THIS SATURDAY: The Subway Series at CFSBK!
The 3rd event of this years NYC Subway Series goes down this Saturday at 12pm right here at CFSBK! There’s still time to register here. Represent CFSBK and be a part of the BLACK TIDE! This is always a mega-fun event, and we’d love to see more of you sign up. As usual, there will be Rx and Scaled divisions, so don’t be afraid to get after it!
Speaking of which, we’ll be running on a modified schedule this Saturday. Morning classes will run on the usual schedule, but everything from 11am onward is cancelled.
Calling All Volunteers
Want to be part of what’s always an exciting day but not feeling the competition itch? We’re looking for a few good humans to help out on October 14th with the following:
- Judges (we need the most help here)
- Score keepers/score runners (proficiency with spreadsheets preferred)
- Set up/break down
If you’re interested, please contact David at David [at] with the subject line “SS Volunteer” as soon as possible, and let us know what you’d like to help with. No prior judging or volunteering at a CrossFit event experience is required. We’ll make sure you’re 100% prepared. In addition to our gratitude, we’ll provide you with coffee and snacks throughout the day!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Press /Sumo Deadlift | KB Swings, Push-Ups, Pull-Ups
Aging with Grace and—Fran CrossFit Journal
The Clean: Don’t Just Fall Down, Turn It Over Catalyst Athletics
Wednesday’s Programming
Back Squat
Warm up and hit a heavy set of 8, heavier then last week. No failing. No tempo. Use spotters.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 5 of 8
4-6 Rounds Not for Time or 20 Minutes:
150′ Farmer Carry, AHAP unbroken
Max Strict Ring Dips (1-2 RIR)
The carry is 75′ out and 75′ back. You can place the implements down at the turnaround, but pick them right back up within a few seconds to come back. Aim to begin with at least 10 dips or scale accordingly. “RIR” stands for “Reps in Reserve.” In other words, you should end the sets to 1 or 2 reps shy of failure. Scale the Dips to the Matador as available or to Ring Push-Ups or regular Push-Ups. There should be plenty of space to do elevated Push-ups as a further scaling option as needed.
Post work to comments.
2-3 sets @Z1 effort
6 ea SA DB strict press @2012
12 Alt Cossacks
20-30 sec L-Hang
kipping HSPU Practice
-kick up
-tripod w/kick
5-7 sets @80-90% SE
15/12 cal Row
10 BJO’s
rest walk 1:1
LBBS: 200 x 8.
Losing that tempo, even a small one, really is a game changer. These felt great compared to last week (at 190#) and could have definitely gone heavier.
Opted to practice some sandbag cleans instead of the NFT work. Also tested out the workout pictured today for the Subway Series this morning. It’s a rough one. Looking forward to the day, but not necessarily doing this again.
10am with Lauren doing Monday’s work
8RM for press: 55# Wasn’t here last week and tried 63# (a 15# jump from 2 weeks ago) and quickly realized that it was way too much.
8RM for sumo deadlifts: 135# This was a big jump from 2 weeks ago but was definitely doable.
For time work in 18:34. Used yellow kettlebell (most volume in a workout I’ve done at that weight; I think my arms are falling off now?) and did ring rows. I was pretty happy with my pacing doing KBS 25/15, push-ups 8/7, and ring rows 5/5 until the last set where I needed to do 15/15/10 and 6/5/4.
Monday @ 4:30 p.m. (thanks Indigenous Peoples Day) w/Ro.
Press: 115# x 8. Struggled through. Technique continues to be a limiter here.
Sumo DL: 275# x 8, then 305# x 8. Fun, and helpful to work on back-setting technique! Problem is now I just want to take a day to see if I can hit a 400# 1RM. Patience!
Metcon: 18-ish, scaled to all hell. DO caught me wringing my shirt out on the front pavement after and offered these sage words of wisdom: “that’s gross, Chas.”
Today @ 8 a.m. doing tomorrow’s work with Lauren:
BSQ: 235# x 8. Thought about 245 but went for a safer weight. First 4 good, started to get the “chest up” cue for reps 5-8, but never in danger of failing. Serious progress here this cycle, but need to cement the technique stuff coaches like Whit, Jess & Lauren have finally gotten into my head.
NFT work: some dips on the rings, some on the matador, up to 135# on the carries.
I find this mental image (DO scolding you as you wring your shirt out) hilarious.
One day Chas we will have a sweat off. It will be a battle for the ages.
I’m coming for both of you. watch out.
Y’all don’t even know. Your man over here can’t even make it through a round of warmups without being drenched.
Although on second thought, maybe instead of bragging about that I should see a doctor or something…
Don’t see the doctor until after we have the sweat-off.
You were getting way too much liquid out of that shirt
8:00 movement prep and mobility
Press: 105x8x1 no problem
Sumo Deadlift: 275x8x1 awkward
4 rounds:
40 KB swings 24kg (all unbroken)
15 HR push-ups
10 strict pull-ups (all doubles)
Cash out
15lb DB, red band 3x10e
Then some extra ab and gymnastics fun
Ded today. Flight took a toll on me got in super late and had to get up early. Zombie mode.
1) BSQ 3×12 4s down/3s up, 83/95/105# respectively
2) 3 sets 35# single arm OH hold 45s ea
B) Barbara : 25 mins 35 secs total (without counting rest)
5 rounds, each round for time, of:
20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-up (abmat)s
50 Air Squats
Resting 3 mins between each round.
Splits were as follows: (3 mins 48 secs), (4 mins 20 secs), (5 mins 45 secs), (5 mins 45 secs), and (5 mins 57 secs)
Slowwww decline. Feeling weak and tired today. Perfect workout for how I felt though. This almost made me pukie! Monster headache. Gonna rest up tonight. Pull-ups felt better than they have in months. Tighter kip today and focusing on a smaller oscillation so I don’t chest to bar all of my reps (not the worst problem to have, but still, would rather not when it’s prescribed as pull-ups so I can be more efficient)
–Pull-ups: 20, 20, 10/7/3, 10/7/3, 13/7
–Push-ups: 5/3/2s
–Sit-ups feltslow: lost my mojo when I had to skip those GHDs for 3 weeks
–Squats: rapid fast pace in first round to painfully slow. Only because I felt like I was going to vom by round4/5
Videos officially accepted and i’m registered for Wodapalooza!!! Will be trip planning soon, if anybody wants to join in on the fun let me know! : ) January 11-14 which is MLK weekend!
100% coming if im in the country!
5:30 Class
Press: 57×8
Sumo DL: 145×8
WOD: 16:52 RX. Started with 3/2/2/1/1/1, then gradually lost it to the last round of all singles. Hard!!
6:30 AR Fun & Relaxing!
7:30 Pilates! Fun & Hard!
Why so much fitness? Well, I was honestly astounded I felt okay, so I just stayed. I went to the ER yesterday morning at 1am in excruciating pain–worst of my life, completely debilitated– totally sure I had appendicitis. I didn’t. Barely a diagnosis from the ER which my other doctor disagrees with and will reassess. Anyway, went to work today feeling fine. Felt fine all day. Decided to try 5:30 class. Felt great. Then just stayed for AR & Pilates. SO WEIRD!
Anyway, bye!
OH! I need a partner for the Subway Series this Saturday. Klove is injured! I’m down to try RX (poorly) or Scaled!! Please let me know!
Allie – I was just thinking I wanted to do it but need a partner! Probably scaled given the weights but I’ll look again at the workouts. Email me if you haven’t found anyone else yet – swmarque at
Emailing you, Sarah! Let’s do it. And let’s do it scaled! I’m afraid of 100# sandbags and snatches over 85#!
7:30 with Keith
Only started back in group class last week so I totally missed this whole cycle. Oops!
Press: 60×8 felt great. Didn’t have the willpower to attempt another set at a higher weight today
Sumo DL. This was my first time doing this movement! Worked up to 173×8 which was definitely 8RM or very close.
Wod with a blue band and then added a little orange band part way through. 20kg bell, push-ups… happened 🙂