Every Minute x 15:
Power Clean
Lots of reps with a short turn around time again today. Keep the weight medium-heavy and focus on an aggressive 2nd pull and, even though they’re powers, pulling under the bar with consistent footwork.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 7 of 8
For Time:
30 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 95/65
15 Burpees
30 Thrusters 95/65
15 Burpees
30 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 95/65
The barbell should be medium-heavy for both movements.
Post time and Rx to comments.
CrossFit Kids Coach Lynsey shows us the correct Fight Gone Bad-face. Don’t forget that we give a FGB Spirit Award for the best costumes/team spirit. Check out more shots from last year’s action here! | Photo by Thomas H.
Fight Gone Bad Fundraising Update (T-10 Days!)
With just 10 days to go until the main event, we’re currently at $9,172 raised for Brooklyn Community Foundation, which is 37% of our $25,000 goal. We’ve done an amazing job so far, but now it’s crunch time, gang! Every dollar we raise will benefit great local programs. Learn more about the Brooklyn Community Foundation and all the great work they’ve done. They support a variety of artistic, agricultural, environmental, social, and educational programs helping people of all ages. No doubt there are several programs they’ve helped that you identify with.
Congrats to those teams and individually topping our leaderboards on CrowdRise! Below are our top fundraisers from both the individual and team divisions (as of 5:30pm Wednesday night):
Top Five Teams:
- Ziggy WODdust and the Squatters from Mars: $2,334
- Superheroes Gone Bad: $1,873
- Foam Roller Derby: $1,725
- Hallowed By Thy Gains: $825
- Ruth Bader Gunsburg: $645
Top Five Individuals:
- Charles S.: $1,725
- Scott M.:$1,170
- Lizzie D.: $1,064
- Patrick S.:$825
- Katherine D.: $790
Send a last-minute email to your friends and family! Maybe something like this?
Dear ______ [insert name],
I know you probably think I’m bananas for doing CrossFit, but I love it so much—largely because my gym, CrossFit South Brooklyn, is so freaking awesome and doesn’t just care about getting “swole” (defined by the Urban Dictionary as the state of being very muscular and/or buff and in good shape), but we also care about helping our neighbors in Brooklyn.
That’s why I need your help! Through this fun competition we’re doing on Saturday, we’re raising money for a local organization called Brooklyn Community Foundation. BCF supports tons of great and important programs in Brooklyn.
Donate here, and I promise to send you a photo of me drenched in sweat after I crush this workout on Saturday. Also, I’ll love you forever!
XXOO _______ [your name]
Coach KHarpz at Beyond the Whiteboard
As we’ve mentioned on the blog in the past, Coach KHarpz is writing a series for our friends at beyond the whiteboard on her training for next year’s Northeast Regionals. Check out her 3rd and most recent installment, “Swole Searching: How Bad Do I Want It?” (Great title!)
Yesterday’s Results Board: Back Squat | Front Squats, Ring Dips
I Wish I Had Bones: Quit Relaxing at the Top of Your Pull! Catalyst Athletics
How Absurd Do You Like Your Art? Nautilus
Yesterday 6:30pm with Keith and Melo
BS 210×6 215x2x6 – good but hard, last two reps of each set were a struggle.
Metcon 6:48 with Rx front squats and 9-6-3 matador dips. Went in thinking the dips were going to ruin me, quickly realized the front squats were the real problem. FS were 12(dead)/5/4 6/5/4 5/5, dips were a lot easier at 5/4 3/3 3. Probably the right thing would have been 115 front squats and 15-12-9 dips.
Early-morning OG upper body day (gotta get swole for November?):
15 min NFR
0:30 bar hang
0:15 parallette hold, tuck w/toe tap
10 shoulder taps
10 DB lat pullovers, 15#
These felt much better than when I did the same opener on Tuesday. I think I got better at monitoring my form in both the parallette holds and the shoulder taps.
3 supersets:
10/side DB high pulls, 17.5#
10 DB close grip bench, 17.5#
10/side Kroc rows, 27.5#
I can go up in weight on all of these next time. Felt really good.
Then I tried a modified version of Monday’s group class NFT work, because FOMO:
14 cal erg
7 wall “walks” (really just came up to the wall and didn’t walk my hands in any farther than the start position, because that was uncomfortable)
50′ hand-over-hand sled pull (empty, +45, +70, +45)
I went too heavy on the sled pulls. Should have stuck with like 25# or maybe even an empty sled. My shoulder was complaining by the end, which is why I dropped weight in the fourth round. But I think I shouldn’t even have made such big jumps to begin with. :/
6am class
Power Clean EMOM
Started at 115 and went as heavy as 205 but spent most of the time at 175
Metcon Rx’d in 8:04
Blew up on the first round of SDHP. Just awful.
7am w/ Jess Fox + DO
Best DROMs ever!! A reminder that I need more stretching/AR in my life.
Worked up to 113# on the power cleans. Felt so-so. I’m pulling too slow off the floor and then too fast after that, and I need to concentrate on getting into a good catch position and not rushing to stand up.
WOD in 10:14 RXed. Sumos 10-10-10, thrusters 5-5-5-5-5-5, sumos 5-5-5-5-10, with slow-and-steady burpees in between. Debated not RXing this…glad I went for it!
Jess says I take too long with the warm-ups but I say to hell with you Jess! Give the people what they want!
Power Clean: 103×2, 113×2, 123×2, 133×2, 143×3, 153FF, 153×2
No starfishing at 143! Some starfishing at 153 for the makes, but as extreme as I have done in the past.
WOD: 5:50 Rx
First set of SDHP steady, one pause in the 20s.
Burpees steady.
Thrusters in four quick sets – should have done just three.
Last set of SDHP starting with a set of 10 and ending in triples and doubles.
After: 50-40-30-20-10 Cal Row, rest half time between sets. Erg ended at 8:30ish (does not include rest in that time). Stayed around 1200 for the first 50, around 1100 for 40-20, then all out for last 10.
6am with David and Jess
PC EMOM: 185 – 235#
WOD: 7:21
SDHP were ok. The thrusters were pure torture after yesterday’s squatfest.
7am with Jess + David
Power cleans felt great today! Ended up at 113# with plenty to go up.
WOD 10:10 RXed.
Sumos 10-10-10, Thrusters 10-5-5-5-5, Sumos in 5-5-5-5-5.
First round of burpees were smooth sailing.
Second round of burpees, I experienced a new type of fatigue- shoulders and biceps feeling extremely heavy and a slight tingle? Didn’t push it here.
Thanks to Kirby for pushing me to do RX’d workouts! Hate you during, love you after <3 <3 <3
ahh you guys are making me miss 7am! of course I skipped today & am going to tomorrow, womp. nice work crushing it!!
Also Jaime, ditto!! And good thing you RXed it, because you had me beat by 4 seconds! 🙂 Oh, and I had the same exhausted-shoulders feeling on my second set of burpees.
I miss 7 AM tooooooooo!
7AM misses YOU!
Power clean EMOM 95, 100, 105, 110, 115, 115, 120, 120, 120, 125, 125, 125, 130, 136, 141(PR)
METCON: SDLHP@#75, Subbed pushups for burpees, Thrusters@#55 10:48
Petey Hopps!!!
Noon with David.
Worked up to 140# on power clean. A lot more there strength wise — just need to get the form to catch up.
Did the WOD Rx. Really grindy — had to break up the thrusters to sets of 3-4. Finished in 14:14
heat up:
2:00 assault bike
2:00 ski erg
1:30 AB
1:30 SE
1:00 AB
1:00 SE
:30 supinated active hang
3 push up @ 33×1
lunge-y stretchy stuff
Split Jerk (rack)
up to 115x1x3 and 125x1x2 (about 70%)
solid footwork and speed. lowering back to rack position is the hardest part right now. first time split jerking in… 7 months???
Power Clean EMOM with 12pm class!
125×3, 135×3, 145×3, 150, 155, 160# (97%!), 145×3 (88%)
was happy with my strategy to work up to something heavy before I got too tired, and then finish back at medium-heavy weight. need to make sure I really put the brakes on in the catch for those heavy lifts… got a bit soft and smooshed down towards parallel on that 160.
Conditioning = 30 minutes:
3 Strict pull up
60′ Handstand walk
8 step ups L – 16kg
4 step ups R
130′ FC L – 32kg
130′ FC R
130′ sled push + 70#
finished 5 rds in 31:42 (got to the carries by 30:00)
luckily Morit was in the gym stretching/rolling otherwise I would’ve been really lonely for this one! I spent most of this workout deciding what was the hardest part. it seemed to change a bit every round!
So sore today omg!!
10am with Lady Fox and Brett.
EMOM power cleans
103, 113 x 2, 123 x 2, 128 x 3, 133 x 4, 138 x 2, 138 x M x 2
Starfishing was an issue but 138 is I think either a PR or a match. It’s possible I cleaned more than that last year at Flex?
Can’t remember but the main thing is I haven’t been able to even hit 133 consistently or even 128 for ages. Jess was like ‘your grip is really wide gurl’ and I fixed that and it changed everything!!!
Frankie had given me some things to think about as regards physics and acceleration too so that was also in the back of my head- not pulling straight from the floor is a new thing for me too.
Now I need to fix the starfishing…
WOD in 7:40
This sucked. I had no willpower. SDLHP were unbroken, burpees were slow- some step-ups. Thrusters in 5’s. Just didn’t have the willpower to deal with the pain of going unbroken today.
Very happy to have a rest day tomorrow!
(Not saying I could have gone unbroken if I’d tried. That would have been a disaster)
7 a.m. w/DO & Jess (I like extended DROMs but I know they make class run late sometimes so I see both sides of the issue oh gosh don’t fight you’re all great let’s play pizza tag).
Power cleans: Up to 185#. Failed 195# on the last rep. Heart wasn’t really in it. Working on the wider grip Fox discussed with me last week, as well as bar path and opening my grip properly in the catch.
Metcon: 9:29 Rx’ed. Agreed w/everyone who felt like this was a battle after yesterday! Went 15-8-7 on the first round of SDHPs, 10-10-8-2 on the thrusters, and 10-8-6-6 on the last round of SDHPs, with some slow but steady burpees to break things up. Every first round felt like a blow-up.
I’m with Chas- all about pizza tag and fish game warmups.
I just assume people go back to their apartments to watch CrossFit videos and eat vegetables and protein shakes and wait until the next class.
There’s actually this vintage coach Jeremy quote that always makes me laugh “My apartment is just somewhere I go between workouts”
People go home? I assumed most of you all slept at the gym.
5:30 with Whit
EMOM got up to 135 and pulled back down to 125 for the last two to do the my cleans cleaner. I started pulling with my arms more as I tired. Pretty excited to think I could go higher if I had any power output from my right leg, but my leg and me are fighting because “I don’t pay enough attention to her needs.” Ugh.
METCON I had to sub out the thrusters for push presses, which made me feel like a big cheater. I was still slower than Allie, Sarah and Alex.
3×10 V-ups for a cash out. I need to do these more at home. I have a floor! What’s my deal????
530 with Whit!
Clean EMOM
135(2), 155(2), 165(6), 175(2), 185, 190, 200
This 200# was a clean PR for me! It definitely was not a power clean but that is a lifetime PR that I have been trying to hit for almost a year now! So sososososo pumped about that
Metcon: 6:40
Thank God I had a great class to push the pace on this workout! I definitely would have taken longer breaks if there was no one around. Everyone was moving so quickly that it forced me to keep moving!
Calories row
rest in between each with half the time it takes to do the entire calorie set
Cash out
3×10 V-ups
Had a great conversation with Allie about the importance of doing class workouts to keep crossfit fun, as well as the importance of scaling the workout to get the best workout possible and be able to walk out of the gym feeling good about oneself. It’s so easy to forget that…I’m guilty of it a lot. Today reminded me why I love crossfit and taking class! Thanks for that CFSBK
Awesome progress today. Felt like I “got” how to do a power clean for the first time. Hah! Took me long enough. Still feel places I can improve but the pull/jump movement has always felt weird to me and today it didn’t 🙂 Shoutout to Whit and all the coaches for help this cycle on those. Hopefully I’ll remember it for next time. Started at 35lbs and worked up to 62.5lbs
Metcon at 9:30 min with 35lbs. Hard to keep the high pulls under control at such a light weight but def was the right call with the thrusters.
Yaaaas Sarah! Crushed that clean!!!
Failed a couple 113s because I was over thinking the footwork.
Wod @52# 7:20
Started off slow:8/7/8/7
Burpees steady and slow
Thrusters 10-10-10
Burpees steady
Sdlhp: 10-10-10 much faster than first round
Looking back, I could have gone faster.
I had fun today, despite not feeling 100%! I always leave feeling better than when I come in!!!