Back Squat
Warm up and hit a heavy set of 8, heavier then last week. No failing. No tempo. Use spotters.
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Exposure 5 of 8
4-6 Rounds Not for Time (or 20 Minutes):
150′ Farmer Carry, AHAP unbroken
Max Strict Ring Dips (1-2 RIR)
The carry is 75′ out and 75′ back. You can place the implements down at the turnaround, but pick them right back up within a few seconds to come back. Aim to begin with at least 10 Dips or scale accordingly. “RIR” stands for “Reps in Reserve.” In other words, you should end the sets to 1 or 2 reps shy of failure. Scale the Dips to the Matador as available or to Ring Push-Ups or regular Push-Ups. There should be plenty of space to do elevated Push-ups as a further scaling option as needed.
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Need to work on those Ring Dips? Check out this video demonstrating the basic ring support! Coach David is winking because he knows you got this one…
News and Notes from CFSBKers
- Front desker Karina S. has a show with her sketch team this Monday, October 16th at 7:30pm! Karina tells us, “It’s got some bizarre, spooky-funny sketches and makes a great date night. Also, you’ll get to see me making a rare cameo on stage in some spooky circumstances.” Check out the Magnet Theater website for ticket info and more details.
- As we’ve mentioned before, Coach KHarpz is writing a series for our friends at beyond the whiteboard on her training for next year’s Northeast Regionals. Check out the most recent installment, “Trusting the Process”!
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Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
Don’t Even Think About Talking to Me Until I’ve Had My Second La Croix The New Yorker
A Guy Balances an Erg on His Chin MBS CrossFit (video)
Roose says
6am with Ro and DO
HBBS: 210 x 8
This was a bit challenging, but moved. I haven’t attempted an 8 rm for back squats ever, so it was an nice opportunity to see where I am. I do need to work on keeping tension at the bottom when going heavy.
5 Rounds
150′ w/ Jerry Cans
10 Matador Dips
Getting a little better with dips, but still challenging. Broke them up into sets of 4-3-3.
Peter Hoppmann says
Had a great dream about CFSBK last night. There was a huge party on a farm and people were working out and hanging out and it was a lot of fun. I sure do miss everybody.
Shawn says
How prescient! We did a 150′ farmer carry today!
Stella says
Brainz n Gainz got back together last night for our first trivia outing since the Rock Shop went away. Let’s just say the competition at Dinosaur BBQ is not nearly as stiff as it was at the Rock Shop. We DESTROYED.
Also this left me a teeny bit hung over at OG this morning :/
0:30 bar hang
100′ reverse sled drag (+45, +80, +95, +105, +125)
8 A-T-Y-T (graduated to the 10# bands, yay!)
10 serratus pushups
This all felt good.
3 supersets
8/side reverse lunges with 30# DBs (60# total)
10/side one arm suitcase deadlift with 65#
These are not especially heavy weights but supersetting them left me huffing and puffing a bit.
Tabata assault bike, ’cause I’m uncreative and that’s also all I had time for. 39 cal.
Karina S. says
Yo if there’s trivia on Tuesdays I want in!
Karina S. says
though am resentful of Dino BBQ for doing away with the nachos on the happy hour menu
Stella says
What about Mondays? We are thinking of hitting up Rose’s on Flatbush Avenue since they have a Monday 8 PM trivia thing. It was awesome to get the band back together last night but Dinosaur Tuesday is definitely not going to be a regular thing because it conflicts with Anti-Gravity, unfortunately. (I really really miss Anti-Gravity…)
Stella says
Also Dino won’t seat incomplete parties, which is really tough for trivia since everyone drifts in at different times. No wonder they get only like 4 teams a week!
Kirby says
7am w/ Ro + DO
Back squat 8RM @ 125#
This felt like the right weight, considering I’ve missed a few weeks this cycle.
NFT work: Did most of the carries with green KBs, then red for the last one. Matador dips with a blue band, in between playing around on the rings a little.
Whit says
WEDNESDAYYYY. long session.
WU: neck, hip, ankle CARs. band shoulder series. pvc drills. dilly-dallying.
52kg (~115# and 87% of my 1RM)
Back down to 45kg for 8 singles EMOM. Missed one forward being a dummy.
Still over-pulling a bit and hanging out at the top. dead hang and hip drills have been great for me on cleans so I will start doing these on snatches, too! Happy with this since I don’t know that I’ve snatched anything over 75# more than once since I sprained my wrist in the spring.
BSQ: 45×8, 95×5, 125×3, 145×3, 155×1
160x8x3 @ 20×1
XXX death XXX
focused on hips and knees moving in concert and not shoving back into my heels/hips on the way up. video review shows I can maintain this well for about 4 reps and then start to revert. good intel.
supserset with S.A. DB external rotation. 3×8 @ 30×1. (10#, then 8#x2)
EMOM x 24min
a – 15 wb shots @ 16#, 9′ (did two rounds of 20 unbroken then cut it down)
b – 35 DU
c – 2 bar muscle ups (as singles)
d – 12 push press @ 65#
everything unbroken except for the BMUs, which felt great. focused on my position/action and there was NO chicken wing!
whole thing was harder for first two rounds and then got better as I went along. I get that spike in the first 6-8 min and tend to get better after that…
Shawn says
7 am with Ro
I’ve only been to the first 2 exposures of back squats this cycle so didn’t really know where to go. 115# and it was maybe easyish. Carried 70lb kettle bells and tried the 90 lb dumbbells but couldn’t pick them up. I’m somewhere in between I guess because the 70 lb carry wasn’t too struggly. 5 matador dips felt like more in the tank. Some ring play – a couple of single dips. I like the ring push ups for how much range of motion it forces. Sometimes I dip shallow on the matador.
KLove says
Wednesday’s work done on Tuesday
Whit gave me this to do instead of back squats because of my knee:
Super set of:
3×8 tempo DB rows @35# 2s hold at the top and 2s decent
40s side plank
Farmer carries: 20kg-32kg-32kg-32kg
Dips: ring x3x2, matador x3x3
David osorio says
Poor day planning left me with half an hour to get a workout in between clients
Scaled DB bear
EMOM 20:00
5 DB Deadlifts
5 DB hang power cleans
5 DB thrusters
25lb DBs
Lil too light, will use 30s next time. This workout is supposed to be 7-7-7 at 45%BW. As rxd one of the hardest workouts out there.
K HarpZ says
Short day today! Needed it cause I had a lot of stuff to get done at home!
10 push-up shoulder taps
5 yoga push-up
15s handstand hold
Upright row: 4×6 @ 65#, challenging
SIngle arm db press: 25# 3×12, not as challenging
B) 20 min AMRAP:
15 murrican swangs 53#
50M one arm farmer carry 53# L
50M one arm farmer carry R
200M run
Completed 7 rounds flat. Unbroken for everything! Transitioned straight from swings to carries for two rounds then dropped inbetween swings and carries for a quick stretch. Then straight back into it. This hurt my grip like hell but was able to mentally commit to it today! Runs felt like and fast today. Sprinted hard to get that last run in at the last second
C) foam rolling quads for like 15 min. Because YOLO
Stella says
Ooh, I’m stealing some version of this AMRAP. Minus the swangs 😛