a bit surprised I had 21 unbroken thrusters in me even at 75 but maybe all those tempo presses are adding up for things like this. Think I was right to scale the pullups down because I would’ve been standing around for awhile. Will work back up to 5:00 regular Fran in time.
Go Allie!!! That is so awesome – hard-earned and kickass 🙂
Belated congrats also to Dan L – that was a great read and an awesome AOTM pick.
7am today with Ro and JB
BSQ 145 x 6 x 1 then 140 x 6 x 2
145 moved OK but I felt as though I was losing the tempo so I stepped back to 140 for sets 2 and 3. Really focused on making sure that descent was slow, trying to move fast on the drive, and then rest for only one count between reps.
Fran Lite(r) @ 45# and with jumping pull-ups from the low stool. 4:20.
Last night AGS, all the accessory work! I am definitely feeling stronger and also slowly getting over my terror about kicking up to the wall.
Allie B. Just awesome.
I’ve been watching Allie’s gutsy MU progress on social media so seeing her nail it is way sweet. Big ups!
I don’t get up early enough to see much of Dan L. Oh sure, the occasional weekend or FGB or Murph. My encounters are mostly ephemeral. They usually occur right before a WOD and go something like this:
Coach: “Today’s top time for gentlemen for today’s workout is [something insane, borderline inhuman].”
Me: “Who was it [big eye roll] DAN L????”
[btw, answer is usually yes].
Which reminds me of today at the gym. Squatted with my bud, specialist Kris “Kris with a K” L., at 245#.
Then Fran Lite went like this:
Thrusters: 21, 9+6, 9
Pull ups: 15+6, 9+6, 9
Felt pretty good. Quickish on the transitions. Not a lot of time spent off the bar.
Then I got a reality check at the whiteboard.
My time: Dan L. + 1:52. 🙁
You’re a humble beast Dan L. and truly deserving of the AOTM honor! Congrats!
Loving the support and congrats from all corners on the blog today! Stella said it very well: “So awesome that you worked so hard to make this happen and you made it happen.” Allie you’ve put in the time, effort, struggle, patience, ups, downs, and all arounds. Way to stick with it and see it through.
Congrats on a very deserving AOTM, Dan L!
Today… did not have a lot of guts in it. Had a very stressful day yesterday and I think it just took it’s toll on my body. So listened and went with this:
10 min movement prep/flow
BSQ: work up to 3 sets of 5, light-medium, perfect form @ 21×1
45×5, 95×5, 115×5, 125x5x3
4x, superset:
-10 L-side front rack barbell rvrs lunge (65#)
-5 banded CTB pull-ups with @ 11×2 (last set ME without pause = 7)
6 sets:
:30 on / :30 off
assault bike (62 rpm x 3, 64 rpm, 68 rpm x2)
slamball (18 x 3, 20 x 3)
sit-ups (17-18)
Nice Allie!!!! Was super excited to see you got this on the gram of the instas. it looks way better than mine that is for sure!
CONGRATS DAN L!!!! you rule!
Training day yday:
a) Single Arm Overhead carries for max distance:
80# x 30M each
That was supposed to be 70# but I messed up my math. Whoops! So I guess im happy I was able to go that far with 80#. Keith showed me how to clean the farmers handle without ending up with more stitches in my lip. I conquered my fear! lol! ANyway, that farmers handle overhead is something special. It windmills around and at one point i just had to turn with it and start walking backwards. that was silly. I’m going to practice these again. Think this is going to be phenomenal for my snatch game. Stability in the catch is always. the issue.
B) Open WOD 14.3: Completed-ish at 132 reps
8 min AMRAP:
10 DL @ 95
15 box jumps
15 DL @135
15 box jumps
20 DL @ 155
15 box jumps
25 DL @ 185
15 box jumps
30 DL @ 205
15 box jumps
35 DL @ 225
***got 2 reps into DL at 205 (132 reps) with about 2 min to go and then my clock got changed on accident! All good. I got a decent fix of fitness. I just stopped because I wanted to know a true score. I want a redo though because I think this was going well! I want to clear the 205 DL and get to 225!
C) bicep curls to finish her off
OFF to LA!!!
also check out my cousins show tonight if you’re up to nothing. He’s a standup comedian and hes funny!
Two Boots Pizza @ 8pm in park slope
all your hard work’s paid off! amazing. this just made me so happy.
Thanks, friends!!
But the crazy thing is that Steph M got her muscle up last night too!! (She’s probably had it for awhile minus a little technique tweak), obviously Jess Fox got hers last week, and Erica got hers back 2 weeks ago. We needed a video montage!!!!!
Lastly, I would have never got it without Ro’s help. He is seriously amazing! He is an expert of experts and I can’t speak highly enough of AG strength and AG!!!! Do it!!! You will reach your goals! It’s impossible not to if you keep putting in the work and Ro is giving you your exercises. For real.
HBBS: 140 6×3
Palms were sweaty, knees weak, arms… etc. I was nervous. It was fine. Toeing the full depth line. Love lifting with Barbara because she’s as crazy about squats as I am. FEEL you, Kirby!!!!
Lite Fran: (haha, sugar free) 5:01
I think I can match this pace with 63. I was never really out of breath. Went unbroken on thrusters, but they were slooow and steady.
Pull-ups: 8-7-6, 8-4-3, 6-3
I also have a cough (apparently my amazing immune system is no longer amazing, or my 31 year old body is revolting) so I definitely didn’t push the pace as hard as I could have.
Goal for Fran: 5:01 🙂 (1:21 pr) same or better rep scheme
congrats lil AB Barsamian!
Muscle-up city! Awesome, ladies!
AG Strength as soon as a) my shoulder heals and b) Ro has it in the morning, I swear.
Congrats Allie, Steph, Jess and Erica!!
Allie, I’ve watched that video about 15 times! So proud of you!
530 class
Back squat: #185
These felt great….maybe I could have went heavier but I’m trying to focus on some better technique…Keith says I need to work on my single leg stuff because I still sway to the side. So although I feel strong, my technique needs work!
Fat Free Fran: 4:44
Went unbroken on all the thrusters. Thank you alright for ensuring I did so. Pullups were butterfly’s and I kept to my scheme 7-7-7, 5-5-5, 5-4
This was the first time doing real butterfly pull-ups in a workout since I hurt my shoulder in May! I’m pumped about all the little strengthening workouts that I’ve been doing to help heal this:)
Before class
5 rds
30 cal row
this stunk…it was a lot…it hurt…I better get abs of steal now.
Back Squat: 125×6, 135×6, 145×6
Worked up in weight to test out my knee. All felt great.
Lite Fran: 6:37
About 1:20 slower than my Rx Fran but first time doing thrusters since I dropped a barbell on my knee. Put a wall ball behind me as per MeLo’s suggestion to make sure I sat back in the thruster to reduce usage of my quads. Slow and controlled. Honestly tired my arms out because I went so slow! And haven’t done a thruster in weeks!
Pullups: 12-9, 8-7, 9