Snatch Balance:
Build to a 1RM Snatch Balance.
Tempo Overhead Squat (2211):
Warm up and perform 5 heavy doubles. You’ll likely have to jerk these into position to begin. Open at a load that’s challenging but allows you to hold solid positions and go up from there as appropriate. The goal is no fails. Make sure your area is clear to bail safely.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 6 of 8
AMRAP 5 Minutes:
30 Double-Unders
15 Power Snatches 75/55
Rest 5 minutes, then…
AMRAP 5 Minutes:
30 Double-Unders
15 Power Snatches 75/55
The barbell should be light for you and unbroken on the fast end. Scale the Dubs to Singles as needed. Use lighter bars with larger bumps to save the plates from bailing.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Hoop it up | Photo by Thomas H.
Next Saturday: The Subway Series at CrossFit Virtuosity
Another year has gone by, and it’s time once again for an NYC affiliate throw down: the seventh annual Subway Series! All NYC affiliates are invited to participate—the affiliate with the best overall score at the end of four events wins the Subway Series Trophy and bragging rights for a whole year! This year, the 4th and final event happens at CrossFit Virtuosity on Saturday, October 28th!
This year’s Subway Series is using a team format (M/M and F/F) and there are both Scaled and Rx’d divisions, so we hope as many CFSBKers as possible will sign up. As you can tell from last year’s photos, it’s a fun day. You can register below, but hurry: early bird pricing only lasts through September 5th!
Register Here!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Burpees, Deadlifts, Thrusters, Run, Bar Muscle-Ups
Finding Her Voice Athlete Daily
The Surprising Survey of American Fears Smithsonian
Saturday’s reluctant workout…
worked up to about 8-10 singles at 95#, then 4-5 at 100#
wanted to get some volume in focusing on technique
relaxing elbows right before i go, snappy turnover
next focus = move my GD feet!
superset, 5x:
8 arnold press @ 21×1 @ 20# DB’s, 22.5, 25×3
10 L, 5 R single leg RDL @ 10×1 – 2 KB’S at 12kg, then 16kg x4
5 sets:
:30 power cleans 85#
:30 box jump 20″
:30 push press 85#
:90 rest
establish rep scheme in first round and maintain consistency
actually felt better as I went along, so probably could’ve done 10 power cleans.
push press got tough but happy to spend time up top and stabilize
20 min elbow, wrist, shoulder, ankle recovery
A. 3-5 sets @Z1 effort
50ft Bear crawl w/shoulder taps
10 Alt Reverse lunges
:30 side plank L/R
B. Handstand Walk Practice
C. 5-7 sets @80-90% SE effort
20ft HS walk
12 Split jumps
14 Burpees
rest/walk 1:1
Sunday morning Short Circuit! I was pleasantly surprised at how little I had to modify to make it work.
Strength circuit:
KB deadlifts — pretty easy. Should have gone for the deficit with plates.
Wall walks — I didn’t actually walk up the wall, just took one big step up and stayed there. But I was shocked that I could do this at all. Thanks Fox for encouraging me to try them!
DB lat pullovers — KHarpz told me to try these out this week so I was glad to see them programmed. Started at 10#, went to 12.5# and 15#, and they felt great. Definitely helps to open up my shoulder.
Pallof press with red band — I did these in place of side plank raises, which felt squirrelly on the left side.
Metcon circuit:
Assault bike was…assault bike.
Squat thrusts instead of burpees.
Sandbag hold with 80#. I tried the 100# in round 3 and I could definitely feel my left lat getting unhappy so I switched back to 80# for the last round.
Snatch Balance: 75, 95, 105, 115, 125, 135.
Pretty sure this is a PR, and it felt pretty good. Happy to have no failures along the way today.
WOD: 3 rounds + 42 reps, then 3 rounds + 44 reps.
Unbroken snatches the first round each time, then mainly 10-5. Took longer rest before the DUs the second time, which lead to much more consistent sets with way less trips.
After did 5 rounds NFT (with some banter):
15 cal row (aimed to stayed around 1200)
3 HSPU (1 abmat) – unbroken
3 strict pull-ups – unbroken
Played around with a few HSPUs after from the floor – could do 2 at a time fairly consistently. Hoping to build capacity here.
Tempo OHS 73, 78, 83, 88lbs
These felt good, probably could have gone little heavier, but sets were broken up by me trying to get seat assignments for my long haul flight cause they opened right at 11:30 lol. No fails, got ok seats.
First time Rxing a snatch workout!! Very exciting, I had like 5 months of no/very light oly lifts cause of a bum wrist, so a year after starting CF it’s delightful to be back on track! DU’s almost unbroken 27ish. I think I geek out when I come close to hitting a PR (which would be 30) and sabotage myself. First set was 2 rounds 12 reps (snatches split into 5’s), second was 2 rounds 5 reps, so sorta consistent. Worked on getting under the bar faster and using my arms less, which got easier as the arms got fatigued.
Seems like there’s little consistent barbell access in south east asia so if you have a favorite hotel gym workout send it my way please!
Lol@ Front Desk= Karina?
The desk and I have become one Charlie. I had to buy him a whole row on the flight.
PS. everyone else, it used to say “Front Desk” but now it says “Karina S.” because I edited it. Now you get the joke.
11am with Snickers and Ro
Did OHS and worked up to 123#, -felt solid, which is a first for me!!
WOD- 3+? And 3+12
Messed up in the first one- I think I did 4 rounds plus 6 Dubs, minus 5 snatches because I think I only did 10 snatches on the second round. I need to remember to count up- when I count in 5’s I can mess up sometimes.
Tripped up a ton on the second AMRAP. Also was all arms on my snatches, as always. Sone day I’ll figure out how to use my legs for these…
Oh and yesterday 11am with Keith and Whit.
A) 7:35 Rx
B) 11:43 with jumping BMU’s. Got better at these in the later rounds when I listened to my coaches about when to start pulling. Thanks Whit and Keith!
Noon class
Snatch Balance
Not my best movement, but felt pretty good today.
Metcon Rx’d
3+8, 2+38
Pretty sure that’s not what I wrote on the board, math was hard for me for a minute there. I hate this workout and all it’s versions. ALL LUNGZ.
Hit 108 last week (failed 110). Thought if I went straight for 110 I could hit it— got good tips from Ro (really extend up into the bar instead of leaning forward) but to no avail.
Wod: 42#
3+ 21 and 3+1
Man! This was a burner!! I scared 100% appropriately. I have decided I want to push my conditioning at a level that actually is appropriate for me. I could have done 52… but why? I would have gone slower, not gotten better at snatching, and not gotten any stronger. I’m going to be more mindful and honest with my level. Maybe push a slow heavy workout with the weight— but today, this was 100% appropriate. And fun!
Ag was also awesome! I did some real handstand walking! Albeit, only a couple of steps, but they were intentional and slow— not accidental.
Fun workout:
20 shoulder taps
12 jumping lunges
14 burpees
1:15, 1:14 by 3, 1:10, 1:06, 1:09
I got faster each round, which I knew was what Ro wanted. Felt hard but good!!
Today was a good workout day because I didn’t put pressure on myself and I just had fun with it. <3
Awesome on the whole day and on the handstand walk Allie!
1 p.m. w/Lauren & Ro.
Snatch Balance: 135×2, 155, 165, 175 (PR!), 185F(x2). This is such helpful work for me in terms of avoiding the dreaded forward miss when snatching. Thought my old PR was 175 without checking so was pleased to discover after class that I’d passed it by 10 (and almost had 185 the second time).
Metcon: 3+30, 3+15, Rx’ed weight but subbing s/u’s in a weird 1.5x volume or attempts fashion. Knew I needed to get my HR up. Managed the first set of 15 unbroken, then did 8/7 pretty much throughout (10/5 on the first round of part 2, then down briefly on the third set to make sure I wasn’t pushing my wrist weird).
10am with Lauren and Chris
OHS up to 135lbs. I was super happy with this, as I couldn’t hit 130 about a week back. Lifters really help.
Metcon 2+42 / 2+35 w/ 15 DUs and 75lb snatches. Actually managed to string 10 DUs in one of the rounds, which was a first! Snatches were all 8/7 touch and go.
OHS: 53-63-73-83-93
First time doing squatting with weight on the bar in over two weeks. Only two reps at a tempo was the perfect way to ease back into it. Took them slowly and added weight that felt appropriate for my knee. NO pain!
WOD: (3+33)x2
Did hang power snatches instead because of me knee. SO grippy! Felt heavy because I haven’t snatched in weeks. DUs were ok today! These also didn’t bother my knee!
Handstand walks: did 3 mats (width) + a foot or so. Possibly a PR. I should keep track of this.
Surprised myself and did shoulder taps. Last time I tried I had lost too much strength from my shoulder injury. They were tough but I did them. Subbed lunges for splits jumps. Burpees happened. 1:30-ish. Only did 5 rounds because my shoulders were smoked.