Clean Complex
Every Minute x 15:
Mid-Hang Power Clean + Power Clean
Lots of reps with a short turn-around time today. Keep the weight medium-heavy and focus on an aggressive 2nd pull and, even though these are Power Cleans, pulling under the bar with consistent footwork.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 6 of 8
For Time:
42 Russian KB Swings 24/16kg
21 Push Jerks 115/75
30 Russian KB Swings
15 Push Jerks
18 Russian KB Swings
9 Push Jerks
The weights should be medium-heavy for you and manageable. Some beasts might do this unbroken, but breaking the larger sets up into 2-3 quick sets is appropriate. Don’t let the approachable Rx fool you. Scale the load so that you’re moving pretty consistently and not taking long breaks between sets.
Post time and Rx to comments.
For Time: 50′ Farmer Carry, Sow Kettlebells, Cultivate Kettlebell Farm | Photo by Thomas H.
Fight Gone Bad Fundraising Update
So far we’ve raised Over $6,000 for Brooklyn Community Foundation, which is around 25% of our goal! Ziggy WODdust and the Squatters from Mars have surged into first place with Foam Roller Derby not far behind. So far, Charles S. is our top individual fundraiser. We’re off to a great start, but there’s still a lot more work to be done. Onward, FGBers!
From Brooklyn Community Foundation, here are a few local initiatives that your fundraising will help to sustain:
- “INVEST IN YOUTH – Invest in Youth is our 10-year, $25 million commitment to improving social and economic opportunities and outcomes for 16- to 24-year-olds, especially young people of color. In 2016, we invested $2.3 million through a unique set of programs including $1,915,000 to 60 youth-serving nonprofits from our Invest in Youth Grant Program as well a significant investment in a new restorative justice model for Brooklyn schools via our Brooklyn Restorative Justice Project. Our Brooklyn Youth Fellowship also entered its exciting second year, and we’ve seen our increased advocacy efforts lead to policy changes at the city and state levels.”
- “IMMIGRANT RIGHTS FUND – We created the Fund in the weeks after the 2016 Presidential Election to build a boroughwide response to unjust government policy changes threatening Brooklyn’s immigrants and their families—including increased deportations, criminalization, and discrimination. We have committed a minimum of $1 million over the next four years to support local organizations as they take on both immediate and long-term needs in Brooklyn, from legal assistance, community safety, and social services to advocacy, organizing, and leadership development. To date, we have awarded nearly $250,000 to 22 organizations across Brooklyn.”
- “BROOKLYN RESTORATIVE JUSTICE PROJECT – We designed the Brooklyn Restorative Justice Project to create a racially just model for school discipline built upon the principles of restorative justice, which focus on repairing harm and building safe and respectful communities, rather than removing children from the classroom and pushing them into the criminal justice system. Working in partnership with NYC Department of Education and the Mayor’s Leadership Team on School Climate and Discipline, we have committed $1.8 million over four years (2015-2019) to support restorative justice implementation in four Brooklyn schools—three high schools and one middle school—as well as a comprehensive academic evaluation to develop shared learnings from the process.”
We’re still looking for donations from sponsors to give away as prizes on the day of the event. Please contact our Events Coordinator Danae at Events [at] with your treasures.
Tomorrow: Movie Night!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Back Squat | Wall Balls, Row, Burpees
When Should You Have Your Protein? Mark Bell (video)
Should You Spend More Time Warming Up During Fall and Winter? BarBend
In Maryland for work, bleh. I thought given that my shoulder rehab programming involves a lot of work with light DBs, I’d be OK. Ha! Saddest hotel gym ever!
Of course there was not a pullup bar to hang from or a sled to drag, so I just warmed up on a treadmill and then did 3 supersets of:
10/side shoulder ERs (KHarpz, I don’t even know what that stands for…halp?). I was supposed to do these tempo at 5# but the lightest DB they had was 10 so I gave non-tempo a try at that weight. Somewhat uncomfortable but OK.
10 DB overhead press, 10#. I tried these because Powell raises with the 10 were a non-starter. Again, a little discomfort, maybe 2/10.
10/side Kroc rows, 25#
10 serratus push-ups
And then I just got on the treadmill again because I didn’t know what else to do. I had come in thinking to do 50-40-30-20-10 of squats and sit-ups but there wasn’t even room to do sit-ups! 😭
Oh well, at least I got some upper body stuff in.
external rotation. my B!
Yesterday 6:30pm with Melo and Keith
Back Squat 205 – felt about right, maaaybe 210 would have worked.
Metcon 11:43 Rx
This one was cool because I actually learned something: opening up with a big set of wallballs, then doing quick small sets is a good strategy for me. I opened with 30, but should have done 40. Then followed with quick sets of 10. Row was around 1000cal/hr, and burpees were my usual (very slow) pace.
6am with Jess and Lauren
Cleans: Did not want to be monkeying around with weight changes in a true EMOM, so just warmed up quickly to 185 and stayed there for all 15 minutes. Definitely could have gone heavier if I’d built across, but 30 power cleans at 185 feels like a pretty good workout – and also allowed me to work some technical things that I tend to lose focus on as weight goes up – like relaxed arms & tension in lats, and full extension on the second pull.
Metcon: 6:01 Rx. I think I did all the swings unbroken… might have set it down once in the second round. Can’t remember. Push presses were something like 11-4-6, 7-6-2, and 2-4-3… that’s what happens when you don’t have a plan.
Oh and last night at 7:30 with Keith and MeLo
Squats: 265x6x3. Felt good. Room to build next week.
Metcon: 10:10 Rx. Wallballs 40-15-15-10, Row at about 1100cal/hr, and burpees were just awful.
Ditto what Brad D said, except I did one at 195 before coming back to 185
Metcon Rx’d in 4:51
Barbell unbroken, swings unbroken on 42 ad 18, broke the middle set up 20+10…shoulda hung on. It was (surprisingly) the jerks that really spiked my heart rate and made this feel pretty unpleasant.
Hang Power Clean + Power Clean: 103×2, 113×2, 123×4, 133×7
I start star-fishing powers at 133, so stayed there and just focused on technique (bend the knees, not just out with feet). Pausing at the catch was helpful to reinforce these habits.
WOD: 3:57 Rx. Everything unbroken. Push jerks were easier to maintain than I expected.
Had some time after, so 4 rounds NFT:
Strict pull-ups (4-3-3-3)
Assault Bike (13 calories each – all between :40 and :48)
7am w/ Jess + Lauren
Worked up to 93# on the power cleans. Could have gone heavier, but was definitely getting worn out…lots of reps, not a lot of rest!
WOD: 5:59 with 16kg KB and 63#. All swings unbroken*; push jerks were 7-7-7, 5-5-5 and 9 unbroken. Probably should have RXed this.
*I remembered a while ago Stella pointed out that the bigger KBs have smaller handles…a great tip for a grippy workout like this one! Stella knows all the CrossFit secrets (e.g. don’t go first in a partner AMRAP!).
LOL Kirby don’t be giving it all away now!
I learned how much of a difference the narrower grip makes when I was recovering from de Quervain’s and my ability to move my thumbs was limited. I was able to hold the KBs with the narrow grip but not the ones with the fat grip! Now I go for the narrow grip ones every chance I get.
8 a.m. w/C. Fox.
Power clean couplets: up to 175#. Fox had me experiment with a wider grip on the bar, which was interesting and also really brought out the exact issue we were trying to iron out in doing this work (getting in a weird-lookin’ catch above parallel that we’d never be able to fully squat from), so I stayed around 165# for a good while before tossing 10 more on for good measure.
Metcon: 5:04 Rx. Kb swings unbroken, Jerks 12-9, 9-6, 9. Really wanted to get below 5 minutes here, so a little disappointed. Should’ve cycled the middle sets of jerks a little more rapidly. At least all that effort lugging the 40 kg kettlebell out for workouts where there’s no Rx paid off… 24 kg felt light!
WU = neck/shoulder/hip CARs, adductor stretch, then 3x :
8 ea single arm high pull @ 20#
10 slow glute bridge march
12pm lifting portion of class with Coach Jess!
emom: mhpc + pc x 15 … I think this is what I did:
105×2 sets
145×2 (88% of best power clean)
Was thinking I’d stay at 135, but just figured what the heck. Was a bit snappier and more confident on the second set at 145. Footwork felt good today but I know I’m over-pulling at least a bit and hanging out in extension longer than I should. Either way…. my power feels like it’s coming back!
Conditioning, all sustainable effort w/ about 8 min rest/lollygagging in between:
a. 8 min
12 DL (95#)
6 push jerk (95#)
12 reverse lunges
5 rds+ 12 DL
b. 8 min
4 pistols (3 L, 1 R) – to 10″ box for motor control
8 push ups (4-4)
16 russian KBS 16kg
4 rds + 12 reps
c. 8 min
8 cal row (avg :35)
2 rope climbs
:20 L-sit on parallettes
3 rds + 8 cal
R hip flexor was on fire. Push ups finally feel good again. Jerks have a way to go.
12pm with Lady Fox
Clean Complex
103 x 2, 113 x 3, 118 x 3, 113 x 3, 118 x 3, 123 x 1
Focused on keeping the bar close, fast elbows and jumping.
WOD- 4:11 Rx
All unbroken. Need to get better at cycling push jerks. My instinct is always to push press.
Hey crew….selling a Mackie 8 Channel Firewire Mixer for very little $ if anyone is interested…
Coach Brett
Came in only to deadlift today. Did cardio yesterday!
500M stiff legged row
2 rds:
8 side plank clamshells
30s Sorensen hold
8 heavy rKBS
8 tall box jumps
135×5, 185×3, 205×2, 245×1, 275, 295, 320 (F- hook grip) switched over to mix grip, 320 (PR), 330 (PR)
That was awesome. I was excited to hold onto my hookgrip all the way up to 295. 320 was just too weird for me since I usually mix grip, so once I switched it was fine. 330 felt okay too! I just stopped because I’m a little nervous about pushing my deadlift, based off of footage my back only slightly rounded at the top, but I was happy with a 15 lb PR! Huge accomplishment for me since the last time I hurt my back was doing a heavy dead right before the open. Thanks to playing it safe, performance care, and loading my back wisely, I’ve been able to bounce back in 8 months with a sweet little PR! Yay!
Cooldown- 2 rds:
30s hollow hold paralettes
30M mod single arm farmers carry
10 dead bugs
Cash out: Took myself out Bar Bruno for some guacamole and frozen margZ
Congrats friend! Enjoy the boozes 💪💪💪
83-88-93-98-103-103 fail-93-98-103 for remaining time, focusing on releasing hook grip.
Wod: 4:42 63#
I was considering 68 or 73 but I’m glad I didn’t. Then a lovely, relaxing AR.
Yesterday, I was dreading the workout and really felt tired and lethargic. In retrospect, knowing this was a challenging workout for me, I should have gone lighter on the wallballs and left feeling good instead of feeling terrible about myself.
Plan was 25-15-25-15 14#\9 ft
Ended up 14# to 8 ft
25-8-7-10-10-10-10 with lots of rest and feeling mad at myself. I wish I would have listened to my instincts and done light wallballs. I would have moved more consistently and felt better.
Got to the row and it took me 6:00. Was NOT giving it my all.
Burpees, I finally did something with my best effort. 13:?? Minutes.
HBBS: 130, has some reps too shallow. Yuck!
Anyway, it was a learning experience. 1) Listen to your body 2) HAVE FUN even if it’s a workout not in your wheelhouse 3) Don’t compare yourself to others and get discouraged!!
Today was a lot more fun!
6:30 group
Cleans got up to 50lbs. Still working on avoiding a “lofty” jump. Some part of me wants to just practice jumping aggressively without a bar but i feel my downstairs neighbors might have something to say about it.
Metcon at 6:15 with blue kb and 35lb for push jerk. Wasn’t as bad as I was expecting, although I occasionally my form on the push jerk wasn’t always there. Work in progress!
Cleans 75, 80, 80, 85, 90, 95, 95, 95, 100, 105, 105, 110, 110, 110,110
Metcon: 16kg KB 75# Push jerk 8:18 Kettlebells all unbroken, Push jerks (10/6/5; 9/6; 9)
Looking forward to FGB in November. I have at least one person who is going to do it with me… maybe two.