Tempo Back Squat (20X1)
3 × 8
Heavier than last week.
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Exposure 2 of 8
5 Rounds Not for Time:
60 Second L-Sit
30 Calorie Row
This is the mainsite workout from this past Monday, 9/21/17, but we’re removing the time pressure of the clock for the overall work. Accumulate one minute per round on the L-Sits. Choose a scaling option that allows you that allows you to hold for sets of at least 10-15 seconds at a time with up to 30 seconds of rest between sets. Use rings, parallettes, boxes, or benches to support yourself on them, or perform them hanging from a Pull-Up bar if you can’t do them atop something. Push the pace a bit on the rows. Even though we’re not doing the 5 rounds “for time,” keep your work rate up throughout.
Post work to comments.
Catching Up with Jake B.
You might remember that we profiled former CFSBKer Jake B., who built his own garage gym modeled after our humble gym, right here on the blog a while back. We caught up with Jake recently and found out that he continues to read the blog and follow CFSBK’s programming from Philly. Here’s what he had to say:
I hope all is going well at my favorite gym. I just wanted to drop you a line to say that since I left Brooklyn (April 2015) and built my own garage gym (graciously featured on CFSBK blog awhile back) that my wife and I have continued to follow CFSBK’s programming. Back in September 2016, my wife and I decided to do the Lake Placid Half Ironman, but neither of us wanted to stop our current 4 to 5 day CrossFit training. So we went ahead and just tried to squeeze in triathlon training. We essentially half-assed our tri training and didn’t really get half serious until May 2017. When I say “half-serious,” I mean that leading up to the tri last week I still hadn’t biked 56 miles or ran more than 12 miles. I only really ran once a week, 3 to 8 miles, biked maybe once every other week and swam once a week for a few months. So long story short, my wife and I credit CFSBK programming and CrossFit in general for allowing us the muscular endurance to power through the half Ironman uninjured. My fellow neighborhood triathletes were seemingly impressed with this feat of non-typical tri training as well. My wife and I both finished with what I consider decent times of 6 hours and 50 minutes and my wife at 7 hours and 21 minutes. I will say there is no full Ironman in our future, or another half. One and done!
Thanks again for your great programming and awesome blog-commenting members for still making me feel a part of the gym, though I do still talk to James A. and Henry P. in order to commiserate every so often! I will close with that I miss my 7am group classes and all the great people I met at CFSBK. However, I may be most sad about James A. getting rid of his man bun. Please start a petition to bring it back. I think everyone’s strength will increase exponentially with its return.
Hope to drop in again soon.
We hope you drop in, too, Jake! Keep kickin’ ass!
News and Notes
- Inka H. is back in Brooklyn for a hot minute and available to do some bodywork at CFSBK. Many members can attest to her magic! She’ll be offering sessions today and Friday at the gym. Please email her directly for times and to set up appointments: inka.hodes [at] gmail [dot] com. First sessions are typically 1.5 hours ($140 per session).
- Time is running out to register for Fight Gone Bad 2017, one of our biggest and best community events of the year. See the event page for details!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Rest Day
Norwegian Rock Climber Magnus Midtbo’s 1-Arm Muscle-Up BarBend
Darwin Was a Slacker Nautilus
Steph M says
Josh!! Where are my morning news links?! 😩
Josh says
Sorry! Fixed. Always remember to hit “save,” gang.
Jen Bokoff says
6am with DORo
Tempo BSQ @ 78#. After watching first 2 sets, DO showed me why lifting shoes can help me get more depth. Thanks Kate Tk for giving me your rejected pair many months ago; for the first time probably ever, my third set felt good and I heard “much better, you’re below parallel.” WHAT A DAY! Worked with Lauren on these, who also was a rower in her past life and gave me some good erg tips. L-sits: could only hold 20 seconds or so but focused on strong arms in an upright position.
L’shana Tova to anyone observing the Jewish holidays! (Even if you’re not, snack protip = apples and honey!)
Daniel R says
Belated Happy Birthday to CFSBK! Can’t wait for that party on the 30th.
Yesterday 6pm AGS
Pull-ups are now weighted, got up to a 20lb tempo strict for 2 reps. HSPUs still disappear around 1abmat. Arnold Presses make me feel like a gym bro.
7:30pm with Katie doing Wednesday (only me and Thaisa)
Back Squats 165 175 175 (this was the right weight)
Metcon around 4 rounds, tried to keep rowing around 1000 cal/hr and L-tucks were in sets of 10s to 20s. A good smooth workout, I was crushed from the previous many days of fitness.
Stella says
Jake! Hiiiiiiii!
Roose says
6am with DO and Ro
175 x 3 x 8
I bumped up from 165 last week. These moved pretty well, but still plenty challenging.
Finished 3 full rounds into the 4th.
30 Cal Rows were done in about 1:15-1:25 (35-40 pulls).
Used the Matador for the L-sits. Managed to keep in position for about 20-30 seconds a time.
Brian Moore says
Squat at 145, up from 135 last time. Felt good.
Those L-sits were so hard. The row gave me flashbacks of the AMRAP on Saturday.
Whit says
Happy belated birthday to CFSBK!!! So excited to celebrate at the party next Sat night. Things have changed a lot since I started back in 2009. Grateful doesn’t even begin to fully describe how I feel about this place, the community, my job, and Captain Osorio!
9am short circuit
8L / 6R split stance RDL 30×1 @ 70# (35# DB’s)
100′ single arm FC, each, @ 24kg
3 wall walks
12 W raises (yellow) — so hard! so good
4x: :30/:30/:30/ :30 rest — made a couple movement subs for my asymmetries
a. goblet squat (12kg)/L leg box step up 24″/active set hold
b. side plank L/ side plank R/ sit up
c. burpee (avg 9)/ 5ea single arm DB Push Press @ 35#/ plank walk ups
single arm push press was VERY instructive. L side stability and organization in the dip needs a lot of attention. great thing for me to keep doing!!
10am group class
HBBS: 135x8x3 @ 20×1
felt solid! much better position than last week — think the SC warm up helped! joints felt great. could probably go up 10# again.
NFT wod: got through 3 rounds
30 cal row: 2:00 / 1:50 / 1:58
L-sit: 4 sets of :15 with straight legs each time
cashed out with some elbow maintenance and 3x 20-25′ unbroken HS walk. great training day!
Christine says
Happy Belated BDAY, CFSBK! This is such a wonderful place.
Did AG last night, practicing bar MUs was fun. I also learned from Ro that I have been holding the barn all wrong and need to train my little thumbs to go AROUND the bar for MUs. Gonna be a process.
7am this morning with DO and Ro
BSQ @ 115. These felt really good, even better than 105 last week. 125 next week!
I heart rowing. I do not heart L-sits. Those are SO HARD.
James A says
It’s true Henry and I constantly reminisce about the glory days of the trifecta.
My lifts have certainly been on the decline since I lost the man bun and no longer get to see you every morning.
(Half) iron man legend Jake!
Couldn’t be more proud
Fox says
Great to hear from Jake!
10am class
215×8, 225x8x2
Felt good.
The Row/L-Sit metcon was one of the harder workouts I’ve done. First three rows I went “hard” and pulled them in around 35 strokes. L-Sits we’re all tucked and in 3 sets of 20 seconds with 10-30 seconds rest between. Took about 30 minutes overall to finish.
K HarpZ says
Hi guys!
My friend is looking for an orthopedic sports med doc in the brooklyn area. I only know manhattan folks. Can anyone give me a recommendation?? Thanks so much!
Charlie says
Happy birthday CFSBK! I don’t even know where to begin, so I won’t… ❤️🎉🎈
Only now feeling like I am beginning to recover from Flex. It was fun but, wow, so hard!
Thankfully McDowell programmed the beginning of this week accordingly. It’s like he’s psychic or something…
A) 3 sets, easy pace
130m run
2 wall walks
3 chin-ups
10 hollow rocks
B1) Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat
@3111; 3 x 6-8/side; rest 90 sec
25 x 8, 30 x 8 x 2
B2) Dual Dumbbell Seated Press
@21X2; 3 x 6-8 reps; rest 90 sec
25 x 8 x 3
C) AMRAP in 12 min
250m row
10 wallball,
5 burpee box jumps, 20″
5 rounds exactly
15 min easy
Dropped into Weightlifting Club afterwards. Every time I go I tell myself I should go every week. Frankie is always so helpful. Worked on segmented snatches and power clean/ power jerks… all very light.
A1) Romanian Deadlift
@3111; 3 x 4-6 reps; rest 1 min
135 x 8 x 3… because I can’t read..
A2) DB Bench Press
@4040; 3 x 6-8 reps; rest 1 min
25 x 8 x 3
B) GHD Hip Extension
@2022; 3 x 6-8 reps; rest 1 min
C) Double Unders
3 x 30-40 reps; rest 1 min
D) 3 rounds NFT
100′ SB Carry
2 wall walks with 10 sec hold
10 GHD Sit-ups
I was lazy and used the 80# sandbag. Again read it wrong and did 15 sit-ups. Toyed with the idea of doing Short Circuit but decided I was still too tired.
A) Power Snatch- heavy single in about 12 mins.
Amanda said never to finish on a miss so..
B) Back Squat
3 reps EMOM for 8 min – 60-65% of 1RM–keep these fast
185 x 3 x 8
C) EMOM for 12 min
1 – 3-5 strict pull-ups
2 – 10 Hollow rocks
3 – 8 cal row
Did 5 unbroken for first three rounds then, 3,2 and 3,1,1.
Sarah C. says
Happy Birthday CFSBK…I’ve only been here a few short months but the leaps and bounds I’ve Mae recently, I attribute to this great coaching and atmosphere!
430 with Keith!
Tempo Back Squat
3*8 @ 160..five lbs more than last week. Tempo felt good and I tried to really focus on not shifting my weight to my right hip! Much better than last week!
1:00 L-sit hold (increments of :15 then increments of :10 in res 3-5)
30 cals on rower (1:30, 1:48, 1:48, 1:48, 1:40)
Got my breathing and heart rate going! I ended up enjoying this…had a hard time with the rowing because my core was so shot!
10 min EMOM
8 butterfly pullups
First time since murph doing butterfly pull-ups. My shoulder felt great! I’m super pumped about this. Still going to take it slow with adding butterflies back into my training but all this rehabbing has worked!!
K HarpZ says
Last SPAM post….any taco tequila takers?? This event will take place on Saturday in Billyburg. Good times. Lots of LOLs! email me! katie@bespoketreatments.com
Allie B says
Went up 5# from last week as planned for squats. They went well!
115 8×3
Workout: I was so SORE yesterday and today. Chose Pilates instead of AG last night (which was perfect). I felt lethargic despite eating perfectly and getting enough sleep and taking my fish oil consistently for 4-5 days straight!!
Ro caught me “scaling” the row to 12 calories… just didn’t have it in me. Then I started tearing up the next round wondering what was wrong with me!!!! Then, after tears were welling up… lol, I realized what day it was. Sigh, I totally sandbagged this workout and am just really happy my intended squats went well. #girlproblemsarereal
Henry says
Only a half Ironman Jake? 😉
Congratulations and great write up. Definitely missing you and your ability to keep James’ ego in check around here now that he’s on the leaderboard.
Jenny says
Happy belated anniversary CFSB and DO!!! I’m so so so happy I listened to my (former) neighbors Mo and Kat when they said to not be scared and just come see what crossfit, and more importantly, CFSB was all about. Now 7 months later, coming to class is one of the best parts of my week and this place is one of the things I’m most thankful for in my life. Thanks for welcoming this newbie and all the help and smiles along the way. Cheers to many more great years! And hopefully one day being able to do a snatch that’s not terrible 🙂