Tempo Press / Tempo Stiff-Legged Deadlift Superset*
A1) Tempo (31×1) Press:
3 x 8
Heavier than last week.
A2) Tempo (31×1) Stiff-Legged Deadlift:
3 x 8
Heavier than Week 2.
*Warm up and then perform a set of Presses, followed by a set of Stiff-Legged Deadlifts. Repeat for 3 work sets of each, resting about a minute between movements. Use a 31×1 tempo for both movements. The last few reps of each set should be tough, but the goal is no misses.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 4 of 8
2 Rounds for Time:
550m Run
40 Alternating Dumbbell Power Snatches (20 each arm)
30 Single-Arm Dumbbell Thrusters (15 each arm)
20 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Use the same dumbbell for the Power Snatches and Thrusters. Choose a heavy load than allows you move well but probably not unbroken on each movement. Scale the Pull-Ups to Chin-over-Bar or Jumping as needed.
Post time and Rx to comments.
No, Coach David isn’t showing us how big the rainbow trout he caught on his last fishing trip was. He’s showing us how to use the stall bars in 608!
Register for the Subway Series at CFSBK!
Calling All Volunteers
- Judges (we need the most help here)
- Score keepers/score runners (proficiency with spreadsheets preferred)
- Set up/break down
If you’re interested, please contact David at David [at] crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com with the subject line “SS Volunteer” as soon as possible, and let us know what you’d like to help with. No prior judging or volunteering at a CrossFit event experience is required. We’ll make sure you’re 100% prepared. In addition to our gratitude, we’ll provide you with coffee and snacks throughout the day!
Can You Put Your Kids on a Strength Training Program? Starting Strength
Managing Your Expectations: How to Set Yourself Up for Success Girls Gone Strong
I thought today was supposed to be deload! Yikes! When is deload?
Srsly. I’m still hung over from Saturday. This metcon looks awful.
Deload is Week 5: https://crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com/category/cycle/
Thaaaaanks, Josh. :/
Strength cycle
LBBS: 155x5x3
Bench: 95x3x3
DL: 210×3
One week left & in a much better place, at least technique-wise, than last cycle.
Hi MGMT: will Open Gym still happen on Saturday, October 14th, or will it be cancelled for the Subway Series? I’ll be two weeks out from my next powerlifting meet and want to make sure I get my comp lifts in. 🙂
PS – hat tip to Jared D, the music at the anniversary party Saturday night was so on point!
Thanks Bethany, so happy you enjoyed it 🙂
7am w/ Lauren + Ro
Press: 45#
Deadlift: 100#
WOD: DNF! Booooo. JUST finished the 2nd set of thrusters (w/ a 25# db) at the 20:00 cap. Sloooow and painful. This was my second workout after 2 weeks off…first was Saturday and I’m still limping around because my quads are so sore! I didn’t work out once on vacation (aside from walking) and I am paying dearly for it now. Great to be back though! Missed this place <3
Kirby – same on so many levels. Used 25# and had 10 pull-ups to go when the 20:00 came up. Kept going until 20:41, but man was I feeling this one.
10 AM with Lauren and Brett
3×8 (-1)x90 press- failed the 24th rep- jumped 5 pounds each week- psyched to test this next week.
3x8x115 stiff legged deadlifts.
Metcon in 17:20 with 25#, rowing and pullups. “amazing” how I can do 15 thrusters unbroken on my right side and only 5 at a time on my left.
Finally back on normal training! or “somewhat” normal. As I am also still probably recovering from Saturday. That one easily takes top 5 nights I’ve had since I moved to New York. Awesome night!!
Recap of Saturday. Redid WZA qualifier #6:
Chipper (30 min cap): “muscle up sandwich” —not so muscle uppy for my division
75 Double unders
60 WB 14#/10′
45 deadlifts (95#)
30 burpee ring pullups
45 deadlifts
60 WB
75 Double unders
Completed in 15:12!!! Phew, this burned pretty bad. It’s just so light and fast you really don’t have an excuse to stop. Broken up as follows:
Doubles: 50/25 (tripped once, then unbroken at the end
Wallballs: 10/10/10/10/10/10, 8/8/8/8/7/7/2/5/7 (mentally collapsed for a second at the end, got it together)
Deadlifts: 15/15/15, 15/15/8/7 (to save engine for wall balls)
Burpee ring pullups: silly singles. I had no idea what to expect with these. Never done them in my life. I saved time by starting with a strict pull and using a knee tuck for a mini kip. It kept the rings organized for my following rep and it saved my arms a bit. I was super disappointed in their decision to take muscle ups out of our division for the qualifier (they scaled them for masters, teens as well). People were PISSED. Especially because they’ve set the expectation that we will do muscle ups in our division, they’ve been in the qualifier in the past two years for Intermediate. And I did legless rope climbs 2 years ago too! So it was a strange move on their part. I gave some feedback to them on instagram (which i never ever do) but it well supported by a lot of people. So hopefully the message was delivered loud and clear. we’ll see, in the spirit of the competition though, I went into it with a good attitude. and burpee ring pullups are freakin HARD. i was sucking wind. So i really shouldn’t complain. haha!
Anyway, this was my second time doing this one. Accidentally miscounted my reps and was missing 5 DLs. so mad at myself. BUT. it worked out really well because I sliced a little over 30 seconds off of my time! (originally got 15:46).
Now the waiting game! I find out if I qualify tonight : ) I’m excited to see what happens!
Oh ya I also did this:
5×5 BSQ @ 185#: miserable after wall ball WOD, finally given the rights to squat heavy again! It felt…….heavy.
3×12 strict press @ 65#: also miserable after wall balls. But i got er done.
Tried OH DB walking but I was cooked. Just wasn’t happening
GOSH! YOU ARE SO AMAZING!!! Where do you find that energy!?!?! You really are nuts!!!
7am with Ro and Snickers
Press: 105x8x3
DL: 205x8x3
Metcon: 21:21
Time capped at 7 c2b
50# dumbbells
dB snatches: 20-10-10, 10-10-10-10
Thrusters: 10-5 the whole way
C2B: 14-6, 7-6-4-3
Snatches added up. I think this was the right weight though. A slow jog occurred more than once.
Tempo Press: 67.5 x 8, x 7, x 6
Up 2.5# from last week and the struggle was real. Mainly mental – didn’t even attempt the missing reps.
Tempo Stiff-Legged Deadlift: 153 x 8 x 3
Felt okay, just my poor thumbs.
WOD: 18:42 with 35# and regular kipping pull-ups. This was pretty awful all around.
Yup, I needed deload week today. Really messed up my press!!!
Did 60 8×3 2 weeks ago, 63 last week (missed last rep)
Today, I was feeling great! Ate according to RP, even got an extra 1.5 hours of sleep because it was a PD day!
Alas, press went: 64#x6, 63#x7, 54# x7 (not enough rest!!), 54#x8…
WTF! Ro said my bar was coming out in front. Ugh. This was highly unexpected and disappointing.
Stiff Legged DL: 100 8×3. Wayyyy better than last week. Could have done 105.
WOD: Decided not to go too intense after my press mishap. I scaled appropriately, I think! I feel proud, despite only doing 25# and regular pullups. Really focused on pace and getting faster.
-Kept Runs at 2:45, :15 walk to station to cool down/not accelerate heartrate
-DB snatches steadily paced, last round, took a little bit of pause every 8 or so.
-Thrusters 8/7, 15 unbroken on second round
-Pull Ups: 8/7/5 each round
Definitely felt stronger second round, which is a testament to that AG training. I’m fine with learning to pace myself. Maybe I start out too conservatively, but I really really really prefer that to going out too hard!
Anyway, can’t believe what happened with my press today. Now I’m all concerned about what to do for the 8RM!
Back in group class after starting a new job today!
This is my first week in this cycle so I didn’t quite know where to start.
Press: 53x8x3
Rdl: 105x8x3
Wod with 30# DB and regular kipping pull-ups in 18:30. Spicy!
Had an incredible time on Saturday. So happy to have zero pressure to wake up and go to class on Sunday!!
I have a week’s worth of WODs to post but I’m just going to start with today and post the rest another day this week.
Press: 60×6, 58×2, 58x8x2
Can’t remember but I may have failed the last rep of the last set. Couldn’t successfully make a 2# jump. Strict press has always been a struggle for me.
SLDL: 115x8x1
Kept the weight the same as last time (actually meant to do less but apparently I can’t add) because I realized I was supposed to keep the bar close to my legs and my back was also rounding slightly. Felt better today.
WOD in 17:37
Run: Good pace for me! Weather makes a difference in how fast I run.
Snatches: 30# DBs. No breaks or rest needed. These were easy.
Thrusters: 9-6 each round
Pullups: kipping, 8-7-5, 12-8
It’s a little late, but I had a blast at the party. Wish I could have stayed longer, but my cold symptoms hit me hard after a few hours and had to bail. Happy to have at least been present for David’s speech. Proud to be a part of this community and looking forward to more events :).
Make up post for Saturday (9/30):
8am Strongfit
This was fun. I’m still not a fan of Sandbag forward lunges, but don’t mind the reverse lunges. Also, it’s been a while since we I used the Yolk so I was glad to get some time with it.
9am Group Class
I’ve never been able to climb the rope before, but managed to get a few feet up this time around. I got progressively easier each attempt, but I had issues getting down. Need to practice more, but this was major progress compared to previous attempts.
WB (20lb to 10ft) – 26|21|20|20|17
SDLHP (95lbs) – 20|20|20|18|16
Box Jump (24″) – 18|18|18|18|19
Total Reps = 289
Workout was pretty brutal, but an eye opener. My goal was sets of 10 at a time, but that went downhill but on round 4 and 5. Last year at FGB I sandbagged around round 2 on Wall Balls (It was last for me) and struggled throughout the rest. I think I have a good idea of what I can do this time around.
Today 7PM NLWC
This was my first class. I finally signed up after doing the Snatch Intro last Thursday. Had a few jitters, but excited to start.
Today was snatches. I made several mistakes with the set/rep scheme, but I’ll be more focused for the next class.
10am class
Press 120x8x3
SLDL 205x8x3
Metcon @50# in 22:23*
Messed up the first round and went straight from the DBSN to the CTBs…was wondering about 10 CTB in how the hell I was moving so fast compared to earlier times…tough workout all around.
had so much fun on saturday night! thanks David for hosting such a wonderful fiesta! it went by so quickly, I feel like there are so many people I didn’t even see or get to talk to. very hungover on sunday. about once or twice a year is enough for me on that.
trained on my own today after a tough mental morning…
6L/4R lateral box step up – 24″ @ 31×1
8 v-ups
5 push up @ 22×1
press @ 31×1
4×6 @ 68#
just had to switch to 6’s and add another set to hit the volume. was getting too depressed that I can’t keep that tempo above 65# for 8 reps.
single leg barbell RDL @ 21×1
2×8 each @ 65#
3×8 each @ 75#
EMOM x 14
a – 10 ttb (6-4 throughout)
b – 10 ohs @ 65# (unbroken)
couch stretch x 2:00 each side
later… ran 1.7 miles back to the gym (~14 min)
even later… ran 1.5 miles from gym to friend’s house