TONIGHT: Come out to the gym for a Halloween-themed Movie Night! We’ll be showing What We Do in the Shadows, a funny mockumentary about vampires with domestic issues. We’ll start the movie at 8:15pm, right after Open Gym!
1. Do you hate and fear workouts that involve rowing? Do you secretly love them but don’t want to admit it? Either way, you have a good reason to train for the CRASH-B World Indoor Rowing Championship! Olympian Coach Nick will prepare participants in the months leading up to race day, which is February 25th, in Boston. Come to Coach Nick’s kick-off meeting at 12:15 on Sunday, October 29th in the Annex. See Monday’s post for more details!
2. Photo’s from last weekend’s Subway Series event at CFSBK are up on our Flickr account, here and here.
3. Coach Keith officially joined our coaching staff part time this week. Welcome again, Keith!
4. So far we’ve raised Over $6,000 for Brooklyn Community Foundation, which is around 25% of our goal! Ziggy WODdust and the Squatters from Mars have surged into first place with Foam Roller Derby not far behind. So far, Charles S. is our top individual fundraiser. See yesterday’s post for some info on some of the great initiatives Brooklyn Community helps to fund.
5. The 4th and final event of the 2017 Subway Series goes down next Saturday, October 28th at CrossFit Virtuosity. There’s still time to register here. Represent CFSBK and be a part of the BLACK TIDE! This is always a mega-fun event, and we’d love to see more of you sign up. As usual, there will be Rx and Scaled divisions, so don’t be afraid to get after it!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Clean | KB Swings, Push Jerks
How 7 Elite Powerlifters and Weightlifters Warm Up for Squats BarBend
What Separates “Ugly-Cute” from Just Ugly NY Mag
Saturday’s Programming
For Time…
3 RFT:
15 Lateral Burpees Over the Bar
9 Deadlifts 155/105
6 Thrusters 155/105
10 minute cap. Rest until the 15 minute mark then complete…
5 RFT:
270m Run
5 Bar Muscle-Ups
The barbell weight should be light for the deadlifts and pretty heavy and challenging for the thrusters. For the run/bar muscle up couplet, push the pace on the runs. If you can get through the full volume of bar muscle ups without large rests or lots of misses then go for it. If not, then scale some volume or perform jumping bar muscle ups or chest to bar pull ups instead.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Big ole make up post starting with Thursday:
Worked up to 93lbs on the cleans. Wrote each weight down after I did it with a smiley or frowny face, didn’t move up until I got a smiley face, because I am a child. Focusing on moving well over adding more weight. Lady Fox said my right elbow was moving more slowly than my left. Need to work on releasing my hands.
Metcon with 16kg bell and 65lbs, 6:23
Just wanted under 7min, thought about Rxing it, but glad I didn’t, I still don’t know how to cycle push jerks well under duress, all KB unbroken. Didn’t have my usual under armpit pain when jerking so that’s good!
165lbs for 3×6 (30×1) Tempo Backsquat
Worked with Sarah C. nice to be able to share a rack with a legit monster 🙂 I always get mentally weird when things get above body weight. Moved fine, heavy but fast. Underscores that last week’s 170lb 8RM was probs too light.
Metcon Rxed in like 12:12
80 wall ball, 60 calories, 40 burpees. I hate wall balls, 14/9. def had a couple air balls but didn’t no rep myself like I should have or else I would have lost it mentally. Did it 20, 10, and then 5’s holding the ball between my body and the wall to rest. Row was around 950 cal/hr the whole time. Burpees in 10’s. Only thing that made it worth it was that Brad came up to me afterward and said I was killing it on the rower. Otherwise this was highly unpleasant.
Tempo Press/Tempo Stiff Legged DL
3×6 (31×1)
I was sore already and the press sucked. Tempo/need to even out my left arm man.
62.5 x 4 then fail
60 x 5 then fail
58 x 6!
DL at 115lbs standing on a red plate. Ro finally figured out where I should be (biggish deficit)! Decent weight, sad it took so long to figure out where to stand 🙁 Hamstrings were mega sore for the first time in a while the next day!
For Time:
Toes To Bars
Overhead Squats 95/65
Like 6 minutes? At 55lbs T2B/K2E. Should have Rxed this. Actually had my first “mad at myself crossfit tantrum” afterwards and pouted. OHS were 11,10/8,7/9 I finally figured out where to hold my shoulders for these, so I got that going for me I guess. Got put on a rogue rack for the T2B and had trouble gripping the bar 🙁 Means I don’t really have the skill, sad. Went to a regular bar afterwards and busted out 6 kipping T2B to prove I could still do them.
Messed around on my own, only worked up to 53lbs on the snatch
AMRAP 14 Minutes:
5 Pull-Ups (switched from 14 Pullups)
14 Push-Ups
14 Power Cleans 115/75lbs
75lbs. 3 rounds even. But did 15 strict pull-ups! Well like 10 strict pull-ups and the last set were chin-ups. But still. Why can I still not kip?
Quick numbers from last week
Overhead Squat 88lbs x2 then some fails
8RM OHP 60lbs (correct)
8RM Sumo DL 185lbs (too light)
8RM Back Squat 170lbs (too light, this was fast)
Thanks for reading the Crossfit equivalent of War and Peace. K bye.
Yeah, but you rocked that back squat girl!
WOD 1: 6:15 Rx
Love short sets with a heavy barbell. First set of thrusters unbroken, then 4-2 for the next two sets. Burpees slowed down, but kept moving. I recommend staring the deadlifts as quickly as you can after the burpees so you can maximize rest time before starting the thrusters.
WOD 2: 12:14 with C2B
Short sets were great for practicing C2B. Managed to keep 3-2 for C2B for all rounds except for the 4th, where a touching Brad-Michael moment made me laugh and fall off the bar.
6am with Lauren doing Thursday’s Workout
Clean Complex: Worked up to 160
160 was a bit sloppy on the second power clean, but this was due more to exhaustion.
8:03 rx
KB Swings: Unbroken
Push Jerks: 11,5,5 | 5,5,5 | 5,4
This was more difficult than I expected. A bit of a shaky start since I went for the first 11 Push Jerks unbroken. The last 4 were pretty miserable as my grip was pretty much gone by then, but got through it.
I should have gone lighter on the Push Jerks because of the volume. One too many sloppy landings. I feel like I sacrificed technique to do more weight. Lesson learned. I’ll remember this next time a similar WOD is up.
6:30pm with Lauren and Whit
Cleans 185×8, 195×4, 205×3 – 205 was the weight where it got challenging and I started starfishing the catch. Should have moved to that weight sooner.
Metcon 6:16 Rx. I’m happy with this one, could not have gone much faster than this. Could have maybe shaved off 15-30s if I minimized the breaks, but this was basically as good as it gets for me.
7:30pm AR with Whit – much needed after a few weeks without it. Those 80 wallballs were still hurting.
6 a.m. doing Saturday’s work (and bad puns) w/Brett.
Metcon 1: 9:21 Rx’ed. Thrusters at 155# are no joke. Good cuing from Brett on settling into the front squat portion better got me through ’em 3-2-1.
Metcon 2: 12:45-ish, 28″ (thanks for flipping down my 30″ box, Brett) jumping BMUs. Actually managed to settle into a good rhythm here by the end. Still need to feel more confident tossing my torso over the bar.
I am sorry none of the talented photographers in our gym caught that moment of true fraternal affection between Brad and Michael.
7am doing Thursday with Brett
First, shoutout to Brett for the super-fun tic-tac-toe shuttle run warm-up. Got us all breathing a little bit and laughing – great start to the day.
I need to start writing weights down; started at 63 and worked up to 98 by I think the 11-minute mark. Stayed there rather than pushing it to focus on form and patience off the floor. I have a tendency to rush and that’s exacerbated in any kind of complex so it was good to focus on this.
WOD in 5:59 with Rx KB and 63# push jerks. I think this was the right weight; push jerks, push presses, etc. really shine a light on my shoulder flexibility (or lack thereof) and I sometimes struggle with the mechanics of cycling. KBs were unbroken and moved well; push jerks broken up into 15-6, then 8-7, then 5-4.
Christine, you and I had the EXACT same time–to the second–for this workout, and the exact same scale! So funny.
Hah too funny! Great minds… 😉
7am w/ Lauren doing Saturday
WOD1: ~8:58 with 83#. The thrusters psyched me out. Considered stripping some weight off after the first round but glad I stuck with it. Thank you Lauren for helping to keep me going!! And for pushing me to go heavier than I thought I would.
WOD2: ~12:09 with jumping bar muscle ups (20″ box). Those are fun! The run, not so much fun.
Haven’t done a Saturday workout on a Friday in a while, and there were only 3 of us…nowhere to hide! I think I finished last for both WODs, which gets in my head a little bit. But I guess it’s not a race (…except when it is).
Friday move and groove. Sore as hell from yesterday’s lunges, pistols, and other sundry things. Also tired from mosquitos biting me in the middle of the night and then in turn hunting them down so I could sleep. hmmph!
assault bike, :30 on/:30 off x 20 min
on=80-85%, started at 55rpm, worked up little by little to do the last 5 around 62rpm. just legs on the “off”. this felt great.
20 min (4 rds):
1:30 ski erg, easy/moderate
150′ farmer carry, 20kg each hand
75′ tip-toe piked bear crawl
16 alt glute bridge march (extra on L)
10 supine hollow hold lat pushdowns
15 min playtime on the parallettes
Tempo Back squat 3×6 at 145. That one second at the top killlsss
Hang power clean/power clean emom:
Wod at 63 and 16kg in 4:30. Maybe should have just done 73. 🤷🏼♀️