From our Instagram account: “Thanks to everyone who came out to celebrate our 10th anniversary! See you all at the 15 year!”
November 18th: The 4th CFSBK Art Show
Ready for another kickass event? Our fourth Art Show will be Saturday, November 18th, so save the date, and START MAKING ART!
The aim of the evening isn’t to sell the work of our artists (though if that happens, great!), but to showcase the often hidden talents of CrossFitters, bring our community together in a novel way, and to continue being the coolest CrossFit gym on the planet.
The more diversity of mediums the better—painting, photography, film, collage, printmaking, dance, singing, design, sculpture, jewelry, quilts, other textiles, installations, or something we haven’t heard of yet. (We have a 180” projector that can be used for video-based art.) If you participated in years past, please do not repeat (the majority of) work you included for those shows.
We’ll post again in six weeks to start putting together a roster of artists. Email Kate R. at katharinereece [at] with any questions (or if you know you want to participate or volunteer!).
Yesterday’s Results Board: Press / Stiff-Legged Deadlifts | Run, DB Power Snatches, DB Thrusters, C2B Pull-Ups
5 Ways to Get Better at Weightlifting without Training Catalyst Athletics
Working Out vs. Training vs. Movement: What’s the Difference? BarBend
Wednesday’s Programming
Tempo Back Squat (20X1):
3 x 8
Heavier than last week.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 4 of 8
Every Minute on the Minute x 21:
1) 3 Strict Ring Muscle-Ups
2) 15 Russian Kettlebell Swings
3) 30 Double-Unders
Scale the Muscle-Ups to 6 Strict Deep Dip Ring Transitions + Dips if you have strength and stability on the rings but lack the transition, or to 10 Burpees if you don’t.
Post work to comments.
Butterfly pull up practice
5-6 sets @80-90% SE
8 pull ups
12 burpee box jump overs
rest walk 1:1
LBBS: 190 x 8 x 3.
I think JB and I both died a little bit inside at the rack this morning.
EMOM: Enjoyed working on transitions – getting out of the dips got tough near the end.
24 kg KB on the first round, then 32 kg KB for the next six rounds.
Rope was a mixed bag of unbroken for three rounds, otherwise 1-2 trips.
A) Back Squat @20X1- 3,3,3,3,3, rest 90 secs
185, 205,215, 225, 235,240
B) Segmented Snatch Grip Deadlift – 3 Pauses
2, 2, 2, 2, 2; rest 90 sec
173, 193, 203, 213, 223
C1) OHS @31X1; 3, 3, 3; rest 1 min
C2) Strict Pronated Pull-up
3 x max unbroken minus 1
25 sec hard
2:35 easy spin
6am w/Snickers
BSQ with Scott: 235x8x3
Last couple reps were a little grindy. Not sure what to attempt next week.
EMOM: Strict muscle up workout today with a couple fails. Need to work on transitions
RMUs: 3, 2-1, 1-f-1, 1-1-1, 1-1, 1-1-f, 1-1-1
KB red, dubs in sets of 30
Shoulder stuff again:
15 min NFR (5 rounds)
0:30 bar hang
100′ reverse sled drag (sled +45, +80×2, +100, +110)
10 serratus pushups
Reverse sled drag feels way better than hand-over-hand pull did.
Box step ups w/25# DBs, 3×8/side
Tabata assault bike, 39 cals
I am so unimaginative at figuring out what to do once I’ve done my shoulder stuff 😛 I think tomorrow I’ll give light deadlifts a try, and maybe an alternating EMOM of hollow rocks and air squats.
glad those sled drags feel better! Big thumbs up!
Qualified for Wodapalooza!! weeee! Ended up ranking 12th place overall, super happy about that. Now it’s time to train my a$$ off so I can get up on that podium! Who wants to go to MIAMI january 11-14?!?!
A) Purr4mans care:
— 2 rds:
5 calf eccentrics ea
5 lateral box stepups ea (24″)
10 goblet squats (53#)
–Tempo BSQ: 3×12, 4s down/3s up @ 65/85/95#
FML. lol. It’s fine. Just slow. But knees are feeling way better than they did last week. Felt better each set so thats a good sign. I’ve been treating myself at work a few times a week, which has been immensely helpful in addition to tempo squats. What do ya know! : )
***superset w/***
— DB OH holds: 3x30s @ 35#, easy, focused on keeping midline on lockdown. Very easy to cheat here.
B) 5 rds for time: 11 mins 6 secs | Rx’d
9 Strict Supinated Grip Chest To Bar Pull Ups
9 Dumbbell Thrusters, 30 lbs
Run, 200 m
Chin to chesties: 9, 5/4, 5/4, 3/3/3, 4/3/2. Thrusters unbroken! Tried to push runs a bit. Feels so good to be back to training this week.
C)”Tabata” – Cable Crossover : 7 x 20 secs / 40 secs : 58 reps
–red band 8,5,9,9,9,9,9, Pulled the band right off the rig on the second round. Technincal difficulties. Lol!
D)”Tabata” – Ring Dips : 6 x 20 secs / 40 secs : 38 reps
—Not too bad for me. Want to get stronger here. Kip feeling slightly more coordinated!
E) Cardio: target HR 145-150
15 min bike, 131 cal (108-113 bpm)
15 min row, 175 (123-133 bpm)
15 min ski, 125 (138-143 bpm)
totally don’t know what i’m doing with that ski erg! Felt like a floppy fish out of water. its great though. Gives my legs a rest with these longer cardio pieces.
Congrats, Katie!!!! You earned it!
Congrats! That’s great news. Your hard work and dedication is inspiring.
Yay Katie!!!! Way to go!
YAAAAAYYYYY Katie! Amazing!!! Congrats!!!
Congrats Katie!!
Yay! Congrats! So deserved and heck yes I’ll go to Miami in January!
Congrats KharpZ!!!!
Congrats! You know I’ll go again!
Thanks everybody!!!! Let’s assemble a squad flights are cheap right now!
Concussions are bad, 0/10 would not recommend. I think I was a little aggressive in coming back to class last Wednesday – took another few days and then was out of town over the weekend so wheeee I’m out of shape! Kind of awful how fast that happens.
7am today doing Monday
Press @ 43, which is light but somehow still aggravated my neck. I think I underestimated how stiff I might be after time off.
Stiff-legged DL – first time doing this, kept it easy @ 83. This shone a nice light on how tight my hamstrings are YIPES.
WOD in 13:30 with v. light weights. I pushed it a bit on the runs knowing I was going easy on the DB work to protect my neck. Still plenty burn-y!
I didn’t know you were coming back from a concussion! Take it easy. I had one back in October (NOT a glamorous story that fills me with pride). We can have a lil support group if you want!
6am with Jess doing Monday’s Workout
Tempo Press: 80 x 8 | 8 | 7
I decided to give it a go and try for 80 (5lb jump from last week). The last set was the hardest. I did push press the last rep so I didn’t count it.
Tempo Stiff-Legged Deadlift: 145 x 8 x 3
Compared to last time, I jumped up 30lbs. Moved pretty well.
WOD: 21:15 with 40# db. This was pretty challenging. Scaled to 12 strict pull-ups. I was able to keep each side balanced on the Thrusters (10-5 on each arm), but my left side struggled a bit more than my right.
10am class with Lauren
I’m still recovering from Saturday.
Tempo Press 3×8 105 110 110 (Lauren really made me work the tempo, turns out a pause at the bottom is a good opportunity for a quick breath)
Tempo SLDL 3×8 165 175 175
Metcon 20:55min w/ 35lb (30?) and regular kipping pull-ups. I knew this was going to be a slog, my legs were still stiff from Saturday, so I went relatively light on the dumbbell. Thrusters weren’t as bad as I expected, and in there I actually managed a set of 10 kipping pull-ups. Thanks to Lauren for letting me run a bit past the time cap. It was awesome doing this next to Matt, whose C2B were so powerful they almost ripped the rack off of the wall.
7 am with Lauren
Still worn down from wonderful but exhausting travels and jet laggy. (See where this is going?)
53# on the press – same as two weeks ago. It went a little better but failed at 5th rep in the 3rd set. Went back to the bar for the last three to round it out (kinda) with 55 on the bar. Stayed at 85 on the DL – very tight and ouchy. Felt worse than 2 weeks ago and did not set me up very well for the WOD. I ran slow but steady the first time around. 20# was fairly light for the snatches and stayed steady there. The thrusters were broken up something like 9/6 and/or 8/7. Scaled pulls ups to 10 and sprinkled some chin ups in. Ran again but barely. My legs felt like lead and mush at the same time. How is that possible? I’ll just wrap it up here – got through 20 thrusters and then 20 minutes was up.
PSA – I left a Brooklyn Community Foundation report on all their good work at the front desk in case anyone wants to take a look and get inspired for Fight Gone Bad fundraising! (Note that Crossfit South Brooklyn is listed among supporters! Hey – that’s us!!)
Hey guys, don’t want to blogjack too hard, but if you have a sec and can vote for CFSBKSW (aka CF Lumos) for a local fitness mag’s yearly thang, I’d appreciate mucho mucho. #23, 25, and 41 are relevant, the rest you can “n/a.”
Congrats Katie!!
I did a CrossFit and it was fun:
6:30 w/superstar kharpz, doing Wednesday’s programming. Spine is still in a sad place so kept squats light @ 165. Frustrating, might not qualify for NE regionals if I don’t heal up soon.
WOD practicing transitions, 32kg, doubles mostly unbroken. Switched to American for the last few rounds to make it more taxing.
Cashed out carrying the 80# bag around the block; a good time was had.
Thanks for the awesome party CFSBK!
Also, thanks to everyone who cheered me through an after time cap finish on Monday’s WOD at the Tuesday 5:30 class (closer to 22 than 21 minutes I think with 35 lb DB). Definitely would have stopped had you not helped out.
Press @ 100 lbs
SL deadlift 155, 165, 175 these felt easier each set as I got more used to them. Will make bigger jump in weight next week.
HBBS 125 8×3. Scary but felt good. I probably could have done 130.
WOD: 3 mu transitions from the floor, and a slow negative transition back down, 30 dubs mostly unbroken, 15 kb wth 26kg
Stuck around for butterfly practice at AG. Sandbagged the WOD.
I arrive at work at 6:30am… it’s so hard to stay at AG until 8:30. I *really* want to, but I can never find the energy. I don’t know what to do differently!
Squat: 135x8x3
MU transitions from the floor
KBS: 24kg-24-24-28-28-28-32 (I think those are the correct weights- green then orange then red)
DUs: meh today. One set unbroken, some large sets and lots of trips
Make up posts:
Saturday Oct 3rd:
FGB-style WOD: 306 reps
Rounds: 64+62+59+60+61
Had a goal of 20 reps per movement. Stuck to it except for a few rounds of the SDHP, but made up in other movements. No repped myself on many WBs.
Thursday Sept 28th:
Tall cleans: 73#
Hip cleans: 83-103#
Hang cleans: 108#
Felt exhausted. Previous weeks I did hip cleans up to 118 and this week couldn’t even do that on the hang cleans.
WOD: 10:42 Rx
3RFR 30 burpees, 20 TTB
Kept a stead pace of around 2:05 for the burpees, TTB in sets of 5, except for the last 10 reps which were 3-2-2-2-1
Wed Sept 27th
BS: 130x8x3
WOD: 7:42 Rx
Double under, Push Jerk (93#) WOD
Mon Sept 25th:
Press: 58x8x2, 58x6x1
Sumo DL: 155x8x3
WOD: 16.3 modified
Stopped after the first set of 10 snatches because I used the green bar (which I hate) and death gripped the bar and bruised my thumb/crushed a nerve. Pain was only temporary and I was fine the next day. I will never use that bar again in WODs. Last time I used it, I hurt my wrist.
Sunday Sept 24th
Hip snatch EMOM up to 73#
WOD: 3 rounds plus run to 4th ave and half way back
30 min AMRAP: 800m run, swings, burpee box jumps
3 AMRAP partner WOD with Carissa:
WOD 1: 3+19 My first time doing pistols in a WOD!!! We did 10 extra in the first round by accident so we can technically add 10 reps to our score
WOD 2: 10 + 10 (power cleans + HSPUs)
WOD 3: 10:15 (run and FSQTs)
Thursday Sept 21st
BS: 125x8x3 (on my own because I missed Wed)
Tall cleans: up to 88#
Hip cleans: up to 118#
WOD: 11:43
3 RFT 40 DUs, C2B (did pullups), burpees, rest
I think I have more days I didn’t post but that’s all I’m going to do. Too tired. goodnight.